lpp's journal

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wow, sounds freaky...u have alot of weird dreams dont u???
poor u...!
anyway just dropping by again because im bored and my friends suck...so yeah...hi
hopeur good
luv ya
hey lpp, i have to go now, cause of my dad, but really think about what i said, i'll try and get incontact with you again, but plz think about what i said...ok?
she will listen to u, i know she will, shes one of those people that dont tlk to those she doesnt like, so if she didnt like u shed tell u to piss off!
please just think about it

lots of love xxemxx
The urges never go away/they come,they go/they sometimes get so bad i wanan cave in I DON'T CARE IF I DIE IF I GIVE IN just as long as i can cut
to forget everything,emotions,memories,my own self to not feel anything/so these urges never go away /they come and go as they please/ the urges get so bad i wanna give in I DON'T CARE IF I DIE FROM I GIVE IN/ nothing anyone says or do will help me maybe or maybe not/so if i do give in and go to deep i won't mind/so keep telling me its cutting is not okay or good or worth it/but inorder to understand cutting you have to be one.

this is my poem about me and um yea
well there is this guy in my teen poetry night group who i like like and i told him and like yea and its so kewl cause he is so random just like ME and i know for fact that me and him will make a great couple..............and he is like umm how do i put this with out sounding racist black but i don't care .....he is kewl and he brings out my happy side lmao its so fun being around him and stuff and if we do start dating i don't care what others say about us since i am white and he is black who give a flying rats ass i have the rights to love anyone of and color.
stupidsoul1 said:
uh...please dont cut

i used to feel like cutting all the time, sometimes i still do...
but cutting doesnt do anything but create the memories you are trying to get away from.
I couldn't have put that one better myself...

Sounds like finding this guy is a good thing, the black guy you like. That's not being racist, it's a descriptive label at best, like saying the sky is blue. Don't freak about that one, it's racist if you imply it in a derogatory or insulting way,; black, I mean. Hopefully you'll find a connection with him where if you don't even become a couple you might still at least be friends. He might be what you need to help keep you connected to ther people, cause I know how hard it is to feel like your alone and not having anyone to really honestly talk to, and all the pressures that life throws on you can get a little overwhelming. Having said that, if you do cut, remember what SS1 said above and I've said a few times myself. The cuts leave scars and scars are a physical reminder to the pain you are trying to get away from... so, really, you're going to perpetuate the problem and probably make yourself feel worse about it, both in the long term and now.
But, also having said that, I do understand the urges to do so. I still now, even the other day was considering it. Just something ticked me off and I thought, if I cut and released all this pressure that I could feel, kind of like a blister growing under the skin, then I'd be able to think again and deal with the problem. I didn't, and I had to talk myself out of it, but sometimes it's hard to do, and until you can actually teach yourself over time to not feel so dependant on it, these urges you feel will keep overtaking you. Trust me. You said it yourself, "In order to understand cutting you have to be one." Think about it. And please don't think I'm judging you, I'm not, honestly. I'm glad you're starting to open up to ppl here and telling them about your problems, that's a very positive thing. F**k eveyone else who wants to give you sh*t over it, it's your life, you live it how you want because in the end the only person you need to answer to upon your death is your own conscience. If you can close your eyes and sleep easy at night and don't hurt anyone with intent or hurt yourself if you can at all help it, then that's all that really counts.
Everyone has opinions. Like it or not, the forums like LPF here are THE place for ppl to share them. But opinions are like a$$holes, everyone's got one. They're also like party invitations, just because you get one given to you doesn't mean you're obligated to take it. Ignore the few who give you grief, they're not worth your time. Without trying to sound like a psychologist, concentrate on other stuff; there are others here that just want to chat and say hi and see how you're going. Ignore all the negatives and try not to take it all to heart. When all's said and done, the worst anyone can do here is insult you with words (even though words can and do hurt), but you'll never have to meet anyone here face-to-face unless you chose to, so that's something, AND if anyone's insulting you unjustly, PM a moderator. That's part of the reason they're here.
And writing poetry is good. Theraputic, well, sometimes. That's definately an encouraging thing, but apart from AAALLLL that above, what's the reason you're contemplating cutting again??? I don't see it... maybe I'm an idiot. *shrugs* That's possible. If it's cause of other ppl here, don't. You've given them them your time for reading what they've had to say, but don't give them your body too, and you will if you cut. You'll end up being reminded of the pain they're giving you with the scars you'll end up leaving on yourself. How's that a good thing for you???
Anyway, take care, man. I don't know what else to say. If you need to talk you know where my journal is. PM me whenever you just need to vent, okay?
Look after yourself and TTYL,
*big comforting hugs*
aka Rob's Gurl *grins*
rob's gurl-wow kinda made a point there
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