**** Natalee Holloway and her attention whore mom Beth Holloway Twitty

Like I said, it's a bullshit action, I doubt the courts will even find a basis...EVEN A CIVIL COURT !!! It's 100% frivolous, and actually, I'd be surprised if the kids family doesn't slap a counter suit on her for something.
They are STILL rambling on about this girl! Do you know how many children go missing and not a single one makes the damn news? What is this? This selective stuff is garbage I swear.
Outlaw2747 said:
They are STILL rambling on about this girl! Do you know how many children go missing and not a single one makes the damn news? What is this? This selective stuff is garbage I swear.

Absolutely, there are alot of children that go missing that don't have wealthy white parents to offer a reward like these do and parents that don't make such a big deal about it.

However, I think it will be interesting to see how the civil action plays out because like I said the laws of evidence are MUCH easier to deal with, it would'nt surprise me at all if they can get a judgement against them, however I don't know how they will get any money out of them even if they do get a judgement.
Check this email I got from someone that supposedly knows her. Dumb hillbilly twit if you ask me.

The following message was sent to you via the Off Topic Forum - The Best Damn Debate Forum Contact Us form by cowgirl377@aol.com.


i would really appreciate it if you would take the time to read what i am about to say. i am from mountain brook, and knew Natalee Holloway. i really do not like to read all this bullshit that is written about her on this site that isn't accurate. Her mom is going through something that you could never even ****ing imagine, so you should back off with your uneducated comments until you know what you talking about. this site is nothing but bullshit


Referring Page: http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=61061&page=6
IP Address:
User Name: Unregistered
User ID: 0
Why if you really knew her would you go out on the internet to read what people are saying?? Aren't you asking for something like this? No matter how heart rending the story there is going to be someone out there who has a different take on the situation.

Not to say that I believe this person knows her, I am always skeptical...
I get a number of emails like this one. I normally hit the delete key after the first **** in the mail. I thought it is time I start to post them for everyones pleasure. I will not edit out any information from these emails. I'll let them wallow in the **** they get after the spambots get hold of the email address.

I was going to open another forum just for the feedback I get, but, since this is the first and referenced a thread I thought I'd post it in the thread.
Anyway look forward to more of these.
GF said:
I get a number of emails like this one. I normally hit the delete key after the first **** in the mail. I thought it is time I start to post them for everyones pleasure. I will not edit out any information from these emails. I'll let them wallow in the **** they get after the spambots get hold of the email address.

I was going to open another forum just for the feedback I get, but, since this is the first and referenced a thread I thought I'd post it in the thread.
Anyway look forward to more of these.

Now that does sound like fun...
Always thinking I see.
The following message was sent to you via the Off Topic Forum - The Best Damn Debate Forum Contact Us form by cowgirl377@aol.com.


i would really appreciate it if you would take the time to read what i am about to say. i am from mountain brook, and knew Natalee Holloway. i really do not like to read all this bullshit that is written about her on this site that isn't accurate. Her mom is going through something that you could never even ****ing imagine, so you should back off with your uneducated comments until you know what you talking about. this site is nothing but bullshit


Referring Page: http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=61061&page=6
IP Address:
User Name: Unregistered
User ID: 0
Now for the Phreak's translation:

The following message was retrieved via the Off Topic Forum - The Best Damn Debate Forum garbage can by GF, and was sent by cowgirl377@aol.com . Please SPAM HER, She is not a registered member here, and is not subject to our privacy policy.


i would really appreciate it if you would take the time to read my bullshit. i am from mountain brook, and knew Natalee Holloway... well not really KNEW her, but like my brother once seen her at the Quikie Mart getting nachos, so like I KINDA know her.. i really do not like to read all this bullshit that is written about her on this site that isn't accurate, I am SOOO glad you guys do NOTHING but post the cold, hard truth about the entire situation. Her mom is going through something that you could never even ****ing imagine, She is willing to now sue you with no real charges... so uhh,you should back off with your educated comments until you know she has been prescribed some Xanax. this site is nothing but TELL IT LIKE IT REALLY IS FREE SPEECH watch the crazy bitch try and BOYCOTT you...:rolleyes:
Ahh yes, thanks for the heads up mailto:cowgirl377@aol.com I'll be sure to watch for delusional bitches who sue with no real charges to sue about and no evidence.. Gotcha ! Like we haven't had THAT before..:rolleyes:

I want to nominate TerroristHater to represent me, I'll bet me and him could have an awsome counter suit for the stupid bitch.
who ever wrote this little comment is disgusting and obviously doesn't have a brain bigger than a pea... he hates himself/herself so much that he has to demean himself and enjoys other people's sorrows... whoever this was needs to grow up and should be focusing on making his life better instead of being a *****
yooitzfaith said:
who ever wrote this lilttle comment is disgusting and obviously doesn't have a brain bigger than a pea... he hates himself/herself so much that he has to demean himself and enjoys other people's sorrows... whoever this was needs to grow up and should be focusing on making his life better instead of being a *****

Well thanks for your input...But we've all come to like him just like he is. And as far as his life from what i've read in other posts(unlike you) he seems quite fine with his life.
yooitzfaith said:
who ever wrote this lilttle comment is disgusting and obviously doesn't have a brain bigger than a pea... he hates himself/herself so much that he has to demean himself and enjoys other people's sorrows... whoever this was needs to grow up and should be focusing on making his life better instead of being a *****

LOLOL, now thats funny, I never thought Phreak hated himself, I always thought he thought a little too much of himself...

Yooitzfaith, your a stupid **** so **** off and don't waste your time here.
yooitzfaith said:
who ever wrote this lilttle comment is disgusting and obviously doesn't have a brain bigger than a pea... he hates himself/herself so much that he has to demean himself and enjoys other people's sorrows... whoever this was needs to grow up and should be focusing on making his life better instead of being a *****

Yep, I can attest...he is a ***** :) Listen you little lamo bulldyke, **** drool-swilling, sad excuse for a semen receptacle, instead of complementing our illustrious leader, ol' Phreaky, why don't you try a better shot.
Nothing you can muster to the contrary will diffuse ol' Phreaks point of view on this one:p
Lethalfind said:
The boys involved, don't remember their names have admitted to the authorities that they had the bartender put rohipnal in her drink. Its also known that this is a regular trick of that particular bar so no shock there.
The Aruban authorities have admitted this and released these guys anyway.
there is no proof because there is no body but you would think an admission from the guilty parties would be enough.
AND of course you understand that just because you drugged someone does not mean you murdered anyone...
All three guys have admitted to having sex with her after drugging her as well.
Evidently its come out that when a girl is invited to this particular bar this is what instore for her. There was another story of a girl who disappeared and has never been found who was invited to this same bar.
Every one of those three boys should have their balls cut off and then shot...but thats just my old fashioned Texas justice talking...
I saw in interview with the Mother of the brothers and it read like an admission of guilt, like she knew they had done something wrong but what can you do, boys will be boys...

