Kids In Cages???

ToriAllen said:
Do you get on my nerves? Yes.
Is your mentality worth the cage? Yes.

Is Goth out of style? Hell Yes. Wash your hair, wash off the make-up, and buy a suit. You have the potential to be incredibly good looking...Sorry, I digress.
Back to the cage Goth boy. I'm doing it for the children...

I don't really give a flying **** what is out of style. It's a free ****ing country I'll wear whatever the **** I want.

And I dont' really give a **** if I get on your nerves, because you're a nothing more than a walking pile of pig **** for all I care.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I don't really give a flying **** what is out of style. It's a free ****ing country I'll wear whatever the **** I want.

And I dont' really give a **** if I get on your nerves, because you're a nothing more than a walking pile of pig **** for all I care

Wow man, you okay? You seem to be getting pretty fed up as of late man. Tori as well...
Lethalfind said:
Race was brought into the conversation I was watching between Nancy Grace who was a prosecuting attorney before she went on CNN, the Psychiatrist who works with her, The adoptive parents brought it up also by saying they didn't feel "comfortable" bringing these children to church in the community because they the parents were white and the children are black.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, some members of the community are bigotted have threatened them in some way? There is always more sides to a story than your preconceived ideals. I'm not saying that they are innocent or guilty, I don't think there is near enough information to make any judgement whatsoever. Hell, they haven't even been charged with anything... yet.

Don't be so ****in blind, race is almost always part of the issue.
1) Don't be so ****ing stupid, "almost always" is by definition not100% your prejudice is getting the best of your argument.
2) "The Issue" which issue, the issue at hand no body even knows about, and there are no formal charges in the case, what "Issue" are you babbling about?

Study crime statistics.
Woah, girl! I know a lot about crime statistics... try me.

If its a white on white crime, there is one punishment handed down, if its black on white, its far harsher.
not neccessarily true, in fact you statistically you have it backwards, the FBI reports that at of all race-based crimes 17% are committed by blacks against whites and 66% are committed by whites against blacks.'race crime statistics'But out of all violent crimes committed 40% are perpetrated by Black offenders it appears that blacks are far less likely to be charged with a "hate crime" than whites who commit the same crime.

This is not my opinion, its well established fact. You should all read up on it before you talk alot of ****.
I did my research, it seems like YOU should do yours.
"you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, some members of the community are bigotted have threatened them in some way? There is always more sides to a story than your preconceived ideals. I'm not saying that they are innocent or guilty, I don't think there is near enough information to make any judgement whatsoever. Hell, they haven't even been charged with anything... yet."

I would think that if such threats had been made that their defense attorny would have stated this in order to offer his clients some cover for their behavior. He made no such claim...
Please don't let the fact that I have made a statement about this case cloud what is really going on here. Don't take my word for it, if you disbeleive something I have said here, felt I have colored it for my own purpose, please please please read up on it. For me at least thats the whole point of participating in this blog. Its posible for us all to hear the same facts and understand different sides of the same issue.
If you honestly feel that someone can lock children disabled or not up in cages and they could be innocent, then IN MY OPINION, your an animal. If these people couldn't handle the children they should have asked for help. It is quite simply against the law to treat children this way.
It has been suggested that they may have misbehaved and this was their punishment. This kind of treatment of a child with autism for instance will have no effect on correcting any kind of so called bad behavoir. They don't respond to that kind of treatment. Isn't the point of punishment to amend behavoir?? Or is it in this case a way to make life easier for the lazy people who adopted them for the money they could get from the government? Are you really unaware of the fact that there are people out there who adopt disabled children or become foster parents just for the money that the government gives them?? I of course don't mean to say that all people are like that because I know thats not true. The people I have met would never think of locking a child in a cage made of chicken wire and 2 x 4's.
Whats so funny is that you think it matters if you think its ok. There are laws against this kind of thing. It doesn't matter what a child does, they have certain inalienable rights. The child does not have to have an adult around them say its OK for them to have those rights. The government has interceded and removed these children and now the people who adopted them will have to get a ****in job.
Wheres the compassion???
Do you all really not know what it is to be in the mental state of these children?? I hope thats it. The state of these children is sad indeed. Some of them self mutilated and ate things not considered food such as batteries. How do you think they got that way??? They didn't spring from the womb that way. Some son of a bitch abused them until their little souls were fractured. Now the government has given them to people who are furthering the abuse.
Its been an issue for some time that the government should be doing more research into who is adopting children. Did you know that in the state of Florida all you have to do is get through one 1 1/2 session with psychiatrist to confirm your not crazy??? Anybody can do this. It has turned back on the state agencies because so often they allow people who are deeply trouble to adopt children and then abuse them all over again. In their attempt to help the children they have become an abuser.
When my parents adopted me in the late 60's, they didn't even have to get through a session with an MD. All they did was research if my parents could financially provide for me. No research was done as to the mental stability of the family unit. No one found out about the dark underbelly of my family...
When I worked for the mental health insurance company I heard stories like this all the time. We had one client who had attempted suicide many times but somehow the state of Utah thought she was a good person to adopt children. She had a major diagnoses, she was never going to get better.
Again I say the definition of a society is how we treat our weakest members.
This lazy attitude toward who is good enough to adopt and foster children needs to change, its been going on far too long. Unfortunately it will take a problem like this to shine a spotlight on it.
Only a couple of days ago, Jeb Bush found out that in Florida social workers had stopped making home visits due to the rise in fuel as an attempt to save money. Remember this is the state that LOST a foster child under their care and falsified documents to cover this up. Jeb of course ordered them to make these visits.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I don't really give a flying **** what is out of style. It's a free ****ing country I'll wear whatever the **** I want.
Yes. Everyone has the right to look like a dork stuck in the early nineties Goth phase. I'm just not sure why anyone would want to.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
And I dont' really give a **** if I get on your nerves, because you're a nothing more than a walking pile of pig **** for all I care
Boohoohoo. That really hurts. You opinion means sooo much to me. :rolleyes:
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I don't really give a flying **** what is out of style. It's a free ****ing country I'll wear whatever the **** I want.

I'm not going to comment on the rest of this thread for a moment..I'm simply replying to this part of this post....


I fully agree with you. Dress however you want, especially in your own free time. Conservative fraidy cats dress like the great unwashed masses. "What's in style" "this season's colors" are for lemmings. Wear penguin pajamas with your favorite hoodie and black boots to the grocery store...or a hospital gown with the gardening boots...(I have) ....anyone who wants to rank you for your clothing as being too "unique" or not conforming to the current style (unless it's at work and you've ascribed to their asinine views by taking the job) .... is simply under the thumb of the great ocean of public opinion, and as such, they are to be pitied. These pitiful wrenches are, however unknowingly, brainwashed into a sheep mentality, feeling they must strike out at or run from anyone who looks "different".

It's one of the most primitive urges and rejections, "you don't look like me", and therefore is base and has no grounding in truth or actual importance/significance.

Personally, I would like to own a giant bunny costume, and wear it on those days I'm feeling.....kinda like a bunny.
skategreen said:
I'm not going to comment on the rest of this thread for a moment..I'm simply replying to this part of this post....


I fully agree with you. Dress however you want, especially in your own free time. Conservative fraidy cats dress like the great unwashed masses. "What's in style" "this season's colors" are for lemmings. Wear penguin pajamas with your favorite hoodie and black boots to the grocery store...or a hospital gown with the gardening boots...(I have) ....anyone who wants to rank you for your clothing as being too "unique" or not conforming to the current style (unless it's at work and you've ascribed to their asinine views by taking the job) .... is simply under the thumb of the great ocean of public opinion, and as such, they are to be pitied. These pitiful wrenches are, however unknowingly, brainwashed into a sheep mentality, feeling they must strike out at or run from anyone who looks "different".

It's one of the most primitive urges and rejections, "you don't look like me", and therefore is base and has no grounding in truth or actual importance/significance.

Personally, I would like to own a giant bunny costume, and wear it on those days I'm feeling.....kinda like a bunny.

LOL. That must have been a good bottle of wine there Skategreen! Whew.

Personally, I agree with you, but KVH is in reality, the absolute slave to fashion.

Be honest...

What is GOTH? It's a DEFINITION of a type of clothing, physical appearances, social mannerisms, and even a socially acceptable/unacceptable mindset depending from which position you are looking at it.

NOBODY who says "I am a Goth" is truly a free spirit. They are simply another onion bagel in the bin, badmouthing the ryes and the pumpernickels, and the jalape
skategreen said:
I'm not going to comment on the rest of this thread for a moment..I'm simply replying to this part of this post....


