Minn. court rules for Franken in Senate fight


New member
Bender. I've shown all this **** before, proving from an independent source that Fox news was the most balanced news source as far as both stories pro-Obama and pro-McCain stories but if you choose to ignore them, AGAIN, I guess that shows more to your character than that of any of these news sources.

You obviously can't see what is factually proven, right in front of your face and therefore, your opinion should also be judged as so.



New member
Fox news... a channel that went to court for the right to lie, who made constant mistakes like putting the letter "D" by the names of shamed Republicans or Republicans that aren't conforming, owned by a right winger who even SAYS it's a right wing channel... is the most balanced news.. And ALL THE REST aren't..

Hmm, yeah, your gonna need to try harder to convince me of that... strike that... you should try harder to convince yourself.





New member
Fox news... a channel that went to court for the right to lie, constant makes mistakes like putting the letter "D" by the names of shamed Republicans or Republicans that aren't conforming, owned by a right winger who even SAYS it's a right wing channel... is the most balanced news.. And ALL THE REST aren't..
Hmm, yeah, your gonna need to try harder to convince me of that... strike that... you should try harder to convince yourself.



WTF You need to share the peyote.



New member
Lets see, I posted pictures of their lies, showed proof of them suing to lie to people, what do you need next, the youtube video of Murdock saying the station he owns is right wing?

I'm supposed to believe one station, out of all the flavors I have to choose from, is the only reliable one and all the rest aren't. Even though that one station has all those marks against them?

How do you sell that type of marketing to people anyway?

Yeah, we here at fox may have slipped up here, sued to talk trash there, and flat out stated we are this political affiliation, but trust us, were the most fair and balanced.... look, we even say so in our slogan!!
If ABC news does that, or if PBS did that, they wouldn't be viewed by me. How do you expect a station to live up to their claim of fair and balanced to keep people watching? Perhaps it's the lunatic fringe they call journalists that keep people watching.
It's nice to have people like John Stewart or even Colbert who keep it real and say "HEY, I'M AN ENTERTAINER, NOT A REPORTER" spew what they spew then these morons on Fox who want to try and set an Agenda with this country. You call THAT fair and balanced?

Or how about right wing entertainers who try setting an agenda? Like Rush.

That MORON even had the NERVE to try and blame Sanford's affair on Obama.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Nuh3eAjc2M]YouTube - Limbaugh Blames Obama For Republican Governor's Affair[/ame]

I REALLY DO feel sorry for the Republican party. And believe it or not, in the back of my mind, I am rooting for them to actually make a comeback. I know I'll make more money with a Republican in office then I will a Democrat. I won't deny that. But this ******** AND COMPLAINING about every new policy from the current administration needs to stop. It's REALLY SAD that it needs to come down to needing that filibuster proof senate just to get anything done.

8, no make that 6, (if you want to get technical) years with 100% Republican control yielded failure and me being ashamed I voted for Bob Dole.

I don't have confidence in the leadership this country had... why should I have?

I remember being in my office tuned to FOX NEWS when the conflict in Iraq started. Actually, more like before that when they were after Bin Laden in Tora Bora. Fox news was THE channel to turn to for all the coverage. They even had reporters inside the cars while the troops were moving forward. My thoughts were GET BIN LADEN. I hear reports about how they almost have him, how they caught the #2 this or that general blah blah blah.. I was SO proud of Mr. Bush for sending those troops in to kill that ******. I was mad at him for not doing it sooner. I thought him quite worthless up until that time for not doing more to "''PAY BACK" for 9/11. I'd think to myself.. "Common Bush, quit being a *****, go kill us some Arabs".

Then I heard about Saddam and his BS. And I thought to myself..... "YEAH, BOMB THEM FUKKERS TOO, DIDN'T WE JUST WAR WITH THEM A FEW YEARS BACK, ****** DESTROY IRAQ"

But HERE, is where you lost me, and millions of other free thinking American voters. Here is where I had second thoughts about having that Republican President.... OK, I admit it, I voted for George Bush the first time. It's frikken Nebraska... I vote what all the peeps around me vote.

George Bush had a VERY HIGH approval rating from both Republicans and Democrats during the 9/11 fiasco. Americans really were... not a blue or red state, but were the United States.

