London calling.

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I believe the muslim council condemned these acts,what else can we do?
You believe??? Why don't you know? Why aren't you ****ers crawling out of the wood work screaming for vengence with the rest of the world? Why aren't you distancing yourselves from these acts? Why does Al-Queda continue to receive heavy support from islamic nations?

You are still putting Islam and these criminals in the same catagory.
I'm screaming and shouting the same thing as are all the good muslims in the world,''ISLAM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS''.
Comeon AIG... say it once! Please, Please, Please say that "Al-Queda is evil and does not represent islam" It will go a LOOOOOOONG way with me.

It is men who have nothing else to do but murder innocent people and use Islam as a cushion to any retaliation.
It is most definitely Al-Queda (the militant arm of the islamic scourge)

Jhony,there is no violent radical wing attached to Islam,it is attached to all murderers of all cultures.
What the **** is Al-Queda, Hamas, islamic jihad, Taliban, etc, etc, etc.
'All I did was attack Islams apparent tolerance for the violent radical wing that is attached to it.'

What tolelarance??Islam is against these crimes and innocent people being killed.
I believe the muslim council condemned these acts,what else can we do?
You are still putting Islam and these criminals in the same catagory.
I'm screaming and shouting the same thing as are all the good muslims in the world,''ISLAM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS''.It is men who have nothing else to do but murder innocent people and use Islam as a cushion to any retaliation.

Jhony,there is no violent radical wing attached to Islam,it is attached to all murderers of all cultures.

Actions speak louder than words, my dear. I have done alot of research on this I all i'm seeing is 'words'. Maybe you could help by providing some evidence that Islam is 'actively' pushing this seedy underbelly out into the open. There is a reason why it is so hard to find these terrorist. That reason is because they hide amungst the people of Islam. They are imbeded deep into the culture as a whole.
Again, you seem to downplay the prevailence of violence in the Islamic culture. Violence is a great part of American culture as well. The difference is America takes to the streets to root out criminals who attach themselves to our culture. We have hotlines to utilize in order turn in criminals who threaten us. Help me to understand that Islam actively takes action to get the terrorist out and apart from their culture, please.
Jhony5 said:
Actions speak louder than words, my dear. I have done alot of research on this I all i'm seeing is 'words'. Maybe you could help by providing some evidence that Islam is 'actively' pushing this seedy underbelly out into the open. There is a reason why it is so hard to find these terrorist. That reason is because they hide amungst the people of Islam. They are imbeded deep into the culture as a whole.
Again, you seem to downplay the prevailence of violence in the Islamic culture. Violence is a great part of American culture as well. The difference is America takes to the streets to root out criminals who attach themselves to our culture. We have hotlines to utilize in order turn in criminals who threaten us. Help me to understand that Islam actively takes action to get the terrorist out and apart from their culture, please.

Jhony,it would be easier to debate with you if you understood the true teachings of Islam.You need to understand that these so-called muslims have forgotten Islam and it's true meaning.You need to also understand that no one can be 100% sure of the people commiting these crimes.
The media is feeding you with assumpsions and you are swallowing big time.
You may find me weird for denying that muslims were behind these crimes.I do this because I don't regard them as being muslims because they have forsaken all that is human and what Islam teaches.
Muslims are dying too,aren't they also part of humanity?Don't we also have the right to believe what we choose to believe?
By saying that Islam needs to be ''changed'' or ''iradicated'',you take away that right andthe only way to achieve this is if you murder each and every muslim.

Tell me people,if it was said that a christian group was doing all these acts of crime, would all christians be put to trial(innocent included)??I DOUBT IT!!!
Jhony5 said:
I was referring to 'culturaly' full blooded not racialy. It wasn't meant to be taken literaly. If you are a 'full blooded' Turk, then you are most likely muslim.

I don't. As I have said before, religion is poisonous to the human psyche.
I do diferenciate between Xtianity and Islam, however. Xtians are not waging war against western culture. As I am myself A member of western culture, I take great offence to that.