I fully agree with you. Dress however you want, especially in your own free time. Conservative fraidy cats dress like the great unwashed masses. "What's in style" "this season's colors" are for lemmings. Wear penguin pajamas with your favorite hoodie and black boots to the grocery store...or a hospital gown with the gardening boots...(I have) ....anyone who wants to rank you for your clothing as being too "unique" or not conforming to the current style (unless it's at work and you've ascribed to their asinine views by taking the job) .... is simply under the thumb of the great ocean of public opinion, and as such, they are to be pitied. These pitiful wrenches are, however unknowingly, brainwashed into a sheep mentality, feeling they must strike out at or run from anyone who looks "different".

It's one of the most primitive urges and rejections, "you don't look like me", and therefore is base and has no grounding in truth or actual importance/significance.

Personally, I would like to own a giant bunny costume, and wear it on those days I'm feeling.....kinda like a bunny.

You just described my usual outfits in HS (whatever I grabbed first and usually still with my eyes closed and half asleep LOL) I worked for the constume dept of the drama club, and that allowed me some creative liberties HEHE. Now I am LITTLE more conservative, tastes change, but I can still where the liddie shoes. I saw an awesome pair of Bazooka Joe chuck taylors yesterday and almost pitched a fit when they didn't have my size LOL. I let my daughter pick out her own clothes and it turns out she has my same fashion sense WOOOHOOOO (I lived in thrift stores nd was never afraid to wear what I found. DAMN I wish I kept more of it!!)
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
LOL. That must have been a good bottle of wine there Skategreen! Whew.

Personally, I agree with you, but KVH is in reality, the absolute slave to fashion.

Be honest...

What is GOTH? It's a DEFINITION of a type of clothing, physical appearances, social mannerisms, and even a socially acceptable/unacceptable mindset depending from which position you are looking at it.

NOBODY who says "I am a Goth" is truly a free spirit. They are simply another onion bagel in the bin, badmouthing the ryes and the pumpernickels, and the jalape
tizz said:
You just described my usual outfits in HS (whatever I grabbed first and usually still with my eyes closed and half asleep LOL) I worked for the constume dept of the drama club, and that allowed me some creative liberties HEHE. Now I am LITTLE more conservative, tastes change, but I can still where the liddie shoes. I saw an awesome pair of Bazooka Joe chuck taylors yesterday and almost pitched a fit when they didn't have my size LOL. I let my daughter pick out her own clothes and it turns out she has my same fashion sense WOOOHOOOO (I lived in thrift stores nd was never afraid to wear what I found. DAMN I wish I kept more of it!!)

In high school half the time I went to school in my pajamas.
And I LOVE thrift store shopping. My friend Agatha and I will spend an entire day just shopping at thrift stores trying to find the most abnoxious outfits possible.
angie said:
In high school half the time I went to school in my pajamas.
And I LOVE thrift store shopping. My friend Agatha and I will spend an entire day just shopping at thrift stores trying to find the most abnoxious outfits possible.

Looks like there are a few of us here who could be quite comforable raiding each other's closets....

Ohhhh let's turn this whole thread into a pajama thread!! I thought I was one of the few people who ever wore PJs anywhere and everywhere ..

"PJs, not just an article of clothing, but a way of Life!"

On one of my cross country flights a few years back..I was to get in in the wee hours and it was a long flight. So I said to heck with it and wore my PJs. Now most of the time I'd wear the funky bottom's with hoodies or tees out and about...but I'd just gotten this GREAT pair of PJs, with the bottom top matching....the long sleeved flannel kind...adorned with big fat fluffy white Sheep...

So I wore them...and was sitting in a lounge waiting for my flight...struck up a conversation with a lady in a nice peach colored business suit.

At one point she tenatively comments, "you know, your outfit looks very comfortable! It almost looks like you're wearing pajamas!"

I smiled widely and told her, "I AM!!!" ...and then showed her what had been sleeping under the feet ... in Hedgehog Slippers.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
LOL. That must have been a good bottle of wine there Skategreen! Whew.

Personally, I agree with you, but KVH is in reality, the absolute slave to fashion.

Be honest...

What is GOTH? It's a DEFINITION of a type of clothing, physical appearances, social mannerisms, and even a socially acceptable/unacceptable mindset depending from which position you are looking at it.

NOBODY who says "I am a Goth" is truly a free spirit. They are simply another onion bagel in the bin, badmouthing the ryes and the pumpernickels, and the jalape
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Personally, I agree with you, but KVH is in reality, the absolute slave to fashion.

Be honest...

