**** Kanye West

OK then I don't know if bush is racist at heart but he certainly is a heartless *******!!!

I found an interesting article.

System Failure
Thu, 8 Sep 2005 02:13:44 -0700
By Jackson Thoreau

Timeline shows the depths of callousness Bush & Co. displayed after Katrina hit

For further proof of what a sorry, callous, shitty response the Bush administration made to Hurricane Katrina, check the following timeline.

Bush & Co. were warned days in advance, and still Bush stayed on his five-week vacation and focused on ignoring the wishes of a mother of a soldier who died in Iraq to meet him.

The day after the hurricane hit, killing more than 1,000 people and leaving thousands more stranded and in danger of dying, Bush spoke about immigration with his Department of Homeland Security director and at a public forum in Arizona, did a birthday cake photo op, and attended at least one political fund-raiser on the West Coast, more than a thousand miles from the Gulf Coast. The next day, Bush tried to play guitar with a country singer as more people in New Orleans died.

Bush didn
Ok then I don't know if bush is rascist at heart but he certainly is a heartless *******!!!

I found an interesting article.

System Failure
Thu, 8 Sep 2005 02:13:44 -0700
By Jackson Thoreau

Timeline shows the depths of callousness Bush & Co. displayed after Katrina hit

For further proof of what a sorry, callous, shitty response the Bush administration made to Hurricane Katrina, check the following timeline.

Bush & Co. were warned days in advance, and still Bush stayed on his five-week vacation and focused on ignoring the wishes of a mother of a soldier who died in Iraq to meet him.

The day after the hurricane hit, killing more than 1,000 people and leaving thousands more stranded and in danger of dying, Bush spoke about immigration with his Department of Homeland Security director and at a public forum in Arizona, did a <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=9&k=birthday%20cake" onmouseover="window.status='birthday cake'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">birthday cake</a> photo op, and attended at least one political fund-raiser on the West Coast, more than a thousand miles from the Gulf Coast. The next day, Bush tried to play <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=9&k=guitar" onmouseover="window.status='guitar'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">guitar</a> with a country singer as more people in New Orleans died.

Bush didn
TWorld PoliceA said:
Idiot! I don't believe anything extreme leftist write (I didn't even read most of your post, didn't need to)! It seems they are always having to retract at least 50% of what they write. Its done happened over and over just about this hurricane alone. They can not help themselves from lying and distorting the truth.

And you know the exact truth? You know which parts of the media that are true and what is not true. No one know what the exact truth is. Everyone believes what they wanna believe. Including you.
Do a Google search on Jackson Thoreau and you will see he has nothing but a hard-on for the Bushes.
He is a one man smear campaignist. Take what this asshole says with a grain of salt.
Vortex said:
Perhaps not so much

I think bush could have done a lot more. After all he told the world to sit on his middle finger and spin when it came to Iraq.

He just didn't take it seriously. Its not his fault he is inept, really. He is the president of the united states. He has so much at his disposal. but didn't act quickly enough. Or have we forgotten his story time during 9/11?

But to say its racist....that's kinda silly. I think condoleeza rice would have at least had the notion to say "nigga please" and advise him otherwise.

Bush is probably deep down a nice dude (no matter how much i would love to see him get his ass plowed by a big leather daddy for his gay stance) and probably cares for our country and wants the best for it. But when the country is too blind to realize a corporate/adviser puppet when they see one who is really to blame?

Bush, i entirely believe, isn't in power in this country and has made me think twice about democracy being the answer. We have somehow made ourselves, the voters, powerless other than who is the figurehead! We may as well elect a celebrity to make the speeches the real string pullers are saying. At least it would be prettier. But a scapegoat is always better than realizing the truth in how things work.

Bush's real problem is his father. He was labeled a "wimp" and now he wants to make up for it in any way he can. This disaster was natures fault.....not a terrorist or a country....so he probably freaked out and didn't know what to do. Instead of labeled a "wimp" he can now wear his hello my name is dumb ass sticker proud! because he didn't have the balls to override his advisers and people really in charge to get this done quicker (which he technically has the power to do)

I could have called the culligan man and filled my cr-v up and drove there in 2 days. But these people had to wait 5 to get some water without looting/searching.

