BIO is the song I usually skip when I´m listening to MTM..well people can moan all they like but lp arnt going back... and all this touring... they wont be starting to record new music till late 2009 :\im hoping for more good ballads like TLTGYA and more awesomeness songs like BIO. i really want another funky rockrap song BIO.
*shocked* but how but why? its sooooo awesome!!!!!BIO is the song I usually skip when I´m listening to MTM..
I do like it, but it´s just one of my least fav on mtm*shocked* but how but why? its sooooo awesome!!!!!well for me anyway -.-
btw why dont you like it?
i don't think so, why would they?I reckon LP will split before the next album, it's sad to think that, but I reckon thats what'll happen.
nae wont happen, before a band splits a series of **** between the members happens, unless they hide their anger very well they seem to get along very well, remember most of them have been friends since school. the only way that they will split is if there is a death in the band and i pray that dont happenI reckon LP will split before the next album, it's sad to think that, but I reckon thats what'll happen.
Actually I heard he is getting technology from Canada's secret program...Mr Hahn secretly hates Chester and is currently developing a nuclear technology based mass destruction weapon. He's getting his supplies from North Korea.
*****, and if he does, you buy 3 copies?....speaking of which I will not buy new album if he dosen't cut his **** hair....
yeah i see where your commin from, but Mike can play guitar. As long as he gets a song or 2 where he can do some rapping I'm sure he'd be fine.well its kinda true in a way, going rock with a DJ and a MC in a group can cause a lot of 'creative differences'