Kids In Cages???

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
KVH is a communist! Did this response actually surprise you?

Did the article say that they were "locked" into the cages, I thought it said they slept in the cages... If they were actually locked up then the fostre parents should be locked in cages as well. Could you imagine if a fire broke out in the home and these dip-shits are scrambling for keys in the mayhem, or worse unconscience while the children die needlessly...

I believe they slept in the cages at the very least. Not much information has actually been given. I will look for an update right now.
....Or we could beat the **** out of them instead.

My parents used to do foster care, and a couple of kids that were stuck with us for about two years would sneak out at night, piss and **** all over the house, steal ****, wreck everything and pull a bunch of other bullshit.

THIS IS NOT HUMAN BEHAVIOR! They should be ****ing locked up!

I don't know what to think about this event because the only tiny bit of information I have is a news report, which more than likely is written in a embelished manner in order to provoke increases in news circulation.

Truly, has anybody seen a picture of this event? How about a interview with the oldest child?

Has anybody even seen the parents and gotten to hear their complete explination as opposed to the waterd down news version?

There are simply to many unanswered questions for me to make a judgement call on this.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

I don't know what to think about this event because the only tiny bit of information I have is a news report, which more than likely is written in a embelished manner in order to provoke increases in news circulation.

Truly, has anybody seen a picture of this event? How about a interview with the oldest child?

Has anybody even seen the parents and gotten to hear their complete explination as opposed to the waterd down news version?

There are simply to many unanswered questions for me to make a judgement call on this.

As of an hour ago, no further information had been released.
Geez who can be more dimwitted..HUH?
Yeah lets lock kids in cages like they are doggies or cats...
I am so glad you chose not to breed KVH.
Children dont need to be locked up they just need discipline, love and a nice bed so when they are done for the day thats where they will be. Not a ****ing cage where you'd lock your pet monkey!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
1. I don't have any kids. Dont plan on it.

2. No one would put my kid in a cage because I'd probably have done it already.
Perhaps you would enjoy a personal tour of the cage?
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
....Or we could beat the **** out of them instead.

My parents used to do foster care, and a couple of kids that were stuck with us for about two years would sneak out at night, piss and **** all over the house, steal ****, wreck everything and pull a bunch of other bullshit.

THIS IS NOT HUMAN BEHAVIOR! They should be ****ing locked up!

And we know these kids were just bad and you had really great parents, cuz after all, look how YOU turned out!
Personal tour of the cage?

I'm not a kid, therefore I don't need to be put in one.

Do I **** all over the place? No.
Do I steal ****? No.
Do I wreck things? No.
I read about it and then Nancy Grace on CNN went over the case. This couple had adopted these children from different counties and posibly states. They were all disabled either mentally or medically, HIV, autism, Downs Syndrome etc. The parents got at least $5000 a month for taking them in.
When asked why they turned a barn on the property into a church rather then taking them to church, their defence attorney stated that because the parents were white and ALL the children were black, they were affraid what the community would think !!!!!
I was also shocked to hear they would let one couple adopt so many special needs children. Evidently after the adoption is completed no one checks in on them. The only reason it was found out now is because a neighbor stated that a year ago he had witnessed something he thought abusive. The police thought it best to send in a social worker. She of course took one look and called the Sheriff. The couple who adopted them also didn't send them to school, they home schooled them. Can you imagine?? That right there tells me they were trying to hide their treatment of these children. The school district has to offer resources to teach these children. This would have given the parents a brake while the kids were at school.
One of the early reports I read suggested some religious fanatacsim on the part of the parents but I haven't heard it from another source.
Even the Republicans on this sight have to admit that if the tables were turned and the parents were black and the children were white that the parents would be in jail tonight. In fact the parents are free and not even charged with anything criminal.
Remind me, what country do I live in again??
Increasingly I don't recognize it anymore.
Lethalfind said:
I read about it and then Nancy Grace on CNN went over the case. This couple had adopted these children from different counties and posibly states. They were all disabled either mentally or medically, HIV, autism, Downs Syndrome etc. The parents got at least $5000 a month for taking them in.
When asked why they turned a barn on the property into a church rather then taking them to church, their defence attorney stated that because the parents were white and ALL the children were black, they were affraid what the community would think !!!!!
I was also shocked to hear they would let one couple adopt so many special needs children. Evidently after the adoption is completed no one checks in on them. The only reason it was found out now is because a neighbor stated that a year ago he had witnessed something he thought abusive. The police thought it best to send in a social worker. She of course took one look and called the Sheriff. The couple who adopted them also didn't send them to school, they home schooled them. Can you imagine?? That right there tells me they were trying to hide their treatment of these children. The school district has to offer resources to teach these children. This would have given the parents a brake while the kids were at school.
One of the early reports I read suggested some religious fanatacsim on the part of the parents but I haven't heard it from another source.
Even the Republicans on this sight have to admit that if the tables were turned and the parents were black and the children were white that the parents would be in jail tonight. In fact the parents are free and not even charged with anything criminal.
Remind me, what country do I live in again??
Increasingly I don't recognize it anymore.

