metro-golden-meower wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Nov 2008 00:15:29 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver
> <> wrote:
>>metro-golden-meower wrote:
>>> On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 03:14:22 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>mimus wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 00:50:20 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 21:20:45 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 07:06:36 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 02:22:42 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 21:35:04 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 16:54:40 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metro-golden-meower wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 9 Nov 2008 19:32:29 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metro-golden-meower wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is now clean and uncluterd. it took two days to do that!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i had to shift a big pile of guitar mags, more dvd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spindles than i realized i own. two motherboard boxes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lots of pc parts and godd knows what else.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amazingly there where no books.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now after cleaning the actual desk, my back herts like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ******* crazy and standing is very painfull. i think i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shall go use my tenz machine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tomorrow i have to put stuff on the desk and arange it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pathetic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i agree. only the trapped nerves in my back don't. maybe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and i should gang up on them and give them a good hard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thrashing back into shape?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sounds good. Shall I bring a baseball bat or a galvanized
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pipe?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you the ******** that destroyed my mail-box?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That should be "who" destroyed your mailbox. Since I'm a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person and not a thing, "who" instead of "that" is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct term to use. For example, I could say, "I am the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person who destroyed your mailbox." But, I'm not saying I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did, just giving an example of the proper use of the pronoun
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "who", given that I'm a person and not a thing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ignorabimus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, let us investigate this mailbox issue deeper. Can you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide us with more details of exactly what happened to your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beloved mailbox?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, I didn't have an autopsy done, but it got folded in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> middle by a blow from something _very much like_ a baseball
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bat or galvanized pipe . . . .
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmm... I must confess to some mailbox destruction; but that
>>>>>>>>>>>> was in my middle teen years. As I'm now 46 years of age, I
>>>>>>>>>>>> believe that takes me off the suspect list. I'm curious for
>>>>>>>>>>>> more details, though.
>>>>>>>>>>>> When did this offence happen? Did you take pictures? Did you
>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>> a police report. Even if you bought it, it's government
>>>>>>>>>>>> property, you know.
>>>>>>>>>>> Nah, I just shook my head, mumbled for about a week and kept
>>>>>>>>>>> sticking it back on the post when it fell back off, and finally
>>>>>>>>>>> today replaced it.
>>>>>>>>>> Reckon it'll stay there? Undestroyed?
>>>>>>>>> We'll see. It's a different color. And I'm keeping the old one.
>>>>>>>>> So if the new one gets smashed, I will call the Post Office and
>>>>>>>>> the police, and we'll know to look for a club or pipe with both
>>>>>>>>> white _and_ gray paint on it, and be able to unleash the miracles
>>>>>>>>> of forensic criminal investigation (viz., mass spectrometry) on
>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>> Although I suspect that in that case the weapon in question will
>>>>>>>>> have _many_ paints on it, since I doubt the malefactors in
>>>>>>>>> question have anything personal against me . . . .
>>>>>>>> You don't think so? You are ~YOU~, aren't you?
>>>>>>> <with dignity:>
>>>>>>> I am a quiet, amiable and generally well-liked citizen in my little
>>>>>>> local communities.
>>>>>>> The very few evangelists that have come by my house over the last
>>>>>>> coupla decades might not agree, although I'm polite even there.
>>>>>>> Oh, and also the (neo-)Nazis that jumped me in Huntington, WV, back
>>>>>>> in the early '90s and beat me unconscious-- nothing like a little
>>>>>>> 3-on-1 surprise-attack in the dark on someone plastered, eh?
>>>>>>> Feh.
>>>>>> OMG!!@!!!! WTF!@#!@$!@ !!
>>>>>> 1!11111k11
>>>>>> Are you, like, still breathing and stuff?!? Iz your headz k? Like,
>>>>>> OMG i never knew you wuz beat upp.
>>>>> _Ne bespokoites'_, it was over fifteen years ago, and my major injury
>>>>> was to my back, where I slid down a brick wall as I was beaten
>>>>> unconscious, causing a raw spot about four or five inches across that
>>>>> took months to heal (****, I even drank some more beer afterward,
>>>>> battered and dazed but unbowed).
>>>>> Some ***** had been listening to a bar-conversation (a club, really),
>>>>> wot I don't even remember how the subject came up, but I was
>>>>> expressing my disbelief at the time that Pontius Pilate had ever
>>>>> approved submitting a ruling in Roman Imperial law to a barbarian mob,
>>>>> when she suddenly piped up, "You're a Yid, aren't you?", to which I
>>>>> gave the priceless response, "What's a 'Yid'?" (I was honestly puzzled
>>>>> at the time, not having ever actually heard the word used in
>>>>> conversation), and when she said "You know, a Yid, a Jew" I told her
>>>>> to take her **** bullshit somewhere else ("Oh, I'm not a ****, I'm not
>>>>> a ****"-- yeah right) . . . .
>>>>> And a week or so later, her boy-friend and a couple of others, all
>>>>> rather heavier and much more muscular if not taller than me, ambushed
>>>>> me.
>>>>> It took me a while to figure all that out, since they didn't introduce
>>>>> or explain themselves or anything, but I finally remembered having
>>>>> seen her with them a week or two earlier, and her crawling all over
>>>>> one of 'em.
>>>>> Ironically, the one of the trio that was actually identified to me
>>>>> later was a law-enforcement major at Marshall University . . . .
>>>>> Prolly a WVSP State Trooper by now, if not in DHS.
>>>>Man, you're a tough 'ole bastage, aren't you? Now see, this is
>>>>interesting. This is the stuff movies are made of, right here.
>>>>So, did you do anything about it? Report it? Plot a revenge attack?
>>>>Find out where they live and destroy their mailboxes?
>>> personaly, being the complete ******** and **** i can be at times, i'd
>>> have got my revenge.
>>>>And are you a Yid? (I've never heard that before, either.) I'm German
>>>>on my dad's side, but I don't know if it's Yid or Hit blood. My nose is
>>>>certainly Germanic looking in profile, but it doesn't seem to me to
>>>>"hook" exactly right, so I don't know. Don't really give a good ****,
>>>>for that matter.
>>> there is a test to find out if you are hit blood.
>>> <clicks heals>
>>> what did your right arm do?
>>Nothing until I reached for the mouse to click the follow-up button.
> well in that case, if there is any hit blood in you, its so thin you
> are of no threat to west with a new 4th reich with you as its head.
Um... OK.
Tim Weaver
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