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phreakwars said:
Ah, don't worry about it, Off Topic Forum gave us some good laughs, we gave them a couple members, Personally, I love cross posting in other forums with other personas. I post in probably 7 different forums regularly, it's all in good fun, and so with that said, WELCOME pinky.

Now all we need is for Pinky to grace this thread with his presence!
hi guys,

Im new here. Please welcome me.

Its great being a part of this forum and i look forward to a long associaiton with everybody.
jaylow said:
hi guys,

Im new here. Please welcome me.

Its great being a part of this forum and i look forward to a long associaiton with everybody.

Jaylow, do you have olive skin, brown eyes, and huge bubble-butt?
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
That's funny "Mbongo" (funny, you don't look Congolese) but then again, it's stereotypical yet so true in many ways. Bet that's exactly how Ben Affleck feels! LMAO.

Poor Ben. He's such a gullible ****. ;)
builder said:
Poor Ben. He's such a gullible ****. ;)

What do you expect? The smart ass bitch didn't give back the convertible Bentley that fool Affleck paid for, or the matching Rolex's he bought for her and her Mom. She's no fool. She worked it big time.

Funny thing is, no *****, is ever worth that much. Ever.

Good thing Ben finally figured it out.
And... I am using this thread to introduce myself as a new member. Hi. Phreakwars has a lovely attitude problem and thusly has become my favorite on another board.

So I figured I would come, register, and see what GF is all about.

I'm Syd. I have a headache. I'm at work and would rather be sleeping. ... I am dreading the holidays. I am busy. I am also wasting incredible amounts of time right now.

That's me today.
Outlaw, I was totally expecting to be mocked and ridiculed for going to the appropriate check-in thread.

But a welcome wagon instead?