**** Kanye West

I like the fact that he has balls enough to express his true opinions instead of reading a script. I'm sure he knew that it would be viewed by many, as well as scrutinized and criticized. Although I must admit i was a little bewildered when i saw it. i was saying to myself "i can't believe the station is allowing this to be aired. I actually laughed when he said bush doesnt care about black people. I like his spunk, although I dont think its that bush doesnt like black people.

bush is the ulitmate pimp! i mean I personally hate the *******, but he is only doing what so many people wish they could do. why knock him? If given the same power, many would abuse it I'm sure. but Its always easier just to place blame instead of doing something about the ****.

the only reason people hate bush so much is because he doesnt cover his **** up well, and the american citizens are sick of being lied to. If you **** up as president, then no one shoud be the wiser. If you're gonna do ****, be smart enough, efficient enough, and surround yourself with people able to cover that **** up. Not just bush, but clinton, nixon, jefferson......everyone!

He just doesnt give a **** about the people who have nothing to offer him. black, white or purple. Nowadays who does?
Just anotha typical "nigga" spouting off at the pie hole. :mad:
You folks act as if you are so surprised.
Pull your craniums out of you rectums for once.

Phreak and I agree most wholeheartedly about these mother****ers.
I was sitting in a restaurant last night and had to listen to the TV that was blasting CNN and those black caucus ****s spouting their garbage too. I finally got up and reseated myself in a quieter part of the establishment as I had had enough of their maligned diatribe.
And as fate would have it I walked into the front room of my home, turned on the tube to watch some 20/20 and lo and behold, there was some dumb black **** spouting off about how if there were whites abandoned out there that the Bush administration would have rescued them long ago. The interviewer herself, whom of which was also black, asked the interviewee "do you hear yourself? Do you really believe what you are saying is fact?"
To which she replied,..."I most certainly do" And a black gentleman, some black caucus member or professor at a college, I forgot, was basically mirroring the previous woman
I wish Kanye West could have been in New Orleans with that bling bling flashing, they would have skinned him down to his bones! That would show him just how much they really appreciate one of their brothas.
They need to start shooting looters. Anyone over 16 who did not evacuate I feel no sympathy for.

The only good thing West's statements accomplished is it probably reduced the money donated to help the ignoramuses in New Orleans.
Oh God....I bet the Hurricane was racist too. I mean it did kill more blacks then whites! THAT IS IGNORANCE.....
Kanye West is a ****ing moron who just because he is famous means he is right to speak anything that spouts out of his ****in skull. HE IS A TRUE DIPSHIT and should NOT be able to do charity performances again
Typical ******. Got to bring more drama to an already stressful situation. The hurricane should've targeted his ass. His perception certainly isn't reality.

Seriously, if Bush WAS racist, don't you think after all these years he would have done more things to hurt blacks in the past? Why would he wait now? And the fact that whites live down there as well, if he was racist, do you think he'd let the whites suffer? I think not. Kanye is just another stereotypical ****** that influences the stupid and it spreads like wildfire. **** him and his asinine ideology.
I hate it when entertainment stars try to take a soap box on politics of any kind. Dixie Chicks, Tom Cruise, Michael Jackson (indirectly), etc. I mean, we don't support you because of your politics. (I don't support the aforementioned, anyways...) That's not your job. Just another bunch of idiots who think they can get away with everything, and do.
He should shut his face. Him saying **** like that probably hurt some incoming donations. Idiots like that should be..boxed XD

I'm sick of so many black people going, "wooeeeeeee I'm black the world hates me! and the hurricane was racist (re: gray~gal), and NOW the president! woooooe and i'm a thief, NOT a "searcher" woeeeeeee woe!!!!"

honestly. shut up and do something productive for your race instead of just bitch.
Ruse said:
I hate it when entertainment stars try to take a soap box on politics of any kind. Dixie Chicks, Tom Cruise, Michael Jackson (indirectly), etc. I mean, we don't support you because of your politics. (I don't support the aforementioned, anyways...) That's not your job. Just another bunch of idiots who think they can get away with everything, and do.

Technically, its not the general public's job to bitch about politics either. We still manage though. Have you seen the threads on this system? Its spewing political stances and opinions.

Yea, it gets annoying in most cases, but celebrities only do it because they know they can get the exposure that the common person can't. They live in this country just as we do. Granted they do have quite an exquisite lifestyle, and probably don't give two cents worth of **** about what they're protesting, but they still have the right to do so.

We live in a Democracy where you can speak out against the government or society (to a certain extent of course). Anything else would be fascist, and a mockery of why we broke away in the first place.
Sure you can speak out against your government.. But come on here !!

I ****ing HATE Bush, am very non-racist, and even I thought the guys comment was totally ****ing retarded..

How in the hell is it even remotely Bush's fault ??

First thing I thought when watching it on T.V. was, "YOU STUPID ASS IDIOT, THERE GOES A SHITLOAD OF DONATIONS".

Dumb ****er should try and make up for the donations that now WON'T come in by selling some of that Bling Bling he made by making a crappy album being the RIAA's newest puppet.

Wonder if Kanye is so sure of his own talent that he would be willing to toss away a few million of his OWN CASH to help.. After all, he's speaking for the oppressed Brutha's:rolleyes: they must ****ing love him, he should be able to produce a sorry ass RAP album and sell MILLIONS rapping about how much it's Bush's fault, and how Bush oppressed them.
True, and the true test of how much he actually cares is what he is willing to do to help everyone, not just the blacks, down there.

As for the comment on bush, lets face it, He's a scapegoat. quite an easy target in fact. I think his comments were breeding way before the hurricane hit, and the hurricane just served as a spark. A perfect oppertunity to get his oppinion (as well as the oppinoins of others) out there.

Sure, I too feel as though the donations will suffer. but if people are genuinely concerned with the well-being of people hit by Katrina, then I'm sure they will still donate.
TWorld PoliceA said:
I wish Kanye West could have been in New Orleans with that bling bling flashing, they would have skinned him down to his bones! That would show him just how much they really appreciate one of their brothas.

This statement is so simple yet soooooo true. Very well put. This is indicitive of the black culture. They act like they got each others back, but look what happens when they are put together. How many fights, rapes, and murders were reported in these hotels that were reportedly evacuated before the 'blacks' were? The hotels that had mainly white clientel. None that I heard of.

The blacks ran wild without the presence of authority. As soon as the authorities showed up saturday morning, the ******s dumped their 9's in dumpsters and stood in line next to the people they had been terrorizing, and got their handouts of food and water.

However, on the flip side. Lets be honest for a minute. Picture if you will, Thousands of middle-class white suburbanites, stranded at the mall in Iowa. Do you think crime would run rampant thoughout the crowd? If this happened in small town Nebraska, would there be gangs of thugs roaming about shooting at medical personel?
RoyalOrleans said:
Are you sure about that?

not entirely, but its all I could come up with. All I know is the guy raps. I heard one of his songs once, wasnt impressed. but hey, not a big fan of rap anyway.
Yeah if you wanna know kanye west is he sings that shitty song Jesus walks...he thinks hes all high and mighty....he is a dumb **** "Nigga"