My grandma is a NUN

Hey bitch,read my post properly,I didn't say you're american.I sujest you should remove that dick from your mouth,get off your knees and actually read the posts.

Actually saying "blah blah blah non-muslim or non-american blah blah blah" does imply that she cares about it being non-american, and australians and chinese couldn't care less. So you are indeed saying she is non-american...

You need to let go of the **** when you type, chupaverga...
Well, angie, to begin with this was something for the shoutbox. So it is a pointless thread, so we make fun of others and do pointless **** on them...
Uh...ok...I was just asking about what made your aunt, Grandmother, Sister through Allah, Sister in Arms....whatever....Catholic. Obviously she converted....that's all I was inquiring about.

Didn't mean to start a "chick fight"!

Unless both of you are willing to get nude and drenched in oil and go at it in a kiddie pool!!!! :D
Yes he does...and GOD BLESS HIM!!!!!!

Yep...Angie...we have changed the pool contents to Jello! :D
Spleefman said:
Done deal...I'll buy the kiddie pool!

Ok AIG...what about you? :D

Well..I'm up for it.I haven't slapped up a bitch in 2 weeks,count me in.
But I say NO NO to the naked bit.I'd like the advantage of suffocating her with my burka. :D
RoyalOrleans said:
What the **** is this post about? A nun? A grandmother? AIG's unshaven legs?

LOL! It was originally about my grandma,then there was an argument that she was actually my great aunt,then that bitch Angie got feisty,so I put her in her place.And now we are preparing for the final finale.I'm gonna suffocate this bitch with my burka and shove jelly up her nose.As for my hairy legs,well the long hair can be used for strangulation.So yeah THIS BITCH IS ****ED!!