ISLAM,ask your questions.

You fool.If you're in a fight you obviously slay or be slain.sheesh
You're still not reading... it says: slay and be slain. Blowing yourself up would fit neatly into that commandment of the pedophile prophet (mays piss be upon him).
Please... AIG, my friend. MRIH, could I just explain something?

I am a caring and loving muslim. I treat everyone by there character and not by there race or religion, it clearly says in Surat Al-Baqarah that the Christians and Jew's who believe in God and in the day of judgement will surley recieve there rightous and positive award. Please, stop fighting over this, the only way to know islam is to study the Koran with an open mind. Keep in mind that some of the Koran was burnt and Muhammad's relative salvaged what he could.

In the Koran it states too many times that Islam is a reminder of chrsitianity and judiasm. Please MIHR, I do not want to argue or fight with you. If you have any real or appropriate questions, do not hesitate at all to ask. Thank you for your time, as it is much appreciated. Salam ou' alaycoum; Peace be upon you.
Over the years the Koran has been distored very much, everyone is way too caught up to see the bigger picture, there are people in saudi chanting kill america and people from the west killing innocent civilians in Iraq.

The New York Times wrote a small article for each person that died in September 11th (3000). 26,000 to 30,000 INNOCENT CIVILIANS have died in Iraq... Care to write those articles? And don't say no, we won't becuase the primary cause of these incidents is from the US Led Coalition... Everything seemed to be re-healing slowly yet surley until those ninteen so called muslims hoped on the plane and ran it into the world trade center... Please, educate yourselves on this subject! Islam is the religion of all religions and of all prophest. Asalm ou' alaycoum; Peace be apon you.
Buddy, you just done slipped into the WRONG debate forum, but I welcome you anyway and look forward to your comments.

Can't say the same for MRIH though. :D
I admire his bravery but he's gonna get eaten alive. For your safety, you might want to stick close to AIG and daisypapaya.

As for me, I am just going to witness what shall unfold. Enjoy your stay.
Question for Hamza...

Is it good (or allowed) in islam to kill the appostate (the muslim who leaves his faith) to become a Christian or a Hindu?

If so, why?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You're still not reading... it says: slay and be slain. Blowing yourself up would fit neatly into that commandment of the pedophile prophet (mays piss be upon him).

Does blowing yourself up involve much combat,dumbass?
Read the verse as a whole you ignorant toad!

Welcome Hamza,good to finally see more muslims.I've been in Kaafirville for too long. ;)
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Question for Hamza...

Is it good (or allowed) in islam to kill the appostate (the muslim who leaves his faith) to become a Christian or a Hindu?

If so, why?

May I answer?
Thanks for all the welcomes folks :D.

Thank you MRIH for pointing out a great question. I hope I have answered it in my below paragraph.

Most definitley NOT. Allah was the one who created these people so you're just going to provoke Allah's anger. This is said many times in the Qur'an. The Qur'an, no matter who, classifies people under the religion. When it says the Christian or Jewish disbelievers, it means those who were Christian and Jewish and now have went astray. It's not the disbelivers who are Christian or Jewish, it's the disbelievers who have come from or claimed to be a Christian or Judiast... JUST LIKE, the disbelievers who claim to be Islamic but kill innocent civilians... I have said this before in my first post, Islam is only the reminder of the Christian and Jewish faith. For you see, we believe in all the prohpets of Christianity, Judiasm, and Islam. We believe in the gospel (ingil) also.

MRIH, a question for you.

Do you think that God will send those who put the worst reputation to Islam (Islamic terrorists) in heaven? I think not my friend, but what about you? For you see, Islam is the most feared and mis-understood religion in the world as of this day. So you see, the vast majority of Islamic people are not terrorists, but the vast majority of terrorsts claim to be Islamic. I am regretful of what these people have done, rather than negotiating with the rest of the world and fullfilling Islam, they choose to commit suicide, and kill innocent civilians, everything has gone haywire, and if the rest of the world can't see what Islam really is and these terrorists stop killing people, I think we're all doomed.
Thank you SNAFU! Umm, the thing is, is that the Koran that was salvaged has NOT been changed yet the implication of it's rules have been distorted. So in a way you are correct. And Aslam ou' alaycoum wu rahmutu'lahi wa barakatu; Peace and blessings be apon you.
It is true that God, heavily frowns upon apostacy in the Quran but it is always a case between God and the apostate - not for us Muslims to judge, nowhere is the layman Muslim told to take God's judgement into our own hands. On the contrary, the horror of these verses from the Bible make the Quran's alleged cruelty and Prophet Muhammad's alleged sword, look very pale in comparison.

