lpp's journal

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just seeing how the members of System Of The Down has changed alot

scared me
well update time

i am upset cause one of my friends is also a friends with my 22 year brother

and my friends is only 15 but i feel as if i don't get to talk to her much...

and i found out the reseason

she said "its because i talk to much about Linkin Park"

OMFG she likes them but doesn't know alot about them

and when ever i just wanna chit chat with her my older brother comes to where we are ..

ugh gosh i just hate everything
this is a dream i had and i know for sure there is somethin its trying to tell me

but read on
i cried in this dream and some people i know from my family were being me to me and then i was like in a hospital and there was a costco mixed with the hospital and i would like torment my self with razors by staring at them and then like overdosed on caffine pills and like then i got away from the hospital and like cut myself and got to a house to take a shower and then like i said i think i might need my stomach pumped cause i don't feel good cause i over dosed on caffine pills but yes very very weird dream

anyone know what its trying to tell me?
aaahh one of my freinds used to say the same thing. It was when I got familiar with LP´s music and thought they rock :p
I would say..dont care about it much. It´s not something wrong you did for god sake!
c´mon cheer up! *hugs*
and I told ya about the dream :thumbsup:
azemkamikaze03 said:

hope u like it...

[edit]wait i just saw looks like some one covered up...well if u want my cheap one still go ahead lol

azem- i love it
twi-thnks for stopping by nothing much
i_love_mike_shinoda2-you kinda did
heart lp-hey gurl thnks for the advice
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stupidsoul1 said:
lpp sorry to hear about the dream and your friend

thnks Fi

and thnks to everyone who replied

and Azem-thnks for the kick ass sig
uwantme2b said:
I have dreams like that sometimes. I don't think they mean a lot... ignore it :)


i can try but its so hard not to think about it

the dream is what i think about now
twilightcrimson7 said:
sometimes dresm can be downright tormenting...but...I wouldn't dwell on it... *hypocrite* I know its hard, but it shouldn't make you paranoid.. :(

thnks twi for you reply
lpp said:
well update time

i am upset cause one of my friends is also a friends with my 22 year brother

and my friends is only 15 but i feel as if i don't get to talk to her much...

and i found out the reseason

she said "its because i talk to much about Linkin Park"

OMFG she likes them but doesn't know alot about them

and when ever i just wanna chit chat with her my older brother comes to where we are ..

ugh gosh i just hate everything
okay, there are two views for this.
1. if this friend means alot to u,if u think u will destroy yr friendship, u may want to decrease yr talking of lp.
2. HECK! u r a diehard fan of lp, of coz u will talk abt them!
so you will have to choose, lpp. :)
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