
i knew this girl who typed "i wish my lawn was emo so i wouldnt have to cut it". what the does that mean? is it pronounced a-mo?
you sure? people used to call me mo so i thought they were saying ay mo. lol, im just trying to make as much sense as all of this.
I just use myspace to communicate with old high school peeps. Actually vice versa. They find me. Whatever reason they wanna talk to me I have no clue. But if you people wanna see my crappy page which hasn't been updated in a bit, here it is....
phreakwars said:
You look stoned in that picture.

Judging by the quality of the people in our generation and with all due respect to Cynthia, it wouldn't have surprised me if she was.

Sorry, there goes my anti-personnel human hater system going off again.
Sorry to rehash a dead topic......but...


I heard a month or so ago that 2 of my best friends were on this stupid site so i decide to find them and join this cult called myspace. I have now encounted so many people from my past that i would never have encountered just web surfing that i am now a firm believer that myspace has its purposeses...(sp i think)

Its actually not as bad as people think.....but the old email scams have tried to target me.....but i have done a thing or two to thwart that.

Myspace is cool for people you actually know.....for those you dont its scary territory!

long story short....for people you know its better than email.......for those you dont its quite annoying.......

thank goodness i have a quick report button finger! (and for people who dont tell me who they are when i dont recognize them i have a quick "deny" finger!)
When I was on there, I only talked with people I knew in the REAL WORLD. If I didn't know them, I made them my friend and didn't associate with them.
I'm new to this Myspace. I signed up but how do I find old friends. I went to the classmate page but I don't want to spend the monthly fee. Is that what I have to do? Any help would be aprecitated. Plus it will save me from messing around trying to figure it out.
There is a bar near the top that says Home Browse Search, ect.

Click on Search and it will give you a couple of options.
snafu said:
I'm new to this Myspace. I signed up but how do I find old friends. I went to the classmate page but I don't want to spend the monthly fee. Is that what I have to do? Any help would be aprecitated. Plus it will save me from messing around trying to figure it out.

Well for me I joined (against my better wishes....but I had some close friends on it)....added them as friends...then just did some casual searches....found a few (then i had 10 friends)...

from there people oddly find you...and you would be suprised. I joined up hoping to crush peoples dreams that it is a piece of crap place to be...only to figure out i could come in contact with people i havent seen from a long time!

I dont have any/many friends on there that i dont know in person (some stars/celebs/ bands...but only to hear their news really). Its best to keep it to people you know!

I am going to regret doing this im sure...but here is mine...

and if any of you request me as friend i will deny you if you dont tell me who you a heartbeat! :)

Trust me its not a bad thing this myspace long as you keep it amongst your friends!
Vortex said:
Well for me I joined (against my better wishes....but I had some close friends on it)....added them as friends...then just did some casual searches....found a few (then i had 10 friends)...

from there people oddly find you...and you would be suprised. I joined up hoping to crush peoples dreams that it is a piece of crap place to be...only to figure out i could come in contact with people i havent seen from a long time!

I dont have any/many friends on there that i dont know in person (some stars/celebs/ bands...but only to hear their news really). Its best to keep it to people you know!

I am going to regret doing this im sure...but here is mine...

and if any of you request me as friend i will deny you if you dont tell me who you a heartbeat! :)

Trust me its not a bad thing this myspace long as you keep it amongst your friends!

LOVE your myspace page...your sexy...
I am also a fan of Europop, I especially love Robbie Williams.
Vortex said:
Well for me I joined (against my better wishes....but I had some close friends on it)....added them as friends...then just did some casual searches....found a few (then i had 10 friends)...

from there people oddly find you...and you would be suprised. I joined up hoping to crush peoples dreams that it is a piece of crap place to be...only to figure out i could come in contact with people i havent seen from a long time!

I dont have any/many friends on there that i dont know in person (some stars/celebs/ bands...but only to hear their news really). Its best to keep it to people you know!

I am going to regret doing this im sure...but here is mine...

and if any of you request me as friend i will deny you if you dont tell me who you a heartbeat! :)

Trust me its not a bad thing this myspace long as you keep it amongst your friends!

That was good! I'll have to play around in it. I really would like to find some old friends. I did see my old girl friend in the classmates but I'm not going to look her up. She's still in town somewhere.
Why does everybody on myspace having their on theme music?

Vortex said:
Sorry to rehash a dead topic......but...


I heard a month or so ago that 2 of my best friends were on this stupid site so i decide to find them and join this cult called myspace. I have now encounted so many people from my past that i would never have encountered just web surfing that i am now a firm believer that myspace has its purposeses...(sp i think)

Its actually not as bad as people think.....but the old email scams have tried to target me.....but i have done a thing or two to thwart that.

Myspace is cool for people you actually know.....for those you dont its scary territory!

long story short....for people you know its better than email.......for those you dont its quite annoying.......

thank goodness i have a quick report button finger! (and for people who dont tell me who they are when i dont recognize them i have a quick "deny" finger!)
I have a myspace account. I however use it to keep up with my cousins and old friends from school. I'm 28 and I feel like I'm almost too old to be on there. Not to mention, all these youngin's that write me. ughhhh
Why does everybody on myspace having their on theme music?
RIght now.......Salty Dog by Flogging Molly. I usually change it every few weeks .