Is Time Travel Possible?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
Is time trave possible? When I say "time travel" I mean is it possible to actually take a person whole and intact with his memories and current chronology and move to some time in the past or distant future?

I believe this is impossible for the following reasons.

I. The law of conservation of matter and energy. If this person were to travel out of our time frame into another, the people in the time frame of destination universe would observe an increase in total mass of the universe equal to the amount of mass that traveled in time. Therefore the destination universe would have to give up the equivolent in mass and/or energy to accomodate the visitors.

II. The very idea, some people suggest, that makes time travel possible is Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity with the aspect of time dialation as the cheif component of their argument. But by the very foundation of the theory, all objects are moving and in a position relative to each other. So if an object suddenly appeared in the universe, it would not have a frame of reference to be in (no position, no momentum, no velocity, no tempature, simply nothing)

III. Then of course there comes into play the paradoxes of time travel
A) Paradox of Asimov. Where Asimov travels back in time to assassinate his own Grandfather. Asimov is never born and therefore cannot assassinate his Grandfather because Asimov doesn't exist.
B) Paradox of the infinite Universe. A time traveler goes back in time exactly 3 seconds prior to his time travelling journey. He arrives to see himself take off three seconds later. His counterpart that he sees himself leave arrives to the universe where he sees his three second younger self in the capsule, himself and the three second older self all in the same place. The universe three seconds prior becomes filled up with an infinite amount travelers.

Any thoughts?
I want three things:

I want to be able to travel time.

I want to be able to fly.

I want to be able to make mental mock-ups a physical universe reality.

If I keep writing to Santa, I'm pretty sure someday I'll get it.
IN this life all things are possible (yet I am not sure about probable) Though your reasoning makes sense, it only makes sense based on current knowledge of physics (which is ultimately limited to the human perception). What we believe as far as mass goes is extremely limited and even now being rethought by science. I would say stick to PROBABILITY over POSSIBILITY
I time travel every time I drink alot of whiskey.

What happened last night?

Where am I?

Where are my pants?

Where did these midgets come from?

Funny, I don't remember having this tatoo before.
Time travel is possible, unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way to power my Flux capacitor with the 1.21 gigawatts of electricty it requires, so I can go back in time even further and pick some better powerball/keno numbers, then slingshot to my REAL life in 2325.
Here in this century, it is much different from my time.

Jesus made his second coming in 2128, according to our history book, and he united all religions of the world into one massive peacefull planet.

Unfortunately, he was unable to include the Muslims in his spiritual endevour, for you see, they were wiped out in 2101 when the earth ran out of fossil fuel and America did away with it's oil for food welfare program.

My purpose for coming back was to convert A.I.G. to Diesm before the big Jesus thing happens.
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I cannot wrap my mind around it being possible.

I'm going to attempt to explain how I believe it's impossible, but I may be hard to understand :p

If you were to travel back in time, that suggests that even though these events have already happened, they still exist. But how can..they possibly still exist? Five minutes ago doesn't exist, I can't go back to it, it has already happened. I just..gajfl;sda I can't explain. You can't go back in time, physically it's just impossible.

And traveling to the future suggests that everything has a predetermined outcome that cannot be altered. People talk of "changing the future" - and if predetermination is what is, then how do we know that we're actually changing the future? What if we were just destined to see it, and believed to have changed it?

It's that I cannot explain. Screw theories of scientists and whatnot. Just think about it. HOW is it possible?
Well, according to quantum physics we CAN exist simultaneously in two place. If this is possible that every action thought or creation of energy sets off limit possibilities on reactions in separate planes of existence. It is not simply time travel but being able to bend existence and allowing two separate planes or dimensions to touch and exists together in the same place.

**** I just tripped and fell in the rabbit hole again ARG
TheJenn88 said:
I cannot wrap my mind around it being possible.

I'm going to attempt to explain how I believe it's impossible, but I may be hard to understand :p

If you were to travel back in time, that suggests that even though these events have already happened, they still exist. But how can..they possibly still exist? Five minutes ago doesn't exist, I can't go back to it, it has already happened. I just..gajfl;sda I can't explain. You can't go back in time, physically it's just impossible.

And traveling to the future suggests that everything has a predetermined outcome that cannot be altered. People talk of "changing the future" - and if predetermination is what is, then how do we know that we're actually changing the future? What if we were just destined to see it, and believed to have changed it?