Um...why does everything revolve around race...OMG ****ING GOD!
I am so tired of the color of ppl being thrown into every discussion or excuse.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Personal tour of the cage?

I'm not a kid, therefore I don't need to be put in one.

Do I **** all over the place? No.
Do I steal ****? No.
Do I wreck things? No.
Do you get on my nerves? Yes.
Is your mentality worth the cage? Yes.

Is Goth out of style? Hell Yes. Wash your hair, wash off the make-up, and buy a suit. You have the potential to be incredibly good looking...Sorry, I digress.
Back to the cage Goth boy. I'm doing it for the children...
Lethalfind said:
I read about it and then Nancy Grace on CNN went over the case. This couple had adopted these children from different counties and posibly states. They were all disabled either mentally or medically, HIV, autism, Downs Syndrome etc. The parents got at least $5000 a month for taking them in.
When asked why they turned a barn on the property into a church rather then taking them to church, their defence attorney stated that because the parents were white and ALL the children were black, they were affraid what the community would think !!!!!
I was also shocked to hear they would let one couple adopt so many special needs children. Evidently after the adoption is completed no one checks in on them. The only reason it was found out now is because a neighbor stated that a year ago he had witnessed something he thought abusive. The police thought it best to send in a social worker. She of course took one look and called the Sheriff. The couple who adopted them also didn't send them to school, they home schooled them. Can you imagine?? That right there tells me they were trying to hide their treatment of these children. The school district has to offer resources to teach these children. This would have given the parents a brake while the kids were at school.
One of the early reports I read suggested some religious fanatacsim on the part of the parents but I haven't heard it from another source.
Even the Republicans on this sight have to admit that if the tables were turned and the parents were black and the children were white that the parents would be in jail tonight. In fact the parents are free and not even charged with anything criminal.
Remind me, what country do I live in again??
Increasingly I don't recognize it anymore.
What does race or politics have to do with this? If OJ was white, he
ToriAllen said:
Do you get on my nerves? Yes.
Is your mentality worth the cage? Yes.

Is Goth out of style? Hell Yes. Wash your hair, wash off the make-up, and buy a suit. You have the potential to be incredibly good looking...Sorry, I digress.
Back to the cage Goth boy. I'm doing it for the children...

Tori, you been on a roll as of late. You okay? :p
Outlaw2747 said:
Tori, you been on a roll as of late. You okay? :p
No. I'm over stressed right now. That tends to lead to a shorter fuse. The sweet Tori will be back when I'm out of school.
ToriAllen said:
Do you get on my nerves? Yes.
Is your mentality worth the cage? Yes.

Is Goth out of style? Hell Yes. Wash your hair, wash off the make-up, and buy a suit. You have the potential to be incredibly good looking...Sorry, I digress.
Back to the cage Goth boy. I'm doing it for the children...

Sting of the Queen Bee...

Ouch! :p

How utterly satisfying... sips ****tail and munches salty popcorn
Race was brought into the conversation I was watching between Nancy Grace who was a prosecuting attorney before she went on CNN, the Psychiatrist who works with her, The adoptive parents brought it up also by saying they didn't feel "comfortable" bringing these children to church in the community because they the parents were white and the children are black.
Don't be so ****in blind, race is almost always part of the issue.
Study crime statistics. If its a white on white crime, there is one punishment handed down, if its black on white, its far harsher. This is not my opinion, its well established fact. You should all read up on it before you talk alot of ****.