JammerG's Jornal


New member
wooooo!!!!! ur alive ^_______________________^

wow three weeks went by fast

*hugs* im sorry you feel that way

but atleast it will be all good now

ah!! it is indeed cold.....but gee u have it colder then me and im finding it hard to stop shivering

Well, I really didn't understand any of that, probably bcause I have no idea about what you were talking about, so, I'll just be stopping by to say, Hello, & welcome back I guess. :/ I don't like saying it like that, but, I'm too tired to think of another way to say it. ^^

Well, I'll be seeing you around,




New member
Well, I really didn't understand any of that, probably bcause I have no idea about what you were talking about, so, I'll just be stopping by to say, Hello, & welcome back I guess. :/ I don't like saying it like that, but, I'm too tired to think of another way to say it. ^^Well, I'll be seeing you around,

Thanks Vash, You would have to read all posts from the start to fully understand.... Makes for some interesting reading... hmmm Do people go back and read their own journals



New member
hi Jammer ^^

good to see you again :)

it's 3 degrees there o_0.. woah here it's like 35 degrees!

i'm dying of the heat!.. but yeah it's winter in australia,.. here it's summer :p

too bad to hear about your knee,, you need surgery? oh boy

well i hope everything is going to be alright..

take care *hugs*

*btw i'm not okay by MCR is awsome ;) *



New member
Oh man jammer! I miss you too!!!! *pout* *big big....big hug* lol I ran out of adjectives*

I hope your counselling doesn't suck.

Oh boy... winter eh? its like sweltering here....

Oh my Goddd! what did you do to your knee!? O__O wow, I hope your surgery *cringe* goes 100% flawless!! my thoughts will be with you!

I hate the word surgery after having my oral surgery... recovering is a *****... but the actually surgery part is easy. are you getting knocked out? I hope... its really helpfull... lol...

congratz on the resource center! ^_^ glad to hear that!

wow... best of luck withyoue financial problems... you DESERVE a mink bed quilt, lol!! but you do, and don't settle for less ^_^

oh man!!! too bad about the concerts, I hope you get to see the australian one!! :D

lmao, have fun with your brad fantasies. XD I know you will

and last but not least, hang in there, and take care,

until next time




New member


Hear Ye Hear Ye! And a proclamation was sent out!

Jammer has a job... (WTF!)

I got the job at Amigos Mexican Bar and Reataurant!!!

Five nights a week, being a dish pig, but it is better than nothing (They are even looking at puting me on as a cook!!!) LOVE COOKING!!. No going broke now. I love working there. We have tool, or disturbed or NIN or LP or any other nu metal etc playing as we finish at night and coronas, JB, JD or Bundy for afters!!!

It is so much fun and the Chefs and Cooks are kewl. Mad stoners!!! Party time. I am trying to hook Rave up with one of them. (Ha, not a chance in ****!!!) Nathan, He prefers Nat. He is tall (Just over 6") cute, beautiful smile like Ravyn and nice eyes... Would have him for myself but he is too young, but we are making plans for the "Big Day Out" in January next year. "Yahoo!!!"

So yeah, everything seems (I do say seems) to be going well. Went to my first seesion of 'Sexual Abuse' councilling on Friday. It was good. I can really work out things out with the Psychologist there.

So it is all Good.

Now I think we need towels and Water over at the COB so I am off to hand them out.

Take Care Y'all.

Love you all

Be good and be safe.



New member
Hey guys my younger sister just brought this photo of me from when I first started at university... In my caravan (Black Trailer Trash) Am going to scan it onto Ravyn's computer and put it on... It looks alot like my cartoon hehehehe.... No true... Pretty black hair... just wait... ;)
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New member
aw cool!!! woohoo! that place sounds awesome! ^___^ I hope you get to be a cook eventually! :eek: that picture is koooool! :D well, good luck and take care!! *mega hugs*


New member
Of all the F'ed up things that could happen today they did!!!

Wak got over home late to pick me up and she had a flat tyre.

On top of that it was f'ing raing so now I am at work an hour late, wet, grotty and f'ing ****** off... Right off


so how is everyone else, happy, and Jolly and Gay!! I f'ing well hope!!!



New member
things will get better jammer. look at me..i slept in and so did mum and missed my skool bus and mum alowed me to stay home cos she was late and i was still asleep when she left.

lov woody.



New member
cool that you have work ^^

hope that you can become a cook :p

nice pic btw :D

awh.. don't be ****** of :p .. that sounded funny, sorry

hope you feel better now

take care and as we say i dutch: dag! *that means bye :p *



New member
lol, hope you have fun with your job :)

Awesome pic. Haha..

Hope things get tons better. I'm sure they well :D

Take care!



New member
nice pic! so cute! anyway, get calm, dry yourself, and take a few deep breaths{sp?}. everythings will turn out fine girl. see ya around.


New member
Hail to the Goddesses and Gods of LPF!!!

Saw the blue sky for around an hour today!!!, am waiting for my pay to go in... Yahoo. might go to the movies tomorrow with Ravyn and see war of the worlds or the ? four... whatever... Anyway I feel better for seeing the blue sky... I can't believe it is actually flooding here! We don't normally have floods in june july it's normally during the monsoon season: November to March... summer autumn. We need it though but I gt so depressed when it rains for days on end, I get really bad when it's all misty drizzle and cold.. I ask myself why I live here. Because when it isn't raining it is beautiful. If there was somewhere in the world as beautiful as the different places in Australia I would move... Nah, just joshing, though a holiday would be good... I'm saving!!!

Take care y'all and be good to your good bad selves!!!



New member
*does a jig for Jammer* hey there! *hugs*

WHOA rain is like just a FATHOM here...it hasn't rained in over a month...

have fun seein WOTW..it looks retarded to me...over dramatized...but lemme know how it is :D

well good luck with everything! take care!!!



New member
heya Jammer :)

sometimes i hate rain too.. it makes me depressive..

but at this moment i love the rain.. cause it's to hot here o_0

so rain is refreshing :)

but i like the sun more lol

well hope you have fun at the movies =)

take care *hugs*

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