Kids In Cages???


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-

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I cant believe adults can do this to children. Put their kids in cages like dogs in heat. What the ****!?!
I mean what would be the justification of doing so to a 1 yr old or 14 yr old?
They cant pee or **** anywhere else ...but as the article reads they were wall clothed and looked clean...OMG who CARES!
and all should be shot to be put outta MY misery!
Gray~Gal said:;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-

This site might show up if not its found on Yahoo!
I cant believe adults can do this to children. Put their kids in cages like dogs in heat. What the ****!?!
I mean what would be the justification of doing so to a 1 yr old or 14 yr old?
They cant pee or **** anywhere else ...but as the article reads they were wall clothed and looked clean...OMG who CARES!
and all should be shot to be put outta MY misery!

As much as I don't care for kids, I could have sworn they were people too and to be treated humane. Isolation of a child like that is not a good thing for a growing mind. In fact, it is quite detrimental. I really don't know why people are allowed to continue breeding.
I believe these children were adopted? This is extremely irresponsible on the state's part if they were. So many children are lost in the system every year due to negligence.

Anyways, the punishment, simple, put the parents in cages! :D
I read this article too, and I thought that the kids just slept in these cages because some shrink told them it was good for the kids??? I didn't see where they were kept locked up in these cells all day everyday... maybe I missed something.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I read this article too, and I thought that the kids just slept in these cages because some shrink told them it was good for the kids??? I didn't see where they were kept locked up in these cells all day everyday... maybe I missed something.

From the sound of it they only slept in the cages....

Its creepy and wierd and i dont know if i want to comment further without more information.

....but something is a foot.......

.........To the mystery van scoob!
Vortex said:
From the sound of it they only slept in the cages....

Its creepy and wierd and i dont know if i want to comment further without more information.

....but something is a foot.......

.........To the mystery van scoob!
You're right Vortex! Something really weird is going on here... The only problem I have with the case so far (with the limited info presented) is that the state disrupted the lives of these children because it looks "weird". I agree that further investigation is required, but I don't see traumatizing these children any further if they are happy and healthy otherwise (maybe the foster parents are telling the truth and maybe the shrink was right and this very unconventional therapy is working... I'm not a psychologist, I don't know)

No I'm not referring to the people putting kids in cages, I'm referring to the people AGAINST putting the kids in cages.

If anything I feel this is the idea ever.The little shits were probably being, well little shits, and they got what they deserved. It's a hell of a lot better than beating them down.

Hell, I think all kids and teens belong in cages, that way they can do the least amount of damage.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
No I'm not referring to the people putting kids in cages, I'm referring to the people AGAINST putting the kids in cages.
If anything I feel this is the idea ever.The little shits were probably being, well little shits, and they got what they deserved. It's a hell of a lot better than beating them down.
Hell, I think all kids and teens belong in cages, that way they can do the least amount of damage.
KVH, that is probably THE stupidest thing I have heard you say yet.
1-14 and have conditions that included autism and fetal alcohol syndrome.
No charges had been filed as of Tuesday afternoon, and messages left with the couple's lawyer were not immediately returned.
The Gravelles have said a psychiatrist recommended they make the children sleep in the cages, Huron County Prosecutor Russell Leffler told the Norwalk Reflector. The parents said the children, including some who had mental disorders, needed to be protected from each other, according to a search warrant on file at Norwalk Municipal Court.
Locking a child in a cage is never an appropriate disciplinary strategy. This idiot psychiatrist should have his lisence taken away. Especially considering the fact that these are mostly special needs children. IF the parents didn't have the appropriate means to keep these children safe and take proper care of them then they never should have adopted in the first place.
Locking a child in a cage is never an appropriate disciplinary strategy. This idiot psychiatrist should have his lisence taken away. Especially considering the fact that these are mostly special needs children. IF the parents didn't have the appropriate means to keep these children safe and take proper care of them then they never should have adopted in the first place.

Have they proved yet that a psychiatrist told them to do it, or was that just some bullshit they made up? I haven't seen anything about it, I just know what I've read on here and heard from others.
cynthiaa89 said:
Have they proved yet that a psychiatrist told them to do it, or was that just some bullshit they made up? I haven't seen anything about it, I just know what I've read on here and heard from others.

Don't know yet. Haven't read any newer articles on the subject, if I find out I will definitely post it.
I am the type that would just kill the drama altogether and NOT have kids. I do not see the purpose in doing so and have no desire of passing on my genetics.
angie said:
KVH, that is probably THE stupidest thing I have heard you say yet.

News Flash! Not everyone has the same views as you. And yes I seriously am for locking kids in cages.

Outlaw2747 said:
am the type that would just kill the drama altogether and NOT have kids. I do not see the purpose in doing so and have no desire of passing on my genetics.

A good idea but still there are many that don't share this.
Yea I know. If your gonna have kids, at least know what to expect and have a reasonable degree of intelligence. As far as locking them up...I'm not for that but things tend to be carded (have a flipside). KVH just so happens to see a different side of the card than most people.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:

No I'm not referring to the people putting kids in cages, I'm referring to the people AGAINST putting the kids in cages.

If anything I feel this is the idea ever.The little shits were probably being, well little shits, and they got what they deserved. It's a hell of a lot better than beating them down.

Hell, I think all kids and teens belong in cages, that way they can do the least amount of damage.
This fits your communist views to a tee! Hell, a true commie would advocate that ALL people be locked in cages and only the special KGB would have the keys and the top party officials could allow a few workers out to farm a few veggies for the community.
angie said:
KVH, that is probably THE stupidest thing I have heard you say yet.
KVH is a communist! Did this response actually surprise you?

Locking a child in a cage is never an appropriate disciplinary strategy. This idiot psychiatrist should have his lisence taken away. Especially considering the fact that these are mostly special needs children. IF the parents didn't have the appropriate means to keep these children safe and take proper care of them then they never should have adopted in the first place.
Did the article say that they were "locked" into the cages, I thought it said they slept in the cages... If they were actually locked up then the fostre parents should be locked in cages as well. Could you imagine if a fire broke out in the home and these dip-shits are scrambling for keys in the mayhem, or worse unconscience while the children die needlessly...
Outlaw2747 said:
I am the type that would just kill the drama altogether and NOT have kids. I do not see the purpose in doing so and have no desire of passing on my genetics.
Damn shame, Outlaw... I think the world would better off if you would propogate yourself! But to each his own I guess.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
News Flash! Not everyone has the same views as you. And yes I seriously am for locking kids in cages.

A good idea but still there are many that don't share this.

I don't need your newsflash TYVM. I KNOW that not everyone agrees with my opinions all the time. That's why I came to a DEBATE FORUM. But locking kids in cages? Gimme a break. Beyond ridiculous. Sick and twisted if you ask me. And hazardous as MRIH pointed out.