Jojo's gallery

Thanks Petie and Bairdy and everyone^^

So...this is my first meagre attempt to make animated sigs... Thanks to Diana by the way for the idea and the tut as well!!!;) They could be better but hey!!! This was my first time!! I'll improve!! Hehe So, here's the sig I'm using


and a sig I made for my sis if she decides to use it of course...haven't shown her yet but I know she's always wanted a vid in her beloved...awww...

Thanks so much guys!!! Actually I remade the Faint sig, the one I made for my sis and I think this version is better!!


Remade version of mine too...

Hahaha awww my sweet, I love the sigs! You're so clever!!
The last one sounds so familiar ;) I still stand by it. Rob = God. I'm biased but its such common knowledge it's practically gospel too. Haha. Bless our Bourdie.
Incredible stuff sis, really, words fail me. GraDon is right, everyday you get better and better. You've come so far creatively sis, it makes me wonder what you will come up with next! It's all good... no, awesome, it's awesome.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: