Small update, as promised. Well, AN update as promised. Have about 4 chapters to post, but was annoyed at how it was all progressing so might just have to wait and see how they go. Already re-written a few several times, deleted something like 30 pages, but decided to just post something in essence just as a bridge to get me where I really need to go. So, while I will probably kick myself later on, here's something for now to tide you over - and give me a chance to concentrate on getting Mike and Chester in the same place at the same time in the right context! :shoot:
At least SOMEONE might get what's coming to him very shortly
Enjoy, and more soon.
“Don’t,” Foxx grunted, sweeping his arm away.
Ignoring David’s sullen snort and matching stare, she pushed herself up and reached for the nearest bottle that littered her bedside table. Taking a long thirsty swig she rolled the cool glass against her forehead and expelled a sigh before she set it down. Reaching out she snapped on the nearest light. With a groan she pushed herself up to sit on the edge of the mattress and shield her eyes from the sting. Behind her she could hear the sheets rustle and David groan as he slumped backwards against the pillows. Fumbling around for a cigarette Foxx opened two packets, both empty, before she tossed them away disappointedly. She huffed out another sound of irritation.
“I’m not in the mood, alright?” she murmured.
“That’s not what you said before,” David reminded dryly.
“Well I’m saying it
Glaring over her shoulder Foxx met his eyes before she swung her eyes away once more. She winced rather than say what it was she wanted to – but David already seemed to know as he sighed towards the ceiling.
“It’s him isn’t it?”
Foxx reached back and shoved at him, at the few inches of mattress that divided them and hissed out another sound like a reprimanding parent.
“Why does it always keep coming back to Chester with you?” she snapped, snapping her bra and shirt up off the end of the bed to wrench back on in quick, agitated movements. “Is that all you think about?”
“Is that all
you think about?” David countered, eyeing her lazily from the pillow behind her.
He dug his fists in beneath the material to prop his head up a fraction by which to better see her, but Foxx was doing her best impression of a sulking teenager as she hurriedly made her way back into her clothes. The red glow from the cloth-draped lamp cast his bald scalp and three quarters of his face in a sombre red glow, adding a blood-like sparkle to his eyes, along with the walls and ceiling too.
Watching her with a snort David eventually pulled himself up to find his clothes as well. His joints popped and groaned accompanied by the squeaking of bed springs as Foxx lifted herself a few inches to draw her underwear back on. As Foxx reached back to flick her flowing hair back over her shoulders David sat watching a moment, his distant smile slowly being replaced by a frustrated scowl. Their moments of passion had been too fleeting and too brief in staying for his likings as he drew his knees up beneath the covers to stare at her. Even with the dim red glow the faint dark smears on her shoulders and neck made him smirk a fraction until he lost sight of them beneath the corset shirt again. The rings encircling his chin glimmered as he bowed his head towards his chest and cleared his throat. Reaching up he let out a heavy sigh as he sat scratching at his round scalp.
“You know it’s not like that,” Foxx was explaining with her back still turned. “You know how I feel about him.”
“No, actually, I don’t,” David uttered as he leant forward against his knees. He clasped his wrist against the crumpled covers with his focus barely wavering from their lowered stare. “Why don’t you enlighten me?”
Sarcasm was rife in his tone causing her to glimpse back over her shoulder again and glare at him. It took him a moment to look up. When he did the two of them locked eyes. Somewhere close by the sound of grinding guitars and a club in full swing droned back tirelessly. Sirens as always were wailing in the distance. Foxx’s shoulders fell a little as she lowered her eyes to the mattress.
“Why are you acting like this?” she murmured.
She reached for the bottle and took another long hard drink as David merely sat there watching her. A moment later, divided by silence, David reached out and snatched the bottle away from her and took a thirsty guzzle too. Foxx shook her head at him as he ran his forearm across his mouth and continued to glare.
“Like what?”
“Like this! Like some… jealous boyfriend or something. I never said I was committed to you.”
“That’s great. Thanks,” he murmured.
Foxx snatched the bottle back and took another drink before she leant forward again and set it back down on the bedside. She drew her boots over and began tugging them on as behind her she felt the mattress shift as David stood up and pulled his clothes on. Against her better judgement, Foxx stopped what she was doing, leant over her lap and crossed her arms defensively.
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it came out,” she uttered towards the floor.
“No, I’m sure you didn’t,” came his low grumbling response from the other side of the bed.
“It’s just… I’m worried about him okay? Not a word. Nothing. It’s not like him. Normally Chester can’t keep anything from me, at least that’s what I thought before I found out he had this whole ******* family out west somewhere this whole time.”
“That’s not my problem.”
“Who said it was? I just said I was worried about him, that’s all.”
“Why? He’s a big boy. He can handle himself.”
“I don’t expect you to understand.”
“That’s good. Because I don’t,” David muttered, tugging his shirt back on.
As he lingered now a few feet away at the foot of the bed Foxx shoulders fell heavily. With a sharp scoff she reached for the bottle only to find it swept from her grasp as David threw it viciously into the nearest wall. Glass exploded and the clear liquid reigned down like tears from heaven as Foxx uttered a sound of shock and disapproval at him. She was about to bark at him for wasting at least half a bottle of good alcohol but was smartly silenced as he snagged her by the jaw and jerked her face up towards his.
“I’m worried about
“Get your hands off me-” Foxx grit out through clenched teeth.
She managed to jerk her head free only to meet his scowling stare mere so close that she could feel his breaths burst against her face like a series of hot winds.
“Of course I don’t ******* understand!” David said. His low voice sounded like a menacing growl at such close quarters as he poked himself in the chest like some martyr imploring for mercy. “I’m just a **** to you, huh? Is that it? Some puppet you can jerk around on a string until Chester comes back? Is that all I am to you?”
“Get off me. I mean it.”
“Or what? You’ll tell your boyfriend on me?”
With her jaw still locked tight and snarling Foxx glowered into David’s face with her nostrils flaring as though she were struggling to keep her breaths even. As he bowed closer she jerked her head back again and drew away from him in an arc, making ready to stand. David grabbed for her but she shook his hand clear, slapping him, them pushing him enough to make him stagger aside a few inches. With a wordless growl she warned him again to back down from her. She didn’t want to hit him but she wasn’t afraid of him either as she swung her eyes at him, meeting his vicious stares with one of equal ferocity. It was hard to believe that they could be anything but enemies as David grabbed for her once again, seemingly unable to take no for an answer. The fiery red-head’s lips twitched but nothing came out as she continued to stride from the room.
“Go **** yourself.”
“Looks like you won’t give me any choice!” David snapped back indignantly as he watched her go.