**** Natalee Holloway and her attention whore mom Beth Holloway Twitty

Phreak, if you had been watching then you would have heard that there is evidence that she was slipped the date rape drug, rohipnal. This is a fairly common practice, the guy slips the bartender a tip and he does it for him. This fact makes her an unwilling participant to whatever occurred after this.
I can understand you not personally caring because you don't know the girl. However with the way the Aruba authorities have handled this case, I would be tempted to kill the little bastards myself by now. As a Mother, I completely understand what she is doing. I think even she knows her daughter is dead. However the only thing a parent can do when their child is taken from them is to do what they can to see that justice is done.
If you are growing tired of it then change the channel. But seriously if you are as callous as you seem, I pity your loved ones if something horrible befalls them in the future. Your are evidently saying you would shrung your shoulders and walk away.
If this was your wife or your child you wouldn't do the same thing. Even if she got drunk on purpose and choose to have sex with someone, that does not give someone the right to rape her, knock her around, kill her and dispose of the body. Jorn (however you spell his name) has admitted to lying to the police. This country enjoys a good working relationship with the US even in light of their lawlessness. This is a disgrace.
You think after years of people going to schools telling these people about the "date rape drug" you'd think she would watch her drink and if she leaves it she throw it away. I mean damn, there are some sick dudes out there. But, like the typical STUPID ****ing kid she blows it off and don't want to listen. And what business does she have ****ing drinking IN THE FIRST PLACE!?! In a new area at that! Her own damn fault for being so damn beetleheaded.
With all of this in mind young college girls will still choose to go where the action is so you just increase the likelyhood of something like this happening ten-fold.
**** happens. Next time they should plan their outings to a super Wal-Mart and have a parking lot bar-b-que.
People come up missing all the ****ing time. Answer me this. Why is this girls plight any different? A white girl on a Carribean island with alot of $$ to throw around? Lets see if the media follows around a missing black slut under the same conditions. How about a young, attractive Mexican girl..same set of circumstances?? I seriously doubt it.
It is only left to speculation at this point in the saga but still the fact remains the same. Young white girl on a, for lack of a better term, "romantic" island (puke...I've been there :( ), then expect bad things to possibly happen. The parents' should have realized this too or they are just as much of dumb****s as the rest of the idiots that believe otherwise.
Tragedy?, yes...continuious media specticle?...**** NO!!!
Lets move the **** on people...the bitch is dead and is not coming back.!!!
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
What kind of IDIOT parents let their teenage daughter travel to a FOREIGN country without THEIR PERSONAL supervision?


However, I don't say that gratefully at all - rather, with regret. I regret that my parents didn't help instill a better sense of values in me, and I regret that they don't care enough for my safety sometimes to just say "no"

I mean, the other day my mum let me spend 12 hours with a guy she has never met, nor knew the name of, she knew he was legally allowed to drink, drive, etc. and she KNEW his parents weren't going to be home. I mean, obviously as part of my responsibility I shouldn't have ended up getting drunk and doing stuff I didn't want to do..but sometimes I wish she'd just say no, too.
Glad you are ahead of the game Jenn. For that I commend you. Sometimes you only have yourself to rely on.

In any case, I haven't heard anything else about this situation. Maybe they finally realized the little bugger now belongs to the oceanic ecosystem, as a shark turd.
To all of the emotional mutants who cannot find sympathy for some poor girl who was probably drugged, raped, and killed:

I hope you are mercilessly butt raped by three giant black men.

Then thrown into a toxically polluted river ala Steve-o from Jackass, and eaten by piranha's.

Anna Piranha's.
Anna Perenna said:
To all of the emotional mutants who cannot find sympathy for some poor girl who was probably drugged, raped, and killed:

I hope you are mercilessly butt raped by three giant black men.

Then thrown into a toxically polluted river ala Steve-o from Jackass, and eaten by piranha's.

Anna Piranha's.

I came in late on this so I'll jump in here. I feel bad for Natalee for any pain and suffering she had to endure and I feel bad for her parents and family for their loss.

I just would like to ask, "What the **** kind of parenting is this?"

These bastards who took advantage of her, killed her and tossed her overboard like yesterday's garbage should have their balls cut off and forcefed to them but unfortunately I am gonna have to put some of the responsibility for this on her parents for making such a irresponsible parenting choice.

The world is a shitty place and has been for a long time. Were the parents that ignorant or just to rapped up in their own **** that they were just glad to send her away for a while. Jesus Christ Aruba in 2005 is a far cry from 1952 in Indianna. It's pretty much a drug infested, meatfest, damn near 3rd world country once you get away from the tourist locations. They might as well parked her ass in a whorehouse in Tijuana and told her to wait for the damn donkey.

I agree that this is a tragedy but so is the fact that because she is a stupid, rich, white girl that it gets all this press but there are probably inner city black or hispanic girls that go missing all the time. You'd be lucky to find an article about that in the paper of the city it happened in let alone every form of media imaginable, repeatedly, with updates.
Oh don't get me wrong. I don't condone what the ****s did to her. They should suffer a horrible death more than anyone. Rapists and pedos are sick stupid, weak mother****ers that should be sent head first into an erupting geyser. But then you have those who put themselves in such a position. Her mom is part of the blame as well as we all know.
We would not have heard so much about this story, say if she were black, from Southwest Atlanta, and poor. Seriously, who wants to hear about LaNaFaShaNikwaa and how her food stamps got her in trouble with the Dutch?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The fact is, she's dead. So who cares how much coverage she gets? She's DEAD. Why would you begrudge her anything?

Plus, someone called her a 'slut' - that was downright lowbrow shitty.

As for Lashawnda the proverbial po' black ho, you are all right when you say that nobody cares about her, so please don't pretend you do.
The Dutch did it. it is usually someone you don't expect. :D

Anyways, is her mother STILL rambling about her?
I really don't care who the ****, did what, to her naive white ass. I just wish everyone just accepts that she's probably ****ing dead, probably ****ing shark dung and probably never gonna be found. Then they can drop the damn story from the news.
They never will. This is just like the Jon Bene Ramsey case and Elian Gonzales story. No offense but I got sick and tired hearing about them everyday on the news. If I died and came up missing, I wouldn't want the media to bug the hell out of America for an entire ****ing year looking for my already decomposed skeleton. At the beginning, posters, news coverage and phone numbers and all that stuff is fine and dandy but after a few months, it kinda drags itself out.
Outlaw2747 said:
They never will. This is just like the Jon Bene Ramsey case and Elian Gonzales story. No offense but I got sick and tired hearing about them everyday on the news. If I died and came up missing, I wouldn't want the media to bug the hell out of America for an entire ****ing year looking for my already decomposed skeleton. At the beginning, posters, news coverage and phone numbers and all that stuff is fine and dandy but after a few months, it kinda drags itself out.

Those got old pretty damn quick too. I would however, like to see the Ramseys get sent to the slammer for killing Jon Benet and dumping her in the basement on Christmas ****in' Eve though. I mean come on, did they actually think that was a great place to conceal a body?
Oh now I hear they wanna ****ing boycott Aruba, WTF ??

I say boycott irresponsible parents that let their underage child leave the country unsupervised.
phreakwars said:
Oh now I hear they wanna ****ing boycott Aruba, WTF ??

I say boycott irresponsible parents that let their underage child leave the country unsupervised.


Now one of the fishmongers by the beach is saying that he's missing a fishing trap and its been gone since the beginning of the investigation (A snippet I heard on the news this morning.). They went on to say, that the fishing trap must've been dumped beyond the reef and is at the bottom of the sea. No ****. I'm so sick of this story.

If this is true and they happen to find the skeletal remains of Natalee, we might all be eating a bit of her. :confused: