McCain chooses Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for V.P.


New member
I smell desperation in the air. Anyone seen the movie "The Candidate"? Might want to check it out.
Honestly, with what has happened in the last 5 years, there is no reason Obama shouldn't have a 20 to 30 point lead on McCain. I guess Americans still can smell out a rat.
That's a pretty old fashioned, right wing, non tech savvy point of view.

There are many, many, many indicators that each and every poll you see is false.

Almost all polls you find on the internet are conducted among LAND LINE polling... I.E. they call you up and ask you this and that. Cell phone usage has now dominated Land line usage by the largest age group of people, where land lines are dominate in a more older (conservative) group. Ever been called for a survey on your cell phone? Know anybody who has? It DOES happen, although the cell number must be listed in the white pages. How many people do you suppose have their cell as a primary phone and have it listed?

I say Obama's following is MUCH MUCH larger then what McSame thinks it is. I'm gonna call a landslide victory all the way.





New member
That's a pretty old fashioned, right wing, non tech savvy point of view.
There are many, many, many indicators that each and every poll you see is false.

Almost all polls you find on the internet are conducted among LAND LINE polling... I.E. they call you up and ask you this and that. Cell phone usage has now dominated Land line usage by the largest age group of people, where land lines are dominate in a more older (conservative) group.

I think you are being a bit assumptive and not so much factual...

Today, approximately 95% of all households have a telephone and every survey reported in this book is based on interviews conducted by telephone.
Isn't Gallop one of the polls that you show? You denounce Zogby and USAToday, but have said Gallop is a credible poll?

I admit there are issues with all polls....

College students living on campus, armed forces personnel living on military bases, prisoners, hospital patients and others living in group institutions are not represented in Gallup’s "sampling frame." Clearly these exclusions represent some diminishment in the coverage of the population, but because of the practical difficulties involved in attempting to reach the institutionalized population, it is a compromise Gallup usually needs to make.
The thing is they are obviously aware also. That's what gives us the margin of error.



New member
I think you are being a bit assumptive and not so much factual...
Nope, it's a fact, look it up.

Isn't Gallop one of the polls that you show? You denounce Zogby and USAToday, but have said Gallop is a credible poll?
Yep, sure is, and if GALLUP is showing a high standing, you can PROBABLY MORE THEN LIKELY give it a 10% boost for Obama. Democrats simply outnumber Republicans... fact... The INDEPENDANTS negate themselves and the GOP base has a higher percentage of land line based people..fact.. older people are more then likely to vote for McCain, but they are a very small portion of the voting population.. The more tech savvy..I.E. internet experienced user is a more LIBERAL thinker, & uses a cell phone as a primary communications port.These numbers outweigh the "CONSERVATIVE TYPE" older crowd hands down. The data speaks for itself.. Conservatism is a dying movement... It has a somewhat following by the less educated and nieve and elderly, but all in all, it is fading into the history books as a VERY VERY bad concept to the "NEW AGE" residents of Earth.




New member
Nope, it's a fact, look it up.



Don't you know you are supposed to provide all the information to me with links to where it came from, otherwise you have poor debating skills? That's what Anna told me when I only gave her one source and told her to google more for herself. :D



New member
Nope, it's a fact, look it up.

Yep, sure is, and if GALLUP is showing a high standing, you can PROBABLY MORE THEN LIKELY give it a 10% boost for Obama. Democrats simply outnumber Republicans... fact... The INDEPENDANTS negate themselves and the GOP base has a higher percentage of land line based people..fact.. older people are more then likely to vote for McCain, but they are a very small portion of the voting population.. The more tech savvy..I.E. internet experienced user is a more LIBERAL thinker, & uses a cell phone as a primary communications port.These numbers outweigh the "CONSERVATIVE TYPE" older crowd hands down. The data speaks for itself.. Conservatism is a dying movement... It has a somewhat following by the less educated and nieve and elderly, but all in all, it is fading into the history books as a VERY VERY bad concept to the "NEW AGE" residents of Earth.


But to reply to your suggestion, I don't know where you get that when Gallup says that 95% of US households have telephones that they poll from.



New member
Try Googling "the Bradley effect". Obama's strength is most likely overrated by the polls.


New member
I went to the State Fair this weekend and the "Palin" buzz was everywhere. They were selling old campign T-shirts for $20 a piece. By the very next day they were pumping out the McCain/Palin T-shirts. Still white or gray generic but getting sold and allways running out just the same. With an 80% approval rate up her I did not here on bad word, except for the fact that she just voted against a clean water intuitive allowing the Pebble mine to create the largest man made dam in the world to hold back toxic waste. I'm sure she was thinking about the welfare of Alaskans and the many benefits mining will bring. But I can't figure why she's the only fisherman to vote against a proposal that will assure our Bristol Bay fishing grounds will remaine safe agianst these toxins.

Now that election is over, we need Pebble facts: Money |

Alaska Dail News



New member
II did not here on bad word, except for the fact that she just voted against a clean water intuitive allowing the Pebble mine to create the largest man made dam in the world to hold back toxic waste. I'm sure she was thinking about the welfare of Alaskans and the many benefits mining will bring. But I can't figure why she's the only fisherman to vote against a proposal that will assure our Bristol Bay fishing grounds will remaine safe agianst these toxins.
Now that election is over, we need Pebble facts: Money |

Sounded like a pretty bad bill from the 1st article you supplied. Sounded like it would jeopardize mining everywhere in Alaska.



New member
Sounded like a pretty bad bill from the 1st article you supplied. Sounded like it would jeopardize mining everywhere in Alaska.
Yeah... no I hope your right. On both sides I think they didn't give out enough information and obscured the facts. The ads for the intuitive kept telling the public that this was not going to effect the Red Dog mine and others. It was just replacing a bill that did not get re approved by the Murkuski administration. Probably she had a good reason for her decision like you say. But We're talking about Bristol Bay. One of the largest pristine fishing grounds on the planet as as far as I'm concerned. On the other hand it wasn't up to her. She just told everybody which way she was gonna vote and at the last minute. The Alaskan public ultimately did vote against it.



New member
I WAS gonna mention the scandal about Palin and her baby and the possibility of it being her daughters the other day..

Won't link to the scandal, just google it, it's all over the net now..

But, I WILL link to this:

[ame=]YouTube - Is Bristol Palin Baby Trig's Mother? Evidence & Pictures[/ame]





New member
I WAS gonna mention the scandal about Palin and her baby and the possibility of it being her daughters the other day..
Won't link to the scandal, just google it, it's all over the net now..

But, I WILL link to this:

YouTube - Is Bristol Palin Baby Trig's Mother? Evidence & Pictures


I dunno about all that, but the guy uses 2 pics to try to show us that the daughter was pregnant, and the one is "circa 2006"... The baby is now 4 months old... That's one **** of a gestation period...



New member
I WAS gonna mention the scandal about Palin and her baby and the possibility of it being her daughters the other day..
Won't link to the scandal, just google it, it's all over the net now..

But, I WILL link to this:

YouTube - Is Bristol Palin Baby Trig's Mother? Evidence & Pictures


lol Who da **** was that? Oh that's funny. :D

I gotta tell the first time I saw that pic I asked myself is her daughter pregnant. If she lied for her daughter which I know to be totaly bulll . It wouldn't make a bit of diffrence.

Not one Ioda!

haha she concpired to keep her daughters pregnancy for what?

And can you tell?

"To any critics who say a woman can't think and work and carry a baby at the same time, I'd just like to escort that Neanderthal back to the cave," Palin said.
They'll blow this out of the water. hehe didn't ya just know this was gonna happen?



New member
Well, if you had a daughter who was pregnant and you didn't want people knowing... beings as you all pro life and Jesus loving and the GUV and all, you'd probably tuck her under a rock for a few months and stuff a pillow under your shirt too. (It's all political).

I haven't seen any rebuttals of this from the GOP side so far... obviously this is either a very tasteless conspiracy theory, or there is something to it.

If this is a hoax, or farse, then she should have responded by now you would think.

If it's NOT true, then write it off as political election year propaganda, if it IS true, McCain is TOAST !!

You would think it would be in the best interest of McCain to debunk this rumor about his VP pick.





New member
Oh trust me, she will debunk this ASAP? Ya see it wouldn't have mattered up here whether it was her daughters or hers. There would be no reason to hide the fact if it were her daughters. She didn't want her constituents treating her any different. After all she already has the dogma of being a women let alone a pregnant one.


New member
Well, if you had a daughter who was pregnant and you didn't want people knowing... beings as you all pro life and Jesus loving and the GUV and all, you'd probably tuck her under a rock for a few months and stuff a pillow under your shirt too. (It's all political).
I haven't seen any rebuttals of this from the GOP side so far... obviously this is either a very tasteless conspiracy theory, or there is something to it.

If this is a hoax, or farse, then she should have responded by now you would think.

If it's NOT true, then write it off as political election year propaganda, if it IS true, McCain is TOAST !!

You would think it would be in the best interest of McCain to debunk this rumor about his VP pick.


So to hide her "daughter's pregancy" she made her be pregnant for a year and a half. Sounds plausible. :rolleyes:



New member
Well, if you had a daughter who was pregnant and you didn't want people knowing... beings as you all pro life and Jesus loving and the GUV and all, you'd probably tuck her under a rock for a few months and stuff a pillow under your shirt too. (It's all political).
I haven't seen any rebuttals of this from the GOP side so far... obviously this is either a very tasteless conspiracy theory, or there is something to it.

If this is a hoax, or farse, then she should have responded by now you would think.

If it's NOT true, then write it off as political election year propaganda, if it IS true, McCain is TOAST !!

You would think it would be in the best interest of McCain to debunk this rumor about his VP pick.


Let's say tha it's true about Bristol being Trig's mom. You are now saying that this proves she is pro-life just like she claims. What's the point?

I suppose Bristol should have aborted the baby so she didn't get, "punished with a baby" like Obama says.

I don't know if there is any proof of any of this but I will say that this picture is proof that Obama is a Muslim...


Before anyone argues, the picture says it all. Obama is a Muslim. No questions asked. Has to be pictures never lie and are never taken out of context.

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New member
I'll answer your question about Obama being a Muslim here also, just as I did on the other site.

I personally wouldn't care. Answer me this. So what if Palin is raising her daughter's Downs Syndrom child? Is that such a horrible thing. I personally feel it's better than the child being aborted. It just reinforces her pro-life stance, as far as I'm concerned. I knew several people who raised grandchildren, nieces and nephews as their own because the child's mother, was "punished with a baby" as Obama would put it.
I find it honerable, if nothing else. If true.
I also don't believe Obama is a Muslim but many do from this pic. As far as Palin, there are countless articles out ther talking about when he was born and that he is being breast fed by Sarah Palin also. Do you insist that she squirt milk from her *** into your Cheerios to prove she gave birth to Trig any more that I should insists that Obama **** on a Quoran to prove he isn't Muslim.

I don't see where either is an issue as to their qualifications.



New member
And you don't take a family photo with your daughters "love child" tummy up front. You stick her in the back if your tyring to hide the fact.
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