London calling.

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umm, just a though phreak, but do you think AIG doesn't know how to protect herself because she has been taught by her religion that its good to sit and take it, not to mention her country HAS BEEN MADE A ***** ASS BITCH COUNTRY by the damn united nations (i hope Blair goes on a ****ing war path over the bombing, it will do the country some good)
snafu said:
They have laws to protect this kind of public hate to accrue.
Even here in America!

yes, only its not just protected over here, its mandatory for the damn liberals to do it, its like they don't have the imagination to picture war on terrorists, or stopping there sympathizers from doing this as being good
Msixty said:
umm, just a though phreak, but do you think AIG doesn't know how to protect herself because she has been taught by her religion that its good to sit and take it, not to mention her country HAS BEEN MADE A ***** ASS BITCH COUNTRY by the damn united nations (i hope Blair goes on a ****ing war path over the bombing, it will do the country some good)

Well, what more can one really say about this. She made some VERY valid points, I will admit. These terrorists are basically blending into our society to plan an attack. You can't tell who the enemy is until you see a flash of death heading your way in the form of a ****ing suicide bomb, or gun, rpg, etc... whatever means are used.

The media is not a help what so ever. I personally DO NOT rely on a U.S. news sources when it comes to WORLD NEWS. They all take a path of "WE ARE THE GOOD GUY THEY ARE THE BAD GUYS" type jornalism, which of course is what the general public WANTS to hear.

But in my HONEST opinion, I think the Mid East NEEDS a wake up KABOOM !!

See, here's the thing, people like myself who are Liberal and American get pissed off when something like this occurs... And you see, what happens when you piss off a liberal, is they quit bitching at the conservatives to hold back they're wrath. The way I understand it, England is a pretty damn Liberal country. And I think QUITE A FEW are pretty poissed off about it. And it pisses me off too.

I'll tell you who the BRITS should target... THE ****ING TALIBAN IN Afgahnistan/pakistan on the boarder, A big ****ing huge MOAB barrage dropped all over the ****ing border, and a 1 day warning so people start fleeing, if ****ing BIN LADEN is allegedly in there, his ass will HAVE to come squirming out


Hey I say ITS POLL TIME !!!!!
phreakwars said:
The media is not a help what so ever. I personally DO NOT rely on a U.S. news sources when it comes to WORLD NEWS. They all take a path of "WE ARE THE GOOD GUY THEY ARE THE BAD GUYS" type jornalism, which of course is what the general public WANTS to hear..

we could have a thousand page topic on how much **** the media spews out, its not a surprise that lovers of soap operas and fiction books also love the news

phreakwars said:
But in my HONEST opinion, I think the Mid East NEEDS a wake up KABOOM !!
the problem is, it wont help, they will only overload there simple minds on how the 'infidels' could do such a thing (the key part of there attack plans is the assholes like Michel Moore that keep everyone from really taking a swing at them because the damn politics will come back to bite them in the ass

phreakwars said:
I'll tell you who the BRITS should target... THE ****ING TALIBAN IN Afgahnistan/pakistan on the boarder, A big ****ing huge MOAB barrage dropped all over the ****ing border, and a 1 day warning so people start fleeing, if ****ing BIN LADEN is allegedly in there, his ass will HAVE to come squirming out


I agree all the way :D
'I agree all the way'

You agree that innocent people should be killed?
You agree anywhere can be bombed as long as it not your home and your family that it lands on!
Wow!!! :(
If you mean kill everybody, as in lets "GLOBAL Thermo-Nuclear War" games with each other... then I think I might agree.


I wanna strap a nice size radiation stick on my body, walk into Mecca, scream "Jesus Saves" and release my judgement in the name of him upon them for a nice 50 mile radius and leave an impacting radiation storm to let the survivors breathe.

I'll prove that AMERICA can make a BETTER suicide bomber then the Taliban any time.
Again the problem is that the terrorist are not using conventional warfare. They don
'I agree all the way'

You agree that innocent people should be killed?
innocent? umm, yea, sure, i guess we could call them that (if we were blind to what they do)
You agree anywhere can be bombed as long as it not your home and your family that it lands on!
Wow!!! :(

I don't care, go ahead and blow me up, we all die eventually, ill just go out happy knowing your dumb ass is going out with me, i really don't care what gets bombed, but if its my country that gets hit, ill fight, and if its yours, you have a right to fight as well, so do the people in Iraq and other countries, they have a right to fight us, but we also have the right to kill them when they fight us. this is the part you people don't get, you understand that they can fight, but because were better, you think we should tie one hand behind our backs to make it fair, let me tell you something IF THEY CANT FIGHT US FACE TO FACE, THEY SHOULDN'T **** WITH US so don't give me your 'oh, there innocent' bullshit just because were bigger, badder, and tougher than there goat ****ing asses
You ****ing morons. All you spew is how evil and abhorant these terrorsits are, yet you turn around and sink to something below their level. What does that make you? Well it certainly wouldn't be terrorism if what you preach for happens, because you're American right? God damn, you people make me ****ing sick. It's always the same **** with you people. You hate these terrorists so much, then why don't you get your ****ing asses up and doing something about them, instead of sitting behind your computers and berating others for doing what you're too much of a coward to do.

Why am I not suprised that so violent, blood-thirsty, and hate-filled response would come from members of a nation based upon Christian principles....
Crazywumbat said:
You ****ing morons. All you spew is how evil and abhorant these terrorsits are, yet you turn around and sink to something below their level. What does that make you? Well it certainly wouldn't be terrorism if what you preach for happens, because you're American right? God damn, you people make me ****ing sick. It's always the same **** with you people. You hate these terrorists so much, then why don't you get your ****ing asses up and doing something about them, instead of sitting behind your computers and berating others for doing what you're too much of a coward to do.

Why am I not suprised that so violent, blood-thirsty, and hate-filled response would come from members of a nation based upon Christian principles....
Why am I not surprised that you are stupid enough to believe the US was founded on Christian principals. Why am I not surprised that you are stupid enough to say this stupid crap? Why am I not surprised by your constant belly-aching about us speaking our minds?... Oh yeah, it's because you ARE stupid!
Crazywumbat said:
You ****ing morons. All you spew is how evil and abhorant these terrorsits are, yet you turn around and sink to something below their level. What does that make you? Well it certainly wouldn't be terrorism if what you preach for happens, because you're American right? God damn, you people make me ****ing sick. It's always the same **** with you people. You hate these terrorists so much, then why don't you get your ****ing asses up and doing something about them, instead of sitting behind your computers and berating others for doing what you're too much of a coward to do.

Why am I not suprised that so violent, blood-thirsty, and hate-filled response would come from members of a nation based upon Christian principles....
Seems I have decided to switch teams here on this issue. I strongly believe NOW is the time to say.. OK, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and take some SERIOUS action before another terrorist strike by dropping a SHITLOAD of HUGE MAOB's all over the ****ing middle east in key locations.. Time to show who is REALLY ****ING SERIOUS about this terrorism ****. And your right, lets not sit at our computers and bitch, lets get something done, lets get this **** overwith and demand your congress/senate take action DRASTIC ACTION and BLOW THE **** out of some people.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Why am I not surprised that you are stupid enough to believe the US was founded on Christian principals. Why am I not surprised that you are stupid enough to say this stupid crap? Why am I not surprised by your constant belly-aching about us speaking our minds?... Oh yeah, it's because you ARE stupid!

Lmao, comming from you.

You're preaching about the evils of this religion constantly and its followers, so why is it acceptable for you when the tables are turned and you preach something that even these terrorists would blush at.

And as much as I abhor christianity with every fiber of my being, this country was influenced by that damned religion more than any other single cause you friggin idiot.
phreakwars said:
Seems I have decided to switch teams here on this issue. I strongly believe NOW is the time to say.. OK, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and take some SERIOUS action before another terrorist strike by dropping a SHITLOAD of HUGE MAOB's all over the ****ing middle east in key locations.. Time to show who is REALLY ****ING SERIOUS about this terrorism ****. And your right, lets not sit at our computers and bitch, lets get something done, lets get this **** overwith and demand your congress/senate take action DRASTIC ACTION and BLOW THE **** out of some people.

