**** Kanye West

Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Because Findlay isn't surrounded by water and residing on a negatively inverted silt-base plain. :D

There's that geography thingy again... Hmm...

That could be it maybe...but then again, not that I'm racist or anything but...
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Three words come to mind:

DUMBASS I don't LIVE in the cites here I avoid them like the plague!! I live safely in a suburban shore comunityhanks
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Okay...enough is enough...PART II.

Findlay, Ohio isn't ****ed now because it wasn't ****ED before. I know, I live here and have my eyes wide open.

I'll tell you the truth about the place, so listen up.

Findlay is a OLD, WELL ESTABLISHED, HISTORICALLY PRESERVED, AFFLUENT, LOVELY HOMES AND FEW APARTMENTS of a city. Race probably has NOTHING to do with it but education, values, and integrity do.

Only 96.8% of the adult population has a high school diploma for God's sake!

The average OVERALL per capital income is only $21,328 with the black average being just $15,539!

32.6% of the population rented with the average rent being $416/month and the age of the average rented dwelling was 1963 (42 years old)!

Whites are 93.7% and Blacks are 1.4% of the population. The rest are other races.

Findlay is a modern day paradise. The majority of the people here work in good jobs and save a portion of their incomes so that they may buy a home and have a good standard of living later in life. 50.7% of the adults have a college degree or some type of college level education.

The number of violent crimes recorded by the FBI in 2003 was 96.

The number of murders and homicides was 0.

The violent crime rate was 2.4 per 1,000 people.

Add 0 natural disaster of incredible proportions, and this is what you get....

Happy Joy Joy...

Hmmm...why is this?

But it's OHIO!!!!!!!!!! The MOST boring state in teh union when you are stuck driving through it. IT NEVER ENDS and it NEVER CHANGES!!!!!
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Because Findlay isn't surrounded by water and residing on a negatively inverted silt-base plain. :D

Oh but wait Batman!

We ARE surrounded by Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Canada!

****...how do we ever keep the Barbarian Hordes at bay? :p
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I have to generally disagree with your entire statement! I think you need to take a step back and look at America and yourself and maybe re-evaluate your opinions
Vortex said:
You are seriously asking a gay man to step back and look at america and be sympathetic?!?!?!?!?!?

Well hear it. Im sure a bunch of school children would be okay with him excusing himself from story time to handle things a "tad" more important. Their feelings would not have been hurt. Nor the teachers. Its the freaking country not the story time that we are worried about. Bush is an idiot.....will always be.

Disturbed or no....his attention was needed eslewhere. And 6 year olds may get upset...but **** them. It is about protecting them, not about their feelings that the president left during the story!!!!!!!!!!!

and with NO.......he could fly over the city seven thousand times.....but it still doesnt excuse he fact that it took 5 days for the people to get water......

I have to totally agree with Vortex on this one. I often put it to people like this.

Do you think that Ronald Regan or Bill Clinton would have continued to sit there after having been told what had just happened on 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina? Hardly!

They were both action oriented presidents!
As George Carlin once said: "Kiss her where it stinks.....take her to New Jersey"

Ah yes, the Garbage...er, I mean, the "Garden State"....Lovely place :eek:
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
As George Carlin once said: "Kiss her where it stinks.....take her to New Jersey"

Ah yes, the Garbage...er, I mean, the "Garden State"....Lovely place :eek:

Hey it doesn't ALL smell like ass ya know!!! My part usually just smell like low tide :p Geesh I wish they would move the airport, all people see when they come through here is North Jersey, the rectum of America
tizz said:
Hey it doesn't ALL smell like ass ya know!!! My part usually just smell like low tide :p Geesh I wish they would move the airport, all people see when they come through here is North Jersey, the rectum of america

Welcome to New Jersey...where the debris meets the sea!
That's about right CES, not the mention the land where GOVT is MORE corrupt tham the mob LOL no joke there it really is
i can understand people looting for food, THAT is OK. not saying it is right, but if were me having no money and starving i would steel for food. BUT the matter is people are steeling tvs, stero's, cloths...ect this that are MATERIAL. and what is sad goes for black people. the cameras are shooting black people stealing material items. so Kanye West goes off and says Bush hates black people. NO he dosent! LIBERAL media shows us what we want to see and that is low income people breaking the law. for Kanye West to say what he did is the most racist thing iv ever heard and the guy should not be a role model in UNITED STATES.
ghouse1 said:
i can understand people looting for food, THAT is OK. not saying it is right, but if were me having no money and starving i would steel for food. BUT the matter is people are steeling tvs, stero's, cloths...ect this that are MATERIAL. and what is sad goes for black people. the cameras are shooting black people stealing material items. so Kanye West goes off and says Bush hates black people. NO he dosent! LIBERAL media shows us what we want to see and that is low income people breaking the law. for Kanye West to say what he did is the most racist thing iv ever heard and the guy should not be a role model in UNITED STATES.

No he should not. Clothes I can understand taking too, as long as it serves the purpose of keeping dry or warm (provided they are in good condition in the aftermath of the storm). But sadly we all know, guys like Kanye are ADMIRED by the youth of America as are the the other popular entertainers in this country who provide a bad influence. IMO, if our generation is bad now, it is certainly going to get worse.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
I have to totally agree with Vortex on this one. I often put it to people like this.

Do you think that Ronald Regan or Bill Clinton would have continued to sit there after having been told what had just happened on 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina? Hardly!

They were both action oriented presidents!

Are you seriously suggesting that clinton was an action oriented president, well anywhere besides under/on his desk?? You don't really believe that do you?? Look at the time the twin towers in NY were bombed pre 9/11, what did clinton do then?? :rolleyes:
RegisteredAndEducated said:
Are you seriously suggesting that clinton was an action oriented president, well anywhere besides under/on his desk?? You don't really believe that do you?? Look at the time the twin towers in NY were bombed pre 9/11, what did clinton do then?? :rolleyes:

apparently a more than adequate amount...

....or did i miss the "TT bombing commission" report?
RegisteredAndEducated said:
Are you seriously suggesting that clinton was an action oriented president, well anywhere besides under/on his desk?? You don't really believe that do you?? Look at the time the twin towers in NY were bombed pre 9/11, what did clinton do then?? :rolleyes:

Yes, Clinton was an action oriented president. I'm so utterly tired of people who only care about how and where he got his knob polished. Big ****ing deal. For a Democrat, he was an excellent President.

If you are no naive as to think that all powerful men don't have a multitude of available women to suck their **** at will, you are an ostrich with your head in the sand.
Back to the topic at hand: **** kanye west.....I say yes, repeatedly, with a big wooden phallus and then, at the last insertion, break the mother-****er off and beat him over the skull with the remainder and shove that sectiion down his gullet. Then he could closely resemble a big, ****ing, fudgesicle with a smattering of "****YOU" for an extra-added bonus!!
**** that stupid gorilla!!! :mad: