Jojo's gallery

woah nice work
I especially like the Mike sig
friggin nice :D

I was wondering if you could do some artwork for me good at improvising? :p
crazy robster said:
Hey Di!!! I fixed the edge!!! See what I have to do to satisfy my viewers?? LOL Better now? :D

Yeah, this is cool... :thumbsup: But you didn't have to do it... :p
crazy robster said:
Hey Fribs! Thanks mate! Well, i'll sure try for you buddy!! What is it that you want me to do?:)'s kinda up to you :p

what I'd need is for the pic to be CD cover actual size...cause it's for an album of mine...and that it has the word "ortralex" somewhere in it

other than that...just bring out the tools :p do whatever
all the tracks are kinda random and spontanious and preferrably the artwork is too
whatever you bring...I'll be happy ;)

good luck :D and big thanks in advance :thumbsup:
OK I'll see what I can do! I can't tell you exactly when this is gonna be ready but I'll do my best, THAT I can promise!!! And thanks again for appreciating my work, it really means a lot! :)
thanks :)
your best is always good

and yeah...whenever you're ready with it...just take the time you need
it's not like I'm in a hurry :p

yw, and again, thanks :thumbsup:
Ohh, big project for the upcomer. Haha
I'm sure it will be amazing. I remember my first album art I was asked to do, and look now, I'm doing art for a secret site at the moment. ^_^;
damn a worthy guess i rekon

Seeing as CS wouldnt say who was doin the gfx for him

Maybe an LPF kinda thing possibly i dunno lol im just shooting blindly for you to cave in

anyways nice stuff crazy lady jojo lol keep it up try reading my tut sometime lemme know if it helped...its possibly the easiet sig makin tut around lol
Hey guys!! Thanks for your support!!! Awww Josh, I believe you're doing an excellent job as a graphics designer cause you really are an expert! Let's see what I can do, this is certainly a challenge for me!! Azem, I've already read your tutorial and I must say it is pretty helpful indeed! I always like learning new stuff and improving cause there's still a lot of things I don't know... :)
Thanks geeko I appreciate it!

Fribbsy my sweet, I didn't have any clue about the genre of your music or anything so I simply based my inspiration on the title "ortralex" which reminds me of space, orbits and that kinda stuff... As for the size, Josh, my dear teacher, told me that the cd cover size in pixels is 342*342, so I actually did what he said to me...Thanks Josh! :) Therefore, here's what I came up with... If there's anything you want me to change or add you can tell me alright buddy?
