ISLAM,ask your questions.

1) First and foremost you are an islamic appologist.
Ah ok?

2) You are a liar.
In your eyes :)... Maybe becuase you hide from the truth?

3) You are quite naive
You barley know me, or who I am. Thank Allah.

4) You act intelligent, but you are really stupid
Once again thank Allah, you barley know me... Although you contradict yourself by arguing with me and then calling me stupid.

5) You should be so embarassed at your own posts, but you are too stupid to see how embarassingily assinine they are
Embarrased from the truth that may seem ugly to you?

6) You follow the teachings of a pedophile and call him "prophet" (may piss and excrement be upon him for ever ~saalom)
You know **** all about Muhammed let alone how to spell his name.

7) The sick and twisted moderators are frothing at the mouth in anticipation of making you the next moderator! ... I don't care!
Perhaps the moderators are... sensible? Maybe thats why they are moderators.

8) It get's to you and you cry, which brightens my day.

9) I am really ridiculing your stupidity, but you are taking it personally.
Why argue with me if I am so stupid... You are prolly like 20 years my senior...

10) I ridicule, therefore I am.

Perhaps I should approach you differently... Kafer :D
1) First and foremost you are an islamic appologist.

Um,he don't need to apologise for Islam.He's just trying to make you understand.

2) You are a liar.

Don't worry Hamza.He says that about everyone he debates with.''You're a liar,cos you don't agree with me,whaaaaa''

3) You are quite naive

Anyone would rather be naive than bitter and hateful.

4) You act intelligent, but you are really stupid

Stop speaking to yourself!!!

5) You should be so embarassed at your own posts, but you are too stupid to see how embarassingily assinine they are

We'll wait while you check yourself out in the mirror. whisles

6) You follow the teachings of a pedophile and call him "prophet" (may piss and excrement be upon him for ever ~saalom)

And you mistake a prophet for God(may peace and blessings be upon him).

7) The sick and twisted moderators are frothing at the mouth in anticipation of making you the next moderator! ... I don't care!

Hee hee,I don't care! HA HA HA HA HA.Your face is becoming a rather dark shade of green MRIH. :p

8) It get's to you and you cry, which brightens my day.

Course,you can see his face as clear as the sky.

9) I am really ridiculing your stupidity, but you are taking it personally.

Sheesh,this bloke loves speaking to himself.You done yet loony?

10) I ridicule, therefore I am.

''IAM''? Apparently this means God,hamza.
Hamza123 said:
1) First and foremost you are an islamic appologist.
Ah ok?

Hamza123 said:
2) You are a liar.
In your eyes :)... Maybe becuase you hide from the truth?
OK, you ****ing retard... How dense are you? this is the third time.
1) You said Mohammed(may piss be upon him) only married old widowed women. LIAR
2) You said that appostacy is not a capital offense in the pig-**** religion. LIAR
You said others as well


Hamza123 said:
3) You are quite naive
You barley know me, or who I am. Thank Allah.
barley is an ingredient in beer. check

Hamza123 said:
4) You act intelligent, but you are really stupid
Once again thank Allah, you barley know me... Although you contradict yourself by arguing with me and then calling me stupid.
I contradict myself because you're stupid? No, it is you are stupid because of your religion.

Hamza123 said:
5) You should be so embarassed at your own posts, but you are too stupid to see how embarassingily assinine they are
Embarrased from the truth that may seem ugly to you?
whatever :rolleyes: check

Hamza123 said:
6) You follow the teachings of a pedophile and call him "prophet" (may piss and excrement be upon him for ever ~saalom)
You know **** all about Muhammed let alone how to spell his name.
OK, let me try it again ahem
is that better?

Hamza123 said:
7) The sick and twisted moderators are frothing at the mouth in anticipation of making you the next moderator! ... I don't care!
Perhaps the moderators are... sensible? Maybe thats why they are moderators.
Got your hopes up? -Loser

Hamza123 said:
8) It get's to you and you cry, which brightens my day.

Hamza123 said:
9) I am really ridiculing your stupidity, but you are taking it personally.
Why argue with me if I am so stupid... You are prolly like 20 years my senior...
Because you are stupid. DUH! Why would I argue against intelligence?