You need to read up a little yourself. Look around, sweetheart. Where are the morals in Iraq? How about Iran. China perhaps, no. Oh I know, Saudi Arabia, thats the morals capitol of the world, right.
Step back and take a look around and you'll see that American morals are pretty well in check as compared to the global standard.

OK but you have to be one of the most culturally ignorant folk I have come across. I happen to know a few turks myself that are not muslim. There is also no culturally muslim people IT IS A RELIGION THAT HAPPENS TO BE A PART OF CERTAIN CULTURES AND CERTAIN NATIONS!!! And as for morals in other countries, hell most have more morals than the us especially family morals. You are simply comparing them to what YOU find acceptable in YOUR culture. SUre not all pieces of cultures are interchangable, but most work in their own geographical place. To assum that other countries and cultures have little or no morals because they do not mirror those of teh west is just ****ing ignorant. Stop and for teh first time in your life consider that reality is based on perpesctive and everyone's is defferent. THen actually attempt to see and accept someone else's perspective and you might just gain an ounce of intelligence. Christians are waging their own war BTW. Only their war is flying under teh radar and it is a war to gain global power just like every other religion. Only they are doing it with money and back room deals intead of bombs and guns. Don't fool yourself into believing anything else.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Come'on mods... throw the bitch-idiot AIG into the idiot-box already!

You need a 10 member vote to toss her in MRIH, do you want a Poll ?

If the vote doesn't go your way, it will be YOU in the box for a week.

Your other alternative is to get a PREMIUM to have me do it.

(By PVT MSG please so as not to reveal WHICH premium requested it).
phreakwars said:
You need a 10 member vote to toss her in

if she doesn't start opening her mind to possibilities outside her religion ill give a vote
AIG tells that she/he lives in LONDON,so i wonder what the response would be if one of his/her family was one of the casualities in this ****ing terrorist atrosity. Come on you ****ing twofaced muslim fifth collumnists,you live in a western culture with all the benifits of such,so why dont you come out and publically declare your hatred of these islamic pig murderers instead of saying ...bad boys... s****** ..s****** ...naughty...clap.clap
All the muslims that i've talked to in the past have never said anything bad about Al-Qeada, when i would bring them up. Some would even say they agree with Bin Ladan....
You guys are hilarious! The attrocities in my capital city were horrific, thought of and carried out by monsters, but to simply call all Muslims terrorists is pretty childish and a tad moronic. There are fundamentalists in every religion, look at Hitler, he was a Catholic, he murdered millions of Jews, does that make all of us Nazis? America murders hundreds of innocent people every year. There are bombers in every religion, its their mindset, these people are individuals, they don't do it cause they are Islamic, they do ti because they want to. Islam is not a violent religion, there are just a few disgruntled Arabs out there who are more talked about and noticed than the rest. I don't tar all Americans as being idiots just because half of you voted for that retard Bush.

Time to get your heads out of the sand, is attacking Middle Eastern countries gonna make their people think, hey yeah actually America are the good guys, we'll leave them alone. Like **** it will. Time for a rethink on your foreign policy.

Declare war on Islam..... haha, you guys have NO IDEA.
Jackie Brown said:
Time to get your heads out of the sand, is attacking Middle Eastern countries gonna make their people think, hey yeah actually America are the good guys, we'll leave them alone. Like **** it will. Time for a rethink on your foreign policy.

You are so full of **** JB! Your the one that needs to pull your head out of the sand and your ass.
Mad Dog said:
All the muslims that i've talked to in the past have never said anything bad about Al-Qeada, when i would bring them up. Some would even say they agree with Bin Ladan....

You sing the same tune. Boring ****ing same old ****, Mad dog.

When you talk to pro Bush buddies, do they mention the littany of lies and deception? Or do they dwell on topics like national pride, and **** the retards that don't comply with our ideals?
builder said:
You sing the same tune. Boring ****ing same old ****, Mad dog.
Truth is usually more dull than lies, builder... just because it is "boring" does not make it any less true... please grow a brain!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Truth is usually more dull than lies, builder... just because it is "boring" does not make it any less true... please grow a brain!

