Is Time Travel Possible?

What else do you want me to provide you with. I linked to a well known and highly respected professor of physics as well as NOVA which is highly respected. What is it that you cannot grasp here? What is it about ME presenting an alternative theory that allows for time travel that you cannot seem to understand? Is it because I said it? What?

I am presenting the theory that there IS NO FACT!!!! Nothing is what you believe it to be because every thing you know exists ONLY in your perception. An apple is only an apple because you say it is, not because it actually is one. It is but atoms. But not even that. It's called a mind **** you idiot, a trip down the rabbit hole. Dare yourself to grasp a concept larger than your brain (you shouldn't need to look to far there) You CANNOT ask a question like "does time travel exist" and not allow for an expansion of thought. The concept of time travel alone demands it.

An apple is but condensed energy that we perceive as a specific color, texture and taste, so we label it an apple. Does that make it so? That's damn arrogant. Everything to see here taste smell know (or think you know) is completely bound by your brains ability to comprehend it. It's like people who are color blind. To them the color blue does not exist apart from the color brown, proving that color does not exist expect in our perception. Come on now, haven't you taken basic philosophy?
tizz said:
An apple is only an apple because you say it is, not because it actually is one. It is but atoms. But not even that. It's called a mind **** you idiot, a trip down the rabbit hole.
Enough said. This statement alone should get you a permanant seat in the idiot box.
I cannot simplify the concept any further for you. GEEZ I know children that can grasp this. I am not asking you to believe ANYTHING. i simply presented something that your feeble mind obviously cannot grab hold f for some reason. And ME the idiot? OK genius... YOU tell ME what an apple is.........
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Enough said. This statement alone should get you a permanant seat in the idiot box.

**** time travel. MRIH set this thread up so he can be a ****.

Waste of time, dudess. We already knew you were a ****.

Sleep tight now. Don't be letting those bed bugs tell you that the space-time continuum does not include itching.

****tard. ;)
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You said it... An apple is a "mind ****", a trip down the rabit hole!

An apple is an apple. You are a ****head. Logic is not your forte. ;)
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You said it... An apple is a "mind ****", a trip down the rabit hole!

You are a DUMB ASS. Here I am simply asking you to explain to me what you think an apple is. I simplified the theory I presented down to a level that would be understood by a three year old, and this is all you can come back with?

OK I am calling this one. I win you loose (simply because you ARE a DUMB ASS) That's the last time I try an intelligent conversation with someone with such an UN intelligent nick. I should have known (actually I DID know but I gave you the benefit of the doubt considering it was YOU that presented the question)
tizz, what is your problem?

You said:

tizz said:
An apple is only an apple because you say it is...
Ok I believe you, an apple is an apple because I say it is.

tizz said:
... not because it actually is one.
An apple is not actually an apple.

tizz said:
It is but atoms.
An apple is only atoms.

tizz said:
But not even that.
An apple is not even atoms.

tizz said:
It's called a mind **** you idiot, a trip down the rabbit hole.
An apple is a "mind **** you idiot, a trip down the rabit hole."

tizz, I get it now! I am a convert! I completerly understand. An apple only has a probobility that it is an apple. It might be an apple, or it might be only atoms, it might not even be that, it could be a mind **** you idiot, a trip down the rabit hole." an apple could even possibly be a mansana.
OK Dip **** let's go over this one more time. First.. Nothing actually IS what we LABEL it. Everything is just various forms of mass arranged in space (very SIMPLE physics lesson there for ya) Next, I never said an APPLE was a mind ****, the entire concept of micro physics is (Again you are too stupid to grasp some ever so simple)

You ARE officially the biggest IDIOT here. Does anyone else find this all so complicated?

It is the CONCEPT, all of it, the string theory, quantum physics, micro physics, philosophy, time travel, all of it is a trip down the rabbit hole. It exists to challenge how you think, to get you see a bigger picture than the ,minuscule one you brain allows you to grasp. You have tried ever so hard here (hope you didn't hurt yourself) to make me appear an idiot and have succeeded only in advertising to the world that you lack the simple and fundamental ability of thought.

Give up and crawl back into that little hole you call MRIH. (talk about a waste of time and space)
Ok So here is a flip for ya. micro physics PROVES that there is more SPACE existing in a solid mass than a liquid. HHMMM that will **** with ya.

