Molly Ivins Dies

Interesting handle there: "Peter Principle". I guess you have advanced to
your level of incompetency.

"Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> Harold Burton wrote:
>> In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
>> "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
>>> Bret Cahill wrote:
>>>> Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
>>>> sovereignty of the people.
>>>> I was always surprised she didn't get fired.
>>> Fired from what?

>> The New York Times.

> That so, is it, lying sack of conservadolt ****? Then your stupid, lying
> ass should have no trouble whatsoever finding a citation to her EVER being
> employed by the NYT in any capacity whatsoever.
> Begin, lying piece of rightard ****, if you're not just another impotent,
> cowardly, stupid, insignificant little asshole furiously farting asinine
> FUD you can't begin to back up, that is...
> The truly sad thing is this stupid little ***** thinks his mocking of the
> dead is clever. Ah, if only he were smart enough to know he isn't smart
> enough, just imagine how embarrassed his stupid ass would be...
> --
> Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
> ------
> Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
Harold Burton wrote:
> In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
>> Bret Cahill wrote:
>>> Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
>>> sovereignty of the people.
>>> I was always surprised she didn't get fired.

>> Fired from what?

> The New York Times.

That so, is it, lying sack of conservadolt ****? Then your stupid, lying ass
should have no trouble whatsoever finding a citation to her EVER being
employed by the NYT in any capacity whatsoever.

Begin, lying piece of rightard ****, if you're not just another impotent,
cowardly, stupid, insignificant little asshole furiously farting asinine FUD
you can't begin to back up, that is...

The truly sad thing is this stupid little ***** thinks his mocking of the
dead is clever. Ah, if only he were smart enough to know he isn't smart
enough, just imagine how embarrassed his stupid ass would be...

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
"Bret Cahill" <> wrote in news:1170296016.523082.293220

> Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
> sovereignty of the people.

She was one of the few honest lefties. And virtually the only one with a
sense of humor. Like all true liberals, she got things right only half the
time. But she was a delight to read even when she was wrong.
<idiot net.kook wild-ass x-posts trimmed>

Harold Burton wrote:
> In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
>> Bret Cahill wrote:
>>> Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
>>> sovereignty of the people.
>>> I was always surprised she didn't get fired.

>> Fired from what?

> The New York Times, that's how she became an "Independent contractor"

FYI, you stupid, lying sack of ****, Molly Ivins was syndicated by Creators
Syndicate. FYI, stupid, lying asshole, Creator's Syndicate is not, repeat,
stupid asshole, NOT the NYT.

But hey, why let something as trivial as THE FACTS get in the way of your
sophomoric mockery of the highly respected dead, right, asshole?

So, do tell, asshole, what are they gonna say about your stupid, cowardly,
lying rightard ass when you bite the big one? Well, other than that you were
nothing more than a real piece of ****, that is.

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
AKA gray asphalt wrote:
> Interesting handle there: "Peter Principle". I guess you have
> advanced to your level of incompetency.

Hey, it could be worse. I could be a top posting stupid asshole who farts
nothing but meaningless crap completely devoid of interest or relevance of
any kind to the subject at hand...

Now, aren't you glad you decided to stick your dick in the pencil sharpener
and crank for no reason at all, moron? I got plenty more for brain dead
stupid asshole like you. Come and get it, sparky...

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
On 2007-01-31 18:34:32 -0800, Harold Burton <> said:

> In article <45c14980$0$7448$>,
> "Gandalf Grey" <> wrote:
>> Molly Ivins dies of cancer at 62

> At least her readers will no longer die of boredom.

It's not her fault her writing flies over their head(s). (...and yours.)

I won't report the news to you, I'll FEEL the news AT you.
-Stephen Colbert.

("It's French, Bitch.")
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 21:21:33 -0500, "Democrat John Edwards 28,000 Sq
Ft home"

>Gov Ann Richards was the other recent one.

The only things on two legs dumber than Bush are the morons that still
support him.

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 21:34:32 -0500, Harold Burton
<> wrote:

>In article <45c14980$0$7448$>,
> "Gandalf Grey" <> wrote:
>> Molly Ivins dies of cancer at 62

>At least her readers will no longer die of boredom.

It isn't her fault you couldn't understand her.
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 22:37:27 -0500, Harold Burton
<> wrote:

>In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
>> Bret Cahill wrote:
>> > Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
>> > sovereignty of the people.
>> >
>> > I was always surprised she didn't get fired.

>> Fired from what?

>The New York Times, that's how she became an "Independent contractor"
>> Ivins was a syndicated columnist. IOW, she was an
>> independent contractor. She had no boss and no editor. Papers were free to
>> buy her column as is or not buy it at all. More than 400 papers chose to
>> buy.

>About a fifth as many as buy "Dilbert", and a sixth as many as buy
>"Peanuts", and "Peanuts" has been in reruns for about the last six
>years. Not exactly a great testimonial to her drawing power. She's a
>has been who never was.

For a "has been who never was", she was damned good at getting
right-wingers to foam at the mouth.
In article <>,
Harold Burton <> wrote:

>About a fifth as many as buy "Dilbert", and a sixth as many as buy
>"Peanuts", and "Peanuts" has been in reruns for about the last six
>years. Not exactly a great testimonial to her drawing power. She's a
>has been who never was.

Lessee, 1/5...1/6...Molly's more popular with newspapers than the president
is with the American people, ya think?
"Harold Burton" <> wrote in message
> In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
> > Bret Cahill wrote:
> > > Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
> > > sovereignty of the people.
> > >
> > > I was always surprised she didn't get fired.

> >
> > Fired from what?

> The New York Times, that's how she became an "Independent contractor"
> > Ivins was a syndicated columnist. IOW, she was an
> > independent contractor. She had no boss and no editor. Papers were free

> > buy her column as is or not buy it at all. More than 400 papers chose to
> > buy.

> About a fifth as many as buy "Dilbert", and a sixth as many as buy
> "Peanuts", and "Peanuts" has been in reruns for about the last six
> years. Not exactly a great testimonial to her drawing power. She's a
> has been who never was.

And who the **** are you? A god damn ignorant, arrogant nobody with no
respect for anyone.
"Gandalf Grey" <> wrote in message
> Molly Ivins dies of cancer at 62
> By KELLEY SHANNON Associated Press Writer
> AUSTIN, Texas - Best-selling author and columnist Molly Ivins, the
> sharp-witted liberal who skewered the political establishment and referred
> to President Bush as "Shrub," died Wednesday after a long battle with
> breast cancer. She was 62.

Too young.

She's the kind of strong woman who pisses off weak men.

> David Pasztor, managing editor of the Texas Observer, confirmed her death.
> The writer, who made a living poking fun at Texas politicians, whether
> they were in her home base of Austin or the White House, revealed in early
> 2006 that she was being treated for breast cancer for the third time.
> More than 400 newspapers subscribed to her nationally syndicated column,
> which combined strong liberal views and populist-toned humor. Ivins'
> illness did not seem to hurt her ability to deliver biting one-liners.
> "I'm sorry to say (cancer) can kill you but it doesn't make you a better
> person," she said in an interview with the San Antonio Express-News in
> September, the same month cancer claimed her friend former Gov. Ann
> Richards.
> To Ivins, "liberal" wasn't an insult term. "Even I felt sorry for Richard
> Nixon when he left; there's nothing you can do about being born liberal -
> fish gotta swim and hearts gotta bleed," she wrote in a column included in
> her 1998 collection, "You Got to Dance With Them What Brung You."
> In a column in mid-January, Ivins urged readers to stand up against Bush's
> plan to send more troops to Iraq.
> "We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. And every
> single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some
> action to help stop this war," Ivins wrote in the Jan. 11 column. "We need
> people in the streets, banging pots and pans and demanding, 'Stop it,
> now!'"
> Ivins' best-selling books included those she co-authored with Lou Dubose
> about Bush. One was titled "Shrub: The Short but Happy Political Life of
> George W. Bush" and another was "BUSHWHACKED: Life in George W. Bush's
> America."
> Ivins' jolting satire was directed at people in positions of power. She
> maintained that aiming it at the powerless would be cruel.
> "The trouble with blaming powerless people is that although it's not
> nearly as scary as blaming the powerful, it does miss the point," she
> wrote in a 1997 column. "Poor people do not shut down factories ... Poor
> people didn't decide to use `contract employees' because they cost less
> and don't get any benefits."
> In an Austin speech last year, former President Bill Clinton described
> Ivins as someone who was "good when she praised me and who was painfully
> good when she criticized me."
> Ivins loved to write about politics and called the Texas Legislature,
> which she playfully referred to as "The Lege," the best free entertainment
> in Austin.
> "Naturally, when it comes to voting, we in Texas are accustomed to
> discerning that fine hair's-breadth worth of difference that makes one
> hopeless dipstick slightly less awful than the other. But it does raise
> the question: Why bother?" she wrote in a 2002 column about a California
> political race.
> Born Mary Tyler Ivins, the California native grew up in Houston. She
> graduated from Smith College in 1966 and attended Columbia University's
> journalism school. She also studied for a year at the Institute of
> Political Sciences in Paris.
> Her first newspaper job was in the complaint department of the Houston
> Chronicle. She worked her way up at the Chronicle, then went on to the
> Minneapolis Tribune, becoming the first woman police reporter in the city.
> Ivins counted as her highest honors that the Minneapolis police force
> named its mascot pig after her and that she was once banned from the
> campus of Texas A&M University, according to a biography on the Creators
> Syndicate Web site.
> In the late 1960s, according to the syndicate, she was assigned to a beat
> called "Movements for Social Change" and wrote about "angry blacks,
> radical students, uppity women and a motley assortment of other misfits
> and troublemakers."
> Ivins later became co-editor of The Texas Observer, a liberal Austin-based
> biweekly publication of politics and literature that was founded more than
> 50 years ago.
> She joined The New York Times in 1976. She worked first as a political
> reporter in New York and later was named Rocky Mountain bureau chief,
> covering nine mountain states.
> But Ivins' use of salty language and her habit of going barefoot in the
> office were too much for the Times, said longtime friend Ben Sargent,
> editorial cartoonist with the Austin American-Statesman.
> "She's a force of nature," Sargent said.
> Ivins returned to Texas as a columnist for the Dallas Times-Herald in
> 1982, and after it closed she spent nine years with the Fort Worth
> Star-Telegram. In 2001, she went independent and wrote her column for
> Creators Syndicate.
> In 1995, conservative humorist Florence King accused Ivins in "American
> Enterprise" magazine of plagiarism for failing to properly credit King for
> several passages in a 1988 article in "Mother Jones." Ivins apologized,
> saying the omissions were unintentional and pointing out that she credited
> King elsewhere in the piece.
> She was initially diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999, and she had a
> recurrence in 2003. Her latest diagnosis came around Thanksgiving 2005.
> --
> NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
> always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
> available to advance understanding of
> political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues.
> I
> believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
> Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107
> "A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
> spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
> government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
> suffering deeply in spirit,
> and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
> debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
> patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
> back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are
> at
> stake."
> -Thomas Jefferson
In article <45c16b97$0$5752$>,
"Peter Principle" <> wrote:

> Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?

Because they're leftards.
In article <GHdwh.14446$Lx2.14@newsfe14.phx>,
"AKA gray asphalt" <> wrote:

> Interesting handle there: "Peter Principle". I guess you have advanced to
> your level of incompetency.

That happened long ago.

> "Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> news:45c166c3$0$27049$
> > Harold Burton wrote:
> >> In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> >> "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Bret Cahill wrote:
> >>>> Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
> >>>> sovereignty of the people.
> >>>>
> >>>> I was always surprised she didn't get fired.
> >>>
> >>> Fired from what?
> >>
> >>
> >> The New York Times.

> >
> > That so, is it, lying sack of conservadolt ****? Then your stupid, lying
> > ass should have no trouble whatsoever finding a citation to her EVER being
> > employed by the NYT in any capacity whatsoever.
> >
> > Begin, lying piece of rightard ****, if you're not just another impotent,
> > cowardly, stupid, insignificant little asshole furiously farting asinine
> > FUD you can't begin to back up, that is...
> >
> > The truly sad thing is this stupid little ***** thinks his mocking of the
> > dead is clever. Ah, if only he were smart enough to know he isn't smart
> > enough, just imagine how embarrassed his stupid ass would be...
> >
> > --
> > Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
> > ------
> > Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
> >
> >
> >
In article <45c166c3$0$27049$>,
"Peter Principle" <> wrote:

> Harold Burton wrote:
> > In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> > "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
> >
> >> Bret Cahill wrote:
> >>> Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
> >>> sovereignty of the people.
> >>>
> >>> I was always surprised she didn't get fired.
> >>
> >> Fired from what?

> >
> >
> > The New York Times.

> That so, is it, lying sack of conservadolt ****? Then your stupid, lying ass
> should have no trouble whatsoever finding a citation to her EVER being
> employed by the NYT in any capacity whatsoever.

Google is your friend.

> Begin, lying piece of rightard ****, if you're not just another impotent,
> cowardly, stupid, insignificant little asshole furiously farting asinine FUD
> you can't begin to back up, that is...

When you hit rock bottom you just keep digging. Heheheh.

> The truly sad thing is this stupid little ***** thinks his mocking of the
> dead is clever. Ah, if only he were smart enough to know he isn't smart
> enough, just imagine how embarrassed his stupid ass would be...

Oh well, why not, you're just too stupid to find it for yourself so here
it is. From

"The New York Times, concerned that its prevailing writing style was too
staid and lifeless, hired her away from the Observer in 1976, and she
wrote for the Times until 1982. During her run at the Times, Ivins
became Rocky Mountain bureau chief, covering nine western states,
although the writer was known to say she was named chief because there
was no one else in the bureau. Her more colorful style clashed with the
editors' expectations, and in 1982, after she wrote about a "community
chicken-killing festival" and called it a "gang-pluck," she was
In article <trjwh.19406$>,
"Fred Fazemeier" <> wrote:

> "Harold Burton" <> wrote in message
> > In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> > "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
> >
> > > Bret Cahill wrote:
> > > > Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
> > > > sovereignty of the people.
> > > >
> > > > I was always surprised she didn't get fired.
> > >
> > > Fired from what?

> >
> >
> > The New York Times, that's how she became an "Independent contractor"
> >
> >
> > > Ivins was a syndicated columnist. IOW, she was an
> > > independent contractor. She had no boss and no editor. Papers were free

> to
> > > buy her column as is or not buy it at all. More than 400 papers chose to
> > > buy.

> >
> >
> > About a fifth as many as buy "Dilbert", and a sixth as many as buy
> > "Peanuts", and "Peanuts" has been in reruns for about the last six
> > years. Not exactly a great testimonial to her drawing power. She's a
> > has been who never was.

> And who the **** are you?

Someone who gets you foaming at the mouth.
In article <dennmac-ya02408000R0102070401240001@NNTP.InfoAve.Net>, (Dennis M) wrote:

> In article <>,
> Harold Burton <> wrote:
> >About a fifth as many as buy "Dilbert", and a sixth as many as buy
> >"Peanuts", and "Peanuts" has been in reruns for about the last six
> >years. Not exactly a great testimonial to her drawing power. She's a
> >has been who never was.

> Lessee, 1/5...1/6...Molly's more popular with newspapers than the president
> is with the American people, ya think?

You don't, as your math proves.
In article <>,
John Baker <> wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 22:37:27 -0500, Harold Burton
> <> wrote:
> >In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> > "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
> >
> >> Bret Cahill wrote:
> >> > Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
> >> > sovereignty of the people.
> >> >
> >> > I was always surprised she didn't get fired.
> >>
> >> Fired from what?

> >
> >
> >The New York Times, that's how she became an "Independent contractor"
> >
> >
> >> Ivins was a syndicated columnist. IOW, she was an
> >> independent contractor. She had no boss and no editor. Papers were free to
> >> buy her column as is or not buy it at all. More than 400 papers chose to
> >> buy.

> >
> >
> >About a fifth as many as buy "Dilbert", and a sixth as many as buy
> >"Peanuts", and "Peanuts" has been in reruns for about the last six
> >years. Not exactly a great testimonial to her drawing power. She's a
> >has been who never was.

> For a "has been who never was", she was damned good at getting
> right-wingers to foam at the mouth.

Her "writing" was too dull for that. By the time you got through one of
her columns you were half asleep and too tired to foam.
In article <45c16830$0$28120$>,
"Peter Principle" <> wrote:

> <idiot net.kook wild-ass x-posts trimmed>
> Harold Burton wrote:
> > In article <45c15a3a$0$28125$>,
> > "Peter Principle" <> wrote:
> >
> >> Bret Cahill wrote:
> >>> Ivins was one of the few in the mainstream media who supported the
> >>> sovereignty of the people.
> >>>
> >>> I was always surprised she didn't get fired.
> >>
> >> Fired from what?

> >
> >
> > The New York Times, that's how she became an "Independent contractor"

> FYI, you stupid, lying sack of ****, Molly Ivins was syndicated by Creators
> Syndicate. FYI, stupid, lying asshole, Creator's Syndicate is not, repeat,
> stupid asshole, NOT the NYT.

Of course, that's what getting fired means, you don't work for that
company any more.

You really are working hard at living up to your name "Peter Principle".

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