
morgansaysthis said:
wow dude your such a rebel, your to cool for fads that are in
oh man i wish i was an individual like you

does anyone else hate those losers who are anti fad because they think its cool

your like the goth kids from south park

You are all about being "cool" arent you?!?!?! Your in luck......being stupid and nieve is TOTALY in.....

You are way cool, i cant compete!!!
Vortex said:
You are all about being "cool" arent you?!?!?! Your in luck......being stupid and nieve is TOTALY in.....

You are way cool, i cant compete!!!

LOL.... let em have it!

where have you been vortex?! Your sarcasm is dearly missed!
**** MySpace, too confusing too many bugs, very high school and middle age cant get laid.....Facebook is for College Age like myself.
Hmmmm.... interesting.

My girlfriend forwarded me the site. Awwww... my first hate site! I'm touched. Lets see what I can do to clarify things for Phreakwars though, since he is after all a self proclaimed defender of truth, I know he wouldn't want to just be wrong or making things up.

Since he found and forwarded shots of my myspace account, its pretty obvious what I do in my spare time. Now, I wonder if Preakwars actually bothered to read any of it, or maybe literacy isnt his forte, who knows. Yes, I do indeed run with a very interesting crowd out here in Los Angeles, dealing with participation and education in the BDSM community (yes, we use Myspace quite extensively for networking). It's terrible, having to be surrounded by fetish models, good intelligent friends, the blaring music. Somehow, I manage. After all, someone has to tie these girls up and spank their little bottoms. Apparently some people like what I do, as its developed into a little stage persona for myself, which has led to some some modeling (hence the photos), playing with fire, running with sharp objects, heck I even talk to strangers sometimes. Not bad for something I started on a lark and do in my spare time. I get to live a lifestyle that most people only get to fantasize in their bravest moments. Darn!

Course, that is all recreation, in my spare time. Truth be told, I moved to Cali for grad school. I needed something bigger, more expressive. No surprise that I didn't connect well with most in High School, but I guess I was destined for more a bigger city alternative culture. During the day, I actually am an engineering consultant for military aerospace. Sorry, but Phreakwars hopes that I am going to be a movie star are just going to have to remain on the back burner for now.

Now, Phreaky really has spent some time on me here. I suppose I should be flattered. His memory is a bit fuzzy.. yes, I wore a Barney costume once.. at the main event of a Barney bashing event my sophomore year in college.. a boxing match between me and Big Bird. Still, that dosn't really explain the over all tone of animocity Im seeing here.

Perhaps I should be asking who Phreaky is. Lets see... cant really tell much from the profile. Typical flamer protocol I suppose. From the profile.. pizza delivery and computer sales. Im seeing Dominos and Best Buy here for some reason, sterling career choices there but no help. Course, the WWE icon lends a lot of credit on the maturity meter. He does want to sleep with my mom... maybe that is why he is so upset with me, but I am pretty sure she would shoot him down. Im at a loss here. Maybe he just wanted to be cool and flame someone he hasnt seen in years from the safety of a computer screen.

No, reading on.. his posts, the obsession of me potentially being gay.. not to mention the speculation of my endowments... Ya know, Im starting to wonder if Phreakwars might not be projecting a bit. Its ok. I know our hometown was pretty closed minded, but he can find love too.

Unfortunately, I cant help him out myself, but I am sure we can find a nice leather daddy or teddy bear for him. Not a bi bone in my body, never will be. Not that I have any disdain for the lifestyle.. its just not me. Not sure where Phreaky got his info on the start of my myspace account, but A) I have a bonified in love stalker if he tracks my moves right down to starting up an account on Myspace (thats a little creepy) and B) My girlfriend probably would have said something as she got me into it in the first place.

Well, I guess thats it for me. Neat little site here, and this whole thing was very entertaining. All the best to everyone here. Feel free to say hello to me on Myspace!

Wonder if Phreaky will have the balls to introduce himself at our 20 year? :p
Well of course I would Matt, I'm not one to shy away from anybody. And I am also not one to "HIDE BEHIND A SCREEN" but, in my OWN defense, and please don't deny this, you DID have it listed in your profile that you were gay... then it was changed.. I guess my only question is.. "WHAT'S UP WITH THAT ??"

I am in no way homophobic mind you, and I would not judge you any different if you were... I guess I only question why you would want to hide this ??

As for your mom... she still has a cute butt.:cool:
Wow, have to give you props for allowing the post. Didnt expect that. Kudos.

No clue as to why you thought the profile read gay. Never even considered it and never would have set it that way, but Myspace is known for its strange bugs. Dosnt bother me that you think otherwise, as you seem pretty convinced about it, but no, Ive been disappointing my gay neighbors since I moved to California in the first place, lol.

Besides, take a look at some of the gals on my Myspace... yes I really know them, yes I really play with them. Im a kid in a candy store.

And dude, your creepy about my mom. But, I've long since learned, everyone has their kink.
At the pack they used to call his mom Foxy Roxy.:p

Truth be told, his mom is actually a very nice lady. Kind of quiet. Not one to really strike up a conversation, and wasn't bad looking at all... I haven't seen his mom in I'd say... oh... 11 years.
She actually got out of Schuyler too, and started working at UNL while I went to school there. She met a professor there, and now lives with him in Montanna.

Man, that photo is so two pages ago. Specifically from a AMF Korset shoot I did for a friend.

I need to get some more stuff done now. Fire I am thinking.
Phantom said:
Myspace is for retarded no-lifers. :D

I've become the target of my own ridicule. I finally (reluctantly) succumbed to Myspace Madness.

Phanny's new myspace account!

I feel like such a nerd! I don't think there is anything on my page that anyone here doesn't know about or pics everyone hasn't seen but I just made the account and will work on it later. It's actually pretty fun! :eek:
Phantom said:
I've become the target of my own ridicule. I finally (reluctantly) succumbed to Myspace Madness.

Phanny's new myspace account!

I feel like such a nerd! I don't think there is anything on my page that anyone here doesn't know about or pics everyone hasn't seen but I just made the account and will work on it later. It's actually pretty fun! :eek:

I added you! Approve my request before I beat you! lol...
Phantom said:
I've become the target of my own ridicule. I finally (reluctantly) succumbed to Myspace Madness.

Phanny's new myspace account!

I feel like such a nerd! I don't think there is anything on my page that anyone here doesn't know about or pics everyone hasn't seen but I just made the account and will work on it later. It's actually pretty fun! :eek:

I may succumb to the masses one day as well and create a profile some day. I lack the patience as of now and have avoided making a profile on purpose. Too cliqueish, immature and fake I tell myself, but then again, I can make it what I want it to be.
Phantom said:
I've become the target of my own ridicule. I finally (reluctantly) succumbed to Myspace Madness.

Phanny's new myspace account!

I feel like such a nerd! I don't think there is anything on my page that anyone here doesn't know about or pics everyone hasn't seen but I just made the account and will work on it later. It's actually pretty fun! :eek:

Yep your right you've reached nerdville. Next it's stained clothes, uncombed hair, no make-up and unbrushed teeth.:(
tiredofwhiners said:
Yep your right you've reached nerdville. Next it's stained clothes, uncombed hair, no make-up and unbrushed teeth.:(

But, My Dearest! I'm already there!

I stopped shaving, bathing, and brushing the moment I said, "I do."
Chi said:
I may succumb to the masses one day as well and create a profile some day. I lack the patience as of now and have avoided making a profile on purpose. Too cliqueish, immature and fake I tell myself, but then again, I can make it what I want it to be.

Considering the fact I just found Gerard's authentic myspace account a few minutes ago, the site now has my complete approval.
Chi said:
Too cliqueish, immature and fake I tell myself, but then again, I can make it what I want it to be.

you talking about myspace, or this place?