Jojo's gallery

cool jojo.. wow you're on fire.. that's why I don't make a thread like this.. I make stuff maybe once a month and they're not very good :p
I am on fire indeed.... LOL....poor me... anyway, thanks Franky and... if you make sigs and stuff I think you should make a thread why not? You can post whenever you feel like it, it's ok! :)
Aaaand...the fiery Jojo has already fulfilled her promise about the Mike triplet...;)


What a cutie isn't he? :D
Nice. I see you're experimenting with backgrounds now.
I would write a tut on a background that I would make, but since mine take about hour, and are many a layer thick, the tut would be huge... Lol
Thanks guys!! Hehe... Jeez... couldn't resist, huh? Yeah, PS is a MUST!!! Allie, my dear, I owe you a huge THANKS for your enthusiastic comments!!! *squeeze hugs for all of you*
Franky!!! Hehe... double sig? Ummm...isn't it a bit...too big now though?
Okay, let's start...I have to comment every single one, remember? :p
Mike...damn, that's good! The background is great...I love it! :thumbsup:
Drew Fuller...very nice...background is again great but actually a little better...amazing, I must say! :D
That's it...*huggles*
Benji Madden... OMG I think this is one of my best sigs, I personally love it and if i weren't the faithful Robster in here I would definitely use it!!! "No one in this industry understands the life I lead..." YAY!!! Benji ROX!!!!
