Minn. court rules for Franken in Senate fight


New member
oh! She likes him! Buys his sappy books and passes them along to me where they sit on a shelf gathering dust.


Active Members
oh! She likes him! Buys his sappy books and passes them along to me where they sit on a shelf gathering dust.
You should read them.

Even people who hold ideas we do not always agree with can offer us insight, new ways of looking at things.

I even read Richard Dawkins stuff.



New member
The one she passed along to me was "The Christmas Sweater"... It's pure sap. I tried reading it and actually finished it but didn't enjoy it. I was hard up for reading material. Her other favorite author is Danielle Steele, if that tells you anything about what she feeds her brain with.

I enjoy reading books that challenge my thinking and makes me see things differently, from an angle I hadn't thought about. I got nothing out of "The Christmas Sweater" that I didn't already know: treat people who matter to you like they matter.



Active Members
Well people may "know" these things at the back of their minds but the question is do they live their life that way?


New member
I try my best. I'm not always successful.

I'm just not a lightweight reader... I've read all the self-improvement, disguised as novels crud that I care to read... out grew the fluff in my early 20's. Give me something with meat and substance!!



New member
I try my best. I'm not always successful.
I'm just not a lightweight reader... I've read all the self-improvement, disguised as novels crud that I care to read... out grew the fluff in my early 20's. Give me something with meat and substance!!

The only book of Beck's I have read, is his Inconvenient Book. It's a good read and covers all kinds of topics like "Global Warming, Marriage & ****, Islam, Body Image, Blind Dating, Income Gap, Oil Dependence, Liberal Universities, Political Games, Movie Rentals, Media Bias, Political Correctness, Tipping, Pedophiles, The UN, Remembering Names, Minimum Wage, Aging, Opinion Polls, Poverty, Parenting, & Illegal Immigration."

He does it from an intelligent but humorous style.

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