
hugo said:
Please BAC is a terrible predictor of whether someone can drive safely or not. Pull over those driving recklessly to reduce traffic fatalaties.

police cannot stop people just because....they HAVE to have a reason!!!
lilmizztemper said:
police cannot stop people just because....they HAVE to have a reason!!!
I should hire one to follow me around and pull over every ****tard who almost hits me because they're on their ****ing cell phone and doesn't know which lane is mine and which is theirs.
Posted by HUGO:
Please BAC is a terrible predictor of whether someone can drive safely or not. Pull over those driving recklessly to reduce traffic fatalaties.

Fully agree! If you can pass an FST, then you should be allowed to drive on down the road.
Problem is, cops are usually only looking for reckless drivers at night. I see more problems with reckless driving during the day. Maybe they should change their priorities.
Outlaw2747 said:
And on another hand, alcohol keeps the population down to a degree. Decisions, decisions.

For every one person killed by a drunk driver, 3 illegitimate children are produced by beer goggles! :eek:
angie said:
Problem is, cops are usually only looking for reckless drivers at night. I see more problems with reckless driving during the day. Maybe they should change their priorities.

Police do DWI interdictions at night primarily because thats when most people are drinking. They also prefere to do these interdictions in the general are of liquor stores and bars. Common sense really.
Jhony5 said:
Police do DWI interdictions at night primarily because thats when most people are drinking. They also prefere to do these interdictions in the general are of liquor stores and bars. Common sense really.

I'm not talking about the DUI checkpoints. I'm talking about cops being out watching traffic oh so diligently during the day as they do at night. In my expirience, unless you are ****ed out of your mind, you drive MORE carefully at night, than during the day, because you know the cops are looking for you. They need to pay more attention during the day, particularly during rush hour, when people are overly aggressive and speedy because they have an important meeting, or because they're too busy talking on their cell phone to see the giant "lane merging" sign.
angie said:
I'm not talking about the DUI checkpoints. I'm talking about cops being out watching traffic oh so diligently during the day as they do at night. In my expirience, unless you are ****ed out of your mind, you drive MORE carefully at night, than during the day, because you know the cops are looking for you. They need to pay more attention during the day, particularly during rush hour, when people are overly aggressive and speedy because they have an important meeting, or because they're too busy talking on their cell phone to see the giant "lane merging" sign.

Interdiction operations are done primarily by state troopers. And they are not done via checkpoints. They watch for people leaving bars and liquor stores. I think police do their best to catch aggressive drivers. Its just a matter of, is there a cop around when you need one. Recently here in Franklin Indiana, the local police spent almost $5,000 on manpower to watch a specific stoplight left turn lane for people running the yellow. They nabbed over 75 people in the course of one weekend and witnessed an accident due to the idiots that can't wait 3 minutes for the light to turn green. In the end, its money that dictates how much time they spend watching for shitty drivers. I've been on many many ride alongs with my brother. When he gets bored he sits several hundred feet back from 4-way stops just waiting for rolling stops.

My brother Officer Jason Rakaska. Hes the meathead with the oxygen mask on in the upper right hand picture. He almost got cooked trying to pull a 350 pound unconcious woman out of a house fire.
The philosophy of a limited government allows me to drive down the road with a beer in my hand, Jhony to drive down the road with a joint in his and lilmiz to satisfy her bulls.
hugo said:
The philosophy of a limited government allows me to drive down the road with a beer in my hand, Jhony to drive down the road with a joint in his and lilmiz to satisfy her bulls.

Whatchu talkin' bout willis?

Come again? Hello? Is this thing on? Hello?

I drive around smokin with my bros almost daily. Limited Government philosophy or not, whatever that means.
hugo said:
Clearly dope smoking is harmful.

HUGO. Seriously these ambiguous one liners are like trying to solve a ****ing riddle. You really ought to elaborate if you want others to comprehend what the hell your trying to say. This is like the eleventeenth time you've whipped of some ****-fer-brains wisecrack that is wholly undecipherable. Either speak clearly or shut your ****ing beer swilling mouth.
Jhony5 said:
HUGO. Seriously these ambiguous one liners are like trying to solve a ****ing riddle. You really ought to elaborate if you want others to comprehend what the hell your trying to say. This is like the eleventeenth time you've whipped of some ****-fer-brains wisecrack that is wholly undecipherable. Either speak clearly or shut your ****ing beer swilling mouth.

Someone needs to learn to follow a thread.
hugo said:
Someone needs to learn to follow a thread.

I think someone needs to smoke a joint.

The philosophy of a limited government allows me to drive down the road with a beer in my hand, Jhony to drive down the road with a joint in his and lilmiz to satisfy her bulls.

I was following this thread just fine until this...........
The philosophy of a limited government allows me to drive down the road with a beer in my hand, Jhony to drive down the road with a joint in his and lilmiz to satisfy her bulls.

The philosophy of a limited government??? Satisfying her bulls??? WTF???
angie said:
Problem is, cops are usually only looking for reckless drivers at night. I see more problems with reckless driving during the day. Maybe they should change their priorities.

not enough cops??? yeah lets put more of em on the road...but really they look more at night because people can't see em as good they are out there during the day....just people stop acting like idiots when they come into view!!!
hugo said:
The philosophy of a limited government allows me to drive down the road with a beer in my hand, Jhony to drive down the road with a joint in his and lilmiz to satisfy her bulls.

Im sorry Hugo that you think so highly of my "bulls" I got a few gay ones I will send out yer way :D

oh yeah Im not sure you understand...Im not really "satisfyin" the bulls...c'mon down here and I will demonstrate what it is Im doing with em...its a whole lot of fun...then we can all sit down listen to a band play...crack open a cold beer and enjoy the calf fries!!! er shall I say "hugo" fries
Jhony5 said:
I think someone needs to smoke a joint.

I was following this thread just fine until this...........

The philosophy of a limited government??? Satisfying her bulls??? WTF???

Let me repeat my quotation of JS Mill for those who cannot follow threads.

The object of this Essay is to assert one very simple principle, as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means used be physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion. That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right. These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with him, or persuading him, or entreating him, but not for compelling him, or visiting him with any evil in case he do otherwise. To justify that, the conduct from which it is desired to deter him, must be calculated to produce evil to some one else. The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.