Is it our fault?

emkay64 said:
beware of eddo in the garden...he's a satyr and fuks up most things. We're friends of course...but he's choosy with who he lets pet him. Don't let him eat the pancakes!

i love the pancakes!!!!!! </allcaps>
timesjoke said:
Sounds great, please offer me your price list ;)

And don't think I am completely immune to your Kavorka, maybe some of the issues we have had is simply caused by unfulfilled desire? Passion rejected does sometimes turn to irritation........maybe that is Ren's issue with me come to think of it.

She once called me one of the sweetest men she knew but after a issue on another forum where we ended up on opposite sides of the issue, Ren actually ordered me to back down. Me, ordered to back down? I am sure you can guess how I responded to that order, lol. So from that day to now Ren has held a grude that forces her to follow me around the internet to try and make trouble for me in any way she can.

Jilted lover mentality? Maybe, I know some people place more importance on this world than the real world so maybe Ren did place too much of herself on the line when she gave me that order expecting me to give in because of our friendship, a friendship she believed was enough to give her control over me.

But I wear a bridle for nobody..................But I do have to admit I was close, I did like Ren very much and when she told me to back off, I actually considered eating my principles and letting it go for the sake of retaining a friend........but I also knew that no true friend would have made me choose between her and my principles. I did what I felt was right and this thing Ren has for me was born.
Okay dude since you insist on dragging dirty laundry I will say this . You are a big fat liar. You invited me to florida when you were married and I declined. You used anothers acct. to visit with me and try to get intimate details of my life . Now if anyone has any questions about how this idiot has treated me then go to mousepads maphack forum in the General section and see. I've tried to make up for my slip of the tongue here and for being judgemental, but you are taking full advantage. You are scum, always have been always will be. I had you on ignore but unfortunately that doesn't work when you aren't logged in. Now Times leave your obsession at the door. I came here to dispute what was said in the first place. You just want to be sure I don't get comfortable here. That's sad. I'm not going to catch a break here with you and your mouth so yeah, I'll pretty much leave. Go celebrate! Anyone have any questions pm me. I'll check from time to time.
ren said:
Okay dude since you insist on dragging dirty laundry I will say this . You are a big fat liar. You invited me to florida when you were married and I declined. You used anothers acct. to visit with me and try to get intimate details of my life . Now if anyone has any questions about how this idiot has treated me then go to mousepads maphack forum in the General section and see. I've tried to make up for my slip of the tongue here and for being judgemental, but you are taking full advantage. You are scum, always have been always will be. I had you on ignore but unfortunately that doesn't work when you aren't logged in. Now Times leave your obsession at the door. I came here to dispute what was said in the first place. You just want to be sure I don't get comfortable here. That's sad. I'm not going to catch a break here with you and your mouth so yeah, I'll pretty much leave. Go celebrate! Anyone have any questions pm me. I'll check from time to time.

we already know he is a buttmunch, no need to leave over it. Most of us haven't.
eddo said:
we already know he is a buttmunch, no need to leave over it. Most of us haven't.

I agree. If you're gonna leave, don't leave over TJ. He has exasperated pretty much all of us here and at another site at one point or another. So chances are, it's not you, but him. We at least have that in common.
timesjoke said:
Ren and I go back many years and she has followed me to more than just this forum just to irritate me like how Wez has been to eddo.

errrrr.. maroon.. weren't you just saying the exact opposite to eddo a few months back when you were trying to gain some kind of imaginary upper hand with him? Whatever suits your needs at the moment eh?

Been back and forth on that a few times.. perhaps when it comes to things you know nothing about.. the best policy is.. shut the f ck up idiot.
ren said:
Okay dude since you insist on dragging dirty laundry I will say this . You are a big fat liar. You invited me to florida when you were married and I declined.

I invited you to Florida as a friend because you were having huge problems to include your ex not paying his child support and you were without a single friend you felt like you could turn to Ren, I still have the pm's from that time if you need me to refresh your memory on that time. I even offered to let Ali live at my riverhouse Ren, and there certainly was no desire for a personal relationship with her either.

I think that really is your real problem, you wanted more from me than I was willing to give.

ren said:
You used anothers acct. to visit with me and try to get intimate details of my life .

Another lie, I was sharing an account with someone to be nosy about the inner workings and drama of Apoc realm, you blabbing your personal stuff to me was just a dollar found on the sidewalk, unplanned for but something I put in my pocket for later use if needed.