EX 21:12 Whoever strikes a man so that he dies is to be put to death--except that, in some cases, God will appoint a place to which the offender may flee instead.

EX 21:15 Whoever strikes his father or mother is to be put to death.

EX 21:16 Whoever steals a man is to be put to death. (Note: This is in spite of the fact that a father can sell his daughter into slavery; see EX 21:7-11.)

EX 21:17, LE 20:9, DT 21:18-21 A child who curses his parent(s) is to be put to death. A stubborn and/or rebellious child is to be put to death.

EX 22:18, DT 18:10 A witch or sorcerer is to be put to death.

EX 22:20 Anyone who sacrifices to other gods must be destroyed.

LE 20:10-12, DT 22:22 Adulterers (in some cases) must be put to death.

LE 20:13 Practicing male homosexuals are to be put to death. (Note: Female homosexuality is not considered in the OT though it NT. See RO 1:26-32.)

LE 20:14 If a man has sexual relations with both his wife and his mother-in-law, all three of them must be put to death.

LE 20:15-16 If a person engages in sex with an animal, both the animal and the person must be put to death.

LE 20:27 A medium or wizard is to be put to death.

LE 21:9 If a priest's daughter becomes a prostitute, she is to be burnt with fire.

LE 24:16 Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death.

NU 3:10 An unauthorized person who acts as a priest must be put to death.

DT 13:2-5 Anyone who causes someone to turn to another god must be put to death.

DT 13:6-10 A man is required to slay his friends and members of his own family who are guilty of worshipping another god.

DT 17:12 A man who shows contempt for a judge or priest must be put to death.

DT 18:20-22, EZ 14:9 If a prophet's words do not come true, he is a false prophet and must be put to death. This is true even if he has been deceived by God himself.

DT 22:23-24 A betrothed virgin who is seduced in the city is to be put to death unless she cries for help.

MK 10:2-12, LK 16:18 Divorce is wrong, and to remarry is to commit adultery. (LE 20:10-12, DT 22:22 in turn say, adulterers are to be put to death)

RO 1:26-27, 32 Men and women who commit unnatural sexual acts deserve to die.

Hamza123 said:
Thank you SNAFU! Umm, the thing is, is that the Koran that was salvaged has NOT been changed yet the implication of it's rules have been distorted. So in a way you are correct. And Aslam ou' alaycoum wu rahmutu'lahi wa barakatu; Peace and blessings be apon you.

I'm confused too.When did the Quran burn?And where did you get this information?
And I believe your statement not to be true because the Quran was compiled after the death of the Prophet.
The Prophet used to repeat the verses to his companions.Some wrote it down but most kept it in their heart. And remember,these were man who breathed only for their religion.Nothing was lost.

Peace be upon you too
There are further evidences of whole surahs said to be missing from the Qur'an as it is today. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, one of the early authorities on the Qur'an text and a companion of Muhammad.

I have hears somewhere but I don't know if it's true that 90 Surahs will be revealed on the day of judgement.
The thing is, In order to educate people on Islam AIG, you have to be kind and level headed with them, or you will go no where but down and there hate level just increases. You need to be understanding of them and when you do so Allah will grant you, and them if they are as you are, a great number of Hasanat. (Good Deeds)
Hamza123 said:
The thing is, In order to educate people on Islam AIG, you have to be kind and level headed with them, or you will go no where but down and there hate level just increases. You need to be understanding of them and when you do so Allah will grant you, and them if they are as you are, a great number of Hasanat. (Good Deeds)
Boy we sure corrupted the **** out of her didn't we ??:D
Well, AIG has the same goal as I do... To help clear the mis-conceptions about Islam... If there is any overall change in it, than it's for sure the interpretation. In order to interpret the Qu'ran right, you must go back in time in your head. By doing so you will see and think with an open mind. You can do this by reading a consice history about Islam. An english Nun in the UK wrote a book about Islam which is great, it's consice, a little bit short but descriptive and totally accurate. If you would like the title and author please do not hesitate to ask!
Hamza123 said:
The thing is, In order to educate people on Islam AIG, you have to be kind and level headed with them, or you will go no where but down and there hate level just increases. You need to be understanding of them and when you do so Allah will grant you, and them if they are as you are, a great number of Hasanat. (Good Deeds)

I appreciate your concern,but I've tried the level headed AIG and it didn't work. I debate with them,I don't insult.
And you say you ''hear'',from who? There are no surahs(chapters) missing because,the last verse from the Quran was sent down when the prophet was about to die.

''....this day those who disbelieve have given up all hope of your religion;so fear them not,but fear Me.This day,I have perfected your religion for you,completed My Favour upon you,and have chosen for you Islam as your religion...'' 5:3


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