Is Time Travel Possible?

OK so you know this isn't all my theory.......
from proffesor Greene mathematics and physics Columbia university

Your previous book described string theory. What does that entail?

At its core [string theory] is a new proposal for the fundamental constituents of matter and energy
OK MRIH. You are the one that brought up the Bohr-Einstein discussions right? How is it that if you are so learned in the subject, you cannot accept the possibilities of Einstein's string theories? You act as if I am pulling all of this out of my ass. No I am basing it on what physics has already shown possible and adding the probable. So are you bashing me or Einstein here.
tizz said:
OK MRIH. You are the one that brought up the Bohr-Einstein discussions right? How is it that if you are so learned in the subject, you cannot accept the possibilities of Einstein's string theories? You act as if I am pulling all of this out of my ass. No I am basing it on what physics has already shown possible and adding the probable. So are you bashing me or Einstein here.
1) Einstein did not come up with the string theory.
2) The string theory is not universally accepted.
3) The string theory only hints vaguely at the possibility of quanta moving in and out of the universe and one possible soultion (if it is true) that the quanta are travelling in time.
4) I do not agree or disagree with the string theory (as discussed by rational people, not YOU, tizz.) read this.
Einstein STARTED the string theory but died before really getting into it. No **** it is not universally accepted, but again I remind you that you did not specify that you are trapped within the confines of such thinking (I am not so I can use what i want to make my point) And yes it HINTS at it, offer a probability factor (what I have been saying from the start) and whether or not you think I am rational is again irrelevant. You did not specify that only those that YOU deem as relevant thinker may answer you seemingly posted to the forum. Next time I won't bother with your postings if you can't civilly debate them without being an ass and an idiot. You don't learn many new things do you?

And I already have read your little site you posted (actually it is bookmarked from a previous debate on the subject) Very elementary descriptions.

BTW see phreak...... spell check LOL
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
So where's the evidence? The man's credentials? Because that is all I see here.

Umm that fact that he is a professor of physics at Columbia should be enough for a simple debate on a freaking forum but if you wish I will contact him for further credentials and publications (I have corresponded with him before on another subject)
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I've got things to do other than argue stupidity with a total moron.

Thank **** for that.

We thought you was stalking again.

Go **** yourself elsewhere.
tizz said:
Einstein STARTED the string theory but died before really getting into it.
BULLSHIT! tizz. Once again we catch you trying to sound inteligent, when in actuality you are making **** up. During the famous Bohr-Enstein debates, what exactly did Einstein say to refudiate the quantum mechanics theory? It was the now famous phrase. "I don't believe God plays dice with the universe.". Please keep your bullshit to yourself and builder.

tizz said:
No **** it is not universally accepted, but again I remind you that you did not specify that you are trapped within the confines of such thinking (I am not so I can use what i want to make my point) And yes it HINTS at it, offer a probability factor (what I have been saying from the start) and whether or not you think I am rational is again irrelevant.
1) You stated your bullshit as fact. and now (thankfully) you admit it is not fact.
2) True, If you believe time travel is possible because it "tickles you fancy" that it would be possible, then say that, don't throw out your limitted knowlege of physics, then get called out and change it to metaphysics, and then finally get called and admit it was all bullshit. That is the other reason you are an idiot, unfortuantely the others in the poll could not see that you are just an attention whore.
3) Yes, I am trapped within our 4 dimensions, just as you are. If you believe you can escape, then that is your perogative. Drop some more acid, tizz. You very well be able to astrally project yourself to the dimension of attention whores yet.

tizz said:
You did not specify that only those that YOU deem as relevant thinker may answer you seemingly posted to the forum. Next time I won't bother with your postings if you can't civilly debate them without being an ass and an idiot. You don't learn many new things do you?
Wow, tizz... You are correct! What have we learned from you.
1) Einstein proposed the "String Theory".
2) Time travel is not impossible, only improbable.
3) 2 may very equal 0 if we wish it to hard enough.
4) Triangles do not exist. (Although I thought it was merely improbable they existed)

Did I miss anything?

tizz said:
And I already have read your little site you posted (actually it is bookmarked from a previous debate on the subject) Very elementary descriptions.
Well, tizz, I picked one that you could understand!

tizz said:
BTW see phreak...... spell check LOL
Yes, I see your spelling is so great, yourself. you hypocritical idiot!
All I want to know is...does the string theory have anything to do with string cheese? Yummy. :p

(that's my way of telling you this is WAY over my head and I'm just gonna keep out of this one and let you guys go at it)
I see MRIH attempting a backpedal. Too late *****tard.

You've dug your hole, now you get to sleep in it. ;)

We'll wake you up in the new millenium. Hopefully a housing development won't crop up on your gravesite in the interim.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
BULLSHIT! tizz. Once again we catch you trying to sound inteligent, when in actuality you are making **** up. During the famous Bohr-Enstein debates, what exactly did Einstein say to refudiate the quantum mechanics theory? It was the now famous phrase. "I don't believe God plays dice with the universe.". Please keep your bullshit to yourself and builder.

Umm and what exactly do you know about the basics of string theory and how they pertain to the unified field theory, Obviously NOTHING, so quit trying to argue that Einstein refuted the string theory (it didn't exist in his lifetime numb nuts)
In Einstein's day, the strong and weak forces had not yet been discovered, but he found the existence of even two distinct forces
Lets look at one of the many dynamics of tizz's argument.

Quote 1:
tizz said:
1) How is it that if you are so learned in the subject, you cannot accept the possibilities of Einstein's string theories?
Here you attribute the string theory to Albert Einstein.

tizz said:
2) Einstein STARTED the string theory but died before really getting into it.
Here you do a little side stepping, cute!

tizz said:
3) so quit trying to argue that Einstein refuted the string theory (it didn't exist in his lifetime numb nuts)
Now here you actually reiterate what I told you, and act as if you knew all along.

tizz, skate, and the rest of you... these are the arguments of a demented and warped individual, the kind of dementia that definitely warants a visit to the idiot box. The idiot box is a place for liars and bullshit artists to reflect and return with sane ideas based on fact, and not made up crap from their own LSD induced visions.
tizz said:
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
BULLSHIT! tizz. Once again we catch you trying to sound inteligent, when in actuality you are making **** up. During the famous Bohr-Enstein debates, what exactly did Einstein say to refudiate the quantum mechanics theory? It was the now famous phrase. "I don't believe God plays dice with the universe.". Please keep your bullshit to yourself and builder.

Umm and what exactly do you know about the basics of string theory and how they pertain to the unified field theory, Obviously NOTHING, so quit trying to argue that Einstein refuted the string theory (it didn't exist in his lifetime numb nuts)

1) I didn't say he argued against the string theory (read it again)... I said he argued against QUANTUM PHYSICS. And as you (should) know the string theory is based on quantum physics.

2) So how is it Einsein's Theory if it didn't exist in Einstein's time... Oh yeah, he travelled through time to invent it in the future!
He laid the groundwork for it with the Unified field theory (which I believe I just told you) Without Unified Field theory, the string theory would not exist. It is an extension of Einstein's work. Quantum physics and string theory are NOT one and the same.

my generalizations were based on the fact that you made it look as though you knew something of the subject by bringing up the Bohr debates. Anyone with any knowledge of the work of Einstein or string theory would not have such a problem with it. String theory is attributed to Einstein because oh his work in the unified field theory. Not really UN common knowledge
skategreen said:
MRIH you are an asshole.
Skate you're an asshole.

skategreen said:
You are a mean ****ed up little asshole.
You are a mean ****ed up little asshole.

skategreen said:
Look at these posts! LOOK at them! I read this thread and I was disgusted.
Did you read tizz's utter stupidity? Did her pseudo intelectualism piss you off. Well it pissed me off! tizz is nothing more than an attention whore that watched a discovery channel documentary on "Strings", learned a few buzz words and now runs around like an expert on the subject. That **** pisses me off, Skate. I was disgusted by it! If you can't respect my right to be disgusted by tizz's attention whoring, then don't expect me to care about your disgust.

skategree said:
Absolutely completely and fully disgusted with your "holier than thou" "smarter than thou" RUDE BULLSHIT BULLYING replies to Tizz.
Like I said, did you read her crap? ... yeah, that's what I thought. It didn't interest you and went over your head (because she was baffling everyone with bullshit, because she couldn't dazzle'em with brilliance) so you skimmed through it and got to nmy post, which you did understand! Go back and re-read her ****, skate... it so moronic and contradictory it will piss you off as well!

skategreen said:
What the **** is wrong with you?
I have a low tolerance for stupidity.

skategreen said:
Are you capable of any debate without spewing your nasty hatred?
Of course... I have entered dozens of debates on this site, some I've won, some I've lost. I always rant and rave, but I most definitely will conceed to arguments with merit.

skategreen said:
What, you lose TH and the utterly ridiculous hatred spewn rants you two numbskulls puked all over the boards, and now you need someone else to **** all over?
Listen skate, TH pulled the same contradictory crap that tizz is pulling now! Only TH actually believed his own drivel. tizz on the other hand is spewing bullshit in hopes that someone will recognize her as inteligent, and I am not buying! If she could actually say something inteligent, I would probably be the first to applaud her, but until then I will continue to mercilessly put her in her rightful place (in the corner weraing the dunce cap).

skategreen said:
You are senselessly rude.
it is not senseless, she needs to be taught that you can't go around spouting buz words yet making no sense at all, and expect people to worship you for for your intelligence!

skategreen said:
**** you.
Your place or mine?

skategreen said:
I hope you are as miserable as you spew.
Oh yes, I'm writhing in pain and torment!

skategreen said:
You deserve yourself.
Thank you! I rather do enjoy myself.
Actually idiot, I have never seen anything on string theory. A friend did but I was not able to view it on my box. She introduced me to it and I am still in the process of engaging it. As with ALL things, I don't want to put my opinion on it, or weave it into my personal philosophy until I am convinced I understand it. I figure on it taking about two more years before I can actually say whether I believe it one way or another. I simply brought it here to demonstrate that there are things out there, based in commonly accepted concepts, that hint that there IS a positive probability that time travel is possible.

Why on earth would you ask such a question in an open forum if you had no intention of intelligently debating the subject or actually allowing for the opinions you asked for. I have not ONCE shot down your belief that time travel is NOT possible, though I have sat here waiting for you to say ANYTHING to back up what you say. meanwhile I have simply presented an idea that allows for it, while making sure to give credible resources to back it up.

What IS your problem with that, and WHY are you such a ****ing asshole? And here I thought I was the one who needed to get laid
tizz said:
He laid the groundwork for it with the Unified field theory (which I believe I just told you)
Einstein never finished the Unified Field Theory, though he did start it.

tizz said:
Without Unified Field theory, the string theory would not exist. It is an extension of Einstein's work.
This is true.

tizz said:
Quantum physics and string theory are NOT one and the same.
Who said they were the same? You can also tell me that apple pies are not apples and I will agree (though we all know that is really only improbable that apples and apple pies are the same) . However Apple pies are based on apples.

tizz said:
my generalizations were based on the fact that you made it look as though you knew something of the subject by bringing up the Bohr debates. Anyone with any knowledge of the work of Einstein or string theory would not have such a problem with it. String theory is attributed to Einstein because oh his work in the unified field theory. Not really UN common knowledge
I don't have a problem with the strings theory, the unified field theory, or any other work. But I do have a problem with YOU tizz, none of your generalizations make any sense, they are stated matter of factly without evidence. If you are going to say that it is not impossble for two apples to equal to 1 apple, that is merely improbable for two apples to equal 1 apple, then you need to provide some evidence for this statement. Maybe you can show us the instance where that is true.