Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed The Bible

  • Thread starter Codebreaker@bigsecret.com
  • Start date
On Feb 13, 6:36 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"
<Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
> On Feb 13, 1:54 pm, panamfl...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > On Feb 13, 1:23 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"

> > <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
> > > On Feb 13, 12:33 pm, "abracadabra" <a...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> > > > "codebrea...@bigsecret.com" <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote in message

> > > >news:1171375553.307650.80700@j27g2000cwj.googlegroups.com...

> > > > > On Feb 12, 4:27 pm, "abracadabra" <a...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > > >> <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote in message

> > > > >>news:1171310111.284595.50290@h3g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...

> > > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> I would readily admit that I don't know what it is at stake in the
> > > > >> >> Bible or in the whole affair regarding Jesus.

> > > > >> >> I would also state that you don't know either.

> > > > >> > At least I know that the Apostles as reported in the Acts of the
> > > > >> > Apostles appealed
> > > > >> > to Moses Deut 18:15 to establish that Jesus was the Christ/Messiah.

> > > > >> Which version of the New Testament? Most versions rely on texts that are
> > > > >> questionable. None are based on original writings of the Apostles.
> > > > >> Reading
> > > > >> something in "a bible" means nothing.

> > > > > Now how about reading from the Talmud, the book by Jesus enemies. Try
> > > > > that.

> > > > I read lots of mythology as a kid, and I don't really have a need to read
> > > > any more mythology.

> > > > > I don't think anybody in his right mind would question the originality
> > > > > of the Epistle to Galatians. The Author of the Qur'an, the guy who
> > > > > analyzed and rebutted the Epistle to Galatians did not think it was
> > > > > not ORIGINAL otherwise he wouldn't have wasted his time and energy to
> > > > > rebuke it.
> > > > > Again OUR BOOK was written by believers and for believers, not for
> > > > > Atheists.

> > > > If you had read the New Testament, you'd know it was written for atheists as
> > > > well. Of course you're more of an atheist than I am - I don't profess to

> > > Luke wrote his book for Theophulus so that he may know the veracity of
> > > the teaching
> > > handed down to him.
> > > Through Teopholus it is the whole community of believers who are
> > > concerned
> > > by this book and not the doomed atheists.


> > > > know if any or all "gods" exist, but I'll bet real money that you don't
> > > > believe in any god but your own - you're an "atheist" to every god but one.

> > > > > The first Generation of believers did not have a book of New
> > > > > Testament, yet they all had faith in one Savior that Moses foretold.

> > > > Actually they had many faiths.- Hide quoted text -

> > > Show the historical evidence.

> > snip

> >http://home.earthlink.net/~pgwhacker/ChristianOrigins/

> > But I suspect an idiot like you will deny the evidence. Your little
> > dead-jew-on-a-stick never existed.

> Now pagan ritual is a historical fact. now that rabbish that you post
> is the ultimate evidence.Hmmmmmmm...

No, not the "ultimate". It's a place to begin, with all these
complicated things made simple enough for a shithead like you to

> Question: What evidence is there that this link meets the requirement
> needed
> for something to become an evidence?
> Now here is what you missed.

Here's what you missed, you knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing moron.

There is NO evidence that your insipid "Christ" ever lived. There is
an increasing amount of evidence that there was NO historical figure
for the legend of Jesus the rabbi to be based upon.

> The historical fact regarding Christ
> death and resurrection give meaning to paganism symbolism hence the
> inclusion that Paul debated against Jewish doctors of the Law. In
> another word Christ lurred
> pagans from polytheism into the Monotheism, the worship of One God
> of Israel. For anything, there is meaning, grasp the meaning and leave
> the rest alone.

"The rest"? Like the FACTS, dumbass?

> Your analytical exegesis is poor. As soon as you see similarity
> instead of investigating to underline the meaning behind something.
> You just rush to conclusion.

Summing up the last 150 years of research by the finest minds in
archaeology, historical text research, and anthropology is a "rush to

> yelling, "We have all figured out, it is pagan or this or that"

And your lack of it even more so, idiot christian boy. Your religion
is dying out in every land where people are well educated. And there's
nothing you can do about it. So why don't you go pray in your closet
like your cheesy little book says, and leave normal, decent people

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta
aa#2015, Member Knights of BAAWA!
EAC Martian Commander
Plonked by Kadaitcha Man Sept 06
"..the prayer cloth of one aeon is the doormat of the next."
-Mark Twain

Religious societies are less moral than secular ones:
"codebreaker@bigsecret.com" <Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> wrote in

> Whatever, jerk.
> A bunch of atheistic jerks sit on their MONKEY asses and try to
> lectur us on things

Hmmm. Who is the OP, Bernie? Why, it's YOU, isn't it? You chose to
crosspost this to alt.atheism, and you expected us to just ignore you?

