Jesus in the Glorious Qur'an

Mr X

New member
Oh my! Thanks boys that really helps.Mr X I agree with you on something that you believe.Jesus was not *** but he was a messanger of ***.He spoke the words of *** to the people,but was definately not ***.Although I still don't believe he was an angel or the son of ***.I believe he was just a man and a Prophet of ***.

Builder I have no idea if Jesus was the incredible hulk that you describe him to be,but I also doubt he was as feeble as they make him out to be in their pictures. :D
Yes AIG,but that does not let you off the hook hahahahaha

The old covenant that was for the Jews was conditional on them upholding *** statutes...but the Jews rebelled and *** dissolved it with the new covenant...e.g where are the levites(the priest hood) that were in charge of the burnt offerings etc? where is the Temple of Soloman?..its a long story...but The jews of today i.e Israel...cannot be all from the tribe of Judah or the House of David...where is ephaim...benjamin...levi....naphtali the other tribes etc etc etc.

Thats where the messiah comes in...notice's called "the new testament" Yes jesus is also known as "the son of man" because now he is in the the line of "the house of David"..I'm referring to prophecy.

Anyway the Jews are a stiffnecked people(Gods words not mine)..they are really Gods problem...they are better understood if you read the old testament..I'd rather leave them alone.

You know people that say"The Jews Killed Jesus" hahaha a big duh on their part..they were suppose to..what do think prophecy is about?

If they did'nt kill Jesus(in flesh not spirit)..*** would have been a liar.

If you don't understand what I've just typed..I might as well talk to the trees(fascinating really) the bible AIG with an open mind...

I'll get to mohammed some other time.



New member
Oh my! Thanks boys that really helps.Mr X I agree with you on something that you believe.Jesus was not *** but he was a messanger of ***.He spoke the words of *** to the people,but was definately not ***.Although I still don't believe he was an angel or the son of ***.I believe he was just a man and a Prophet of ***.
I concur. I believe that greatness is thrust upon people by lesser individuals who have a plan, but lack direction. Harking back to my last coupla posts, Jesus was a natural leader simply because of his attitude, his size and strength, and his understanding of human nature.

He quite simply took **** from no one. Think about this. An angry throng of maybe one hundred are preparing to stone someone to death. They are hyped, and armed, and keen to see some blood. Jesus romps in, and calls it off. How did he do that? Was it some perceived greatness about the man? Or was he such a big mean ****, that whoever cast that first stone would be his next conquest?

Please bear with me here. We are talking about a time when stoning to death saved the courts considerable time and money, and was not only not frowned upon, but clearly encouraged by the Romans as "justice by the people, for the people".

So how could one man walk into such a scene, and call a halt to proceedings, unless he was clearly one not to mess with?

Was he the Messiah? If he was, then how come he was celebrated at birth, and forgotten for 29 years? His public life lasted only 3 years. I mean fame can be fleeting, but martyrdom lasts millennia? Was there no other in the history of christianity with any *****? Jesus had the ***** to buck the establishment, and criticise the church leaders. That is why he is still respected. Did he heal anyone? Who knows? He was so popular at that time that anyone who managed to actually get near him would have felt ecstatic.

Builder I have no idea if Jesus was the incredible hulk that you describe him to be,but I also doubt he was as feeble as they make him out to be in their pictures. :D
He was no feeble. The bible has been cleaned up, and the bullshit spread about this great activist and insightful man is a disgrace to his memory.

The other thing that ****** me off is, his death was in vain. His memory has been hijacked and used for purposes he did not die for. He had no intention of placing a guilt trip on anyone.

Christianity is full of guilt trips, idolatry, paganism, and outright deceipt.

I'm builder, and I'm disgusted. :mad:

Late edit: Money drives the church, which is what ****** Jesus off in the first place. The very reason why he convinced his followers to give up everything they had to tag along. He did not ask you to give all of your **** to him. He did not ask for tithings. He did not recognise wealth as equalling anything other than what wealth stands for; greed.



New member
Yeah I thought my post would bring out the ok(excuse me AIG ,take a break)
Daniel 7:13-14(NIV)

"In my vision at night I looked,and there before me was like the son of man,coming with the clouds of heaven.He approached the ancient of days and was led in to his presence.He was given authority,glory and sovereign power; all peoples,nations and men of every language worshipped him

His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away,and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

Question:Who is the"ancient of days"?...It sez also "...and was led to his presence" who's presence?(emphasis on "his")

Ancient of days ="...led into his presence" this means the"ancient of days is a "he"="his" thats two different people can I approach myself or be led to myself?(thats if you believe Jesus is ***)

"He was given authority,glory and sovereign power...." question:Who gave him[Jesus] authority? who is the giver?

2 Corinthians5:21(NIV)

*** made him who had no sin to be a sin for us,so that in him we might become the righteousness of ***

It sez "*** MADE HIM.."...not *** made himself..

Collossians 2:9 (NIV)

For in christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form

christ means anointed...who anointed him? or angel or ***...or himself?

Jesus the anointed one was given wisdom and power of ***..evident in the miracles and raising of lazarus but used it sparingly and relied on reasoning with the Jewish scholars.

I won't quote the other as it's basically saying "given authority etc"

Yes please quote some more WBM

Btw WBM If Jesus is ***..then why did he bow down on his knees to pray to *** in heaven(mt of olives)..if he is *** himself? *** on bended knee?

What is with the chit chat between *** and son if they are both the same person? don't you find that a little crazy?
As far as the passage in Daniel 7:13-14 goes how do you explain where it says "all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him". Worship is for *** alone, so how do you take this verse? Is he creating another *** for people to worship? The doctrine of the Trinity is that there is one eternal being of ***. This one being of *** is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Why did Jesus tell people to be baptized in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Because that is ***.

Also how can John 1 or John 1:14 be explained if Jesus isn't ***?

For 2 Corinthians 5:21 I should have been more specific. My point for this verse is that Jesus "had no sin". No one but *** could live a sinless life on this earth. But as far as it saying "*** made him" in this verse it's talking about how *** made Jesus to be sin so that sin could be punished.

You didn't address Mark 2:3-12 when Jesus heals a man and forgives his sin. The teachers of the law knew that only *** could forgive sin, which is why they thought Jesus was blaspheming. Also read John 10:27-39 espescially verse 30. In fact when it came time for Jesus to get crucified, his charge was blasphemy! (Mark 14:61-64)

As far as prayer, Jesus was communicating with ***. Jesus is the perfect example of what serving *** truly is, serving Him, doing His will (even to the point of death), keeping ***'s commandments, prayer etc. During His time on earth Jesus took a servants role, but it didn't make Him any less ***.



New member
As far as the passage in Daniel 7:13-14 goes how do you explain where it says "all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him". Worship is for *** alone, so how do you take this verse? Is he creating another *** for people to worship? The doctrine of the Trinity is that there is one eternal being of ***. This one being of *** is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Why did Jesus tell people to be baptized in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Because that is ***.
Also how can John 1 or John 1:14 be explained if Jesus isn't ***?

For 2 Corinthians 5:21 I should have been more specific. My point for this verse is that Jesus "had no sin". No one but *** could live a sinless life on this earth. But as far as it saying "*** made him" in this verse it's talking about how *** made Jesus to be sin so that sin could be punished.

You didn't address Mark 2:3-12 when Jesus heals a man and forgives his sin. The teachers of the law knew that only *** could forgive sin, which is why they thought Jesus was blaspheming. Also read John 10:27-39 espescially verse 30. In fact when it came time for Jesus to get crucified, his charge was blasphemy! (Mark 14:61-64)

As far as prayer, Jesus was communicating with ***. Jesus is the perfect example of what serving *** truly is, serving Him, doing His will (even to the point of death), keeping ***'s commandments, prayer etc. During His time on earth Jesus took a servants role, but it didn't make Him any less ***.
If *** bestows his authority and powers to someone..that means that person has the authority to do his bidding in his agent on earth.

Since *** has no sin...he is judge and can declare Jesus as having no sin too...was it not the apostles who wrote the gospels under the guidance of the holy spirit.What *** wills....becomes..if he sez i have no sin..thats Gods verdict.

As for worshipping...who is being worshipped in the spiritual world?

You want me to believe that ***/Son/Holy Ghost are physically the same person.I'm saying that they were spiritually connected(logos) ...but are separate distinct individuals.If they are physically the same person...why is jesus having conversations with himself?...why does he pray to himself? why does satan bargain with him ,when satan offered earthly kingdoms to Jesus when he was being tempted in the desert/wilderness...why would satan offer/bribe these things to ***(according to you)..*** would think nothing of them he created everything.

As for teachers of the laws....who are these pharasee's or those that comprised the sanhedrin....was it not alotted to the levites(priesthood) to make burnt/wave offerings for the forgiveness of sins.Where are the levites in the new testament?

When jesus sez"..i will sit at the right hand of the father" can jesus sit at the right hand of himself?

There is a Lord Jesus...and there is a lord ***...which is higher?

Who is greater in authority...the son or the father?...they can not both be equal.

If i followed your interpretation...the new testament would be nothing more than the rantings of a religious enigmatic schizophrenic.

I'm just saying there is another interpretation to just "jesus is ***".



New member
Hey ENP.Welcome to GF.Good posting.Fill me in on why you were put in the idiot box. :confused:
Oh hi AIG,seems I ruffled a few feathers when I changed my Tag from"Mr X" to "EnterNetProphet"..I er did'nt read my replies to the thread"Mr X is taking a break"(now that I have) hahaha... they really missed me that much( I did state this when i first joined, that my tag was temporary).

I noticed bewilder(builder) and ur self have been idiot boxed as well..I'm a lil confused on that as to why,but it can't be all that bad(limitations imposed of course).

btw Net Profit=breaking even



New member
Sounds like a good thing. ;)
hahaha i have made a mental note of what you posted.

I was going to add something to that thread that mentioned india's security...but decided not about the formation of pakistan etc.

Very interesting stuff :D



New member
To my dear friend WildBaldMonkey

umm..hold off on this debate..there seems to be a messy translation you know the new testament was written in mostly koine(common greek) not the high greek the poets and scholars used, and aramaic.

As you know english is a very young language...and over the centuries some implied conotations have lost their actual meaning.There is another factor of biased translations and the choice of words that translators used(well because koine was used to spread the message to the lay folk).

Here is a site that explains this confusing mess.

Yes reminds me of the saying"lost in the translation"

I'm not saying your right or wrong btw..

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