Men Who Hit Women.

Chi said:
When men use the excuse that they just HAD to hit her like a man because she came at him. That could very well be avoided by restraining the psycho bitch until she calms down or the police haul her ass away. No one should be putting their hands on anyone, but let's face it, sometimes crap happens and the very vast majority of the time the man WILL be stronger than the woman and can do much worse damage to her, it's just not a fair fight. Be a bigger man and be smart, use that advantage and strength to restrain her psycho ass or risk going to jail, pay fines, have stuff on your record, etc.

You ever try to hold down a pissed off bitch?

I'm 6'4" and i was having trouble getting a 5' nothing cat-on-crack bitch off my friend when he dumped her, one swift one to the jaw is WAY better if you ask me (but I'm from bum **** Alaska, so if your in an ultra-***** lawyer run city in the lower 48, you might just need to take it like a bitch) yes a bitch, no smart man would stand and get cut, bit, hit and do nothing, only someone very very whipped by fear of 'law' would choose mutilation of self over self defense.
Chi said:
Men who hit women are coward pussies, plain and simple.

And women who aren't intelligent enough to handle their problems in another way as opposed to hitting a man and taking advantage because she has a ***** is a stupid bitch that probably deserves to be slapped in the first place. Don't put your hands on him and we wouldn't have this problem.

Chi said:
You can't handle a woman and simply restrain her, that says a lot about you as a man.

Yep, it just simply says either:

a) He doesn't want to touch her because even guys who restrain a woman wind up being in cuffs any damn way. Or...

b) Well let's see, let's take an odd couple of a 5'2" 130 lbs. guy and a 5"10" 186 lbs. woman. Do you really think he is going to have an easy time handling her? Even big guys have an issue handling an out of control rabid bitch that is smaller.

Once again she's got no ****ing business trying to do bodily harm to him if he didn't touch her. Strength my ass. She can still injure him and he is supposed to stand there or treat her oh-so-nicely? **** that. I rather not hit a woman or ANYONE for that matter but if I have to defend myself I will do just that.

Chi said:
Sure some broads need the **** slapped out of them to snap them back into reality, but all out beating a woman like she is a man, you need to check yourself.

The only one in this case that needs to check themselves is the bitch who threw the punch or kick preemptively.

A simple slap to a woman (though I personally wouldn't do it) will very rarely do any serious damage. I'm not talking about beating her to a bloody pulp. I mean sending a message that says "HEY! You sure you want to try that again?" Now if she grabs the knife or gun, she better prepare for the fight of her life.
Chi said:
When men use the excuse that they just HAD to hit her like a man because she came at him.

She wanted to "fight like a man" she should expect to be hit like one. Me personally would rather push her away. Quite frankly I think she needs the **** slapped out of her. A sting to the face, no damage really done. But we all know what will happen. "He assaulted me!!!" She'll start crying, the cops get all heroic, and off to jail the guy goes while the woman inside her head is doing the victory dance, especially if she started the conflict.

Chi said:
That could very well be avoided by restraining the psycho bitch until she calms down or the police haul her ass away.

Cops haul HER ass away? NOT LIKELY! Once in a while it happens but mostly buddy is going to have to deal with Big Bubba Joe in the cell for a night or two. But all this could be avoided if SHE HAD KEPT HER HANDS TO HERSELF!

Chi said:
No one should be putting their hands on anyone, but let's face it, sometimes crap happens and the very vast majority of the time the man WILL be stronger than the woman and can do much worse damage to her, it's just not a fair fight.

The first part made sense and it was a point I repeated over and over. And fighting believe it or not is natural. But us being primarily intellectual creatures, able to defy instinct can prevent fighting. And again with this strength thing! That **** is NEGATED...yes NEGATED when the bitch ruptures your balls with a swift kick, or decimates your nose with a well aimed punch, or gouges out your ****ing eye. The thing that isn't fair is the fact that in 90 percent of the cases, no matter what happens, the guy is bad and the girl is good. That's not ****ing fair.

Oh and dudes CAN control how hard they hit, I mean not all of use move our arm and can break through bricks. Damn...

Chi said:
Be a bigger man and be smart, use that advantage and strength to restrain her psycho ass or risk going to jail, pay fines, have stuff on your record, etc.

Be a bigger man? This is man vs. woman. You mean be the BETTER person. Fleeing, sadly, is the safest method of avoiding a psycho bitch. Even in your own home But most of them are so damn bellicose that they will follow you to the ends of the Earth to exasperate the problem due to the natural attraction of DRAMA. And once again, 90 percent of the time no matter what happens, the guy is evil. He will have this on his record ANYWAYS and suffer the ramifications for his AND her actions.

Look, to dispel this stupid size bullshit. Take a crab and take a human. Look at how small a crab is. Look at how big a human is. When that crab pinches you it ****ing hurts. Now take a man and take a woman. Not that much bigger than each other. Now if that little crab can have a big guy sucking his finger like a little kid, imagine when a much larger creature closer to his size can do. Yeah, exactly. Keep you hands to yourself.
Chi said:
No one should be putting their hands on anyone, but let's face it, sometimes crap happens and the very vast majority of the time the man WILL be stronger than the woman and can do much worse damage to her, it's just not a fair fight.

If a woman wants pay on par with that of a man, she should be able to take a punch like one too.
i see it like this. women know good and well what men are capable of doing, women dont just push mens buttons for the hell of it, they want to see how far they can go with him. in this case they want the ultimate confrontation, a slap in the face. and there are many that deserve it, sad to say though we have manginas in the legal and court system that would look the other way no matter how threatened or how much it was the womans fault. so do some females deserve to be slapped, yes. should a man do it under the system they have these days? no. if worse comes to worse just shake her and prove your point to her so she knows if she goes further it can get worse. but even then a guy will probably wrongly go to jail or anything else these days lol. me personally i avoid situations like that.
So much vagina worship on this thread...

If a woman feels the need to act like a man and become physically violent with a man, then she is treated as if she were a man. Period. End of story.
Hitting ANYONE is wrong. Where is the outrage at the woman for starting the fight?

To all the people who say "A man should realize that he is much stonger than a woman and he could hurt her if he hits her.", I say in return that maybe women should realize the same thing and avoid physical confrontations with men, not initiate one.

All I'm seeing here is talk of the man's responsibility of realizing that he could damage a woman severely if he fights back. What would we say about a man who was mauled after he walked up and attacked a lion? We'd say that he was a dumbass and got what we deserved. A lion is physically stronger and much more dangerous than a man, just like a man is GENERALLY physically stronger and much more dangerous than a woman.

A woman is making a CHOICE when she chooses to initiate a physical confrontation with a man. Choices have consequences. Or are we going to go ahead and release women from that pesky thing called "personal responsibility"?
LegallyInshane said:
So much vagina worship on this thread...

If a woman feels the need to act like a man and become physically violent with a man, then she is treated as if she were a man. Period. End of story.
Hitting ANYONE is wrong. Where is the outrage at the woman for starting the fight?

To all the people who say "A man should realize that he is much stonger than a woman and he could hurt her if he hits her.", I say in return that maybe women should realize the same thing and avoid physical confrontations with men, not initiate one.

All I'm seeing here is talk of the man's responsibility of realizing that he could damage a woman severely if he fights back. What would we say about a man who was mauled after he walked up and attacked a lion? We'd say that he was a dumbass and got what we deserved. A lion is physically stronger and much more dangerous than a man, just like a man is GENERALLY physically stronger and much more dangerous than a woman.

A woman is making a CHOICE when she chooses to initiate a physical confrontation with a man. Choices have consequences. Or are we going to go ahead and release women from that pesky thing called "personal responsibility"?

****ing-A. I don't roll down MLK Blvd in the ATL with my head out the window screaming racial epithets at the blacks. Why? I ****ing no better, that's why. Just like a woman should know better than to put herself in the position of a man.

Women fought for equality and by God they deserve it. Unfortunately the poon-worshipping authority is blind to the plight of the man.
Saw a man intervene when a man was slapping a woman once. It just took a few seconds before the woman was attacking the man who went to her defense.
hugo said:
Saw a man intervene when a man was slapping a woman once. It just took a few seconds before the woman was attacking the man who went to her defense.
She loves and deserves the abuse then.
To Outlaw, Msixty and everyone else who quoted me and directed comments towards me, I still feel the same way. I'll agree to disagree with you guys. I would also NEVER date men like you who feel the way you do, not because I plan on hitting or like to fight (I DESPISE that), but I just can't respect a man that would hit a girl/woman and is so brazen about it, too. I hate that caveman/brute mentality.
Chi said:
To Outlaw, Msixty and everyone else who quoted me and directed comments towards me, I still feel the same way. I'll agree to disagree with you guys. I would also NEVER date men like you who feel the way you do, not because I plan on hitting or like to fight (I DESPISE that), but I just can't respect a man that would hit a girl/woman and is so brazen about it, too. I hate that caveman/brute mentality.

You are my hero, Chi.

I already made my opinion known on the subject: I have NO respect for a man who hits a woman unless it is a life-threatening situation (which is extremely rare). Call me a vagina-worshipper or old fashioned, but that is they way I feel about it. I also would never date a man who would be so vocal about his right to hit a woman.
So that must mean that myself, Msixty, and basically every guy who posted in this thread is a scumbag because we agree not not just stand there and get our asses pummled? Because we believe in self defense? Because of the fact that just because a WOMAN ATTACKS US FIRST that WE have to assume responsibility. And if we hit them first we STILL have to assume responsibility (that part is true, a man shouldn't be hitting anyone, especially his partner without self defense in mind).

This sounds like a case of "I have a vagina and I can do whatever the hell I want so if I attack you, you better restrain me or you are going to jail! HAHAHA!" It also sounds like a case of laziness. Once again most of the women in this society don't want to take responsibility for their actions. No matter what happens, it is the man's fault. If he hits first, it is his fault. If she hits first it is his fault. It is for the most part a losing situation for the male.

Since you two won't date any man that will defend himself from a woman then you two are probably going to be living with cats for the rest of your lives. Because alot of men are starting to wake up and see this one-sided, feminazi bullshit and are done "taking it like man" and taking it up the ass. Accept some damn responsibility. And notice some of us men still decided to NOT hit the crap out of y'all first chance we get? That some of us STILL decide to restrain or even RUN from you? But of course logic isn't part of your selfish views. Quite frankly it is good that women such as yourself won't date men like us because we can go find a woman who WON'T take advantage of the law and WON'T try to chop off our dicks and should she do strike, she assumes responsibility. I will definitely show respect to a woman that admits she is wrong. And me personally only attack if my life is in danger, not if I am slapped or pushed.

So you are wrong. It is not macho. It is not barbaric. It is SELF ****ING DEFENSE. We are not street thugs going around saying "Yo, let's slap and hit all these ****in' hos yo. ****ing bitches." No. SELF DEFENSE. Do you know what that means? That means if you pull out a knife or gun then you are getting your ass kicked. Oh and RARE CASE MY ASS! Did you watch the video I posted earlier? Women are just as likely to committ severe acts of violence as men, ESPECIALLY towards children. Your **** stinks. Get over yourselves. Assume some damn responsibility. And that video isn't the only source. Look up some statistics. Y'all are just as "macho and barbaric" especially since most of the men are PROGRAMMED not to lay a hand on you, even to restrain you. And you take advantage.

I would never date a woman who thinks she is above the law and never assumes responsibility for her actions.
Outlaw2747 said:
So that must mean that myself, Msixty, and basically every guy who posted in this thread is a scumbag because we agree not not just stand there and get our asses pummled? Because we believe in self defense? Because of the fact that just because a WOMAN ATTACKS US FIRST that WE have to assume responsibility. And if we hit them first we STILL have to assume responsibility (that part is true, a man shouldn't be hitting anyone, especially his partner without self defense in mind).

I've stayed out of this thread mostly because of personal history that skews my perspective. However, I just want you to know, I don't think ANY guy is scum if he stands up for himself. I agree that people shouldn't go around looking for a fight, but if it presents itself, stand up for yourself.

Not every woman thinks you are scum for standing up for yourself. I don't. I think women are scum for putting men in that situation. I'm 5'4 and 97 pounds. If I make a guy mad at me, to the point of violence, then I can pretty much expect to get my ass whipped. That should just be a natural assumption.

People who are in relationships that make them angry to the point of violence need to leave. I'm talking from personal experience. If someone makes you so mad you can only deal with them with a fist in their face, walk away.
Outlaw2747 said:
The issue is that society programmed us and especially the cops to NOT hit a woman since they are so beautiful and delicate and helpless while a man is big, strong, and supposed to "take it like a man". This gives the woman the advantage (what else is new) and more often or not they take advantage of it.

This YouTube video explains it better than I ever could.

I watched this video... and I have to admit... It did make me think... I've been in situations where I was physically attacked by a woman. And she was attempting to do physical harm. I
Outlaw2747 said:
So that must mean that myself, Msixty, and basically every guy who posted in this thread is a scumbag because we agree not not just stand there and get our asses pummled? Because we believe in self defense? Because of the fact that just because a WOMAN ATTACKS US FIRST that WE have to assume responsibility. And if we hit them first we STILL have to assume responsibility (that part is true, a man shouldn't be hitting anyone, especially his partner without self defense in mind).