But anyways... I got suspicious, and rightfully so, the day when George Bush comes on my Fox News screen on my PC TV tuner, and tells me the Iraqi people are being oppressed and have the desire to be "LIBERATED".

This in itself was separate news from the thought that was really on my mind... "WHEN ARE THEY GONNA GET THAT ****** BIN LADEN"

When Americans like myself kept asking that question, it was right there at that point, the country started to divide.

As you can plainly see by the aftermath, the ones who kept asking the questions and criticizing were the ones who were correct all along.

It's really too bad that this politicized and divided America back into BLUE .vs RED.

Where we need to argue "FAMILY VALUES" to proclaim our political affiliation. Where every proposal from the Democrat side is "BAD" because it's a Democrat proposal. No broader look to how it might affect one personally to their advantage. It's just better to politicize it because of who's idea it was.

This PROBABLY wouldn't be an issue for me personally, except when I see EVERY **** DECISION made by the powers that be President, and congress alike within the last 8 years have either been a lie or a failure, have to throw out a vote of ZERO CONFIDENCE into the Republican party's ideals and feel it's best to step back, STFU, and let the NEW leadership do what it wants to do instead.

I just happen to SUPPORT the ideas of the new leadership, because it IS new leadership. You guys don't. You have more confidence in failed leadership, and LESS confidence in NEW leadership all because of political affiliation.

That's VERY sad for America. Politicizing it's growth potential. Why do Republicans hate America, more to the point, fellow Americans so much? I gotta wonder. Is money REALLY that important?





New member
I guess I'll have to wrap the aluminum foil on my head and then try to understand what you're getting at because I don't see many 'facts' here and if Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert are your main sources, I guess that answers a lot of my quesions..

Appearantly we are supposed to limit our opinions to staire.

Whatever makes you feel better.

I will say that reluctantly, both Stewart and Colbert, obviously painfully, are coming around and realizing Obama is fukking them too.

What seems to be my big problem and what you reluctanly seem to be understanding is, that it isn't just and anti-Obama thing, but it's a denial of no checks and balances.

You tried to bring up the 90s and the budget. You claim we denounce Clinton on the balanced budget, but we don't.

It was a combined effort of a "democratic exectutive brance" and a "republican congress' that made things work well. (ask Monica)

That was my biggest argument about Obmama before the election. We needed checks and balances because it wasn't working with a Rep Pres and Rep Congress, just as bad things will happen with a Dem Pres and Dem Congress.



New member
Like I said, it's VERY SAD that it comes down to needing to block filibuster. The filibuster IS the check and balance. I also believe in needing that check and balance. The problem now is, we don't have that. What we have now is political opposition based on nothing but politics, and NOT the interest of the people. What's even more sad, is it's the Republicans who are doing it. By more and more Republican leaders representing themselves as the "PARTY OF NO" with a history of failures to back them up, the more ANY given Democrat idea, even if it's a bad one, looks appealing.

People look at that politicizing and say to Republicans. "YOU IDIOTS SCREWED UP ONCE ALREADY FOR YEARS, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK" And they say this BECAUSE Republicans politicize an issue. This is why Obama won, this is why we now have a filibuster proof senate. This is why Republicans must NOW rely on Blue Dog Democrats like Ben Nelson to keep their agenda alive.

I call that BIGOTRY, and it is the BIGGEST factor into as to why Republicans lost control. Politicized bigotry caused a black man with a Muslim sounding last name to get elected.

The rants of "MESSIAH", or "THE ONE", or even "SAVIOR" caused people to lose confidence in the sanity of Republican ideals. I know it caused me to lose confidence.

IWS, your my bro, and I owe alot of my personal struggles that plagued my mind and caused me internal dispair overcome by you. I LOVE arguing politics with you to kill the boredom. I'm probably an old fashioned Republican at heart, but I have a good understanding of the reality of the world around me. I understand I don't need a political belief and I don't need friends. But I do know that in my heart, I need to side with the people who are around me to make their lives better, even if it inconveniences my personal life, or even if they disagree with it making their life better only because freerepublic.com or other media resources tell them not to like it.

It's so easy to CLAIM why you don't like a plan and so easy to show why you think it will make "BIG BUSINESS" thrive, and so easy to CLAIM your in favor of these same ******** making tons of money, but REAL LIFE needs to kick in. You need to see, and actually be, in the other persons perspective to appreciate their complaint and appreciate their struggle.

It's WAY too easy to say someone is lazy, or not contributing to society and judge what benefits of living they should have while you bust your *** off trying to make ends meet.

That kind of classism simply needs to stop.

****, look at myself for example.

I used to work almost every day, I'd cover shifts for lazy employees, I'd work overtime just for the company.... and look what happened... the ******* owner of the place I worked for fukked up the business and left me without a job.

I was making decent money, I worked harder then anybody. Am I now LAZY & WORTHLESS because that ******* didn't know how to run a business and I now have to get a *** **** unemployment check?

That I now have to resort to finding a job that pays ANYTHING just so I can make a *** **** car payment? Don't even bring up getting insurance or paying my regular bills like lights and house.

I'm one of the LUCKY ones because my wife still works and gets insurance that she pays like $50 a fukking week for.

$200 a fukking month and we are LUCKY.

Lucky that it only costs us $15 to see the Dr.

Like we REALLY give a about waiting lines for a heart transplant.

If we had a way of NOT having to pay $200 a month for insurance, you bet your *** we would be ALL FOR a MEASLY increase in our taxes just to get a **** tooth pulled.

Who givesa ?

I know I won't. And I know even more I won't give a how much the insurance company or Hospital profits. I just want that Asthma medication for my son who needs a constant refill. I don't get that on JUST unemployment. I'm one of the LUCKY ones who can get it cheap but still has to pay for it because of my wife's insurance.

Why politicize that because it's a Democrat idea. It's SO EASY to target Canada's system, which IS flawed. But then... WE ARE NOT CANADA. I have faith that we have better leadership then that in America... You guys don't.

And I really don't care if that leadership is Democrat or Republican. You do, because FOX NEWS told you to care.

Like I said, it's a SAD SAD, day in America when we have no choice but rely on a filibuster proof senate to get anything done because Republicans want to play politics over caring about the well being of the American people.

I REALLY don't think a BLUE DOG such as Ben Nelson even has the nerve to vote against the will of the people. And I respect him for that.





New member
Like I said, it's VERY SAD that it comes down to needing to block filibuster. The filibuster IS the check and balance. I also believe in needing that check and balance. The problem now is, we don't have that. What we have now is political opposition based on nothing but politics, and NOT the interest of the people. What's even more sad, is it's the Republicans who are doing it. By more and more Republican leaders representing themselves as the "PARTY OF NO" with a history of failures to back them up, the more ANY given Democrat idea, even if it's a bad one, looks appealing.
People look at that politicizing and say to Republicans. "YOU IDIOTS SCREWED UP ONCE ALREADY FOR YEARS, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK" And they say this BECAUSE Republicans politicize an issue. This is why Obama won, this is why we now have a filibuster proof senate. This is why Republicans must NOW rely on Blue Dog Democrats like Ben Nelson to keep their agenda alive.

I call that BIGOTRY, and it is the BIGGEST factor into as to why Republicans lost control. Politicized bigotry caused a black man with a Muslim sounding last name to get elected.

The rants of "MESSIAH", or "THE ONE", or even "SAVIOR" caused people to lose confidence in the sanity of Republican ideals. I know it caused me to lose confidence.

IWS, your my bro, and I owe alot of my personal struggles that plagued my mind and caused me internal dispair overcome by you. I LOVE arguing politics with you to kill the boredom. I'm probably an old fashioned Republican at heart, but I have a good understanding of the reality of the world around me. I understand I don't need a political belief and I don't need friends. But I do know that in my heart, I need to side with the people who are around me to make their lives better, even if it inconveniences my personal life, or even if they disagree with it making their life better only because freerepublic.com or other media resources tell them not to like it.

It's so easy to CLAIM why you don't like a plan and so easy to show why you think it will make "BIG BUSINESS" thrive, and so easy to CLAIM your in favor of these same ******** making tons of money, but REAL LIFE needs to kick in. You need to see, and actually be, in the other persons perspective to appreciate their complaint and appreciate their struggle.

It's WAY too easy to say someone is lazy, or not contributing to society and judge what benefits of living they should have while you bust your *** off trying to make ends meet.

That kind of classism simply needs to stop.

****, look at myself for example.

I used to work almost every day, I'd cover shifts for lazy employees, I'd work overtime just for the company.... and look what happened... the ******* owner of the place I worked for fukked up the business and left me without a job.

I was making decent money, I worked harder then anybody. Am I now LAZY & WORTHLESS because that ******* didn't know how to run a business and I now have to get a *** **** unemployment check?

That I now have to resort to finding a job that pays ANYTHING just so I can make a *** **** car payment? Don't even bring up getting insurance or paying my regular bills like lights and house.

I'm one of the LUCKY ones because my wife still works and gets insurance that she pays like $50 a fukking week for.

$200 a fukking month and we are LUCKY.

Lucky that it only costs us $15 to see the Dr.

Like we REALLY give a about waiting lines for a heart transplant.

If we had a way of NOT having to pay $200 a month for insurance, you bet your *** we would be ALL FOR a MEASLY increase in our taxes just to get a **** tooth pulled.

Who givesa ?

I know I won't. And I know even more I won't give a how much the insurance company or Hospital profits. I just want that Asthma medication for my son who needs a constant refill. I don't get that on JUST unemployment. I'm one of the LUCKY ones who can get it cheap but still has to pay for it because of my wife's insurance.

Why politicize that because it's a Democrat idea. It's SO EASY to target Canada's system, which IS flawed. But then... WE ARE NOT CANADA. I have faith that we have better leadership then that in America... You guys don't.

And I really don't care if that leadership is Democrat or Republican. You do, because FOX NEWS told you to care.

Like I said, it's a SAD SAD, day in America when we have no choice but rely on a filibuster proof senate to get anything done because Republicans want to play politics over caring about the well being of the American people.

I REALLY don't think a BLUE DOG such as Ben Nelson even has the nerve to vote against the will of the people. And I respect him for that.



That's my point. I don't want or not want something because it's a Dem or Repub idea.

I look at the plan and decide if it's the right idea. (not sure what Fox News has to do with it?)

Why is the admin pushing all this change so fast. They know they have a pass right now, but it's fading fast as people see what's happening.

In the end, that $200 a month for insurance will likely be small compared to your direct taxes if you're on the government plan or indirect if you are lucky enough to work where your employer still pays and you pay that $200 a month and also get taxed on the $600 a month the employer pays, as if it was in your paycheck.

It's an old line but it's true. If you think health insurance is expensive now, wait until it's "free".



New member
Like I said, it's VERY SAD that it comes down to needing to block filibuster. The filibuster IS the check and balance. I also believe in needing that check and balance. The problem now is, we don't have that. What we have now is political opposition based on nothing but politics, and NOT the interest of the people. What's even more sad, is it's the Republicans who are doing it. By more and more Republican leaders representing themselves as the "PARTY OF NO" with a history of failures to back them up, the more ANY given Democrat idea, even if it's a bad one, looks appealing.
People look at that politicizing and say to Republicans. "YOU IDIOTS SCREWED UP ONCE ALREADY FOR YEARS, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK" And they say this BECAUSE Republicans politicize an issue. This is why Obama won, this is why we now have a filibuster proof senate. This is why Republicans must NOW rely on Blue Dog Democrats like Ben Nelson to keep their agenda alive.

I call that BIGOTRY, and it is the BIGGEST factor into as to why Republicans lost control. Politicized bigotry caused a black man with a Muslim sounding last name to get elected.

The rants of "MESSIAH", or "THE ONE", or even "SAVIOR" caused people to lose confidence in the sanity of Republican ideals. I know it caused me to lose confidence.

IWS, your my bro, and I owe alot of my personal struggles that plagued my mind and caused me internal dispair overcome by you. I LOVE arguing politics with you to kill the boredom. I'm probably an old fashioned Republican at heart, but I have a good understanding of the reality of the world around me. I understand I don't need a political belief and I don't need friends. But I do know that in my heart, I need to side with the people who are around me to make their lives better, even if it inconveniences my personal life, or even if they disagree with it making their life better only because freerepublic.com or other media resources tell them not to like it.

It's so easy to CLAIM why you don't like a plan and so easy to show why you think it will make "BIG BUSINESS" thrive, and so easy to CLAIM your in favor of these same ******** making tons of money, but REAL LIFE needs to kick in. You need to see, and actually be, in the other persons perspective to appreciate their complaint and appreciate their struggle.

