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Down Low said:
Hi there :)

My name is Marion and I live in LA. I am new to forums but really enjoy getting to know people and meeting diverse people from all over.

I think diversity is a gift for us all and everyone of us has a gift to share with personkind.

I am a proud, gay black male, and have faced a lot of adversity in my life. I have learned not to judge people and to be open minded. I am proud to be my mother's son and a brother to 5 beautiful sisters.

Diversity sucks. It
Down Low said:
Hey sweetheart! Thanks!

My life has not been a smoothe ride but I am still a smoothe guy. Everyday for someone like me is a challenge, worst in my own community.

If I can be friends with someone as open minded as you I will be fine here.

You need too meet Vortex, he is better lookin in drag but he will pass for a gay guy...I'm his Hag.
Lethalfind said:
You need too meet Vortex, he is better lookin in drag but he will pass for a gay guy...I'm his Hag.

Honey, I don't need to slum it. I am fine! If he is a kind person and fun then I would be thrilled to say hello.
Down Low said:
Honey, I don't need to slum it. I am fine! If he is a kind person and fun then I would be thrilled to say hello.

I wouldn't call Vortex "slumming it." He's a classy cutie! Here he is with his sis:

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Down Low said:
I think we have the same feelings but not the same meaning of diversity. I understand you, it is a person who is important and who they are not that they are from a group or a sterotype.
Yes we are thinking the same. I thought diversity was the greastest thing to come along since sliced bread. But then I see it breaking up our socety into little groups. putting up walls instead of tearing them down. But that's for another thread.

Welcome aboard.
Down Low said:
Hi there :)

My name is Marion and I live in LA. I am new to forums but really enjoy getting to know people and meeting diverse people from all over.

I think diversity is a gift for us all and everyone of us has a gift to share with personkind.
Ignoring Snafu's definition of diversity until he decides to create that thread, I think diversity is one of the aspects of this site that keeps me around. How much fun would a debate site be if we all saw things the same way? Welcome aboard, and don't be surprised when those who are nice to you in this thread rip you a new one in another thread. Don't take it personal.
Zukiman said:
Diversity is what's turning the U.S. into a third world country.

Diversity is what makes it OK for you too still think of yourself as a man even though your balls haven't dropped yet. I only point this out after your little fit of last night over how BAD Builder had been to you...Suck it up or be forever known as ***** boy !!!
well the whole "diversity" thing has its points at the purest level...but an idiot is an idiot...the gender, color of skin, class level, hair color, age, sexual orientation, physical handicaps, "street smarts", "book smarts", GPA ...etc...etc...etc.. doesnt mean anything if you rely on any of those aspects for any decision in your life....

a quality person is a quality matter what the hell they are...

but nowadays the scale on on "what" you are means more....

i have a problem with that..


LF and Phantom...whats with you pimpin my **** out? :) (although i almost went julia sugarbaker when i saw the slumming thing...glad i read more before responding :) )
funkyjerk said:
finaly a debate forum....

hope it can rily piss me off!!!

You suck! Eat **** and die. Your mother sucks dick for breakfast. The best part of you ran down your daddy's leg.
Did that piss you off? :cool: If not stick around chunkytwerp..