Hamza123 said:
10) I ridicule, therefore I am.

Perhaps I should approach you differently... Kafer :D
Um,he don't need to apologise for Islam.He's just trying to make you understand.
sure he does. just like you tried to do.... By the way, why are you still here... were'nt you leaving... or was that just more of your attention whoring?

Don't worry Hamza.He says that about everyone he debates with.''You're a liar,cos you don't agree with me,whaaaaa''
NO, AIG... I call liars liars, I call stupidity stupid, and I call islam pig ****. I thought you could read better than that! :rolleyes:

Anyone would rather be naive than bitter and hateful.
I'm sure you would, because you are! ;)

Stop speaking to yourself!!!
:confused: WTF?

We'll wait while you check yourself out in the mirror. whisles
Man I'm hot!

And you mistake a prophet for God(may peace and blessings be upon him).
:eek: So should strap on some C-4 and scream "ALLAH AKHBAR"???

Hee hee,I don't care! HA HA HA HA HA.Your face is becoming a rather dark shade of green MRIH.
Now that is trully observant of you AIG, my oppinion of you just went from "dumb as a stump" to "dumb as an amoeba".

Course,you can see his face as clear as the sky.
Sure can.

Sheesh,this bloke loves speaking to himself.You done yet loony?
well, your listening... DUH... back to "dumb as a stump".

''IAM''? Apparently this means God,hamza.
Your point is?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:

OK, you ****ing retard... How dense are you? this is the third time.
1) You said Mohammed(may piss be upon him) only married old widowed women. LIAR
2) You said that appostacy is not a capital offense in the pig-**** religion. LIAR
You said others as well


barley is an ingredient in beer. check

I contradict myself because you're stupid? No, it is you are stupid because of your religion.

whatever :rolleyes: check

OK, let me try it again ahem
is that better?

Got your hopes up? -Loser


Because you are stupid. DUH! Why would I argue against intelligence?


Calling me a Liar? Then stop stating that I am and proove me wrong... Calling me stupid? Yet you still don't know how to spell his name... Name calling? Were you abused or bullied in High School. From my socialogy class, it seems to me that you are letting out your years of abuse or some kind of neglect. Were you severely beat as a child? I am starting to feel sorry for you...mmm, Nah.
sure he does. just like you tried to do.... By the way, why are you still here... were'nt you leaving... or was that just more of your attention whoring?

:eek: You are so original!

NO, AIG... I call liars liars, I call stupidity stupid, and I call islam pig ****. I thought you could read better than that!

Anyone who disagrees with you is a liar. Be they muslim or not.

I'm sure you would, because you are!

OUCH,I'm in awe with the standard you've set :rolleyes:

And you call me dumb?

Man I'm hot!

Read above answer

:eek: So should strap on some C-4 and scream "ALLAH AKHBAR"???

Whatever rocks your boat.

Now that is trully observant of you AIG, my oppinion of you just went from "dumb as a stump" to "dumb as an amoeba".

Well thank you.I don't think much of you either.

well, your listening... DUH... back to "dumb as a stump".


Your point is?

No point.I just got reminded that the word God doesn't appear in your bible.
I thought amoebas were smarter than stumps seeing as how an amoeba is a living organism and a stump is a former tree.

Just thought I'd throw that in. :)
Hamza123 said:
Calling me a Liar? Then stop stating that I am and proove me wrong...
I just did numb-nuts. can't you ****ing comprehend?

Hamza123 said:
Calling me stupid? Yet you still don't know how to spell his name...
1) Don't talk about spelling, moron... people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
2) How many ways are there to spell pedophile? Demon-Possesed? Insane? Terrorist? Murderer? Unholy prophet of satan?
3) BTW, how are you able to type? it is amazing as stupid as you are that you actually can find the keys in all that slobber.

Hamza123 said:
Name calling? Were you abused or bullied in High School. From my socialogy class, it seems to me that you are letting out your years of abuse or some kind of neglect.
1) here's yet another of your fine examples of spelling "socialogy" is "sociology" are you going to tell me how to spell pig-****er?
2) yeah right! I was abused, by a bunch a ****ing islamic ****-bags.

