Jojo's gallery

What's so difficult about making an avatar my dear? It's just like a sig, only smaller! LOL Any preferences? I mean, colour, text etc...;)
crazy robster said:
What's so difficult about making an avatar my dear? It's just like a sig, only smaller! LOL Any preferences? I mean, colour, text etc...;)

No idea.. i just always hated making them.Whenever i go to make oen it always comes out odd.

Hmm blue please, with Grey daze fan written on it in gothic style text please.
Okidokie Jade dear! I'll do it! But first lemme show you two wonderful Rob sigs I made for my beloved sister... Put much work on both of them but...ANYTHING for my sister!!



Special Rob siggys with Rob's signature on them for my special sister! *hugs*
Thanks so much Di my sweet!! Means a lot to me!!

Hey, Jade, I made an avatar exactly as you asked me to... Looks simple but then again, this is what you wanted right? Here:


EDIT: I have edited the avy and now it looks better... Check for the edited version in one of my posts below...;)
That's gothic style, at least that's what my Photoshop says... But there are many types of Gothic font if she doesn't like this she'll have to tell me exactly the name of the font and if I don't have it I'll download it... oh and thanks a lot for the comment Franks! :)
crazy robster said:
Okidokie Jade dear! I'll do it! But first lemme show you two wonderful Rob sigs I made for my beloved sister... Put much work on both of them but...ANYTHING for my sister!!



Special Rob siggys with Rob's signature on them for my special sister! *hugs*
Oooh sis, I Love them (as you can tell ;)) I can't thank you enough! Its certainly nice to have a familiar face back beneath my name... haha, I'm pathetic, doesn't matter who else takes my fancy at the time I always somehow manage to keep coming back to Rob. It IS all good huh? XD
Thanks sis. I know how hard you worked on them and how picky I was, so you've done an amazing job to even get them finished. You're in high deman lately huh? Show's how well you're talents are developing, and for once it's not even my so-called bias speaking, its the truth.
*squeeze hugs*
Thanks again for everything sis! Yay! :D
Awww... my beloved!!! You know how much I enjoyed working on your sigs... well... actually I enjoy making anything for you but when it comes to Rob, you know, I won't repeat myself...;) Thanks so much for everything my sweet, although I know thanks is not enough... never is...*hugs*

Jade my dear, I downloaded a Gothic font so I made the avy anew...I think this version s better...