It's that I cannot explain. Screw theories of scientists and whatnot. Just think about it. HOW is it possible?

Just because we don't see it repeat, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

For example: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Some things we may never know.
Does it make a sound? Since sound is actually a physical wave then yes it does. But does it make a NOISE?
cool_dude said:
Just because we don't see it repeat, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

For example: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Some things we may never know.

Um, that's a pretty bad example, since it's a bit more tangible.

And obviously I'm not implying that just because we can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I just don't think it makes sense.

I've never seen a million dollars. I know it exists.
TheJenn88 said:
Um, that's a pretty bad example, since it's a bit more tangible.

And obviously I'm not implying that just because we can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I just don't think it makes sense.

I've never seen a million dollars. I know it exists.

Well if we were able to see it don't you think there would be thousands of you just coming here from the future?

Suppose you went back in time and prevented your parents from ever meeting. You would then never have been born. But then you wouldn't be here to go back in time in the first place. If travel into the past allows for such paradoxes, then it obviously is not logically possible.
tizz said:
IN this life all things are possible (yet I am not sure about probable)
tizz, Phreak is correct when he called you an idiot because you are an idiot! There are many things that are impossible a few examples.
1) A triangle with more than 3 sides.
2) A triangle whose angles add up to more than 180 degrees
3) a situation where 0 = 2

These things are impossible.. get it through your thick gelatinous head!

now for things that are not probable:
1) 50 monkeys typing random words on a keyboard and accidentally retyping War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.
2) Flipping a coin 50 times and all outcomes are heads.
3) tizz or builder with any sense!
If you are reading this, you are time-travelling. I am writing this on Sunday, and you are reading it on Saturday.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
tizz, Phreak is correct when he called you an idiot because you are an idiot! There are many things that are impossible a few examples.
1) A triangle with more than 3 sides.
2) A triangle whose angles add up to more than 180 degrees
3) a situation where 0 = 2

These things are impossible.. get it through your thick gelatinous head!

now for things that are not probable:
1) 50 monkeys typing random words on a keyboard and accidentally retyping War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.
2) Flipping a coin 50 times and all outcomes are heads.
3) tizz or builder with any sense!

They are only impossible because of the confines of your own perception. Did you know that when Columbus brought his ships to land, there were natives that could not SEE the ships because they were beyond their brains comprehension? They did not see them until a medicine man told them they were there. Perhaps not possible given your perception but NEVER say it is IMPOSSIPLE> A triangle is but an invention, a figment of our own imagination. It only exists because we SAY it does. It does not exists on it's own. It is but a label to something we see, and only defines WHAT we see.

Don't try to figure it out, it's quantum physics. It's not meant to BE figured out, just a mind ****. But our own physics will tell you that there are NO impossibilities just improbabilities. (yes I am splitting hairs but it was YOUR question)

HHMM I could really confuse you all (and myself again) and bring string theory into this, but that one heads down the ****ing abyss.
tizz said:
They are only impossible because f the confines of your own perception.
Phreak, could you please dust off that retard to english translator you helped me out with last year?

tizz said:
Did you know that when Columbus braught his ships to land, there were natives that could not SEE the ships because they were beyond their brains comprehension?
And you know this how, exactly?
1) Did they ALL not see the ships?
2) If so, did they not SEE the ships because they were out of view?
3) The medicine man saw them.
4) What the **** does this have to do with physics?

tizz said:
A triangle is but an invention, a figment of our own imagination. It only exists because we SAY it does.
That is completely INSANE, tizz. You have ****ed your brain up with all that LSD. Triangles DO infact exist. The exist because they exist not because you or I or anyone else believes they exist.

tizz said:
It does not exists on it's own. It is but a lable to something we see, and only defines WHAT we see.
OK, you ****ed-up retard. Here is the deal.
1) Triangles exist (regardless whether you dreamed them up or not, they DO infact exist.
2) It has been proven mathematically that all triangles' angles add up to exactly 180 degrees
3) It is impossible for YOU (tizz) to construct a triangle that has angles that do do not measure 180 degrees. tizz, you can believe as hard as you want, but that is simply a limitation of the universe that God constructed for you to live in.