Hamza123 said:
Were you severely beat as a child? I am starting to feel sorry for you...mmm, Nah.
Were you beat about the head causing your stupidity.

Good bye moron-boy... I will let you have the last word.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I just did numb-nuts. can't you ****ing comprehend?

1) Don't talk about spelling, moron... people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
2) How many ways are there to spell pedophile? Demon-Possesed? Insane? Terrorist? Murderer? Unholy prophet of satan?
3) BTW, how are you able to type? it is amazing as stupid as you are that you actually can find the keys in all that slobber.

1) here's yet another of your fine examples of spelling "socialogy" is "sociology" are you going to tell me how to spell pig-****er?
2) yeah right! I was abused, by a bunch a ****ing islamic ****-bags.

Were you beat about the head causing your stupidity.

Good bye moron-boy... I will let you have the last word.

Wow, you're trying to educate me on my grammar... You forgot your capitals! Those "islamic ****-bags" that you say must be heros then, just in your case though. Sorry I don't **** pigs but what ever gets you aroused... STILL, with the name calling, wow, you must have had practice with this in primary... Or did you get your ass kicked every time you called the Muslim a name?

I was abused, by a bunch a ****ing islamic ****-bags.

Thank them for me. Just be careful, don't get your ass whooped again.

Were you beat about the head causing your stupidity.

Most 16 year olds know **** all about this subject... Let alone how to put to shame 40 year old hack with a big chip on his shoulder cough MRIH cough .
Hamza123 said:
Most 16 year olds know **** all about this subject... Let alone how to put to shame 40 year old hack with a big chip on his shoulder cough MRIH cough .
Most 16 year olds know when they're beat. You just don't give up. I guess your good sense indicator was turned off when you uttered those fateful words... "Mo-ham-head(pay piss be upon him) is his unholy pedophile prophet"
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Most 16 year olds know when they're beat. You just don't give up. I guess your good sense indicator was turned off when you uttered those fateful words... "Mo-ham-head(pay piss be upon him) is his unholy pedophile prophet"

You were already beat when the Qur'an was made. :) You asked for it, so I'm just opening up some old wounds. :D When was the last time you... lived a little? ;)
Hamza123 said:
You were already beat when the Qur'an was made. :) You asked for it, so I'm just opening up some old wounds. :D When was the last time you... lived a little? ;)
Blind adherance to that pig-**** book, eh? No wonder you retards blow yourselves up.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Blind adherance to that pig-**** book, eh? No wonder you retards blow yourselves up.

Why did God give Mexicans noses? So they'll have something to pick in the winter. No wonder you retards pick cotton in the summer.
Hamza123 said:
Why did God give Mexicans noses? So they'll have something to pick in the winter. No wonder you retards pick cotton in the summer.

Well whaddya know! A member of a "peaceful" religion has made a racist remark? How the mighty have fallen! :rolleyes:
Blind adherance to that pig-**** book, eh? No wonder you retards blow yourselves up.

Hmm What about him... Thats being racist right? If Christianity is more peaceful than the only racist is the one claiming so... I've started to fight with the same weapons now. :D And outlaw, if you fail to acknowledge MRIH aswell on your own terms, than you've stooped down to a lower level.
Blind adherance to that pig-**** book, eh? No wonder you retards blow yourselves up.

Hamza123 said:
Hmm What about him... Thats being racist right? If Christianity is more peaceful than the only racist is the one claiming so... I've started to fight with the same weapons now. :D And outlaw, if you fail to acknowledge MRIH aswell on your own terms, than you've stooped down to a lower level.

Hamza123, Not to get too picky or anything but I think that quote is more of a stereotypical statement than racist. There does'nt appear to be any reference to race at all. In fact I get the feeling that MRIH would hate a Muslim of any race.

Sorry for the interuption. You can continue your game now.
I would like to know your views on female genital mutilation. You may know this practice as female circumcission. For those not familiar with the pracice it involves the removal of the entire clitorial area of a child at about the age of puberty. This horrendous savagery is still practised in parts of the world - mostly moslem.

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