It's WAY too easy to say someone is lazy, or not contributing to society and judge what benefits of living they should have while you bust your *** off trying to make ends meet.

That kind of classism simply needs to stop.

****, look at myself for example.

I used to work almost every day, I'd cover shifts for lazy employees, I'd work overtime just for the company.... and look what happened... the ******* owner of the place I worked for fukked up the business and left me without a job.

I was making decent money, I worked harder then anybody. Am I now LAZY & WORTHLESS because that ******* didn't know how to run a business and I now have to get a *** **** unemployment check?

That I now have to resort to finding a job that pays ANYTHING just so I can make a *** **** car payment? Don't even bring up getting insurance or paying my regular bills like lights and house.

I'm one of the LUCKY ones because my wife still works and gets insurance that she pays like $50 a fukking week for.

$200 a fukking month and we are LUCKY.

Lucky that it only costs us $15 to see the Dr.

Like we REALLY give a about waiting lines for a heart transplant.

If we had a way of NOT having to pay $200 a month for insurance, you bet your *** we would be ALL FOR a MEASLY increase in our taxes just to get a **** tooth pulled.

Who givesa ?

I know I won't. And I know even more I won't give a how much the insurance company or Hospital profits. I just want that Asthma medication for my son who needs a constant refill. I don't get that on JUST unemployment. I'm one of the LUCKY ones who can get it cheap but still has to pay for it because of my wife's insurance.

Why politicize that because it's a Democrat idea. It's SO EASY to target Canada's system, which IS flawed. But then... WE ARE NOT CANADA. I have faith that we have better leadership then that in America... You guys don't.

And I really don't care if that leadership is Democrat or Republican. You do, because FOX NEWS told you to care.

Like I said, it's a SAD SAD, day in America when we have no choice but rely on a filibuster proof senate to get anything done because Republicans want to play politics over caring about the well being of the American people.

I REALLY don't think a BLUE DOG such as Ben Nelson even has the nerve to vote against the will of the people. And I respect him for that.


Well, if this is such a great idea to the Democrats, lets cut Ted Kennedy's care off right now. After all, he has a terminal diagnosis and they're just flushing money down the toilet to keep his bloated corpse alive.



Active Members
It's WAY too easy to say someone is lazy, or not contributing to society and judge what benefits of living they should have while you bust your *** off trying to make ends meet.
Actually that is very easy, provide for yourself and everything else is easy. Not one person in the world "deserves" a free ride. I don't care how hard someone "thinks" they are trying, individual expended energy is irrelivant. Are you productive enough to support yourself....yes/no.

****, look at myself for example.

I used to work almost every day, I'd cover shifts for lazy employees, I'd work overtime just for the company.... and look what happened... the ******* owner of the place I worked for fukked up the business and left me without a job.

I was making decent money, I worked harder then anybody. Am I now LAZY & WORTHLESS because that ******* didn't know how to run a business and I now have to get a *** **** unemployment check?
So did you save a big portion of that "decent money" just in case? Or did you spend it as fast as you made it?

Your story is a common one these days and I feel bad for all Americans who are in this situation but why should my tax dollars go to support your bad luck and lack of planning?

If that guy was so stupid and you are better then start your own business, if you can afford all the new taxes Obama will put on your back as a business owner that is. You say you worked 7 days a week sometimes and was so good then you simply pick up the pieces of the dropped customers and do it all yourself...maybe hire a couple other people to work for you that knew the clients and other aspects you do not understand.

If we had a way of NOT having to pay $200 a month for insurance, you bet your *** we would be ALL FOR a MEASLY increase in our taxes just to get a **** tooth pulled.

So you are only looking out for yourself, you don't care if at the same time you cost other people their jobs.....right?

By the way, if your out of work it is not your taxes getting increased, it is only those with non-Government jobs who pay the taxes. Government workers are paid from tax income so taking taxes from that is recycling the same dollar, that has no effect.

Why politicize that because it's a Democrat idea. It's SO EASY to target Canada's system, which IS flawed. But then... WE ARE NOT CANADA. I have faith that we have better leadership then that in America... You guys don't.

No because it is a horrible and wasteful idea that will hurt America and all Americans.

I REALLY don't think a BLUE DOG such as Ben Nelson even has the nerve to vote against the will of the people. And I respect him for that.
You respect a guy because he is too scared of a mob to stand up for what he believes in?


