Lets see, I posted pictures of their lies, showed proof of them suing to lie to people, what do you need next, the youtube video of Murdock saying the station he owns is right wing?
I'm supposed to believe one station, out of all the flavors I have to choose from, is the only reliable one and all the rest aren't. Even though that one station has all those marks against them?
How do you sell that type of marketing to people anyway?
Yeah, we here at fox may have slipped up here, sued to talk trash there, and flat out stated we are this political affiliation, but trust us, were the most fair and balanced.... look, we even say so in our slogan!!
If ABC news does that, or if PBS did that, they wouldn't be viewed by me. How do you expect a station to live up to their claim of fair and balanced to keep people watching? Perhaps it's the lunatic fringe they call journalists that keep people watching.
It's nice to have people like John Stewart or even Colbert who keep it real and say "HEY, I'M AN ENTERTAINER, NOT A REPORTER" spew what they spew then these morons on Fox who want to try and set an Agenda with this country. You call THAT fair and balanced?
Or how about right wing entertainers who try setting an agenda? Like Rush.
That MORON even had the NERVE to try and blame Sanford's affair on Obama.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Nuh3eAjc2M]YouTube - Limbaugh Blames Obama For Republican Governor's Affair[/ame]
I REALLY DO feel sorry for the Republican party. And believe it or not, in the back of my mind, I am rooting for them to actually make a comeback. I know I'll make more money with a Republican in office then I will a Democrat. I won't deny that. But this ******** AND COMPLAINING about every new policy from the current administration needs to stop. It's REALLY SAD that it needs to come down to needing that filibuster proof senate just to get anything done.
8, no make that 6, (if you want to get technical) years with 100% Republican control yielded failure and me being ashamed I voted for Bob Dole.
I don't have confidence in the leadership this country had... why should I have?
I remember being in my office tuned to FOX NEWS when the conflict in Iraq started. Actually, more like before that when they were after Bin Laden in Tora Bora. Fox news was THE channel to turn to for all the coverage. They even had reporters inside the cars while the troops were moving forward. My thoughts were GET BIN LADEN. I hear reports about how they almost have him, how they caught the #2 this or that general blah blah blah.. I was SO proud of Mr. Bush for sending those troops in to kill that ******. I was mad at him for not doing it sooner. I thought him quite worthless up until that time for not doing more to "''PAY BACK" for 9/11. I'd think to myself.. "Common Bush, quit being a *****, go kill us some Arabs".
Then I heard about Saddam and his BS. And I thought to myself..... "YEAH, BOMB THEM FUKKERS TOO, DIDN'T WE JUST WAR WITH THEM A FEW YEARS BACK, ****** DESTROY IRAQ"
But HERE, is where you lost me, and millions of other free thinking American voters. Here is where I had second thoughts about having that Republican President.... OK, I admit it, I voted for George Bush the first time. It's frikken Nebraska... I vote what all the peeps around me vote.
George Bush had a VERY HIGH approval rating from both Republicans and Democrats during the 9/11 fiasco. Americans really were... not a blue or red state, but were the United States.
But anyways... I got suspicious, and rightfully so, the day when George Bush comes on my Fox News screen on my PC TV tuner, and tells me the Iraqi people are being oppressed and have the desire to be "LIBERATED".
This in itself was separate news from the thought that was really on my mind... "WHEN ARE THEY GONNA GET THAT ****** BIN LADEN"
When Americans like myself kept asking that question, it was right there at that point, the country started to divide.
As you can plainly see by the aftermath, the ones who kept asking the questions and criticizing were the ones who were correct all along.
It's really too bad that this politicized and divided America back into BLUE .vs RED.
Where we need to argue "FAMILY VALUES" to proclaim our political affiliation. Where every proposal from the Democrat side is "BAD" because it's a Democrat proposal. No broader look to how it might affect one personally to their advantage. It's just better to politicize it because of who's idea it was.
This PROBABLY wouldn't be an issue for me personally, except when I see EVERY **** DECISION made by the powers that be President, and congress alike within the last 8 years have either been a lie or a failure, have to throw out a vote of ZERO CONFIDENCE into the Republican party's ideals and feel it's best to step back, STFU, and let the NEW leadership do what it wants to do instead.
I just happen to SUPPORT the ideas of the new leadership, because it IS new leadership. You guys don't. You have more confidence in failed leadership, and LESS confidence in NEW leadership all because of political affiliation.
That's VERY sad for America. Politicizing it's growth potential. Why do Republicans hate America, more to the point, fellow Americans so much? I gotta wonder. Is money REALLY that important?