So get used to it, dumbass! Some things are impossible.

tizz said:
Don't try to figure it out, it's quantum physisics.
Don't hand me that crap, tizz. I doubt seriously that you know the first thing about quantum physics. Have read the great debates between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein on the subject? It's quite interresting and I can assure you that YOU would not be able to follow the first 2 sentences without becoming hopelessly lost. It requires a brain, and the fundamental knowledge of physics and math, which you don't have.

tizz said:
It's not meant to BE figured out, just a mind ****. But our own physics will tell you that there are NO impossibilities just improbabilities. (yes I am splitting hairs but it was YOUR question)
Are you stoned or just stupid? Are you trying to tell me that it is merely improbable that 0 equals 2, that perhaps if you fart loud enough zero can indeed equal two? You are a dense ****ing moron without hope!

tizz said:
HHMM I could really confuse you al (and myself again) and bring string theory into this, but that one heads down the ****ing abyss.
You could only confuse yourself! You have a rudimentary understanding of metaphysics and you obviously confuse that with classical physics.
I triangle is not an actual object. It is a definition we give to a particular space and time. You asked a question, Does time travel exists? And I am telling you that is you use Quantum physics or micro physics you CAN prove the possibility. You are trapped in your perception of the world. What you call a triangle is nothing. It is a label a simple definition we use to box the world up to something our puny intellect can comprehend. As science continuously disproves itself, it proves but one thing. There are NO absolutes, only a level of PROBABILITY. Even in classical physics nothing is definite. Weight is relative to gravity, mass is a illusion (micro physics proves that) time is relative, space bends, and everything is relative to the human perception.

Besides, where in your original question did you bind our respective answers to physics? If you don't want to know the answers why did you ask the question?

BTW yes I have read the Bohr-Einstein debates. And yes I followed them. (though that is not quite I am referring to here)

I am asking you to accept that your perception is limited to what your mind can comprehend and that nothing is absolute
well, matter always exists in some way shape or form. when we die our physical body changes but the matter its made of has since the begining of time or maybe before and will until the end of time or maybe after. its pretty crazy if you think about it. once something happened, it had always had happened since then, in a way once something happens it always exists.

maybe when we die, we dont realize it, or time somehow continues on. maybe everyone dies at the same time when the world ends.
tizz said:
I triangle is not an actual object. It is a deffinition we give to a particular space and time. You asked a question, Does time travel exists? And I am telling you that is you use Quantum physics or micro physics you CAN prove the possibility. You are trapped in your percption of the world. What you call a triangle is nothing. It is a lable a simple definition we use to box the world up ito something our puny intelect can comprehend. As science continuously disproves itself, it proves but one thing. There are NO absolutes, only a level of PROBABILITY. Even in classical physics nothing is definate. Weait is relative to gravity, mass is a illusion (micro physics proves that) time is relative, space bends, and everything is relative to the human perception.

Besides, where in your original question did you bind our respective answers to physics? If you don't want to know the answers why did you aske the question?

BTW yes I have read the Bohr-Einstien debates. And yes I followed them. (though that is not quite I am referring to here)

I am asking you to accept that your perception is limited to what your mind can comprehend and that nothing is absolute

tizz you're as dense as TH. You say that nothing is impossible only improbable, so I will ask again. If you give some phoney-boloney exostentialistic bullshit answer or ignore it completely, I will call for an idiot box poll for you, fair? good.

Is it improbable that a triangle's angles can not measure anything other than 180 degrees or is it impossible ?
tizz, you need to quit watching quantum leap, and definitely need to quit trying to sound like you know what your talking about.

Time is one of those things where we can never take back what has happened, but I do believe it is possible to go into the future... of course, in doing so, you will never be able to return. And this goes by the dynamic principals of light speed that say it is possible to do so.

However, I doubt that man will ever find a way to achieve such technology simply because of the limitation in resources of the earth to accomplish such a speed or mission on a fragile human body.

Given how we perceive time and space, (as I stated our labels are bound by this perception) and given our unit of measure for this space then yes a triangle adds up to 180 degrees by OUR measure. BUT it is still but a label for a chunk of space, nothing more and it is NOT absolute in the grand scheme. Think OUTSIDE the box. i am not asking to buy into anything other than the fact that our perception IS limited and that there ARE other possibilities that we are not yet aware of. Hell at one point their was the perception that the earth was flat (and hell it could be). I cannot give you an ABSULUTE answer to a relative question. but that is the best I can give you