New member
By the way, if your out of work it is not your taxes getting increased, it is only those with non-Government jobs who pay the taxes. Government workers are paid from tax income so taking taxes from that is recycling the same dollar, that has no effect.

That's odd. My paycheck is from the taxpayers of Platte County, Nebraska, but I swear I pay state and federal taxes, that go outside of Platte County. :confused:



New member
I REALLY don't think a BLUE DOG such as Ben Nelson even has the nerve to vote against the will of the people. And I respect him for that.
You respect a guy because he is too scared of a mob to stand up for what he believes in?
I don't have any proof, but I would be willing to bet that a poll of Sen. Nelson's constituents would show the majority are against a single payer system. It really doesn't matter because Sen. Nelson has also said that if the plan includes a government option to compete against private business, he won't vote for it.

Nelson's problem, he told the CQ, is that the public plan would be too attractive and would hurt the private insurance plans. "At the end of the day, the public plan wins the game," Nelson said. Including a public option in a health plan, he said, was a "deal breaker."

A Nelson spokesman didn't return a call for comment.

As he so often does, Nelson said, according to CQ, that he planned to form a "coalition of like-minded centrists opposed to the creation of a public plan, as a counterweight to Democrats pushing for it."
Ben Nelson Plans To Oppose Public Health Plan
Ben Nelson has been a successful busness owner and understands how business works unlike nearly everyone in the Obama Administration or most in the Congress.



Active Members
That's odd. My paycheck is from the taxpayers of Platte County, Nebraska, but I swear I pay state and federal taxes, that go outside of Platte County. :confused:

And your paid from tax dollars so it is a wash. You do not create "new" dollars is my point, your just recycling the same tax dollar. Many outside funds also come into Platte County I am sure.

Remove all private business and everything will collapse, we need private business to keep the economy going, that is the heart of our system. Government employees and welfare are exactly the same from the standpoint they do not support themselves, they need the "system" to provide for their existence.

On the other hand private business pays people to produce products and services that can exist without the Government being involved, so the money we generate means we are self-supportive.



New member
And your paid from tax dollars so it is a wash. You do not create "new" dollars is my point, your just recycling the same tax dollar. Many outside funds also come into Platte County I am sure.
Remove all private business and everything will collapse, we need private business to keep the economy going, that is the heart of our system. Government employees and welfare are exactly the same from the standpoint they do not support themselves, they need the "system" to provide for their existence.

On the other hand private business pays people to produce products and services that can exist without the Government being involved, so the money we generate means we are self-supportive.

Whatever. :rolleyes:



New member
So did you save a big portion of that "decent money" just in case? Or did you spend it as fast as you made it?

Your story is a common one these days and I feel bad for all Americans who are in this situation but why should my tax dollars go to support your bad luck and lack of planning?

If that guy was so stupid and you are better then start your own business, if you can afford all the new taxes Obama will put on your back as a business owner that is. You say you worked 7 days a week sometimes and was so good then you simply pick up the pieces of the dropped customers and do it all yourself...maybe hire a couple other people to work for you that knew the clients and other aspects you do not understand.
Your way way behind me and far off buddy. I already have the franchise app in, have went up to the new location and checked out empty buildiings and cost analysis, and have already been looking for a new home to purchase. My plans are to open up my own business, but not in this town. Did I save a portion of that money or did I blow it?

*****, I never even needed the job when I first applied, I just wanted to get away from the kids for a few hours and worked out of my home. Now I'm plunking down some cash as part of a down payment on a $100,000+ investment? What the **** do YOU think?

I don't need your personal financial advice, and certainly not your assumptions of my financial situation. I was making a metaphorical statement on losing a job you idiot. Before the boss ran it into the ground, he offered to sell it to me, I declined because I won't assume debt, and this town sucks. I even had the mayor giving me info on places in this town, and to me, it's not worth it, I'm going somewhere that I actually want to retire in my old age... Okoboji.





Active Members
Your way way behind me and far off buddy. I already have the franchise app in, have went up to the new location and checked out empty buildiings and cost analysis, and have already been looking for a new home to purchase. My plans are to open up my own business, but not in this town. Did I save a portion of that money or did I blow it?

*****, I never even needed the job when I first applied, I just wanted to get away from the kids for a few hours and worked out of my home. Now I'm plunking down some cash as part of a down payment on a $100,000+ investment? What the **** do YOU think?

