**** Natalee Holloway and her attention whore mom Beth Holloway Twitty


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Anybody else just getting sick of this bitch ??

****ing Diane Sawyer was interviewing her today... like I give a ****..

And the bitch basically rants on the same **** and it gets so ****ing old..

When will the bitch just shut up and face it, her slutty teenage drunk daughter is ****ing dead... get over it already and quit crying to Greta Van Sustren too.

Call me when they finally find the ****ing body, until then... SHUT UP !!
Let's face the facts here. Three or four Dutch boys took their turn at ramming her in her drunken ass and then fed her to the sharks when they were done. Plain and simple. She is nothing but chum with a cum-filled bum.
End of story. :D
All these bitches that we are posting about, I don't give a damn about any of them. If they want attention, all they have to do is get ****ed in the ass by a hairy baboon.
This is my summation of the events surrounding the disappearance of Natalie Holloway...

First of all, she met the freaky-deeky dutch boys. They partied and the dutch ****s laced a drink, forced her to take, or she took it on her own freewill some xtc or similar drug. She sucked the white boy's ****. The black boys got jealous and gave her some more drugs, forcibly or free, so they could get their ****s' sucked.

Second, she overdosed and fell into a comatose state. They freaked. So Van Der Sloot phoned his pop, who is a lawyer, on what to do. He told them to ditch the body... throw it out to sea or whatever.

Finally, the dutch ****s tossed her cum-filled mouth first into the water and then the rest of her.

The End.


She was sold into a white slavery ring.


If Natalie had been a straight C student, black, and middle class... we'd never have heard of her. ****ing ****s in the media.
I think that Natalie ran across George Bush out in the Atlantic somewhere and found out he was summoning up biggoted confederate hurricaines to wipe out the big sleasy, so W offered her body to the ghost of Bedford Forrest and framed the little black boys. When W realized that MRIH was aware of his plans he threw some dutch boys in the CIA sponsered cover up.

back to my bong.
Should I be glad that I'm outside the realm of famous people?

I've never heard of these Holloway people, or Diane Sawyer
Holloway = The skanky teen who was partying in Aruba and went missing.

Anywho....The bitch is dead. She's in several pieces lying in a big steaming pile of shark ****, so get the **** over it. Didn't want to see her die? well you should have thought of that before you sent her alone to a ****ing party Island where her sweet little ass got a couple of dutch boys horny, and then proceeded to have their way with her, and then covered up the evidence by providing the sharks with a meal of tender white meat.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Holloway = The skanky teen who was partying in Aruba and went missing.

Anywho....The bitch is dead. She's in several pieces lying in a big steaming pile of shark ****, so get the **** over it. Didn't want to see her die? well you should have thought of that before you sent her alone to a ****ing party Island where her sweet little ass got a couple of dutch boys horny, and then proceeded to have their way with her, and then covered up the evidence by providing the sharks with a meal of tender white meat.

Good riddens to sorry trash. Some people's sole existance is to feed higher lifeforms.
fullauto said:
LOL.... missing white woman syndrome! LOL

Tell me that **** doesn't happen....
I never knew that there was such a term as "Missing white women syndrome". But it makes perfect sense.
Shortly after the Natalie Holloway fiasco began, there was a MAN who disappeared. He was from Connecticut and disappeared on his honeymoon in Turkey (I believe it was on a cruise ship)
Did they give him ANY coverage? Nope. Hell, he barely got any attention on our local news stations, because NATALIE HOLLOWAY was plastered all over it. Granted, it was more likely that he was dead then her (how else would you disappear from a cruise?) but even the investigation was put on the back burner. Sad, isn't it? He had a penis so he didn't get any attention.
phreakwars said:
Anybody else just getting sick of this bitch ??

****ing Diane Sawyer was interviewing her today... like I give a ****..

And the bitch basically rants on the same **** and it gets so ****ing old..

When will the bitch just shut up and face it, her slutty teenage drunk daughter is ****ing dead... get over it already and quit crying to Greta Van Sustren too.

Call me when they finally find the ****ing body, until then... SHUT UP !!

I'm with phreak on this one.. Call me when they find the body, any other news is probably the same as what we've heard the whole time
Hey, sluts get all the attention, even while they are not around. It is only natural. Always travel with a friend when going to clubs, especially if you have never been to a place, especially if you are one of those "hot chicks". Common sense would have told her that "OMG, guys think I am hot, and I am all alone on an island, and guys might want me!!! OMG! Like, I should be with a friend or something so I won't get jammed up the ass by some sick pervert and like totally get fed to some radical shark! Like, I dunno, that wouldn't be cool!?! Getting drunk probably wouldn't be a good idea dude!" But, I guess the brain cells has completely jaded her view of things. It is too bad she won't earn a Darwin for such a common occurance.

And yes, the whole Missing White Woman Syndrome kinda sucks balls. Since when do you have to be a damsel in distress to get people to help find you. Are men really that invincible that they need no coverage for their absence? Give me a damn break.
What kind of IDIOT parents let their teenage daughter travel to a FOREIGN country without THEIR PERSONAL supervision?

One thing is for sure, this will never happen to my kids in their teenage lifetime.

The amazing thing is that they had enough money, influence, and friends, to travel down there via private jet on the very next day after her dissapearance!!! WTF?
