Is Time Travel Possible?

tizz said:
Given how we percieve time and space, (as I stated our lables are bound by this perception) and given our unit of measure for this space then yes a triangle adds up to 180 degrees by OUR measure. BUT it is still but a lable for a chunk of space, nothing more and it is NOT absolute in the grand scheme. THink OUTSIDE the box. i am not asking to buy into anything other than the fact that our perception IS limited and that there ARE other possibilities that we are not yet aware of. Hell at one point ther was the percetion that the earth was flat (and hell it could be). I cannot give you an ABSULUTE answer to a relative question. but that is the best I can give you
Your powers of comprehension are exceptionally low, tizz. This is your last chance, and I will even make it simple enough for your tiny brain to grasp.

Directions: select correct answer (answer 1 or 2, tizz).
1) It is improbable that 2 = 0.
2) It is impossible that 2 = 0.

tizz, I know you have problems understanding basic english, so I reiterate. Pick answer 1 or answer 2 only.

Now remember you brainless twit, you said that nothing is impossible.
Simple answer NO. We are obviously not going to see EYE to EYE here. You are in black and white and thinking on a single plane. I am not capable of that, it is not how my mind works. I refuse to see the absolute and no matter what I will be able to tell you it is not a definite. It's a mind **** I told you that. It is not even improbably that 2 can equal 0. It all depends on what you are looking at two of what? The number 2 is not an object or even a concept it is nothing but a number.

and what is CAT really spelled dog
There you have it, tizz! You can't even follow the simplest of directions. Is that how you answer multiple choice questions on tests at that bullshit junior college you attend?

You are most certainly an idiot!
UMMM I don't attend college asshole. Been there done that. Sorry I can't conform to your neat little black and white world. must be nice though
And what is wrong with a black and white world ?? I happen to find more comfort in it. This is why I respect MRIH's opinions even if I disagree with them. And probably why yours .. are GAY.

I never said I don't respect his. Hell I never even said if I believe in time travel. I just presented something outside the box. I enjoy chaos and I don't like life to be to neat (that's too easy and I get bored with easy)
Takes a Toke How about this man?? Like we always are born back into our own bodies after we die. Therefore, Time Travel is just a concept of mind over matter?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Phreak, could you please dust off that retard to english translator you helped me out with last year?

And you know this how, exactly?
1) Did they ALL not see the ships?
2) If so, did they not SEE the ships because they were out of view?
3) The medicine man saw them.
4) What the **** does this have to do with physics?

That is completely INSANE, tizz. You have ****ed your brain up with all that LSD. Triangles DO infact exist. The exist because they exist not because you or I or anyone else believes they exist.

OK, you ****ed-up retard. Here is the deal.
1) Triangles exist (regardless whether you dreamed them up or not, they DO infact exist.
2) It has been proven mathematically that all triangles' angles add up to exactly 180 degrees
3) It is impossible for YOU (tizz) to construct a triangle that has angles that do do not measure 180 degrees. tizz, you can believe as hard as you want, but that is simply a limitation of the universe that God constructed for you to live in.

So get used to it, dumbass! Some things are impossible.

Don't hand me that crap, tizz. I doubt seriously that you know the first thing about quantum physics. Have read the great debates between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein on the subject? It's quite interresting and I can assure you that YOU would not be able to follow the first 2 sentences without becoming hopelessly lost. It requires a brain, and the fundamental knowledge of physics and math, which you don't have.

Are you stoned or just stupid? Are you trying to tell me that it is merely improbable that 0 equals 2, that perhaps if you fart loud enough zero can indeed equal two? You are a dense ****ing moron without hope!

You could only confuse yourself! You have a rudimentary understanding of metaphysics and you obviously confuse that with classical physics.

Have a gun at the ready to shoot me, or I could just do it myself, but anyways. I see what Tizz is saying (from what I could understand), and I partially agree.

I do not BELIEVE anything to necessarily be "true" or "right" - therefore leaving the notion that anything is possible. I'm not saying I know cold and hard any facts to back this up.

I have a whacked belief behind it, and I know you'd love to attack it, but the thing is, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't change it. Not because I'm adamant, I just..I don't see things as being real, unreal, right, wrong, existing, non-existing, true, false, for sure, not for sure. I can't. I cannot accept that humans have real knowledge, other than what we have created for ourselves.
sixes said:
Takes a Toke How about this man?? Like we always are born back into our own bodies after we die. Therefore, Time Travel is just a concept of mind over matter?
Yes, tizz has no mind, so it doesn't matter.
TheJenn88 said:
Have a gun at the ready to shoot me, or I could just do it myself, but anyways. I see what Tizz is saying (from what I could understand), and I partially agree.

I do not BELIEVE anything to necessarily be "true" or "right" - therefore leaving the notion that anything is possible. I'm not saying I know cold and hard any facts to back this up.

I have a wacked belief behind it, and I know you'd love to attack it, but the thing is, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't change it. Not because I'm adamant, I just..I don't see things as being real, unreal, right, wrong, existing, non-existing, true, false, for sure, not for sure. I can't. I cannot accept that humans have real knowledge, other than what we have created for ourselves.

Which is precisely my point. We don't know **** because our perception is too limited
tizz said:
Which is precisely my point. We don't know **** because our perception is too limited

There. I fixed your spelling.

anyways, I didn't really even mean it in terms of perception. I just don't believe that humans are capable of knowing, other than what we have set to be as right or wrong.