> they are clueless about. HOW DARE!

Sez the clueless moron that doesn't even know his own family history. We
ALL came from the same ancestors as the apes. You can't wish that away.

> If you don't know Moses foretold Christ/Messiah how good is that
> reading of the Bible?

Don't give a ****.

> If you don't know the point Peter made in front of the Children of
> Isreal, why don't

Don't give a ****.

> you just leave the whole issue alone.
> If you can't make sense of Stephen speech before the Sanhedrin, why do
> you keep bragging about how smart you are?

Don't give a ****.

> If you don't know the point being made in the Qur'an in connection to
> Christ + Moses Law and you are unable to track it back to the
> council of Jerusalem, why don't you just shut up?

Don't give a ****.

> Down with you all

Which, in Australia, is up.

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department
Convicted by Earthquack
Plonked by Fester
On 13 Feb 2007 15:46:38 -0800, "codebreaker@bigsecret.com"
<Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> wrote:

>On Feb 13, 6:14 pm, jem <A0054...@airmail.net> wrote:
>> On 13 Feb 2007 06:08:53 -0800, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"
>> <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
>> >On Feb 12, 10:55 pm, "weatherwax" <weather...@worldnet.att.net> wrote:
>> >> <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote

>> >> > At least I know that the Apostles as reported in the Acts
>> >> > of the Apostles appealed to Moses Deut 18:15 to establish
>> >> > that Jesus was the Christ/Messiah. At least I know that
>> >> > Paul made the same point during the jewish council.
>> >> > At least I know that the author of the Qur'an made the
>> >> > same claim. At least I know from the Jewish Oracle that
>> >> > the Messiah had to be born into the world.
>> >> > At least I know from the Testimonies of the Apostles that
>> >> > Jesus fits the description of whom the previous talked
>> >> > about. Act of the Apostles. So are you telling me that you
>> >> > read the whole "New Testament" without coming
>> >> > across this? Hmmmmmmmm.... You may have reading
>> >> > comprehension problem. So do all evol-atheist-secular
>> >> > jerks.

>> >> Deuteronomy 18:15
>> >> The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet
>> >> like me from among you - from your fellow Israelites;
>> >> you must listen to him.

>> >> No reference to a messiah, a son of God, or to Jesus Christ in this passage.
>> >> Moses is merely telling the people that there will be some one else to lead
>> >> them after he is gone.

>> >> It shows how dishonest the author of the New Testament can be.

>> >And how dishonest the author of the Qur'an too because it is shown
>> >that he developped in his book this Mosaic pronouncement at lengh.

>> You should get some help with that hostiliity.

> Whatever, jerk.
> A bunch of atheistic jerks sit on their MONKEY asses and try to
>lectur us on things
>they are clueless about. HOW DARE!
>If you don't know Moses foretold Christ/Messiah how good is that
>reading of the Bible?
>If you don't know the point Peter made in front of the Children of
>Isreal, why don't
>you just leave the whole issue alone.
>If you can't make sense of Stephen speech before the Sanhedrin, why do
>you keep bragging about how smart you are?
>If you don't know the point being made in the Qur'an in connection to
>Christ + Moses Law and you are unable to track it back to the
>council of Jerusalem, why don't you just shut up?
>Down with you all

So all one has to have as qualification to be a jerk is to not believe
what you believe.
Irony meter overload.
If I don't know your myth to a great detail so that I can argue on
specifics, it doesn't change the fact that you are depending on myth
as fact. I have read and forgot (happily forgot) the specifics that
show how flawed your bible is. I loathe the hypocrisy of fundies. I
wouldn't be capable of managing the dissonance you are not even aware
of, congratulations.
Your knowledge of the bible doesn't impress near me as much as a
retarded kid knowing comprehensive sports trivia.
At least that kid is dealing with reality so he has an edge on you
What would make mine a monkey ass and yours not a monkey ass? Does
your belief mean you were created by a god yet I was not? Are you
going to bring up some demon bullshit as an answer?
You go ahead and keep your mind in the bronze age, you have a lot of
I'll be here in the 21st century, if you ever visit it drop me a line.

Work on curbing the hostility, its unhealthy. Even for a partitioned

>> Why are you so touchy when somebody criticizes your mythical hero or
>> his fiction writers or his frothing supporters?
>> Maybe you should try a different author, it might calm you.
>> Try some Daniel Dennet, he's pretty gentle.
>> >> --Wax- Hide quoted text -

>> >> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

>> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

On Feb 14, 11:20 am, Uncle Vic <addr...@withheld.com> wrote:
> "codebrea...@bigsecret.com" <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote innews:1171458165.012872.319100@k78g2000cwa.googlegroups.com:
> > On Feb 14, 12:40 am, Christopher A.Lee <c...@optonline.net> wrote:
> >> On 13 Feb 2007 20:59:03 -0800, "Snowman" <jkel...@zoomnet.net> wrote:

> >> >On Feb 12, 3:06 pm, Uncle Vic <addr...@withheld.com> wrote:

> >> >http://www.jesusneverexisted.com
> >> > --
> >> >Try showing that site to an actual historian.
> >> >See how hard you get laughed at.

> >> Try finding a real historian who can provide any evidence outside the
> >> Christian tradition to corroborate Christian claims of an historic
> >> Jesus.

> > There would not be Christians without Christ/Messiah

> There would be no Christians without the religion, which is a BELIEF in
> Christ/Messiah myth.
> > And since it is prophecised that in this world Christ
> > would be born, then Christ was born in the form of Jesus.

> Circular argument. See if you can find evidence of an historic Jesus
> outside of the bible or the religion.

I don't think this is what evidence means. It is like asking
If we can find a record of Darwin of evolution outside the
Origin of the species by Darwin...
Yours is indeed a circular reasoning.
Of course it is easy to toss the word evidence around to
look sophisticate, but we are not impressed as far
as we are concerned.

> > No Jesus, No Christ
> > Simple logic. As simple as that. You think any chronicler
> > is an historian, you are wrong.

> I agree. Chroniclers of the bible are far from historians.
> --
> Uncle Vic
> aa Atheist #2011
> Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
> chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department
> Convicted by Earthquack
> Plonked by Fester
<Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> wrote

> Correction:
> Son of bitch, you are not istening. Two groups of
> Jewish scholars chose two different set of canon for the OLD
> TESTAMENT. Catholic Church aligned with one of the
> group by adopting the Scriptures it chose, Martin Luther later
> decided to adopt the Scriptures chosen by the second group.
> What part of this do you keep missing

You are totally confused.

On Feb 14, 1:46 pm, panamfl...@hotmail.com wrote:
> On Feb 13, 6:36 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"
> <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
> Summing up the last 150 years of research by the finest minds in
> archaeology, historical text research, and anthropology is a "rush to
> conclusion"?

150 years of what??????????????????? Fine mind?
You make me laugh indeed

> Let me tell again that you need to read the history of the
> Old Testament and how its canon was chosen. Christians
> had no control on this. If they had they would have included
> books quoted by Paul. Yet numerous books quoted
> by Paul such as the book of the jublile of Moses was
> rejected by the Jew as non authoritative.
> I was assuming that you are aware of the two groups of
> Jewish Scholars who selected two different canons. The
> babylonian Canon chosen by Jewish Scholar during their
> meeting in Babylon and the Palestinian Canon chosen in
> Palestine by another group of scholars.

You are confusing the Jewish canon with the Palestinian and Babylonian
Talmuds. The Talmuds are collections of the oral traditions plus
commenentary on the Tanake.

The Jewish canon was established long before the Talmuds.
The first two sections of the Jewish canon (the Torah and the Prophets) were
completed long before the Christian Jesus was born. And the third part (the
Writings) was completed about 100 c.e.

Early Christians used a Greek translation called the Septuagint which was
translated between 300 and 100 b.c.e. The Septuagint contained both the
Torah and the Prophets plus numerous other texts.

The Septuagint is still used by the Greek Orthodox Church, and early Latin
translations of the Old Testament were translated from the Septuagint.

When the Jewish cannon was completed it did not include all of the books
which were in the Septuagint.

In the 4th century, Jerome began a Latin translation based upon Hebrew
scripture. Those books which were not in the Jewish canon he translated
from the Greek but referred to them as the Apocrypha.

When Martin Luther produced his German translation he placed the Apocrypha
between the Old Testament and the New. The Apocrypha was originally
included in the King James Translation, bu in time Protestant denominations
discarded the Apocrypha altogether.


ed. The Jewish canon was complete long

The Babylonian and Jerusalem scholars you refer to did not not establ

Christianity had
> always used one of these two sets of Canon until Martin
> Luther came along and threw some books out on the
> excuse that they were not inspired. Catholic still use these
> books as DEUTEROCANONICAL, that is to say second
> Canon. But as I said earlier it was for the Jew to decide the
> Canon of their Scriptures Christianity
>> >> find whatever it is they want to find in there. Unfortunately for
>> >> believers, non-christians can do the same.

>> > You can wish king Cirus was the Christ

>> Who said anything about wishing that? You do seem to come out on some
>> odd
>> tangents, or have problems in reading what people actually write.

On Feb 14, 4:17 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"
<Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 1:46 pm, panamfl...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > On Feb 13, 6:36 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"

> > <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:

> > Summing up the last 150 years of research by the finest minds in
> > archaeology, historical text research, and anthropology is a "rush to
> > conclusion"?

> 150 years of what??????????????????? Fine mind?
> You make me laugh indeed

That's because you're an ignorant, illiterate waste of humanity. Even
if you were smart enough to read the evidence, you're too scared of
what it might say.

Sooo...you simply laugh at it. You laugh to cover up your ignorance,
and you laugh to cover up your fear. A pathetic excuse for a human
being, cringing in fear of what you don't know.

A fine advertisement of what the disease called religion does to

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta
aa#2015, Member Knights of BAAWA!
EAC Martian Commander
Plonked by Kadaitcha Man Sept 06
"..the prayer cloth of one aeon is the doormat of the next."
-Mark Twain

Religious societies are less moral than secular ones:
There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus.

There are for other figures in the new testament, like Pilate , John The
Baptist, The Jewish priests etc, Jesus disciples.

But nothing about Jesus .. which, considering the events surrounding his
birth, life and death, and the fame he supposedly had across the land is
highly implausible.

The lack of any third part evidence would be enough to relegate any similar
figure into the realms of myth or story.

> It is like asking If we can find a record of Darwin of evolution outside
> the
> Origin of the species by Darwin...

We ar etalking about a person .. not a theory. the theory exists already.

If you ar etalking about whetehr Darwin existed, there is plenty of
contemporary evidence about him from the time he lived. Including the books
he wrote.

There is nothing from when Jesus was supposedly alive .. no writings by him
or about him, no physical evidence .. nothing. All we have is stories that
first appeared many many years after his supposed death.
One fine day in alt.atheism, "codebreaker@bigsecret.com"
<Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> bloodied us up with this:

> On Feb 14, 11:20 am, Uncle Vic <addr...@withheld.com> wrote:
>> "codebrea...@bigsecret.com" <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote
>> innews:1171458165.012872.319100@k78g2000cwa.googlegroups.com:
>> > On Feb 14, 12:40 am, Christopher A.Lee <c...@optonline.net> wrote:
>> >> On 13 Feb 2007 20:59:03 -0800, "Snowman" <jkel...@zoomnet.net>
>> >> wrote:

>> >> >On Feb 12, 3:06 pm, Uncle Vic <addr...@withheld.com> wrote:

>> >> >http://www.jesusneverexisted.com
>> >> > --
>> >> >Try showing that site to an actual historian.
>> >> >See how hard you get laughed at.

>> >> Try finding a real historian who can provide any evidence outside
>> >> the Christian tradition to corroborate Christian claims of an
>> >> historic Jesus.

>> > There would not be Christians without Christ/Messiah

>> There would be no Christians without the religion, which is a BELIEF
>> in Christ/Messiah myth.
>> > And since it is prophecised that in this world Christ
>> > would be born, then Christ was born in the form of Jesus.

>> Circular argument. See if you can find evidence of an historic Jesus
>> outside of the bible or the religion.

> I don't think this is what evidence means. It is like asking
> If we can find a record of Darwin of evolution outside the
> Origin of the species by Darwin...

We can, actually.

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department.
Convicted by Earthquack. Plonked by Fester.
Member Duke Spanking Club.
>Reply to article by: "codebreaker@bigsecret.com" <Codebreaker@bigsecret.com>
>Date written: 14 Feb 2007 04:56:35 -0800

>> In the OT, God prophecized to Jeremiah that no one would be a descendant of Jeconiah (Coniah), yet
>> Jesus was, therefore that disqualifies Jesus from being the Messiah.

>> Apparently the same people who don't read their Bible are the same ones who believe in it.

> Now I see why the Auhtor of the Qur'an kept accusing the Jewish
> scholars for messing up with the Scriptures.
> He said they did so for preventing people to see Jesus as the
> that is to say the Messiah

Yet another person that go it wrong. Just so everyone here can see the two Bible verses in question,
which clearly and unambigiously indicate Jesus cannot be the Messiah because he was disqualified to
be the Messiah, I will quote them...

"[Is] this man Coniah a despised broken idol? [is he] a vessel wherein [is] no pleasure? wherefore
are they cast out, he and his seed, and are cast into a land which they know not? O earth, earth,
earth, hear the word of the LORD. Thus saith the LORD, Write ye this man childless, a man [that]
shall not prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of
David, and ruling any more in Judah." (Jer 22:28-30)


"And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel;"
(Matt 1:12)

There are many more verses besides these, like the one where it said the Messiah's name would be
"Emmanual" instead of "Jesus", but all it takes is one.

The Sage


"All those painted screens erected by man to shut out reality
-- history, religion, duty, social position --
all were illusions, mere opium fantasies"
John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman
On Feb 15, 3:44 am, The_Sage <The_S...@everywhere.com> wrote:
> >Reply to article by: "codebrea...@bigsecret.com" <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com>
> >Date written: 14 Feb 2007 04:56:35 -0800
> >MsgID:<1171457795.388910.106...@m58g2000cwm.googlegroups.com>
> >> In the OT, God prophecized to Jeremiah that no one would be a descendant of Jeconiah (Coniah), yet
> >> Jesus was, therefore that disqualifies Jesus from being the Messiah.
> >> Apparently the same people who don't read their Bible are the same ones who believe in it.

Why do you translate the word of "Jeconiah" to "coniah"...

Jacobite which ofcourse already is a false Name too, Since its again
that same NAME that shows up.

"Jeconiah" (SMS of GOD to his people which say's) "Jack Amra "Bar"
"Hasan"" the Wife of Hasan, the Virgin. NOT HIS MOTHER BUT his RED
HAIRED WIFE... Which means The woman of the Family Henry VIII and
Hasan son of the Invincible Golden RaisH... the real hidden Name of
the ROSE.

I tell you dont known how to Read... and me you dont believe...

> > Now I see why the Auhtor of the Qur'an kept accusing the Jewish
> > scholars for messing up with the Scriptures.
> > He said they did so for preventing people to see Jesus as the
> >Christ
> > that is to say the Messiah


This is the Hard truth... and why you read that the Evil Pharaoh
ordained that the Name of Moses must be deletted from all the pillars
and Scrolls... Well they did that with inventing the Printing Press.

They made Sandals of those Scrolls... and than sold ye a version that
leads more from the path of GOOD... So does the Great Deciever Work.

They did hide the Origanl works or destroyed them and inject new
version where you can't read any more the name or understand the Holy
Witness of a man that had to come... and NO man will believe him...
because of those lies people may believe.

Why because they made sheep of the 11 Nations... and now they get
ready to attack the Last Tribe who is still standing... THE LAST
KNIGHT with one LEG.

> Yet another person that go it wrong. Just so everyone here can see the two Bible verses in question,
> which clearly and unambigiously indicate Jesus cannot be the Messiah because he was disqualified to
> be the Messiah, I will quote them...

He aint the massiah... he is Hassan son of the MacbaBiyan and the
TUDORS.. A PRINCE of the MOST HIGH... who shall do no Miracles than
tell his story and that of his tribe how they suffered so evil could
sit on his fathers Throne... and 10 Other tribes shall simply take
example for him that came from Nowhere.... and no man knew about
him... till that day in one Night and day his Voice shall be heared
over all the world... and Than only they will say... WE KNOWN THAT
"GUY"... he is good... and Honnest... The only thing speciale that
Hasan has... And those Blind and crepel and lepre and Whine miracles
are symbolic vision from the dumb rats... for the sheeps, that believe
in Canaanite LIES... who have become Blind and crepel and lepre.

> "[Is] this man Coniah a despised broken idol? [is he] a vessel wherein [is] no pleasure? wherefore

Right Like Saddam Hussein Image was removed from Iraq so is Hasan
Image removed from all minds... you remember him as BLACKBEARD... and
You dont knowwn that is in reality KING ARTHUR.

But The beloved Son shall overcome... THAT'S WRITTEN and Satan will
admit that TOO. HAH.

> are they cast out, he and his seed, and are cast into a land which they know not? O earth, earth,

RIGHT his SEEDS LIVE NOW in BABYLONE(Europe) as second hand citizens
doing the dirty job of the BEAST. creat insecurite... so he can rull
better the sheeps... WE ALL TOGHETER are the BEAST... all the NATIONS.

parlement in strasbourg... compare the this Two Links and you may
understand something.

http://www.helsinki.fi/~haonnela/images/Wien/Hex-Wien 2001 joulukuu 6-Tower of babylon-Brughel.jpg

> earth, hear the word of the LORD. Thus saith the LORD, Write ye this man childless, a man [that]
> shall not prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of
> David, and ruling any more in Judah." (Jer 22:28-30)
> vs
> "And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel;"
> (Matt 1:12)
> There are many more verses besides these, like the one where it said the Messiah's name would be
> "Emmanual" instead of "Jesus", but all it takes is one.
> The Sage
> =============================================================http://members.cox.net/the.sage/index.htm
> "All those painted screens erected by man to shut out reality
> -- history, religion, duty, social position --
> all were illusions, mere opium fantasies"
> John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman
> =============================================================
On Feb 14, 6:31 pm, panamfl...@hotmail.com wrote:
> On Feb 14, 4:17 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"
> <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
> > On Feb 14, 1:46 pm, panamfl...@hotmail.com wrote:

> > > On Feb 13, 6:36 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"

> > > <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:

> > > Summing up the last 150 years of research by the finest minds in
> > > archaeology, historical text research, and anthropology is a "rush to
> > > conclusion"?

> > 150 years of what??????????????????? Fine mind?
> > You make me laugh indeed

> That's because you're an ignorant, illiterate waste of humanity. Even
> if you were smart enough to read the evidence, you're too scared of
> what it might say.