I don't need your personal financial advice, and certainly not your assumptions of my financial situation. I was making a metaphorical statement on losing a job you idiot. Before the boss ran it into the ground, he offered to sell it to me, I declined because I won't assume debt, and this town sucks. I even had the mayor giving me info on places in this town, and to me, it's not worth it, I'm going somewhere that I actually want to retire in my old age... Okoboji.


And you make my point for me very well my friend.

You are doing what all people can do. Why are you so fast to bang on the Government welfare drum when your own life is one of taking care of yourself?

Are you one of 'those' liberals who blieve some people are too stupid to take care of themselves? Do you think there are some who cannot do as you do?

I don't see people that Way Bender. To me we are all equal and can do whatever we set our minds to do....the problem is motivation. Some are content with living lower in the status department as long as they can do so without putting forth any effort.

My point in this is why should you or I pay massive increases in taxes just to take care of the lazy? Remove welfare and watch our illegal problem go away too because suddenly there are people who are willing to pick vegtables right here in America. That in turn makes more tax money on top of not paying it out for the welfare and suddenly we are back in the black as a Nation....and even if you wanted to make a national healthcare plan at that point, at least then we would have a way to pay for it where right now we can't.



New member
And you make my point for me very well my friend.
You are doing what all people can do. Why are you so fast to bang on the Government welfare drum when your own life is one of taking care of yourself?
Because I grew up on welfare at one point, and know the reality of the situation for alot of people. The frustration some feel. I've seen people who worked hard their whole life, who were very charitable, who held that high and mighty attitude of "YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF". I watched them fall by fate and not their own doing, and watched how they couldn't claw their way back.

Are you one of 'those' liberals who blieve some people are too stupid to take care of themselves? Do you think there are some who cannot do as you do?
No, I'm one of those AMERICANS who believes in helping out my fellow American, and in doing so, I make myself better off.

I don't see people that Way Bender. To me we are all equal and can do whatever we set our minds to do....the problem is motivation. Some are content with living lower in the status department as long as they can do so without putting forth any effort.
Equal? what a crock. How about kids who were in the Special Ed classes? Who had some of the best educators, a good home, but still after many years of school have a hard time doing the simplest of tasks like reading. These types usually have careers in factories doing monkey work. They spend years doing this hard labor, and if one day, their company goes under, these people have no skills except the monkey skills they were trained to have... tell them.. "OH JUST GO OPEN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, YOU CAN DO IT" You have no sense of reality dude. Everyone is NOT equal. It doesn't mean they deserve special treatment, but it does mean we are obligated to find a place for everyone. Even the monkey labor.

My point in this is why should you or I pay massive increases in taxes just to take care of the lazy? Remove welfare and watch our illegal problem go away too because suddenly there are people who are willing to pick vegtables right here in America. That in turn makes more tax money on top of not paying it out for the welfare and suddenly we are back in the black as a Nation....and even if you wanted to make a national healthcare plan at that point, at least then we would have a way to pay for it where right now we can't.
Your problem is you stereotype too many of your fellow countrymen as lazy, unmotivated, wanting to live off the system, and any other excuse you can think of to not have to help your fellow man. As for WHY SHOULD YOU have to pay? Well, simple answer, for the good of the pack.
The bold lion and the cunning wolf hunt in packs, they kill their prey, and other lion or wolf will come along and help eat and feast. The lion never rejects the person in the pack who didn't help catch they prey, why should we?

This self serving attitude of yours and many other conservatives MUST be a greed thing. It sure isn't a Christian thing because Jesus would NEVER approve of it. If you want to debate WHY SHOULD I DO THIS OR THAT. Don't ask me, ask Jesus, I'm betting he'll have the answer, and I'll bet even more, you'd rather not listen to that answer because it goes against the party line you like to tow.

In fact, as of late, EVERYTHING the Republicans want is something to tow the party line. Doesn't matter if you vote against your own well being. If it's the opposite of what the Democrats propose, it's what your for. If it's something Jesus would do, but is a Democrat plan, your against it anyway... just tow that line.... I'm looking forward to see how far it gets any of the Republican candidates in 2012'





Active Members
Because I grew up on welfare at one point, and know the reality of the situation for alot of people. The frustration some feel. I've seen people who worked hard their whole life, who were very charitable, who held that high and mighty attitude of "YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF". I watched them fall by fate and not their own doing, and watched how they couldn't claw their way back.
It is always their own doing, anyone can have bad things happen to them, but it is their choice to stay down. I have started over twice, I never took a dime from the Government and I never will because I am nobody's victim, I cannot be kept down.

No, I'm one of those AMERICANS who believes in helping out my fellow American, and in doing so, I make myself better off.
Only if "YOUR" doing the giving yourself. Charity is choice and when people see voluntary charity it actually builds community and a feeling of responsibility from those getting the help.

When the Government does it they create a trend of abuse that acutually hurts society.

Equal? what a crock. How about kids who were in the Special Ed classes? Who had some of the best educators, a good home, but still after many years of school have a hard time doing the simplest of tasks like reading. These types usually have careers in factories doing monkey work. They spend years doing this hard labor, and if one day, their company goes under, these people have no skills except the monkey skills they were trained to have... tell them.. "OH JUST GO OPEN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, YOU CAN DO IT" You have no sense of reality dude. Everyone is NOT equal. It doesn't mean they deserve special treatment, but it does mean we are obligated to find a place for everyone. Even the monkey labor.
Leave it to the liberal who cannot support his claims to resort to the 1% arguement.

Yes, about 1% of the polulation does fit into your description, but we have existing programs to take care of these people.

I am talking about the 99% of the polulation that are "capable" but lazy, and you darn well know that is what I was talking about, but you have no comeback for that now do you?

Again, these people "CAN" do just like you did "IF THEY ARE MOTIVATED" but they choose not to......why should we support the lazy and unmotivated?

Your problem is you stereotype too many of your fellow countrymen as lazy, unmotivated, wanting to live off the system, and any other excuse you can think of to not have to help your fellow man. As for WHY SHOULD YOU have to pay? Well, simple answer, for the good of the pack.

The bold lion and the cunning wolf hunt in packs, they kill their prey, and other lion or wolf will come along and help eat and feast. The lion never rejects the person in the pack who didn't help catch they prey, why should we?

This self serving attitude of yours and many other conservatives MUST be a greed thing. It sure isn't a Christian thing because Jesus would NEVER approve of it. If you want to debate WHY SHOULD I DO THIS OR THAT. Don't ask me, ask Jesus, I'm betting he'll have the answer, and I'll bet even more, you'd rather not listen to that answer because it goes against the party line you like to tow.

In fact, as of late, EVERYTHING the Republicans want is something to tow the party line. Doesn't matter if you vote against your own well being. If it's the opposite of what the Democrats propose, it's what your for. If it's something Jesus would do, but is a Democrat plan, your against it anyway... just tow that line.... I'm looking forward to see how far it gets any of the Republican candidates in 2012'
Well I laughed a lot in that one there Bender.....are you not the guy who said religion is bad? Using your own arguement that you hate everything associated with religion then you should also hate charity, being as only religious morals lead to giving of yourself.

You have no clue what it means to be a Christian, but let me educate you, we still help others even with the oppressive taxes because no matter what the Government does, they will always mess it up. Christians run soup kitchens and food banks why..........

Why Bender?

The Government has welfare programs so why do private Christians have to feed millions of people every year here in America that are hungry and the Government cannot help?

Because the Government does not have a clue on how to do these things, they just toss money at problems hoping some of it sticks and helps. The same is true with this healthcare, they will waste 90% of the funds they take in and be happy about the waste because it comes with more power for them.

At the end of the day Liberals only want control over the masses and controlling your healthcare certainly fits that agenda.



Active Members
You still haven't answered the question... now why would they want that Alex?.


Why does anyone want power Forrest? Or do you prefer Mr. Gump?

If you stopped pretending not to understand these things it would be easier........but that is your game right? Post a lot of fluff and meaningless comments to keep the discussion away from the areas you don't have answers for fight?

Similar to what Ali has in her sig, We are promised equal opportunity, not equal results.



New member
Again, he doesn't answer the question. Always good about spreading the Alex Jones gospel of the government (specifically liberals) wanting to rule peoples lives, never have a reason for it, they just do. It's just become so much of a common GOP mantra talking point, it has no substance, it's just something to say to try and defend your already illogical reasoning.



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