Jojo's gallery

LP~Shinoda~FM said:
It really is nice... and your writing is wicked...
My printing is always so rigid and huge o_O
Haha thanks honey, actually, no one's ever told me that about my writing!! lol I didn't expect anyone to notice to be honest!! Thanks again!
Awww guys you're all so sweet!! Well since Pete asked me to post some more drawings, here you go...;)

The Beatles (apart from Harrison, for some reason I couldn't draw him...sniffle...)


John Lennon


Paul Mc Cartney


Ringo Starr

And Jude Law, an English actor...

OMFG sis!!
*jaw drops*
*falls of chair*
*collapses in a puddle of drool*
That's freakin' awesome! Finally a Rob pic I DIDN'T have... til now >.> hehe... Brilliant! Always an advocate for the arts, and yeah, Mr Bourdon too XD
The Beatles ones rock too. Lennon \m/ McCartney \m/ Gawd... its awesome. You capture the essence of each so well. Can tell who they are without being told. Now that's what I call works of art. Beautiful stuff my sweet.
Hmm. Damn noice.