Phreak, I've come to respect many of your opinions, but do you realize what you're saying? When you talk about bombing innocent civilians in such a wide scale as this you're no better than the people you're trying to fight against....what you're suggesting is evil in it's purest from. Hate to sound proverbial, but nothing good can come from an alliance with evil.
I understand the instant urge to retaliate, but all responses must start with step 1:

Know your enemy.

At this stage there are so many screaming lefties around that we're not allowed to point out that Islam and it's inciteful book the Koran ARE THE ENEMY.

Usually there is utter denial of this fact, and it's only when there's been a recent bombing that the definition is changed to "Islamic extremists". However, the only difference between Islamic extremists and normal muslims is the extremists FOLLOW the teachings of their holy book. The so-called moderates are only moderate because they choose to enjoy some of the trappings of western life and not follow their book to the letter.

So given we have this doctrine of evil and hate out there, it's no wonder we're getting an increasing number of loonies prepared to blow themselves and non-muslim innocents up!

Not sure about the US, but in Australia if you spout hate dressed up as nazi propoganda, you'll get locked up. However, if you spout the same hate, but dress it up as "Islam", "religious freedom" laws kick in and the hate-mongers are protected! It's time for this madness to stop.
Well I think the bigger difference between an extremist and a basic follower of any religion is in the interpretation of the teachings that they choose to follow. Not all muslims interpret the teachings in to hate. If one could understand how and why religios teachings grow into an interpretation that leadds to hatred and the desire to create and destroy some assumed enemy.
Crazywumbat said:
You ****ing morons. All you spew is how evil and abhorant these terrorsits are, yet you turn around and sink to something below their level. What does that make you? Well it certainly wouldn't be terrorism if what you preach for happens, because you're American right? God damn, you people make me ****ing sick. It's always the same **** with you people. You hate these terrorists so much, then why don't you get your ****ing asses up and doing something about them, instead of sitting behind your computers and berating others for doing what you're too much of a coward to do.

Why am I not suprised that so violent, blood-thirsty, and hate-filled response would come from members of a nation based upon Christian principles....

What the **** do you want us to do? Jump on a plane a start wiping out everybody with a turban?
Why shouldn
tizz said:
Well I think the bigger difference between an extremist and a basic follower of any religion is in the interpretation of the teachings that they choose to follow. Not all muslims interpret the teachings in to hate. If one could understand how and why religios teachings grow into an interpretation that leadds to hatred and the desire to create and destroy some assumed enemy.

Your misunderstanding how and why the 'extremeist' learn to follow Islam in this way. Every one of these Islamic countries has many local religious leaders. These clerics can issue what is called a 'Fatma', which is like a declaration of Islam. They 'do not' issue these messages to their people in condemnation of the violent interpetations of the Qu'ran. The last one who tried (Salman Rushdie) was put to death for condeming terrorist acts of Islam by the shaw of Iran.

Tizz, you are making the same mistake that alot of folks do. The radical followers of Islam are many, Hamas, Al Queda, Taliban etc.
Do not misunderstand. There are millions of potential terrorist and supporters. Not just a few loose cannons. Many of the followers of Islam are this way , which is why the relgion itself is underfire.
Many may think this way but only a handful are dumb enough to be brainwashed into acting on it. My bet is that most terrorist are young rebellious kids with little else to do that to get pumped up by someone into thinking they have to blow someone else up. Kind of like the white power movement but with a bigger statement and more money to make it with. Any kid with a chip on their shoulder and something to prove and a willing mind is a potential terrorist. But not every muslim is one
tizz said:
Many may think this way but only a handful are dumb enough to be brainwashed into acting on it. My bet is that most terrorist are young rebellious kids with little else to do that to get pumped up by someone into thinking they have to blow someone else up. Kind of like the white power movement but with a bigger statement and more money to make it with. Any kid with a chip on their shoulder and something to prove and a willing mind is a potential terrorist. But not every muslim is one

Do you have any idea how much a 'handful' of these idiots would come to? Thousands. Many thousands of Islamic loyalists that will give their life or their freedom just to kill innocent people. Add to that millions of supporters Who hate you , yes you personaly, because your a part of western culture. These millions of muslims want you and your family to die. Multiply this sentament by all the millions of United States residents, and you have the sum of their power.

What do you suggest the US do to be pro-active against Islam?
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