I mean, I "Know" that 2+2=4 because we decided it did.

Or maybe it's just all an illusion.
I'm willing to accept that nothing is real, and that none of this ever happened.

Ya'll must think I've hit the bong a few too many times to be thinking like this :p
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
tizz, Phreak is correct when he called you an idiot because you are an idiot!

3) tizz or builder with any sense!

That is completely INSANE, tizz. You have ****ed your brain up with all that LSD. Triangles DO infact exist. The exist because they exist not because you or I or anyone else believes they exist.

OK, you ****ed-up retard. Here is the deal.

So get used to it, dumbass! Some things are impossible.

Don't hand me that crap, tizz. I doubt seriously that you know the first thing about quantum physics.

Are you stoned or just stupid? Are you trying to tell me that it is merely improbable that 0 equals 2, that perhaps if you fart loud enough zero can indeed equal two? You are a dense ****ing moron without hope!

You could only confuse yourself! You have a rudimentary understanding of metaphysics and you obviously confuse that with classical physics.

tizz you're as dense as TH. You say that nothing is impossible only improbable, so I will ask again. If you give some phoney-boloney exostentialistic bullshit answer or ignore it completely, I will call for an idiot box poll for you, fair? good.

Your powers of comprehension are exceptionally low, tizz. This is your last chance, and I will even make it simple enough for your tiny brain to grasp.

tizz, I know you have problems understanding basic english, so I reiterate. Pick answer 1 or answer 2 only.

Now remember you brainless twit, you said that nothing is impossible.

There you have it, tizz! You can't even follow the simplest of directions. Is that how you answer multiple choice questions on tests at that bullshit junior college you attend?

You are most certainly an idiot!

MRIH you are an asshole.

You are a mean ****ed up little asshole.

Look at these posts! LOOK at them! I read this thread and I was disgusted. Absolutely completely and fully disgusted with your "holier than thou" "smarter than thou" RUDE BULLSHIT BULLYING replies to Tizz.

What the **** is wrong with you?

Are you capable of any debate without spewing your nasty hatred? What, you lose TH and the utterly ridiculous hatred spewn rants you two numbskulls puked all over the boards, and now you need someone else to **** all over?

You are senselessly rude.

**** you. I hope you are as miserable as you spew.

You deserve yourself.
But jenn you ARE talking about perception. It;s the whole "our solar system could be nothing more than a atom on the thumbnail of a giant". It's just crap meant to force you to outside that perception and accept that we are minute in the grand scheme of things.

It's a game, the whole rabbit hole thing, the mind ****
Skate he wasn't mean just ignorant, and arrogant. The mean thing is just his natural way LOL
tizz said:
But jenn you ARE tlaking about perception. It;s the whole "our solar system could be nothing more than a atom on the thumbnail of a giant". It's just crap meant to force you to outside that perception and accept that we are minute in the grand scheme of things.

It's a game, the whole rabbit hole thing, the mind ****

haha, okay. I guess I..had a different perception on how you were using perception :p
skategreen said:
MRIH you are an asshole.

You are a mean ****ed up little asshole.

Look at these posts! LOOK at them! I read this thread and I was disgusted. Absolutely completely and fully disgusted with your "holier than thou" "smarter than thou" RUDE BULLSHIT BULLYING replies to Tizz.

What the **** is wrong with you?

Are you capable of any debate without spewing your nasty hatred? What, you lose TH and the utterly ridiculous hatred spewn rants you two numbskulls puked all over the boards, and now you need someone else to **** all over?

You are senselessly rude.

**** you. I hope you are as miserable as you spew.

You deserve yourself.

That was like poetry.
TheJenn88 said:
haha, okay. I guess I..had a different perception on how you were using perception :p

See now you are in the game LOL Perception itself (like illusion) is a mind ****. And I LIKE it LOL
tizz said:
Skate he wasn't mean just ignorant, and arrogant. The mean thing is just his natural way LOL

I don't care Tizzy. I was interested in this thread and his senesless rudeness just ruined the entire thing for me. I can't believe anyone thinks this is an acceptable manner of debate or replying to an idea. Ok, so the occasional dig, I see it, I see how that goes here...but he's just being a *****, a complete ***** and it just pissed me off to no end.

I gave him complete unadulterated **** for it because that's all it deserves.

I'm gonna put the useless **** on my ignore list. I can't stand that crap.
skategreen said:
MRIH you are an asshole.

Ahmen to that.

skategreen said:
You are a mean ****ed up little asshole.

You noticed too?

skategreen said:
Look at these posts! LOOK at them! I read this thread and I was disgusted. Absolutely completely and fully disgusted with your "holier than thou" "smarter than thou" RUDE BULLSHIT BULLYING replies to Tizz.

Narcissists rarely read another's words, let alone hear what they are saying.

skategreen said:
What the **** is wrong with you?

He's deeply in love with AIG, but she rebuffed him. Now he's using his best lines on Tizz.

skategreen said:
Are you capable of any debate without spewing your nasty hatred?

Negatory, your honour. It's his fave and only response mechanism.

skategreen said:
What, you lose TH and the utterly ridiculous hatred spewn rants you two numbskulls puked all over the boards, and now you need someone else to **** all over?

Something like that.

skategreen said:
You are senselessly rude.

Senseless being the key word here.

skategreen said:
**** you. I hope you are as miserable as you spew.

Me three.

skategreen said:
You deserve yourself.

It's lonely when you are an absolute arsewipe.