Why would you share intimate details with a stranger on the internet anyway? Nobody in the real world willing to talk to you about these things?

ren said:
Now if anyone has any questions about how this idiot has treated me then go to mousepads maphack forum in the General section and see. I've tried to make up for my slip of the tongue here and for being judgemental, but you are taking full advantage. You are scum, always have been always will be. I had you on ignore but unfortunately that doesn't work when you aren't logged in. Now Times leave your obsession at the door. I came here to dispute what was said in the first place. You just want to be sure I don't get comfortable here. That's sad. I'm not going to catch a break here with you and your mouth so yeah, I'll pretty much leave. Go celebrate! Anyone have any questions pm me. I'll check from time to time.

I did not force you to shoot off your mouth Ren, you did that all by yourself.

You have taken shots at people like eddo, Ali, emkay, snafu and brotherman without me having a single thing to do with it, sure I am pointing it out, but that is all, you had to actually do what I am pointing out you know.

The only reason you came here was to irritate me, that is why you chased me to myd2 and posted photoshoped images to flame me and when that forum had technical difficulties you had to come find me here.
Just to add clarity to the real Ren, long before the comment where she said people did not have class, she said this to brotherman in the chatbox:

26-02, 12:45 PM ren ~ sry if you want to talk like that look up your local porn chat room

Then after Merc joined in and the fun was still flowing Ren added this:

26-02, 02:18 PM ren ~ it's like reading something written by 14 year olds. Now I know TJ is sick but the rest of you seemed ok

Ren was looking down her nose all along.
timesjoke said:
I think that really is your real problem, you wanted more from me than I was willing to give. blabbing your personal stuff to me was just a dollar found on the sidewalk, unplanned for but something I put in my pocket for later use if needed.

Oh TJ.. no wonder she wanted you.. sigh.. Any woman would be lucky to have you.. speaking of.. don't you have a real one that needs punishin' bout now?

Sick f ck.. ;)
Oh God wez thank you! I couldn't have said it better myself, lmao and wiping a tear from my eye.

P.S. you are my hero!
wez said:
Oh TJ.. no wonder she wanted you.. sigh.. Any woman would be lucky to have you.. speaking of.. don't you have a real one that needs punishin' bout now?

Sick f ck.. ;)

You mean like your girlfriend who got pregnant and you forced her to get an abortion Wez?

I understand why you jumped on Ren's bandwagon, me and you have never got along and she is now obsessing over me the way you used to obsess over eddo and follow him all over the internet, but why do you try to project on me what you do?

You are what you hate Wez, and being as you talk so much of men controlling women it must be you doing these things that you get your hate from to toss at me. Go get some help Wez.

ren said:
Oh God wez thank you! I couldn't have said it better myself, lmao and wiping a tear from my eye.

P.S. you are my hero!

You know Ren, being as men run from you like the plague in real life, you have no real world special friends, and the issues we have stem from my refusal to do as you ordered me to is clear your the controlling type, not me.

When I was moving away from mousepad's and not posting as much you knew you had to come find me, that is why your here, to further manipulate things because I rejected your control over me. I am the only reason you are here. That makes you the stalker.
timesjoke said:
I'm the king of gay sex games and putting things in my pocket to use later if needed for things such as disobedience.

Go back to bed, idiot. :)

timesjoke said: blabbing your personal stuff to me was just a dollar found on the sidewalk, unplanned for but something I put in my pocket for later use if needed.

God I feel sorry for you.. seriously.. quite a sad existence.. must be gettin' pretty ugly in that ol' pocket/brain of yours filled with personal stuff from every other person you've ever met in your life to use later if needed.. Like cancer eating you from the inside out.. No wonder you can't wait to use it.. I'd wanna get rid of it too.. but.. it never seems to go away, does it? How sad.. Can't give your pain away, tough guy..

My condolences..
timesjoke said:
Hey, good news Wez, now you don't have to force women to get abortions, they finally made a product to help you with why you could not prevent unwanted pregnancies:

I'm not concerned.. my aborted fetus is tucked safely in your pocket.. cozy..

I'm sure you have room for more if the need arises.. Thanks buddy.. ;)
I can't see TJ's side of it but your's is funny as hell. Damn TJ think ya met your match.
Now be nice eddo, you seem to be taking great pleasure in tossing stones at me and I am being gracious to not respond but please do not make us fall back into a cycle of negative behaviors.

This is what Ren wants you know, she is only here to cause trouble for me. Do you really want to be dragging up old angers playing puppet with her pulling your strings?

Ren is to me what Wez was for you.