Minn. court rules for Franken in Senate fight



ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- A unanimous Minnesota Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Democrat Al Franken should be certified the winner of the state's long-running Senate race, paving the way for the former Saturday Night Live comedian to be seated after an almost eight-month fight....





New member
Yeah another clown in the Senate. Just what we needed.
Better then having an actor in the whitehouse pretending like he cares like we did in the early 80's. ;)
Now he should sue coleman for his court fees and for "OBSTRUCTING" the guy.

At least now we have a fillibuster (obstructionist party) proof majority to get done!!





New member
Better then having an actor in the whitehouse pretending like he cares like we did in the early 80's. ;)
Now he should sue coleman for his court fees and for "OBSTRUCTING" the guy.

At least now we have a fillibuster (obstructionist party) proof majority to get done!!



Translation: Now we have a filibuster resistant majority that is likely to completely ruin our nation and make it a secular progressive dreamland.



New member
I'll place my bet with the scientists over the "JESUS SAVES" crowd any day.
Proof negates faith.


You must be talking about the same people who put blind faith in an unproven theory with many rational and reasonable scientific proof against it.

Just like global warming.

Global warming is the science of the secular progressives, and Al Gore is their priest.



Active Members
At least now we have a fillibuster (obstructionist party) proof majority to get done!!
Finally, one Liberal who admits everything they do is .

I wonder, we are not running out of money, we are already out of money and falling fast. Where does the money come from to pay for all this ? Do Liberals believe killing the golden goose will have no negative results?

Simple economics, we are broke, there is no more tax money to take. Every tax on the rich must be passed down to the poor through increases in gas prices, increased heating costs, increased prices for basic needs like bread and milk. Your not helping the poor by making every basic good more expensive.



New member
Simple economics, we are broke, there is no more tax money to take. Every tax on the rich must be passed down to the poor through increases in gas prices, increased heating costs, increased prices for basic needs like bread and milk. Your not helping the poor by making every basic good more expensive.
New wave Eugenics. No *** needed. :cool: so what's the complaint?


New member
You must be talking about the same people who put blind faith in an unproven theory with many rational and reasonable scientific proof against it.
Just like global warming.

Global warming is the science of the secular progressives, and Al Gore is their priest.
Drill baby drill, waste baby waste. It will never be a problem. Let's take the topic off a tangent and talk about something else besides global warming, like say Al Franken.





New member
Sounds great. New wave eugenics. Cut off aid to the poor, let them starve.
No more poor, no more drain on the rest of us.

That's SP eugenics.

As opposed to what YOU think is happening... Tax YOU to death to feed someone poorer, thus making you poor?

Oh whaa!!

I never could see the logic in that complaint. If anything that is a self serving complaint of greed.

I'd love to see the line up of people after armegeddon being judged by St. whatshisname talking about how they hated having to pay to feed someone, or hated having to shelter someone from someplace else, and the long explanation for a host of other sanctimonious ****.

Let's cut the bull and say it like it is man. If we wanna keep our population alive and thriving, we don't need to kill of anyone but the extra live stock races like the entire freaking African continent.

I believe and endorse Eugenics, however, I don't think for a second I'm qualified to fit into the master plan.







New member
Let's cut the bull and say it like it is man. If we wanna keep our population alive and thriving, we don't need to kill of anyone but the extra live stock races like the entire freaking African continent.

I believe and endorse Eugenics, however, I don't think for a second I'm qualified to fit into the master plan.




Well this says a lot. I know I've proven in the past that those who believe in *** and worry about St. Whatshisname (Peter), have always been more charitable, and giving in life. Statistics prove conservatives more charitable and statistics also prove that charitable organizations are always, beyond denial, more efficient with the money and goods they receive, as just like the I said about government agencies who assume they can waste all they want because of the never ending taxpayer bailout, charities do the most with what they have because they always work under the same assumption as rational, conservative citizens do, as they have to work within a budget because they are on a limited budget.

Nobody says helping the poor is bad. They just say that time has proven that stealing from those who have to give to those who don't, under force, doesn't work.

"Property is the fruit of labor...property is desirable...is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built." ~ Abraham Lincoln

"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your earn.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away man?s initiative and independence. You cannot establish security on borrowed money. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." ~ William J. H. Boetcker



Active Members
Charity is support offered from the heart. Support taken by force is theft.

I do not mind helping other people, I myself give to charity and offer my own time volunteering. I do this because I want to, not because the Government forces me to do it.

What I do dislike about the Government taking my money to give to the lazy is on top of perpetuating sloth, they waste most of the money they take in the first place. About .70 to .87 cents to the dollar taken is wasted on buracracy. So those that the Government is claiming to be helping only get a tiny portion of the money the Government collects to provide that help.

Compared to religious based charities who get .98 cents of every dollar directly to the needy.....that proves there is a big problem with the Government provided assistance.

Simple economics, you cannot tax the rich.

The rich own businesses and when you tax the rich they just treat it like any other cost of doing business and pass it down to the consumer. The Liberals get the illusion of taxing the rich but the reality of severely hurting the poor, the people they claim to be trying to help.

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