
I am currently developing a technique to inject marijuana into my veins. I'm going to get so freaking high. Gonna cook that **** up and freebase it, maybe go on a shop lifting spree and steal womens shoes.
lilmizztemper said:
that "plant" will still inhibit yer abilities. it may not seem like it when yer smokin it, but in reality...pot kills too...and it aint as heard of as alcohol...because fewer people are smoking pot than drinking alcohol. BOTH can **** up yer ability to respond when behind the wheel of a vehicle...and yes you CAN wipe out a family when under the influence of pot. I have known it to happen...just as you can do the same with cocaine, speed, herion, mushrooms, need I go on...hell you can even kill a family when under the influence of over the counter meds like nyquil and such...or just the stupidity of talking on yer cell phone or eating a burger and fries...or you name it....but the point being...that anything that inhibits yer ability to function correctly can kill!!!

We are all a bunch of frigin kamakazees!!!!!!!!

DAMMIT where the **** did I pull THAT from...sorry...just feelin little pain tonight...and thought I'd take the opportunity to ramble on and mistake
Jhony5 said:
I am currently developing a technique to inject marijuana into my veins. I'm going to get so freaking high. Gonna cook that **** up and freebase it, maybe go on a shop lifting spree and steal womens shoes.

SHOES???? dare I ask what you gonna do with em?????:eek:
lilmizztemper said:
... [marijuana] can **** up yer ability to respond when behind the wheel of a vehicle...and yes you CAN wipe out a family when under the influence of pot. I have known it to happen...
You can wipe out a family under the influence of your menstruation cycle too! Happens more often than pot!
I've said this before. Why is it more difficult to drive and talk on a cell phone then it is to drive and talk to the person next to you? Its not, and I think that "study" sounds like bullshit.
Jhony5 said:
I've said this before. Why is it more difficult to drive and talk on a cell phone then it is to drive and talk to the person next to you? Its not, and I think that "study" sounds like bullshit.
That's because it IS BULLSHIT...
What the study proves is driving with a .08 BAC ain't that dangerous. It is time to eliminate drunk driving laws and tell the facists at MADD to shove their dead children up their ass.

Member of DAMM (Drunks Against Mad Mothers)
hugo said:
What the study proves is driving with a .08 BAC ain't that dangerous. It is time to eliminate drunk driving laws and tell the facists at MADD to shove their dead children up their ass.

Member of DAMM (Drunks Against Mad Mothers) you must be one of them drunks who can drive huh? wait til you take out a family of five...oh wait it wont be your fault...the other driver was the one who didnt swerve out of yer way. yer quote was the most inhumane quote I have seen thus far. people who think like you are just dangerous...and then some.
You are the dangerous one..a danger to human liberty. The only laws should be against reckless driving. It does not matter why you wipe out a family of five..cell phone use...drunk...doing your nails...masturbating...etc. If you can do these things and drive safely government should not interfere.
hugo said:
You are the dangerous one..a danger to human liberty. The only laws should be against reckless driving. It does not matter why you wipe out a family of five..cell phone use...drunk...doing your nails...masturbating...etc. If you can do these things and drive safely government should not interfere.

drunk driving laws were put into place for a reason. When you kill a family of five...then you get what you deserve...a vehicular homicide charge!
lilmizztemper said:
drunk driving laws were put into place for a reason. When you kill a family of five...then you get what you deserve...a vehicular homicide charge!

That is what you deserve when you kill someone through negligent driving..a vehicular homicide charge. This should occur regardless if you are drunk or sober. Jim Crow laws were put into place for a reason.
hugo said:
That is what you deserve when you kill someone through negligent driving..a vehicular homicide charge. This should occur regardless if you are drunk or sober. Jim Crow laws were put into place for a reason.

DUI laws are there so that cops can administer sobriety tests to individuals whom they pull over and take them OFF the road before they DO kill someone!!! Now you find a test to find out if someone has been eating a burger or daydreaming or just plain not paying attention and then you can say that DUI laws are not needed but I feel much safer knowing that they are there.
I am sure you would also be safer in solitary confinement and fed three times a day.
There is almost always a giving up of liberty in order to increase security. Something big government lovers don't understand until put in dramatic terms.
What the **** is so wrong with keeping oneself safe? would it KILL you to get a designated SOBER driver when ya wish to tie one on?? BTW the USA is NOT the only country in the world with Drunk Driving laws...most countries dont tolerate drunks...and for good reasons!
Yep, the socialists of Europe and the fascists in the Middle East are even more willing to give up liberty for security. Unlike you, I ain't a lemming.

Do you get a designated driver everytime you reach for your cell phone?