MAN I FEEL LIKE A WOMEN!!! Duh duh duh duh duh...duh duh

I don't like spiders. I think it's cute that guys show their femine side. I mean girls can be tom-boys (I say that 'cause I am one), so guys are aloud to have girly moments. Hell, one of my friends was singin' the song this thread is titled to (man, I feel like a woman). Then me and my friend that are girl were teasing him telin' him he acted like a woman and he announced to the class- "I AM A WOMAN!!" We were all like WTF. I have to addmit though- it may be cute, but it can be funny too.
azemkamikaze03 said:
no wen they go...."yo sup gee?" but l|ke in a mockingly wen im walk|n w|th my friends some sk8ers will be l|ke "yo sup texas? keepin it real gee?" and they do it in that dumb mockingly way....i mean seriously......they embarras me..cuz i hang with and then wen im with the gangsta and they do it its like comon guys..

because its funny. :) ;)
Hey azem...I think the lower case "i" and "l" on your keyboard is broken. Atleast on my screen it comes up all messed up. I don't know how you can "break" a letter on your keyboard, but you somehow managed it.
Shadowed Heart said:
Just wondering... Why do so many people want to be gangsters? Honestly I don't see why. It doesn't prove anything, at least not to me it doesn't.

Well, this si off topic, but ill gow tih it, and i wont answer it with an answer, illanswer it with an example:

Well, I apperantly "act like a gangster" well, I dress how I feel is comfortable and what looks good to me, that skater **** and that preppy **** that other white guys do just isnt for me, so I dress differently, i guess dissed for it constantly, but Its how I feel good, and tha t what I do.

Now shut the **** up.
Hybrid Soldier said:
Well, this si off topic, but ill gow tih it, and i wont answer it with an answer, illanswer it with an example:

Well, I apperantly "act like a gangster" well, I dress how I feel is comfortable and what looks good to me, that skater **** and that preppy **** that other white guys do just isnt for me, so I dress differently, i guess dissed for it constantly, but Its how I feel good, and tha t what I do.

Now shut the **** up.

Damn dude, that's a little harsh there dont you think. Look, if you wanna roll like fifty; minus the jack, the hoez, the ability to "spit", and the capability to pull it off...FINE. But don't confuse "the man keeping you down" with "the man hanging his head down and laughing, just a little bit, because he can't help it."
Minus the ability to "spit"? Fiddy cant spit for ****, i can spit betetr than fiddy. And to whatever the **** else you said, I didnt get a word of it.

and did I think it was harsh? No, i was being polite.
twilightcrimson7 said:
Umm guys take this to a PM...this really isn't something to fight over now if you guys want to dicuss ganster issues find another thread.

Agreed,yo.XD j/k.
But anyways....*hold breath*.....I hate roaches *exhales*.I hate every bit of them and I won't sleep until I'm sure they're not in my room.
I dun like moths either,or anything else that jumps.I don't like being anywhere with over 20 ladybugs either >.>