Is builder a total moron?

I think you're just going crazy.

I'm embarrassed for you that, like graygal, you use one thread, one POST, to support your claim. Like yourself, builder is very high up on the member list in terms of rep points, so you want to keep in mind that your opinion is very unfounded and complete bullshit. If no one liked him, he wouldn't be 13th on the list. And yes, that's lower than yourself, but he's right in the league with people you probably wouldn't consider morons.
TheJenn88 said:
I think you're just going crazy.

I'm embarrassed for you that, like graygal, you use one thread, one POST, to support your claim. Like yourself, builder is very high up on the member list in terms of rep points, so you want to keep in mind that your opinion is very unfounded and complete bullshit. If no one liked him, he wouldn't be 13th on the list. And yes, that's lower than yourself, but he's right in the league with people you probably wouldn't consider morons.

I'm not saying Builder is a moron but rep points don't always mean that they are well loved. A high ranking member may have given him some rep for ONE post they agree with although that member might think the rest of his work is crap. Which in turn boosts his score quite high. But eh, only Builder knows what's up. Let's just see how this poll turns out. :)
TheJenn88 said:
I think you're just going crazy.

I'm embarrassed for you that, like graygal, you use one thread, one POST, to support your claim.
Jenn, you are getting pretty dumb as well, what do you expect theres not enough space (limit of 10Kchars per post) to list evertything stupid this jack ass says... Just go through his posts in the thread I linked to and you'll see (maybe...?)

TheJenn88 said:
Like yourself, builder is very high up on the member list in terms of rep points,
All rep points mean is that someone gave him positive rep for something... I get negative rep constantly from muslims.. it don't mean didly squat! They're just pissed off because I don't suck Mohammed'd dick like they do.

TheJenn88 said:
so you want to keep in mind that your opinion is very unfounded and complete bullshit.
And yours is? What the ****?

TheJenn88 said:
If no one liked him, he wouldn't be 13th on the list.
irrelevant, I like turtles, but I don't think they are geniuses!

TheJenn88 said:
And yes, that's lower than yourself, but he's right in the league with people you probably wouldn't consider morons.
Do you even know what a moron is?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Do you even know what a moron is?

Well, I was tempted to check the dictionary, but I had a feeling they didn't update it with "MRIH" yet.

:p Chillax, dude. You whine about people calling you a jackass. Do you want builder to start whining about people calling him a moron?

Take a chill pill. Life's too short to ...I don't know. I'm in a very jelly pleasant mood. Have a cookie?
No, Builder is most certainly not a moron.

From copious posts it appears that he is a Proud Aussie, has a damn decent sense of humor, a penchant for linguistics and language games, and apparently likes to fish!

He has a son he is proud of, and is willing to share this with internet friends. From this it then appears that he has enough confidence in his own judgement that he will accept such an odd thing as "an internet friend", and is able to cultivate such a relationship. He's not paranoid, thinking everyone on a chat board is actually an alien out to suck his brains and steal his ID to run up credit card debts.

He's capable of insults and slams, but it's not the main theme of his posts. Though some people seem to take "GF" so literally that they feel they must slam and belittle someone with each ****ing post and thread, Builder, as have many others, has seen this site as an open forum for the entire panoply of human interaction .... slams, humor, insults, debates, flirtations, down and dirty, family fun, and simple games, etc.

He's earned what may be a GF first, he was awarded Premium Status by the most senior and perhaps most well respected (or feared! :) Mod. As the Senior Mod in question is not himself a Moron, it is doubtful he would have bestowed such a singular distinction upon a "Moron".

So no, I would say he is not a moron but a rather well rounded Board Member!

Oooooo I must edit this reply with a postscript:

From the voting to date, it also appears he is popular with the Ladies of GF!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Do you even know what a moron is?
I believe I defined this once before...
I moron is a person with the mental age and maturity of a twelve-year-old. It was a psychological term used as a category for mentally handicapped adults who tested in this age range on the Stanford Bitnet IQ test.

Do I pass?

skategreen said:
He's earned what may be a GF first, he was awarded Premium Status by the most senior and perhaps most well respected (or feared! :) Mod.
Most senior? How's that?
skategreen said:
No, Builder is most certainly not a moron.

From copious posts it appears that he is a Proud Aussie, has a damn decent sense of humor, a penchant for linguistics and language games, and apparently likes to fish!

He has a son he is proud of, and is willing to share this with internet friends. From this it then appears that he has enough confidence in his own judgement that he will accept such an odd thing as "an internet friend", and is able to cultivate such a relationship. He's not paranoid, thinking everyone on a chat board is actually an alien out to suck his brains and steal his ID to run up credit card debts.

He's capable of insults and slams, but it's not the main theme of his posts. Though some people seem to take "GF" so literally that they feel they must slam and belittle someone with each ****ing post and thread, Builder, as have many others, has seen this site as an open forum for the entire panoply of human interaction .... slams, humor, insults, debates, flirtations, down and dirty, family fun, and simple games, etc.

He's earned what may be a GF first, he was awarded Premium Status by the most senior and perhaps most well respected (or feared! :) Mod. As the Senior Mod in question is not himself a Moron, it is doubtful he would have bestowed such a singular distinction upon a "Moron".