Color does not actually exist, it is simply a reflection, and smell and taste are chemical reactions, they don't exactly exist on their own either, and MightyMouse would kick both their asses, cat really DOES spell dog, and what the hell IS goofy?
tizz, you are now the worlds biggest idiot!

You said an apple is an apple because I say it is... so what else is there? I said I believed you and you still say I don't get it, of course I get what you are trying to say. You are saying that nothing is anything until you believe it is something. It is exostentialism plain and simple. You are a ****ing retard, I believe you are so you are. There.

Sanfu, don't buy into her ****. She made it all up. Her disjointed links to thos websites didn't back up her argument at all.

Tizz is agenius, This is so because of the flatulate factor of z to third power as demonstrated her http://Off Topic

She's into her exostentialistic bullshit and thinks I don't get it. She's the one who believes that an apple is not an apple. Look at her post! I really don't care what tizz believes at this point because she is incapable of making a rational argument about math, physics or anything else.

Any moron can say that all matter in the universe is a figment of my imagination, mental furniture if you will. An apple is not an apple. and any 3 year old can understand that. Of course I understand it you ****ing twit! It is simply WRONG!
tizz said:
Ok So here is a flip for ya. micro physics PROVES that there is more SPACE existing in a solid mass than a liquid. HHMMM that will **** with ya.
That is WRONG!

tizz said:
Color does not actually exist, it is simply a reflection, and smell and taste are chemical reactions, they don't exactly exist on their own either, and MightyMouse would kick both their asses, cat really DOES spell dog, and what the hell IS goofy?
Do you believe in MightyMouse?
1) Color is a wavelength of light that reacts with the cones of the cornea to produce an electrochemical response to the occiptal lobe of the cerebrum via the optic nerve. (if we only believe it is true, then it is, of course)
tizz said:
OK Dip **** let's go over this one more time.
Ok professor attention whore, I'll bite.

First.. Nothing actually IS what we LABEL it.
Right, like you said... an apple is not an apple. What did I miss. Since we label an apple "APPLE" it is not what we label it. therefore an apple is not an "APPLE".

Everything is just various forms of mass arranged in space (very SIMPLE physics lesson there for ya)
What "forms" of mass are there, I take it APPLE is not a form, so what forms do actually exist?

Next, I never said an APPLE was a mind ****, the entire concept of micro physics is (Again you are too stupid to grasp some ever so simple)
No you said "IT" was a mind ****, but by your first axiom "IT" can not be "IT" because that is what it is labeled. Right?

You ARE officially the biggest IDIOT here. Does anyone else find this all so complicated?
Of course not... Really simple. Nothing really is what we label it.

It is the CONCEPT, all of it, the string theory, quantum physics, micro physics, philosophy, time travel, all of it is a trip down the rabbit hole.
Do you mean everything is a trip down the rabit hole, or just the string theory, quantum physics and time travel? What and where exactly is the rabit hole? Does the rabit hole actually exist? The rabit hole is not really the rabit hole because that is just what we label it. Right?

It exists to challenge how you think, to get you see a bigger picture than the ,minuscule one you brain allows you to grasp. You have tried ever so hard here (hope you didn't hurt yourself) to make me appear an idiot and have succeeded only in advertising to the world that you lack the simple and fundamental ability of thought.
Sure I did. I am an idiot because I believe that apples really are apples, and you are a genius because you believe that apples are not actually apples. You could be right. I capitulate to your superior intellect!

Give up and crawl back into that little hole you call MRIH. (talk about a waste of time and space)
Yes, your greatness!
Can anyone else see why I DON'T come to this place to debate philosophical theories?

GEE how did I know this is what I would run into if I did LOL

Last time I go there in this place.

Like I said, HE is the one who posed the question.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
That is WRONG!

Do you believe in MightyMouse?
1) Color is a wavelength of light that reacts with the cones of the cornea to produce an electrochemical response to the occiptal lobe of the cerebrum via the optic nerve. (if we only believe it is true, then it is, of course)

OK I am not going to bother bringing evidence (you won't read it) and I am not going to even attempt to explain any further the basics (you cannot comprehend anyway) Of course I believe in MightyMouse (doesn't everyone?") And no color does not exist, it is simply a reflection that every person perceives differently. To one person it is red, to another it may be Grey. Only a wavelength exists. (we simply label everything in order for our brains to process what little we DO have the ability to comprehend, which in your case is EXTREMELY limited)

And of course UnderDog will kick ALL their asses (except of course for Buzz Light year)