Is she worth all this pain?

okay why not tell her how you truely feel about her.

by writting her a love poem and shove it in her locker
I know...I'm going to try and distance myself from her while still being her friend (if thats even possible)....I just can't let go of her like that....I love her too much
ok, i spose it was a bit out to ask you to give her up completely like that, but you got the right idea now... just take it slow, and remember, anytime you wanna talk i should be on msn, even though i'm like 6 hours ahead of you and it's 11pm when you come online, but meh, i don't sleep anyways!
good luck dude!! really!!!!u love her BIG TIME! its the first time i see a guy loves a girl that much! lol! but do u think she desrves all this pain like u said?
What an asshole.......What I'm wondering is that if Abby is so perfect, then how come it seems like she doesn't care about you? Everytime you tell her your feelings she's just like whatever, I don't care. How can you still love someone that neglects your feelings towards them like that?
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
How can you still love someone that neglects your feelings towards them like that?

How can I not love her???

She is my *entire* world....

I can't live without her....

And she's not an person to say she is gets a foot up their ass.....

My friend Chelsea is trying to hook me and abby up wish me luck there...*crosses fingers*
Well chelsea still hasn't talked to abby...But She said she'll try to talk to her ASAP. I really hope this works....but it probably wont...but it's worth a try...Kalie says that it might work because chelsea's awesome and could probably pull this off for me...Kalie would talk to abby, but abby hates kalie for some reason...Abby probably will say no since I'm a freak...But there's three months of school left, so abby and I might have a chance, however, I doubt it...three months doesn mean ****...if she doesn't like me she's not gonna go out with me. I really hope things turn out good, but I really doubt that they will. =/ I had a dream about Abby and I last night....we were sitting on the beach watching a sunset....cuddling and holding hands...whispering "I love you" in eachother's ears....but I know that would never happen....ugh I love her so friend Marett still doesn't think I love her, but I know I do and it's kinda obvious from reading this thread isn't it? I mean, if Abby and I hook up, I'll be the happiest man alive!