So no, I would say he is not a moron but a rather well rounded Board Member!

Oooooo I must edit this reply with a postscript:

From the voting to date, it also appears he is popular with the Ladies of GF!

And the defence rests its case, your honour.

Thanks Skater, you beautiful person you.

And Jenn, and all you lovely Ladies who voted for the sanity over the insanity.

Thank-you, Thank-you. :D
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Is builder a total moron, or just a little slow?

at the end of a debate that he obviously looses, he keeps posting this kind of ****... http://Off Topic

Am I going crazy, or is builder a total moron?

It's official. You are going crazy. Oh, and if you had any balls, you would post the link to the entire thread, rather than the one post of mine.

Oh, but you are so used to taking quotes out of context, to back up your feeble attempts to belittle a religion you know jack-**** about. Retard. ;)
skategreen said:
It was something he said once...perhaps I misunderstood? I believe you have longevity? (in other words, you're the Old Bag Mod?) ( :) )
Merely his illusions of grandeur, my dear.
I wouldn
TheJenn88 said:
I think you're just going crazy.

I'm embarrassed for you that, like graygal, you use one thread, one POST, to support your claim. Like yourself, builder is very high up on the member list in terms of rep points, so you want to keep in mind that your opinion is very unfounded and complete bullshit. If no one liked him, he wouldn't be 13th on the list. And yes, that's lower than yourself, but he's right in the league with people you probably wouldn't consider morons.

Thats so SWEET JENN to mention me in your little arguements with others....And i for one could give shitless where the **** his points are at. YOU ARENT 13 so stop rubbing his ****ing head you probably aint getting anymore brownie points for kissing that aussie ass.
Gray~Gal said:
Thats so SWEET JENN to mention me in your little arguements with others....And i for one could give shitless where the **** his points are at. YOU ARENT 13 so stop rubbing his ****ing head you probably aint getting anymore brownie points for kissing that aussie ass.

1) You're very welcome. I'd be glad to bring in you into any other arguments I might have :p

2) I don't think I even established a correlation between you not caring, and his rep points, so I don't see why you even brought it up.

3) Do I need to spew senseless ****, insults, or something of the like in order to not be considered kissing ass? Really, even life-forms with lower intelligence, like yourself, should be able to grasp the concept of "vouching" for those that you don't dislike. Besides, I was merely answering the topic question, "Is builder a total moron?" Have you not yet developed enough English skills to also recognize the concept of question and answer?

You get brownie points for being able to sort-of read. You have realized that I am not 13. YAY!!

Oh, and, I'm pretty sure this post does not qualify as kissing your ass, just in case you were confused.
TheJenn88 said:
1) You're very welcome. I'd be glad to bring in you into any other arguments I might have :p

2) I don't think I even established a correlation between you not caring, and his rep points, so I don't see why you even brought it up.

3) Do I need to spew senseless ****, insults, or something of the like in order to not be considered kissing ass? Really, even life-forms with lower intelligence, like yourself, should be able to grasp the concept of "vouching" for those that you don't dislike. Besides, I was merely answering the topic question, "Is builder a total moron?" Have you not yet developed enough English skills to also recognize the concept of question and answer?

You get brownie points for being able to sort-of read. You have realized that I am not 13. YAY!!

Oh, and, I'm pretty sure this post does not qualify as kissing your ass, just in case you were confused.

I didnt say you said i cared about his points..IM LETTING you know that i dont...Also in kissing his ass...this is how you did it....
[QUOTE]Like yourself, builder is very high up on the member list in terms of rep points, so you want to keep in mind that your opinion is very unfounded and complete bullshit. If no one liked him, he wouldn't be 13th on the list. And yes, that's lower than yourself, but he's right in the league with people you probably wouldn't consider morons.[/QUOTE]
Gray~Gal said:
I didnt say you said i cared about his points..IM LETTING you know that i dont...Also in kissing his ass...this is how you did it....
[QUOTE]Like yourself, builder is very high up on the member list in terms of rep points, so you want to keep in mind that your opinion is very unfounded and complete bullshit. If no one liked him, he wouldn't be 13th on the list. And yes, that's lower than yourself, but he's right in the league with people you probably wouldn't consider morons.


You have honestly shut me up. How can I argue with someone who..doesn't..who CAN'T under...jesus. I can't even talk. I just want to go bang my head on the wall 10 times for every post you make.

I can't do this anymore. I have to put you back on ignore. It hurts

TheJenn88 said:

You have honestly shut me up. How can I argue with someone who..doesn't..who CAN'T under...jesus. I can't even talk. I just want to go bang my head on the wall 10 times for every post you make.

I can't do this anymore. I have to put you back on ignore. It hurts


Thats so sweet you would do that for me and put me on ignore and even BANG YOUR UGLY LITTLE FOREHEAD ON THE WALL FOR ME....AWE.............
Why dont you go read your harry potter books or whatever kids your age do besides trying to piss off ADULTS.
And yes i brought up the ADULT thing but you are constantly kissing ass or
in support of other people constantly...its like you dont have your OWN OPINION!
If you want the examples i will post them....;)