>>>[ Jess' Stuff ]<<<

No way. As much as I've practiced, nothing productive ever comes out lol
I bow down to thee and thy art skills. *bows* XD
Ladies and Gentlemen... My very first digital portrait.

It's horrible :D


My original PSD file size was like 1200x1500 o.o I'm crazy. ^ That's like a tiny version of the smaller version which I uploaded to DA


So my very first portrait. God knows how long I worked on it.

Umm I guess it's alright, seeing it's my first try at portrait painting. But there's definitely so much faults in it ;] The nose for one, needs so much more work xD It's not even symmetrical at the moment. I spent the longest on the eye. (note "eye" singular form is used for the other one is just a copy of the same eye -___-) It looks good, I think, just not on this face. o.o The hair's a little messy but that can't be helped lol. The neck is pretty scrappy .... I know the background is kinda weird and unprofessional but that's exactly how I am. :] sigh

I'm a failure xD

Don't get me wrong I'm pretty proud of it. But it's just a first and firsts aren't that good lol

EDIT: OH and how could I forget: this tutorial... I couldn't have possibly done it without that -___-
^Yeah vectors, I hafta figure out how to do that too. They looks wicked xD

Yeah the person is a little ugly, the face shape and stuff, but meehh ^^ The power of the tablet! lol

Thanks :D

EDIT: I honestly need a new sig/ava set lol
Okaay double post but


Isn't it cute?? lol I took the pic in my front yard. We had these stone teddies and they were covered in snow. ^^
lol Yeah i have black hair. It turns brown under light. But I guess Brown hair looks better on paper. Even though I'd never dye it or anything. ;] Thanks.