Did you bother to read the post, dickhead? Grow your own brain. I was born with mine. :)
berniec said:
AIG tells that she/he lives in LONDON,so i wonder what the response would be if one of his/her family was one of the casualities in this ****ing terrorist atrosity. Come on you ****ing twofaced muslim fifth collumnists,you live in a western culture with all the benifits of such,so why dont you come out and publically declare your hatred of these islamic pig murderers instead of saying ...bad boys... s****** ..s****** ...naughty...clap.clap

Ever think because they do, you just are to busy circle jerking to shooting terrorists to hear it?
Jhony5 said:
For instance, last night I saw some footage from an Islamic street protest on the streets of London from a couple of weeks ago. It looked like a scene from Palastine. They were chanting "Death to Bush, Death to Blair, Death to America". Which, in my eyes, was direct support of terrorist. This should become illegal. Anyone caught supporting terrorism in any way whatsoever should be imprisoned and subject to unusual and harsh penalties.
We can't just 'round em up' so to speak. It goes against humanity to put to death and imprison people because of their culture. As I mentioned in another thread, my ex-girlfriends dad is a full blooded muslim. However he is a normal, good hearted American that would never utter a word of support for terrorism.

When you sacrifice the thing you are trying to protect, the fight becomes pointless. No matter how ****ed up you think it is, these people are still entitled to their opinions.

I think it's also quite funny how you people define terrorism. You refuse to put anything into context and do yourself a great injustice in doing so. For example, many of those righteous, self-less, honorable soldiers that fought to gain this countries independence would have been considered TERRORISTS by the British they were fighting against. Terrorism, like most other things, is subject to whose eyes it is, ones terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. Why is it that you support and condone terrorism when it aides your cause, but hypocritically condemn it when the tabels are turned?

To defeat any kind of enemy, you first have to take the time to understand them. Unfortunately most of you refuse to do this, and until you learn to **** like thes attacks will continue to happen.
We WERE the indurgents once, and that led to creating our nation. It is true that we must be willing to accept our own actions byond simple and misguided justifications. Even strategic fire used to put out fire can easily burn out of control. We need to start opening our minds and thinking out of the box if humans are ever going to live without trying to blow eachother up.
tizz said:
OK but you have to be one of the most culturally ignorant folk I have come across. I happen to know a few turks myself that are not muslim. There is also no culturally muslim people IT IS A RELIGION THAT HAPPENS TO BE A PART OF CERTAIN CULTURES AND CERTAIN NATIONS!!! And as for morals in other countries, hell most have more morals than the us especially family morals. You are simply comparing them to what YOU find acceptable in YOUR culture. SUre not all pieces of cultures are interchangable, but most work in their own geographical place. To assum that other countries and cultures have little or no morals because they do not mirror those of teh west is just ****ing ignorant. Stop and for teh first time in your life consider that reality is based on perpesctive and everyone's is defferent. THen actually attempt to see and accept someone else's perspective and you might just gain an ounce of intelligence. Christians are waging their own war BTW. Only their war is flying under teh radar and it is a war to gain global power just like every other religion. Only they are doing it with money and back room deals intead of bombs and guns. Don't fool yourself into believing anything else.

Why they put you in the idiot box puzzles me!
berniec said:
AIG tells that she/he lives in LONDON,so i wonder what the response would be if one of his/her family was one of the casualities in this ****ing terrorist atrosity. Come on you ****ing twofaced muslim fifth collumnists,you live in a western culture with all the benifits of such,so why dont you come out and publically declare your hatred of these islamic pig murderers instead of saying ...bad boys... s****** ..s****** ...naughty...clap.clap

And are you trying to say my response to these attacks are good??
It doesn't have to be my family that died,for me to feel saddened by the deaths of innocent people.
I'm not the one who calls their soldiers ''heroes'' coz they dropped some missles on innocent peoples homes.
You call the american soldiers ''heroes'' coz they've destroyed millions of peoples homes and lives.How can you call other people terrorists and barberic,when you yourselves do the same acts that you condemn?
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