It was in our own back yard, the federal government has a responsibility to its people and it failed.........miserably. To say they aren't at fault is not accurate. To say they didn't try is also not accurate. To say they didn't do a good enough, or even adequate job is right on the money

There is my 2 cents.......and i don't even have my own thread about it :D

and just because i think humor heals...here enjoy

Click Me

I have to generally disagree with your entire statement! I think you need to take a step back and look at America and yourself and maybe re-evaluate your opinions
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Do a Google search on Jackson Thoreau and you will see he has nothing but a hard-on for the Bushes.
He is a one man smear campaignist. Take what this asshole says with a grain of salt.

Isn't that the truth...

Bush isn't exactly all that hot, but he's definitely not as Jackson Thoreau paints him to be.

But why does this not surpsire me? After all, Jackson Thoreau is the resident King of Propaganda Central.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
After all, Jackson Thoreau is the resident King of Propaganda Central.
There it is, folks.
In simple-to-read, black script.
Those of you who agree with Mr. Thoreau are propagandists and can go **** yourself. I can question Mr. Bush's motives and policies all day long but I will never buy into propagandist rhetoric...period
Hating the pres. has not one ****ing thing to do with donating to the people who are dying, its the ****ers who thought...or were ignorant enough to think///"ill just steal a TV in the middle of a crisis and maybe in 4 hours 20 feet of water will be gone and I will be able to sell the TV i Stole for 20 bucks." Dumb ****ing fools while they were stealing USELESS electronics, their kids were dying of ****ing starvation...dumb asses, they ignorant and selfish and they in no way tried to evacuate out of that ****ing place, and who helps...we do, us..the U.S who are HOW MANY TRILLIONS IN DEBT STILL...um

last time i checked at my job we were doing a ****ing tsunami relief fund, blame no one for mother nature except your dumb ass self for living there...so lets rebuild the whole damn place, so in the peak of the hurricane season it can happen again, and we can rebuild again...

Bush would ave reacted faster if the people were white....simple reason being because he knows that more white people are paying to support the governments dumb mistakes and paying all these ****ing tax dollars and all the ******s are doing is spending that money....hmm save the spenders....or the payers...that's like saying if two bags were sitting in front of you, and one was full of money and one was empty, you;d pick up the empty one...not logical...**** the media **** what they say about bush, not that I like the ****er, but put anyone else in his place and see if they could fix the disaster....

ahh its all bull **** get rid of them all, only ones i feel bad for are all the innocent ****** children...who have no choice but to be poor because their parents are ignorant...

and the blacks always ****ing think the whites are against them...when really were always trying to make up for **** in the past rebuild them homes..let 80% of the ******s live off our our tax dollars with 65 kids while we work our ****ing asses off to pay taxes...and all the **** they do is complain complain complain...

ii had a black ****** bitch come through my job in a brand new ****ing SUV trying to tel me she couldn't give me her 50 cents co pay for medicaid, i wanted to spit in her face

Another guy, viagara not covered by medicaid, he will pay 37.50 for that **** but not a dollar for his other prescription, our world is ****ed and the future is ****ed, **** welfare, get rid of all of it...get ur lazy asses up and get a ****in job, the only people who need that **** our mothers with children...or disabled ppl, and no being a ****** is NOT considered disabled, although I'm starting to think so...
OK speaking of the RACE issue. I am watching the news right now as they are attempting final evacuation of N.O. . You all were talking about the black people here, but guess who are refusing the evacuate. Those ever intelligent crackers. I haven't seen a single black person refusing the leave, it is only the crackers that are sticking around making life more difficult for authorities. Just thought I would add that little tidbit
Okay...enough is enough...

New Orleans is ****ed now because it was ****ED before. I know, I've been there before and I had my eyes wide open.

Nobody wants to tell the truth about the place, so I will.

New Orleans was a OLD, CRUMBLING, POOR, ILLITERATE, SHANTY TOWN of a city. Race had NOTHING to do with it.

Only 23% of the population has a high school diploma for God's sake!

The average OVERALL per capital income is only $17,258 with the black average being just $11,332!

47% of the population rented with the average rent being $380/month and the age of the average rented dwelling was 1954 (51 years old)!

Whites are 28.1% and Blacks are 67.3% of the population. The rest are other races.

New Orleans was a modern day slum. The majority of the people there work and live hand to mouth and have a shaky education at best.

Add 1 natural disaster of incredible proportions, and this is what you get....