What is GOTH? It's a DEFINITION of a type of clothing, physical appearances, social mannerisms, and even a socially acceptable/unacceptable mindset depending from which position you are looking at it.

NOBODY who says "I am a Goth" is truly a free spirit. They are simply another onion bagel in the bin, badmouthing the ryes and the pumpernickels, and the jalape
Now that this thread is officially hijacked and the topic is now "let's bitch about what KVH puts on in the morning".........

You people are wondering why I dress like that, so I'll tell you. I wear clothing like that because I like it. Plain and simple. I don't consider myself to be a slave to fashion anymore than anyone else who isn't a nudist. I just simply wear what I like.

Nor do I exactly consider myself to be goth. Eccentric yes, but not really goth

And I don't get mad if people are looking at me or giving me attention, in fact I enjoy it quite a bit. And I don't give a **** about the conformity crap because it's too broad of a generalizaton. Conform just means to be apart of something. The only people who are outrageously against that are those people that are trying to be unique because they haven't grasped the fact that chances are someone else is doing the exact same thing as they are, or are going to be and they aren't going to give a damn about who did it first. I don't care if someone does the same thing as me or vice versa. I do what I like to do and I leave it at that.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Now that this thread is officially hijacked and the topic is now "let's bitch about what KVH puts on in the morning".........

You people are wondering why I dress like that, so I'll tell you. I wear clothing like that because I like it. Plain and simple. I don't consider myself to be a slave to fashion anymore than anyone else who isn't a nudist. I just simply wear what I like.

Nor do I exactly consider myself to be goth. Eccentric yes, but not really goth

And I don't get mad if people are looking at me or giving me attention, in fact I enjoy it quite a bit. And I don't give a **** about the conformity crap because it's too broad of a generalizaton. Conform just means to be apart of something. The only people who are outrageously against that are those people that are trying to be unique because they haven't grasped the fact that chances are someone else is doing the exact same thing as they are, or are going to be and they aren't going to give a damn about who did it first. I don't care if someone does the same thing as me or vice versa. I do what I like to do and I leave it at that.

Actually, I think we were trying to turn it into a pajama thread.

And as for my posts, you will see that I had finally found something about which to agree with you. I saw your pic and did not pigeon hole you - and I still agree with you on this one. I find it funny that some folk automatically reach for the viewpoint that anyone with a penchant for the unusual is striving to fill an attention vacuum.

There are some, perhaps, who dress to get attention, - just as there are those who drive a particular car to garner accolades. It bothers me not. Empty headed biased hate filled smug unfriendly lemming control freaks bother me.

I don't decorate my life - my home, in cookie cutter fashion (no glass, brass and plastic K-Mart white with gold edging pressboard for my dining table) ...why would I want to adorn my body so?

I don't rail at your attire..and I have a pendant I made by cutting off the feet of a dead can borrow it sometime if you like.

remember...I'm the one on the hunt for the giant bunny costume.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Now that this thread is officially hijacked and the topic is now "let's bitch about what KVH puts on in the morning".........

You people are wondering why I dress like that, so I'll tell you. I wear clothing like that because I like it. Plain and simple. I don't consider myself to be a slave to fashion anymore than anyone else who isn't a nudist. I just simply wear what I like.

Nor do I exactly consider myself to be goth. Eccentric yes, but not really goth

And I don't get mad if people are looking at me or giving me attention, in fact I enjoy it quite a bit. And I don't give a **** about the conformity crap because it's too broad of a generalizaton. Conform just means to be apart of something. The only people who are outrageously against that are those people that are trying to be unique because they haven't grasped the fact that chances are someone else is doing the exact same thing as they are, or are going to be and they aren't going to give a damn about who did it first. I don't care if someone does the same thing as me or vice versa. I do what I like to do and I leave it at that.
Now, I really want to see the rest of your wardrobe. You too, skategreen. I have a treasured bear claw
ToriAllen said:
Honestly, you and outlaw take things way too seriously...I can see I'm going to have to change that.

HEY! IMO alot of people don't take alot of things serious enough! We tend to have different perspectives than the sheep of this world. :p
Komrade, I have to say that what cracks me up about you is that you consider yourself unique. The other thing that surprises me is that at your age you still consider yourself unique. No offence butthe last time I saw an outfit as you describe it was teh last time I happened to be driving by the local highschool at 3:30 pm on a school day. (I have even seen a few of the outfits I willed to the drama dept at graduation on these kids) I respect the need (LIke I said I was punk myself) but you should know by now that you are from unique or different