The boys names are Joran, Satish and Deepak and they certainly did not admit to drugging her. The Aruban LE didn't admit this either oh Beth lover, but this type of crapola is exactly why Joe Tacopina, the lawyer of one of the boys whose name you don't know but whose confession you're sure of, has threatened to sue for slander, people just like you and Beth. Truth is Natalee scored her own drugs and did them. She'd been drinking for 4-5 days straight on the all you can drink party package her skank Mother gave her as a graduation present. The girl you refer to was paid off by the Holloways to be a 'Jane Doe' and big surprise, she won't testify for them anymore. The Dr Phil tape where supposedly one of the kids admits to raping her, was fabricated. Both the FBI and Dutch authorities are aware.
I really don't care what happened to her. Maybe it's as gruesome as her Mommy likes to tell on TV, or maybe she was raped and killed by Beth or one of the Alabama boys. In either case ENOUGH already.
This post is ****ing disgusting! Although CNN and other stations seem to air this story every night; I feel very sorry for Natalie and her mother; and if I were her mother, the people in ? would have to deal with me personally. Have some respect for these people - what if it were your child?
kaRN said:
The boys names are Joran, Satish and Deepak and they certainly did not admit to drugging her. The Aruban LE didn't admit this either oh Beth lover, but this type of crapola is exactly why Joe Tacopina, the lawyer of one of the boys whose name you don't know but whose confession you're sure of, has threatened to sue for slander, people just like you and Beth. Truth is Natalee scored her own drugs and did them. She'd been drinking for 4-5 days straight on the all you can drink party package her skank Mother gave her as a graduation present. The girl you refer to was paid off by the Holloways to be a 'Jane Doe' and big surprise, she won't testify for them anymore. The Dr Phil tape where supposedly one of the kids admits to raping her, was fabricated. Both the FBI and Dutch authorities are aware.
I really don't care what happened to her. Maybe it's as gruesome as her Mommy likes to tell on TV, or maybe she was raped and killed by Beth or one of the Alabama boys. In either case ENOUGH already.
Just because a person drinks and does drugs does not mean they should be killed, or that her family should suffer not knowing where her she is. Your a heartless ******* who hopefully will never know such suffering as her family is going through right now **** you!!!!!
kaRN said:
The boys names are Joran, Satish and Deepak and they certainly did not admit to drugging her. The Aruban LE didn't admit this either oh Beth lover, but this type of crapola is exactly why Joe Tacopina, the lawyer of one of the boys whose name you don't know but whose confession you're sure of, has threatened to sue for slander, people just like you and Beth. Truth is Natalee scored her own drugs and did them. She'd been drinking for 4-5 days straight on the all you can drink party package her skank Mother gave her as a graduation present. The girl you refer to was paid off by the Holloways to be a 'Jane Doe' and big surprise, she won't testify for them anymore. The Dr Phil tape where supposedly one of the kids admits to raping her, was fabricated. Both the FBI and Dutch authorities are aware.
I really don't care what happened to her. Maybe it's as gruesome as her Mommy likes to tell on TV, or maybe she was raped and killed by Beth or one of the Alabama boys. In either case ENOUGH already.

Does it help you sleep to feel you are the font of all knowledge?? How deluded can one person be??? That was a rhetorical question...You care so little about this problem you go out of your way to make comment? Or was it truly just your way of trying to show off how well informed you think you are??
angie said:
I never knew that there was such a term as "Missing white women syndrome". But it makes perfect sense.
Shortly after the Natalie Holloway fiasco began, there was a MAN who disappeared. He was from Connecticut and disappeared on his honeymoon in Turkey (I believe it was on a cruise ship)
Did they give him ANY coverage? Nope. Hell, he barely got any attention on our local news stations, because NATALIE HOLLOWAY was plastered all over it. Granted, it was more likely that he was dead then her (how else would you disappear from a cruise?) but even the investigation was put on the back burner. Sad, isn't it? He had a penis so he didn't get any attention.
:eek: Beth Holloway TITTY sez BUENO SHALOM and BABABOOEY TO you all and thanks you for making her a MULTIMILLIONAIRE from natalee donations. G. D. and a S.O.B.
angie said:
I never knew that there was such a term as "Missing white women syndrome". But it makes perfect sense
bETH Holloway TITTY sez Bueno shalom and BABABOOEY TO YOU ALL and thanks you all for donations for natalee which have made beth holloway TITTY into a multimillionaire. :eek:
:cool: KArn: you are right on and solid, beth holloway TITTY sent natalee there to get her freak on, natalee did just that, and now she's gone, Beth Holloway TITTY is solely responsible for nat being gone, no one else.
Lethalfind said:
Does it help you sleep to feel you are the font of all knowledge?? How deluded can one person be??? That was a rhetorical question...You care so little about this problem you go out of your way to make comment? Or was it truly just your way of trying to show off how well informed you think you are??