ISLAM,ask your questions.

EnterNetProphet said:
Well Hamzah...I would not rather live in a "islamic country" having that philosophy of..."well allah knows I'm chop away at least I will make it in paradise enshallah"...It does not address the issue of corrupt ulema or Imams..I would pretty much want justice in the physical realm...or better yet..these folk ahem "removed permanently".

If the"extremist" interpret the Qur'an based upon their own understanding....are they still muslims?....and what reason would they take up arms?......They must feel justified in doing so...heres an example of what I'm talking about.

Some reasons off the top of my head

Israel reconquers the holy lands---->who owns the land, the Israeli's or the palestinians?

America usually stations troops in saudi arabia from time to sort out problems in the region..America being the infidels on saudi soil.

the west supports moderate govts in the arab world(by various means)----->The arabs in general actually prefer a watered down interpretation of the qur'an in one could argue they are not muslims and are not following the hadith of mohammed or implementing shariah..seems to be a valid argument of muslim fundermentalists.

In your own eyes Hamzah...who is actually an Islamic country today?

Hiya! Thanks for the questions again.

Well, there is hardly much petty crime or murder, umm, and they will find out who is innocent and who isn't. And they only inflict these punishments on extreme charges. They interpret it in the extreme and violent way incase you missed that. For instace there are Sexual refferals in the Bible that talk about "Breasts". You can interpret this as a heart of a women or her pecks. If American troops were "infidels and hated" well, the minorty does but if the majority did, they would be attacked a lot... And not allowed on Saudi Soil to put there carriers etc... The thing is, the Arabs (I am one), don't take the Qur'an violently as the other Arabs do. There principles and implementation are not violent. Me and my family, we pray 5 times a day and regularaly attend Mosques. On the other hand, we always have family meetings and we always talk about how we can fit in more with the west and still keep our Islam. We go to theme parks, restaurants, the works! There is no perfect Islamic country, but there is the perfect kind of Islam. It's faith through faith. I take the Qu'ran, (which is meant for good) and do as much good as possible, and I try to avoid bad as much as possible. Arabs do not make up the majority of Muslims. Indonesians do! They are so peaceful and follow Islam the way it is supposed to. Also Dubai is a great example! Saudi Arabia's people may seem extreme to your western eyes, I hate to say that but it's true... Why? Because think of this. Islam is being ridiculed, therefore you hit the roots of it... Which is Saudi, and do bad things to too. Muslims, should never question the Bible/Gospel, although now Muslims expect many questionings from others about the Qu'ran, but it's aaalll good! We love the questions as they help you understand for your better interpretation. As long as it's un biased and true. If I lied to you about this kind of thing, than I would be going now here but the big man in the red suit! And no, not Santa! Hehe.

As long as Islam can be practised freely, we don't care if it's Arab, Israeli or American. Thats the way I see it.
Hamza123 said:
Hiya! Thanks for the questions again.

Well, there is hardly much petty crime or murder, umm, and they will find out who is innocent and who isn't. And they only inflict these punishments on extreme charges. They interpret it in the extreme and violent way incase you missed that. For instace there are Sexual refferals in the Bible that talk about "Breasts". You can interpret this as a heart of a women or her pecks. If American troops were "infidels and hated" well, the minorty does but if the majority did, they would be attacked a lot... And not allowed on Saudi Soil to put there carriers etc... The thing is, the Arabs (I am one), don't take the Qur'an violently as the other Arabs do. There principles and implementation are not violent. Me and my family, we pray 5 times a day and regularaly attend Mosques. On the other hand, we always have family meetings and we always talk about how we can fit in more with the west and still keep our Islam. We go to theme parks, restaurants, the works! There is no perfect Islamic country, but there is the perfect kind of Islam. It's faith through faith. I take the Qu'ran, (which is meant for good) and do as much good as possible, and I try to avoid bad as much as possible. Arabs do not make up the majority of Muslims. Indonesians do! They are so peaceful and follow Islam the way it is supposed to. Also Dubai is a great example! Saudi Arabia's people may seem extreme to your western eyes, I hate to say that but it's true... Why? Because think of this. Islam is being ridiculed, therefore you hit the roots of it... Which is Saudi, and do bad things to too. Muslims, should never question the Bible/Gospel, although now Muslims expect many questionings from others about the Qu'ran, but it's aaalll good! We love the questions as they help you understand for your better interpretation. As long as it's un biased and true. If I lied to you about this kind of thing, than I would be going now here but the big man in the red suit! And no, not Santa! Hehe.

As long as Islam can be practised freely, we don't care if it's Arab, Israeli or American. Thats the way I see it.

If only the Islamic world were like you Hamzah!!! scratches head

Well Hamzah, you believe in your book and I will believe in mine..I will leave it at that. :cool:
EnterNetProphet said:
If only the Islamic world were like you Hamzah!!! scratches head

Well Hamzah, you believe in your book and I will believe in mine..I will leave it at that. :cool:

Thanks ENP! I only wish :). When I believe in Islam, I believe in the reminders of Jesus, Abraham, Moses, David, and Muhammed. We surley have similarities :).
Lethalfind said:
Are all people of your faith melodramatic, attention whores or is this a special attribute of your own...?

Do you speak of me or AIG? I assure you our women are not whores nor do they prostitute themselves after getting hammered at the local pub. :) Incase some of you were wondering, Muhammeds wife Khadesha, talked back to him at times and he would listen. He took his wifes advise literaly even during battle times. The reason why it is now is because of the Roman Catholic influence on Islam. The Roman Catholic wives were as they are now with Islam. I am taking these words right out of a Christian Nun's book in the UK. I suggest if you want to know Islam, Read Islam - A Short History By, Karen Armstrong. No religion in the modern world is as feared and misunderstood as Islam. It haunts the popular Western imagination as an extreme faith that promotes authoritarian government, female oppression, civil war, and terrorism. Karen Armstrong's short history offers a vital corrective to this narrow view. The distillation of years of thinking and writing about Islam, it demonstrates that the world's fastest-growing faith is a much richer and more complex phenomenon than its modern fundamentalist strain might suggest.

Islam: A Short History begins with the flight of Muhammad and his family from Medina in the seventh century and the subsequent founding of the first mosques. It recounts the origins of the split between Shii and Sunni Muslims, and the emergence of Sufi mysticism; the spread of Islam throughout North Africa, the Levant, and Asia; the shattering effect on the Muslim world of the Crusades; the flowering of imperial Islam in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries into the world's greatest and most sophisticated power; and the origins and impact of revolutionary Islam. It concludes with an assessment of Islam today and its challenges.
Hamza123 said:
Do you speak of me or AIG?.

Sorry Hamza, I was not speaking of you, nor was I speaking of a whore in the traditional sense of the word. I did not mean to insinuate that AIG or other Muslim woman are of loose morals sexually.
Lol NP Leathal... MRIH I am not in an inner struggle so there for I am not practising Jihad... and Jihad is not holy war, I expected to debate with someone who knew this stuff already?
Hamza123 said:
Lol NP Leathal... MRIH I am not in an inner struggle so there for I am not practising Jihad... and Jihad is not holy war, I expected to debate with someone who knew this stuff already?
Damn, Hamza... you can spin and lie faster than AIG ever could! Are you saying there is no jihad (holy war) for a muslim, only some inner struggle?

crosses fingers, closes eyes, and chants ... oh, please say "yes"... oh, please say "yes"...
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Damn, Hamza... you can spin and lie faster than AIG ever could! Are you saying there is no jihad (holy war) for a muslim, only some inner struggle?

crosses fingers, closes eyes, and chants ... oh, please say "yes"... oh, please say "yes"...

Heh, funny how you barley know me and you're making assumptions already. Now that AIG has left, you can start slinging **** at me. Maybe if you read my post... There is Jihad for Muslims, there inner struggle. Kital is Holy War or to kill. Not Jihad.

The essential meaning of jihad is the spiritual, psychological and physical effort exerted by Muslims to be closer to God and thus achieve a just and harmonious society. Jihad literally means "striving" or "struggle" and is shorthand for Jihad fi Sabeel Allah (struggle for God's cause).

Quit provoking me to arugue... I am close to breaking my spiritual fast. :cool:
I have nothing against you? Why do you choose to ridicule me? I have no intention of bringing harm to you or others?
Hamza123 said:
I have nothing against you? Why do you choose to ridicule me? I have no intention of bringing harm to you or others?
Boo ****ing hoo! I ridicule you for the following reasons.

1) First and foremost you are an islamic appologist.
2) You are a liar.
3) You are quite naive
4) You act intelligent, but you are really stupid
5) You should be so embarassed at your own posts, but you are too stupid to see how embarassingily assinine they are
6) You follow the teachings of a pedophile and call him "prophet" (may piss and excrement be upon him for ever ~saalom)
7) The sick and twisted moderators are frothing at the mouth in anticipation of making you the next moderator! ... I don't care!
8) It get's to you and you cry, which brightens my day.
9) I am really ridiculing your stupidity, but you are taking it personally.
10) I ridicule, therefore I am.

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