Sad sad sad...
Regardless of the physical stats of the city you cannot deny it's charm, beauty, flavor and spirit. It is a spirit worth believing in. Whenever I was there I made it a point to see as MUCH of the city and it's people as I could fit into my limited time there. I was welcomed onto every porch (laughed at for my northeastern accent and ignorance of southern tradition and hospitality) There is an untouchable essence to the city that exists no matter what teh stats are and THAT is a truth your statistics fail to mention
tizz said:
Regardless of the physicall stats of the city you cannot deny it's charm, beauty, flavor and spirit. It is a spirit worth believing in. Whenever I was there I made it a point to see as MUCH of teh city and it's people as I could fit into my limited time there. I was welcomed onto every porch (laughed at for my northeastern accent and ignorance of southern trafition and hospitality) There is an untouchabel essence to the city that exists no matter what teh stats are and THAT is a truth your statixtics fail to mention

Well said. Also, if a savage criminal element and burgeoning welfare costs are just cause for closing a city, how many other cities would also qualify?

As for building below sea level, the Dutch are doing the same, quite effectively.
The dutch have the advantage of building now. NO has been around for a while and the longer a community stands the harder it becomes to physically change it, but yes we can learns mountains from the Dutch.

As for the cities? Every city in my state would be shut down in a heartbeat. I WON'T go to them unless absolutely necessary. I am just a scared white girl from the jersey shore in our cities, the scare the **** out of me. YIKES!
tizz said:
Regardless of the physicall stats of the city you cannot deny it's charm, beauty, flavor and spirit. It is a spirit worth believing in. Whenever I was there I made it a point to see as MUCH of teh city and it's people as I could fit into my limited time there. I was welcomed onto every porch (laughed at for my northeastern accent and ignorance of southern trafition and hospitality) There is an untouchabel essence to the city that exists no matter what teh stats are and THAT is a truth your statixtics fail to mention

I never denied the charm of the place, I simply pointed out how this escalated into a catastrophe...Poverty and ignorance are wicked allies of tragedy.
tizz said:
The dutch have the advantage of building now. NO has been around for a while and the longer a cominity stands the harder it becomes to physically change it, but yes we can learns mountains from the Dutch.

As for the cities? Every city in my state would be shut down in a heartbeat. I WON'T go to them unles absolutely necesary. I am just a scared white girl from teh jersey shore in our cities, the scare the **** out of me. YIKES!
Three words come to mind:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
I never denied the charm of the place, I simply pointed out how this escalated into a catastrophe...Poverty and ignorance are wicked allies of tragedy.

Agreed. Do you agree that negative propaganda and racism are more the case here?

For instance, Anderson Cooper, a usually unruffled anchor for CNN, who has crafted an air of cool chic on his nightly show 360, could barely contain his rage when interviewing Mary Landrieu, a Democratic sentator from Louisiana.

Cooper had been in New Orleans for days and was clearly sick of listening to political spin when it was obvious from the images, and from what he was witnessing first hand, that the US was in the middle of a failed relief operation and it was costing lives.
Okay...enough is enough...PART II.

Findlay, Ohio isn't ****ed now because it wasn't ****ED before. I know, I live here and have my eyes wide open.

I'll tell you the truth about the place, so listen up.

Findlay is a OLD, WELL ESTABLISHED, HISTORICALLY PRESERVED, AFFLUENT, LOVELY HOMES AND FEW APARTMENTS of a city. Race probably has NOTHING to do with it but education, values, and integrity do.

Only 96.8% of the adult population has a high school diploma for God's sake!

The average OVERALL per capital income is only $21,328 with the black average being just $15,539!

32.6% of the population rented with the average rent being $416/month and the age of the average rented dwelling was 1963 (42 years old)!

Whites are 93.7% and Blacks are 1.4% of the population. The rest are other races.

Findlay is a modern day paradise. The majority of the people here work in good jobs and save a portion of their incomes so that they may buy a home and have a good standard of living later in life. 50.7% of the adults have a college degree or some type of college level education.

The number of violent crimes recorded by the FBI in 2003 was 96.

The number of murders and homicides was 0.

The violent crime rate was 2.4 per 1,000 people.

Add 0 natural disaster of incredible proportions, and this is what you get....

Happy Joy Joy...

Hmmm...why is this?