This sounds like a case of "I have a vagina and I can do whatever the hell I want so if I attack you, you better restrain me or you are going to jail! HAHAHA!" It also sounds like a case of laziness. Once again most of the women in this society don't want to take responsibility for their actions. No matter what happens, it is the man's fault. If he hits first, it is his fault. If she hits first it is his fault. It is for the most part a losing situation for the male.

Since you two won't date any man that will defend himself from a woman then you two are probably going to be living with cats for the rest of your lives. Because alot of men are starting to wake up and see this one-sided, feminazi bullshit and are done "taking it like man" and taking it up the ass. Accept some damn responsibility. And notice some of us men still decided to NOT hit the crap out of y'all first chance we get? That some of us STILL decide to restrain or even RUN from you? But of course logic isn't part of your selfish views. Quite frankly it is good that women such as yourself won't date men like us because we can go find a woman who WON'T take advantage of the law and WON'T try to chop off our dicks and should she do strike, she assumes responsibility. I will definitely show respect to a woman that admits she is wrong. And me personally only attack if my life is in danger, not if I am slapped or pushed.

So you are wrong. It is not macho. It is not barbaric. It is SELF ****ING DEFENSE. We are not street thugs going around saying "Yo, let's slap and hit all these ****in' hos yo. ****ing bitches." No. SELF DEFENSE. Do you know what that means? That means if you pull out a knife or gun then you are getting your ass kicked. Oh and RARE CASE MY ASS! Did you watch the video I posted earlier? Women are just as likely to committ severe acts of violence as men, ESPECIALLY towards children. Your **** stinks. Get over yourselves. Assume some damn responsibility. And that video isn't the only source. Look up some statistics. Y'all are just as "macho and barbaric" especially since most of the men are PROGRAMMED not to lay a hand on you, even to restrain you. And you take advantage.

I would never date a woman who thinks she is above the law and never assumes responsibility for her actions.

No, not EVERY guy in this thread. And the assumption that women like Phanny and I will end up being lonely cat ladies is very laughable. She is already married and I am dating a guy who already wants to get married, neither one of us has EVER had any problem getting men. On the otherhand, I like you as a friend and all, but you always seem to have problems in the women dept. and I think it is mostly because of your negative outlook and esp. regarding women.

Like I said, I will agree to disagree. I just don't respect a man who will hit a woman, you on the other hand have no problem hitting a woman if you feel you have to and that is fine and dandy.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I watched this video... and I have to admit... It did make me think... I've been in situations where I was physically attacked by a woman. And she was attempting to do physical harm. I
I agree with some of the stuff that you said, like people shouldn't go around looking for trouble and all, but I have a problem with the following:
manicmonday said:
If I make a guy mad at me, to the point of violence, then I can pretty much expect to get my ass whipped.
Expect? Who the hell expects to get their ass whooped by their bf/husband g/f/wife? What are we, children? Natural assumption my ass, that is no way to live. Only the martyrs, meek and abused by choice can have that sort of skewed perception.

I would think you being 5'4' and 97lbs or whatever would agree even more that a man should never hit a woman, ESPECIALLY sounding as you have been in abusive relationship(s). What, you actually think/thought you deserved it? Hell, I could even do lots of damage to you being a 5'7" 130 lbs woman, imagine a man!
I think were all talking about spousal abuse. Yes if you can walk away even with a lump on the head from the vase she tossed at you, you should.

What Outlaw is saying is that your boyfriend and Phantoms husband WILL protected themselves. Unless their brain dead.
If am attacked I don’t care who, what or when, I’m gonna defend myself. They got women gang members that are just as mean as the meanest men.

It comes down to the language of self defense. Can you turn and walk away?
snafu said:
I think were all talking about spousal abuse. Yes if you can walk away even with a lump on the head from the vase she tossed at you, you should.

What Outlaw is saying is that your boyfriend and Phantoms husband WILL protected themselves. Unless their brain dead.
If am attacked I don
Chi said:
Turn and walk away from who? Someone handicapped or much weaker than me, yes, I will very hard damn try. I spent a lot of my time in grammar and high school sticking up for nerds and wimps, even from the "popular kids" and my own friends so yeah, that's something I feel strongly about.

You do realise the whole point of self defense is because you cannot turn and walk away right? Unless you feel like having a 130 pound cat attached to your back. If someone is attacking you, do you honestly believe they will stop when they see you trying to avoid the confrontation?

"Oh look, he's being mature and walking away, I guess I'll stop scratching hunks out of his skin."

Yeah good luck with that..:rolleyes: