More religion!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
If you're sick of hearing SD rant about religion, thank Tyler. He got me started up again.

I'd just like to say that even amongst a group of religious people, there are some who piss me off above and beyond the others. Actually, there are several groups. The one I'd like to focus on today are these ****ing morons who pray for every ****ing thing that crosses their mind. Jesus, please let us win this footbal game. God, please let me get this job. What the **** is wrong with these people? Even if there WERE some divine being and all your idiodic fairy tales WERE true, do you honestly thing that this creator of the universe,t his being of ultimate light and goodness and power and hot-shitness would give a FLYING **** about your tiny, pathetic little life? Do you HONESTLY thing that a being so good and important and holy would find it worth its time to intervene in your ATHLETCS or your MATH TEST? These retards really piss me off--that's stupidity taken to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

I would be thrilled to hear someone justify pestering your precious Jesus about your sports or daily activities.
I wonder if someone's on the shitter, and they're constipated,

"Please, God, please let me ****. Amen."
While i generally see religious people who keep to themselves, reletivly, as harmless and perfectly justfied in their right to believe, the arguement could be made that religion and prayer are forms of self-illusion that can lead to the destruction of not only the individuel, but others as well. Saying things like "God, let the light stay yellow for a few more seconds" Or convincing themselves that if they pray for a loved one to get better then god will have mercy on them and save them and therefore there is no need for conventional medicine.

Certainly something to consider.

Oh yah and Komrade hit it on the nail, get a joint or get laid but whichever just relax. Emotion is an obsticle to clear thought and reason. :p
Personally, I concider these types of prayers, the REAL definition of using the lords name in vein.

She does have a point. But also remember, sometimes that is all those people have is their deity to go to.
some might concider religion as cycological, not exactly fairy tail. if one were to prey for something they really want, some might say they themselves would make it reality. unless its a life and death situation or something very serious, i dont know about praying. it looses its meaning.

everyone has the right to believe what they want.
Well, what ever helps these people... If they get screwed over in the end they only can blame themselves anyway.
Prayer is just communication. If you're a christian then you have a relationship with God.

How do you think your relationship is going to go if you talk to them...
Once a day for 1 minute?
Once a week on a Sunday?
Once a month?
How about if you spoke to them constantly?

You can believe in god or not...up to you. But for those who have opened their eyes and recognised he actually does exist - it's an absolute pleasure being able to talk to him whenever and wherever we feel like.

As to your question about praying for every little thing, well I can see your pov. Sometimes I think it's a bit pointless, or a bit self-centred, or a bit presumptuous to trouble the creator of the universe with a request about a math test...but remember he is omnipresent and omnipotent - he has the power to hear every request and deal with them as he sees fit. What's the old saying - "you no no get".

However, god said he'll grant prayers that glorify him and work towards building his kingdom...he's not about granting everything that everyone wants...I think people sometimes forget that bit!!

Praying is sitting around wasting precious time 'thinking' of how you can achieve something you desire - rather than having the power of inner strength to actually physically get up and do something about it!

Oh yeah... smoke a blunt... - the warcry of those who've ****ing gave up the struggle for their own life and choose to merely exist... in a fantasy-land.

Feel free to stay stoned and think of all you 'could do' with your life... whilst my enlightened friends and I actually use ours to it's full potential!!!

Praying is for people who have opened their eyes and realised that God exists. They recognise the ultimate, unmatchable power that he is, and also that they can tap into that source when they need to...

The bible doesn't teach that you should pray and then sit and do nothing - the lord helps those that help themselves!
cybacaT said:

Praying is for people who have opened their eyes and realised that God exists. They recognise the ultimate, unmatchable power that he is, and also that they can tap into that source when they need to...

The bible doesn't teach that you should pray and then sit and do nothing - the lord helps those that help themselves!

Have you ever thought of a career in stand up comedy? It's YOU & I who help OURSELVES!!! Deities don't even enter the equation!!!

I really find this **** hilarious... ultimate unmatchable power... tapping into the source... :D It sounds like something from a Power Rangers or Manga Animation.

Hahahahahahaha... for people that have opened their eyes... you'll be happy to know I nearly choked to death on that statement! (That'll teach me for drinking coffee on the job!).

Everyone can open their eyes... even the blind! Unfortunately religious obsessives forget that there's another 4 senses at their disposal (maybe 5 if you count instinct). Perhaps, it would be better to open your minds? :eek:
Have you ever thought of a career in stand up comedy?
Nah - I'll leave it to the pros.

It's YOU & I who help OURSELVES!!!
You can do life under your own power, meet every challenge under your own power - that's how I used to live. But when you have that extra power to call on...then why not use it? Makes life a hell of a lot easier!

Everyone can open their eyes... even the blind! Unfortunately religious obsessives forget that there's another 4 senses at their disposal (maybe 5 if you count instinct). Perhaps, it would be better to open your minds?

Let's see - christians consider ALL possibilities in this world. Atheists start by saying there's no God, and then working with whatever is left in the world. Seems like they are the ones isolating themselves...
I'm only 38 but when I am around people and they start talking religion, my hearing fails me. I block it all out like it never happened.
Pray for what you want, its not going to change a damn thing but to make you feel better, that you have some control over your pathetic existance when you really don't...
AND NO, SD and I are different people. We just happen to have some of the same feelings toward the lemmings that are the religious people of the world.
Lethal and Tyler

Let me shine some perspective on the situation...

Christians do charity work. Other than that, they're really not stepping on your turf. They teach and practice non-violence.

Jews have a slightly more beligerent view, but if you don't attack them generally they won't attack you.

Buddhists also have a peaceful view of the world, and also probably haven't gotten in your face too much.

Meanwhile, Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the world, are blowing up innocent people in places like Indonesia, Iraq, London, Madrid...

What I DON'T get is people who crap on about christianity, moaning for hours about the belief system some people have that has nothing to do with them...and yet Islam is out there and barely rates a mention. What gives?? :confused:
You can do life under your own power, meet every challenge under your own power - that's how I used to live. But when you have that extra power to call on...then why not use it? Makes life a hell of a lot easier!

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! Extra power to call on!!! What the **** do you think you are? PAC-MAN... swallow an Extra Power Pill and gobble up all those big bad infidels! Hahahahahahaha!!! Like I said before, of course it's easier to delude yourself than to face things head on... I really laugh heartily at your insane ramblings! This is the funniest **** I've read in years... please type some more... :)
cybacaT said:
Lethal and Tyler

Let me shine some perspective on the situation...

Christians do charity work. Other than that, they're really not stepping on your turf. They teach and practice non-violence.

Jews have a slightly more beligerent view, but if you don't attack them generally they won't attack you.

Buddhists also have a peaceful view of the world, and also probably haven't gotten in your face too much.

Meanwhile, Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the world, are blowing up innocent people in places like Indonesia, Iraq, London, Madrid...

What I DON'T get is people who crap on about christianity, moaning for hours about the belief system some people have that has nothing to do with them...and yet Islam is out there and barely rates a mention. What gives?? :confused:

I will tell you what gives.

If christinsanity could keep it's tentacles to itself, this would remove the problem.
But that is not what holy-drones want, is it? The god robots want all of us to join in.

The christians are angry and malcontent that there are people who dare to be secular
and ignore your fanciful Hebrew fairy tales, and hapless hero called Jesus, who has
been the basis of the biggest and sickest fan-fiction in all humanity.

People cannot be coerced into your sick nightmare of guilt and fear in the wholesale
fashion you dream of. Your vision of a christ-controlled world of greed and idiocy will
never come to pass. In this age, the fall of religion will come, as the youth reject
the mindless edicts of a meaningless ritualistic church.

Like soviet beasts, the christians are not satisfied with their empire over old women
and scared children. They want to shove their insanity and fanciful belief in thin-air
into your face and scream their savila-flecked dogma at anyone who their leaders have
instructed them to denigrate.

Well, I know this post will be met with the usual flacid mutterings and pitiful ego-
orientated anecdotes from christian cretins, eager to share their pointless insights
with their intellectual superiors...And guess what?

I don't care to listen.

For all christian dolts, please digest the following into your derelict minds:

Your idol was nailed to a cross by Roman heroes two millenia ago...Hail Caesar!

Your religion is controlled by money-grubbing pedophiles who enjoy seeing you as cattle.

Your efforts to do good are countermanded by a world that is ran by the law of Humanity.

There is no god, as the concept was invented to keep peasants working hard and obeying.

Religious fools are the modern day version of these deferential feudal idiots.

Conquestianity is a crock...The empire of the holy lie is falling.
Holy fools can scream for human priests to save them, but reality is all-pervading.

And no god or fantasies about heavens, hells or holy pixies are about to save you.

Nothing will save you from reality...Not your fabricated god, made by men.
cybacaT said:
Let me shine some perspective on the situation...

What would you know about perspective when you only think in infra-red???

Christians do charity work. Other than that, they're really not stepping on your turf. They teach and practice non-violence.

Jews have a slightly more beligerent view, but if you don't attack them generally they won't attack you.

Buddhists also have a peaceful view of the world, and also probably haven't gotten in your face too much.

Meanwhile, Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the world, are blowing up innocent people in places like Indonesia, Iraq, London, Madrid...

What I DON'T get is people who crap on about christianity, moaning for hours about the belief system some people have that has nothing to do with them...and yet Islam is out there and barely rates a mention. What gives?? :confused:

I don't give a **** what your race is... when it comes down to it, it's all one big homogenized wives tale passed down through the ages and glorified as the years go by. Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy as well? What about Peter Pan? :)

It has plenty to do with my friends and I. We'd rather trust someone whose thoughts are of their own mind and based on their own experience, than in someone who truly believes in that which equates to NOTHING!!!


People who are religiously inclined are just pretending. Think about what have you got when the god is gone? Clouds don't have a silver lining and all you ever get is rain. You can't get blood from a stone

If I could be forgiven, every breath would be a prayer, (we are not forgiven...) will there never be an end?

I have tread, and spanned the horizon - I've seen this world, the beauty in decay - I strike down the faceless and unknown - I feel blessed, for I can see the stars look down on me...

How can right be ever wrong - We are glory, we are stronger than you!!! Suffer in your delusions!!! F.Y.G.