Atheists are best known as braggarts. Putting down
is another form of bragging. Thank you for giving weight
to what we already know

> Sooo...you simply laugh at it. You laugh to cover up your ignorance,
> and you laugh to cover up your fear. A pathetic excuse for a human
> being, cringing in fear of what you don't know.
> A fine advertisement of what the disease called religion does to
> someone.

Just because you think I am ignorant does not make me so...
boy, you have no idea what I know, what I know from an infailible

> -Panama Floyd, Atlanta
> aa#2015, Member Knights of BAAWA!
> EAC Martian Commander
> Plonked by Kadaitcha Man Sept 06
> "..the prayer cloth of one aeon is the doormat of the next."
> -Mark Twain
> Religious societies are less moral than secular ones:http://moses.creighton.edu/JRS/2005/2005-11.html
On Feb 14, 7:29 pm, "Jeckyl" <n...@nowhere.com> wrote:

> There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus.

It could be that there is no contemporary evidence of Jesus
but it could also be that there is evidence but you lack the
knowledge to evaluate it on its own merit.
It could also be that the title Christ means nothing to you
or perhaps, you may be thinking that Christ is Jesus last name.
So for you there can be Christ without Jesus. You just need
to tell us who that Christ is

There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus seems to be a rewording
of no evidence of Jesus outside the Bible, this kind of
nonsense we are everyday.
So let me lump you all together in the same box full of jerks
who take their ignorance as bliss.

Allows me to remind you all, O blissful fools that the New Testament
was compiled by Christians for Christians, here Christian meaning, the
follower of Christ who was identified as Jesus.
If you want to find an evidence of Bush President of America, you
don't look
for Governor, but for President Bush in the right place.

Why are you so sure about your knowledge.
Do you think your knowledge
is limitless? If not why can't you just contemplate the possibility
that you may be looking for evidence of Jesus in the wrong place?
Why don't you just accept the blame?

As far as we are concerned, we everyday come across evidence
of Jesus ouside the bible.
The very fact that the New TESTAMENT was written by Jesus disciples
is by itself an evidence of Jesus outside the Bible.

The very fact that there were Christians in
Thessalonica around year 10 AD
is an evidence of Jesus outside the Bible, the Bible being compiled
200 years later.
Unless you want to tell me that the Christians in Thessalonica
were followers of another CHRIST who was not Jesus or
Unless you want to tell me that you know nothing about
investigating History.
The very fact that Nero burnt Rome and turned around
to accuse the Christians is another evidence
of Jesus outside the Bible, unless you want to tell
me that you have a proof that the Christian in Nero' Empire
worshipped a different Christ other than Jesus the one
described in the Bible.
-this incident not recorded in the Bible but by
seculars biased historians-
Are you such a history illiterate?

The very fact that there were Christians in Ephesus
in year 20 AD is another evidence of Jesus outside the Bible,
the Ephesian Congregation preceding the formation of
the New Testament unless you have a proof
that Ephesian Christians were followers of Christ
who could not be Jesus.
Are you such a history illiterate?

The very fact that there were Christians in Antioch in year 6 AD
is an evidence of Jesus outside the Bible, Antiochian Christians
reporting to Jesus as the Christ/Messiah promised
in the Jewish ORACLES.
The Antiochian congregation preceding the formation
of the New Testament
unless you have a proof that the Christ of Antioch
was not Jesus. Are you such an History illiiterate?

The very fact that there were Christians in Philipi,
Athens, Macedony in year 30 AD
are all evidence of Jesus outside the Bible. These
Christians knowing nothing about a certain
New Testament, unless you want to tell me that
they were followers of a different Christ apart from Jesus?

What more contemporary evidence do you need O Homme vain?

> There are for other figures in the new testament, like Pilate , John The
> Baptist, The Jewish priests etc, Jesus disciples.
> But nothing about Jesus .. which, considering the events surrounding his
> birth, life and death, and the fame he supposedly had across the land is
> highly implausible.
> The lack of any third part evidence would be enough to relegate any similar
> figure into the realms of myth or story.
> > It is like asking If we can find a record of Darwin of evolution outside
> > the
> > Origin of the species by Darwin...

> We ar etalking about a person .. not a theory. the theory exists already.
> If you ar etalking about whetehr Darwin existed, there is plenty of
> contemporary evidence about him from the time he lived. Including the books
> he wrote.
> There is nothing from when Jesus was supposedly alive .. no writings by him
> or about him, no physical evidence .. nothing. All we have is stories that
> first appeared many many years after his supposed death.
On Feb 14, 7:29 pm, "Jeckyl" <n...@nowhere.com> wrote:
> There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus.
> There are for other figures in the new testament, like Pilate , John The
> Baptist, The Jewish priests etc, Jesus disciples.
> But nothing about Jesus .. which, considering the events surrounding his
> birth, life and death, and the fame he supposedly had across the land is
> highly implausible.

Hmmmmmmm... That is interesting. I am really baffled by the way
you guys' minds work.
There is evidence for John the baptist but not for Jesus
the man is associated to. So evidence of John
could not be evidence of Jesus. We call this not
a result of a sound scholarship but malice.

Now to make sure I understand you correctly
can you tell me how you did manage
to find evidence for John?

> The lack of any third part evidence would be enough to relegate any similar
> figure into the realms of myth or story.

Why do you think that the mention of Jesus in the
talmud, a book written
by Jesus enemies is not a third part evidence?

> > It is like asking If we can find a record of Darwin of evolution outside
> > the
> > Origin of the species by Darwin...

> We ar etalking about a person .. not a theory. the theory exists already.
> If you ar etalking about whetehr Darwin existed, there is plenty of
> contemporary evidence about him from the time he lived. Including the books
> he wrote.

Darwin never existed... The Book may have been written by another
who used the name Darwin.
This book is not enough to be accepted as Darwin evidence

> There is nothing from when Jesus was supposedly alive .. no writings by him
> or about him, no physical evidence .. nothing. All we have is stories that
> first appeared many many years after his supposed death.

But the Church founded on him rose the first day into existence
not many years after. THE BEST EVIDENCE OF AMONG ALL
"codebreaker@bigsecret.com" <Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> wrote in

> On Feb 14, 7:29 pm, "Jeckyl" <n...@nowhere.com> wrote:
>> There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus.

> It could be that there is no contemporary evidence of Jesus
> but it could also be that there is evidence but you lack the
> knowledge to evaluate it on its own merit.

What the hell do you people mean by this? This reminds me of the bully
in Back to the Future that tells the girl she likes him, only she just
doesn't know it yet.

> It could also be that the title Christ means nothing to you
> or perhaps, you may be thinking that Christ is Jesus last name.
> So for you there can be Christ without Jesus. You just need
> to tell us who that Christ is

"Annointed One". So he was oily.

> There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus seems to be a rewording
> of no evidence of Jesus outside the Bible, this kind of
> nonsense we are everyday.

If that's nonsense, let's hear the sense. Got any?

> So let me lump you all together in the same box full of jerks
> who take their ignorance as bliss.

I'm sorry you don't like non-believers. I guess if your beliefs were a
little stronger, and supported by actual facts, you wouldn't get so

> Allows me to remind you all, O blissful fools that the New Testament
> was compiled by Christians for Christians, here Christian meaning, the
> follower of Christ who was identified as Jesus.
> If you want to find an evidence of Bush President of America, you
> don't look
> for Governor, but for President Bush in the right place.

If you knew the right number to dial, you could call Bush on the phone.
Can you call Jesus? E-mail him, perhaps? No?

> Why are you so sure about your knowledge.

We evaluate you. It's your lack of knowledge that assures us.

> Do you think your knowledge
> is limitless?

Your religion sets your limits. Further knowledge makes those in power
over you nervous.

> If not why can't you just contemplate the possibility
> that you may be looking for evidence of Jesus in the wrong place?

The right places (your heart, your feelings, the sky) are places where
people are not found. Except maybe in the sky, in planes or dangling
from parachutes.

> Why don't you just accept the blame?

Blame for what? Original sin? Bwaaaaahahahahahaha! That went out with

> As far as we are concerned, we everyday come across evidence
> of Jesus ouside the bible.

Too bad you can't convey it to rational people.

> The very fact that the New TESTAMENT was written by Jesus disciples
> is by itself an evidence of Jesus outside the Bible.

Circular reference. The bible does not offer proof for itself.

> The very fact that there were Christians in
> Thessalonica around year 10 AD
> is an evidence of Jesus outside the Bible, the Bible being compiled
> 200 years later.

Bullshit. It's evidence of organized religion, evidence that people got
together and decided to believe the same bullshit sans evidence.

> Unless you want to tell me that the Christians in Thessalonica
> were followers of another CHRIST who was not Jesus or
> Unless you want to tell me that you know nothing about
> investigating History.

Money talks and bullshit walks. Together they travel quickly.

> The very fact that Nero burnt Rome and turned around
> to accuse the Christians is another evidence
> of Jesus outside the Bible, unless you want to tell
> me that you have a proof that the Christian in Nero' Empire
> worshipped a different Christ other than Jesus the one
> described in the Bible.

No, moron, it's only evidence of a belief system.

> -this incident not recorded in the Bible but by
> seculars biased historians-
> Are you such a history illiterate?

You certainly are.

> The very fact that there were Christians in Ephesus
> in year 20 AD is another evidence of Jesus outside the Bible,
> the Ephesian Congregation preceding the formation of
> the New Testament unless you have a proof
> that Ephesian Christians were followers of Christ
> who could not be Jesus.
> Are you such a history illiterate?

Damn, you're stupid. The presence of Christians is evidence only of the
fact that a bunch of people believed something.

> The very fact <snip idiocy>

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department
Convicted by Earthquack
Plonked by Fester
On Feb 13, 6:05 am, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"
<Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
> Again OUR BOOK was written by believers and for believers, not for
> Atheists. The first Generation of believers did not have a book of New
> Testament, yet they all had faith in one Savior that Moses foretold.
> The point being that even If the whole New Testament turn out to be
> nothing but a junk, Christianity would not die out. Sola Scriptura of
> course will die out and not Christianity. **** YOU AAALLLLLL

>And how dishonest the author of the Qur'an too because it is shown
>that he developped in his book this Mosaic pronouncement at lengh.

Dear Mr Codebreaker,

I don't go to church. I don't pray. I don't believe in any gods.
And I
don't use vulgar obscenities in polite discussions.

So, who is the better person, You or I ?

On Feb 15, 8:39 am, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"
<Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 6:31 pm, panamfl...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > On Feb 14, 4:17 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"

> > <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:
> > > On Feb 14, 1:46 pm, panamfl...@hotmail.com wrote:

> > > > On Feb 13, 6:36 pm, "codebrea...@bigsecret.com"

> > > > <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote:

> > > > Summing up the last 150 years of research by the finest minds in
> > > > archaeology, historical text research, and anthropology is a "rush to
> > > > conclusion"?

> > > 150 years of what??????????????????? Fine mind?
> > > You make me laugh indeed

> > That's because you're an ignorant, illiterate waste of humanity. Even
> > if you were smart enough to read the evidence, you're too scared of
> > what it might say.

> Atheists are best known as braggarts.

You know nothing of atheism or atheists, you insipid twat. And it's
not "bragging" if you can deliver the goods.

> Putting down
> is another form of bragging. Thank you for giving weight
> to what we already know

You know nothing, you putrid little pretender of a man. Every post
attempting to defend your moronic mythology proves it.

> > Sooo...you simply laugh at it. You laugh to cover up your ignorance,
> > and you laugh to cover up your fear. A pathetic excuse for a human
> > being, cringing in fear of what you don't know.

> > A fine advertisement of what the disease called religion does to
> > someone.

> Just because you think I am ignorant does not make me so...

No, your lack of knowledge or understanding makes you so. Here, maybe
this will help:

Main Entry: ig
codebreaker@bigsecret.com wrote:

> On Feb 14, 12:40 am, Christopher A.Lee <c...@optonline.net> wrote:
>>On 13 Feb 2007 20:59:03 -0800, "Snowman" <jkel...@zoomnet.net> wrote:
>>>On Feb 12, 3:06 pm, Uncle Vic <addr...@withheld.com> wrote:

>>>Try showing that site to an actual historian.
>>>See how hard you get laughed at.

>>Try finding a real historian who can provide any evidence outside the
>>Christian tradition to corroborate Christian claims of an historic

> There would not be Christians without Christ/Messiah
> And since it is prophecised that in this world Christ
> would be born,

===>NOWHERE is any such thing "prophecised". -- L.

then Christ was born in the form of Jesus.
> No Jesus, No Christ
> Simple logic. As simple as that. You think any chronicler
> is an historian, you are wrong.
codebreaker@bigsecret.com wrote:

> On Feb 14, 11:20 am, Uncle Vic <addr...@withheld.com> wrote:
>>"codebrea...@bigsecret.com" <Codebrea...@bigsecret.com> wrote innews:1171458165.012872.319100@k78g2000cwa.googlegroups.com:
>>>On Feb 14, 12:40 am, Christopher A.Lee <c...@optonline.net> wrote:
>>>>On 13 Feb 2007 20:59:03 -0800, "Snowman" <jkel...@zoomnet.net> wrote:

>>>>>On Feb 12, 3:06 pm, Uncle Vic <addr...@withheld.com> wrote:

>>>>>Try showing that site to an actual historian.
>>>>>See how hard you get laughed at.

>>>>Try finding a real historian who can provide any evidence outside the
>>>>Christian tradition to corroborate Christian claims of an historic

>>>There would not be Christians without Christ/Messiah

>>There would be no Christians without the religion, which is a BELIEF in
>>Christ/Messiah myth.
>>>And since it is prophecised that in this world Christ
>>>would be born, then Christ was born in the form of Jesus.

>>Circular argument. See if you can find evidence of an historic Jesus
>>outside of the bible or the religion.

> I don't think this is what evidence means. It is like asking
> If we can find a record of Darwin of evolution outside the
> Origin of the species by Darwin...
> Yours is indeed a circular reasoning.

===>That is STUPID!

We know Darwin WROTE that book, we have his PICTURES,
even pictures of his father and sister.

The stories (Gospels) about "Christ" are pure fiction
written by some unknown Christian authors. -- L.